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May 30, 1914 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1914-05-30

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* A* * * *
3-- *
'clock. *
les: . *
guson and Baer. *
and Bibbins. *
f several thousand
oters who last fall
eam go down in de-
gies from M. A. C.,
1 tossers took sweet
ch of Farmers who
at their .mercy
nnings of ragged
I score was .10 to 3
called the game in
eighth inning, with
g and smashing at-
erines, the visitors
: pieces, and with
six errors of c;om-
any more of omis-
to the victory of
'lie Wolverines, sin-
and .tripled, they
ok two sack when
nly one, and they
ze play and every
ag formation over-
ense hadn't gone to
ioments it is doubt-
e hits'of the oppo-
availed them any-

Union Boat club regatta finals, Hurbn
river, 4:00 o'clck.
Weekly membership dance, Michigan
Union, 9:00 o'clock.
Union Boat club water carnival, Hu-
ron river, evening.
M A. C.-Michigan baseball game, Fer-
ry field, 1:30 o'clock.
University library closed all day.
Dr. Mark A. Matthews speaks at the
Presbyterian church, 7:45 o'clock.
The cooperation of all freshmen and
soph omores istrequested by the regat-
ta committee to aid in putting the fin-
ishing :touches to the grounds along
the river where the events will be
held.. Those who will help are 're-
questedbyth e committee on arrange-
ments to meet at 8:30 o'clock this
morning at Huston's where they will
be met by a committeeman.
Twenty-one all-fre h track athletes,
with Dr. May as coach, will leave at
9:19 o'olock this morning for a dual
meet in the afternoon with M. A. C.
varsity track team at East Lansing.
The team making the trip is com-
posed of1 O'Brien, Fontanna, Stevens,
Burbey, Herrick, Robinson, Donnelly,
Carroll, Grauman, Davis, Kirby, Kess-
ler, Skinner, Cross, Edwards, Leach,
Campbell, Corbin, Thurston, Water-
bury and Leslie.
M. A. C. will have good men to try
the ability of several of the Mich-
igan yearlings who won distinction in
the events of the Ypsilanti, Detroit
Central "Y," and varsity meets. Alder-
man, of the Farmers, and O'Brien, of
the All-Fresh, should run tight races
in the sprints. Loyeland and Julian,
the M. A. C. football man, will press!
Waterbury in the high jump. Against
Carroll'in the mile, the Farmers will
have Brown, a fast runner in that
event. Beattie is the best M. A. C. man
in the hurdles.1
Cross and Edwards in throwing the+
weights, Burbey and Herrick in thei
440 dash, and Kessler and Skinner inl
the pole vault, are nearly all certain
to be point-takers for the all-fresh.
Motion pictures taken recently of
various campus affairs, such as the
spring games, senior swing-out and+
Michigamua initiation, will be shown
in Hill auditorium some night nextI
week under the auspices of the Mich-
igan Union. Tuesday or Thursday will
likely be selected and the reel con-
sisting of about 2,000 feet of film, will'
be shown continuously from 7:30 to
11:00 o'clock. A nominal admission'
fee will be charged to cover the ex-
pense of presenting the pictures.
The all-fresh "baseball team has
completed its schedule with dutside
institutiois, having' both won and lost

a game with the University of Detroit.
The team, however, will remain intact
until the end of the season and will
be used to furnish opposition to the
varsity in practice games.

First Event Scheduled to Followw fe
Ball Game With Aggies; Keeri
Competition Is
University Health Service Members
Will Demonstrate Resuscitation
The strife of competition in swim-
ming and coaching, the gracefulness
of divers, the strange performances of
the Cosmopolitans, the always popular
musical clubs, the cleverness of the
Mimes, the Band, the water parade at
night, and the biggest of all, the first
crew to row on the Huron-all these
features have been planned by the
Boat club for the Regatta.
Immediately after the crowd has
had time to arrive, approximately 4:00
o'clock, at the bend in the river above
the Argo dam, from the M.A.C. game,
the first event will begin. The crowds
will "follow the blue signs" from the
game to the Regatta, or board the in-
terurban cars at Packard and State
streets for the M. C. station.
The shorter swimming and canoe
races will come early in the afternoon,
and water polo and other special wat-
er stunts will be interspersed through-
out the afternoon. The longer dis-
tanced races will occur later in the
day. The four-oared boat race be-
tween a Michigan alumni crew, an All-
College crew, anda Detroit Boat Club
crew over a mile course, will be stag-
ed at 6:00 o'clock. /
At least six societies will have floats
in the water parade tonight, ald all.
the canoes on the rlver will fall in
Preliminarie were held yesterday in
the 100 yard swim and the 50 yafrd
doubles canoe race. The following
men qualified in the 100 yard swim;
Abbott, Puckta, Wheat, Kohr, Zer-
wekh, Annecke, Campbell,and Merritt;
50 yard canoe doubles, Williams and
Ditchy, Kohr and Campbell, Boice and
Schaefer, Warrick and Reichle, Smith
an Agee, Statz and Drury.
frepresentatives. of the University
Health Service will demonstrate meth-
ods of resuscitation in the afternoon,
and each operation will be explained
by an announcer.
In the evening beginning at about
7:00 or 7:30 o'clock, besides the parade
of floats and canoes, a vaudeville show
will be staged. The Glee club mem-
bers will contribute and the band will
be on hand with harmonious combi-
nations. The Cosmopolitan club will
present freaky features from the ori-
ent and the occident.
In a tight match yesterday, Grinnell,
'15, won the finals of the U. of M. Golf
Association tournament over McCall,
'16L. The first 18 holes were played
Thursday, M c C a 11 coming from ,
behind and finishing one
up. In the last round1
on Friday, Grinnell took a b'race, win-
ning four up and three to play. -Both
played in championship form, espe-
cially Grinnell, whose card for the
last nine holes showed a 36.
Fresh Tennis Men Play at Ypsi Today

The All-Fresh tennis team will play
the normal college team at Ypsilanti
this morning, if last night's rain does
not leave the courts too wet.

Cam: us Celebrities Give Advancing
First Year lien Advice For
heir University
Halle Acts as Master of Ceremonies;
Murphy Is Orator of
Freshmen of the University of Mich-
igan are no more. Under starlit skies,
last night, before thousands of specta-
tors on the sloping hillsides of Sleepy
Hollow, men of 1917, as freshmen,
performed the spectacular snake
dance. An instant later, the twisting
line shot past the great bonfire. Gray
caps rained upon the flames, and the
black smoke, arising from the pyre,
again marked the moment of transfor-
mation of freshman to sophomore, sen-
ior to alumnus,- the completion of
another cycle of university history.
The traditional assembling of the stu-
dent body by classes, on the campus,
before the march to the hollow, fol-
lowed the old customs in every detail.
With the Varsity Band leading the
way through the lanes of red fire,
nearly 5,000 black robed seniors, jun-
iors, sophomores and freshmen in or-
der, marched in a long lne to the fire
lit scene.1
Louis Haller, '12-'14L, acting as
master of ceremonies, introduced the
speakers of the evening, all of whom
pleaded for upholding Michigan tradi-
tions and for the better Michigan man.
Patrick Koontz, '14, told the near
sophs to ask themselves two questions,
-"Howi can I make the class of 1917
a better class? AntI how can I make
the University of Michigan a better
University?" George Paterson, '14E, in
demanding the thinking individual,
"If you "are to make this a better
university, you must be a leader, as
well as an individual, not only a sheep
that will do nothing buit follow."
Prof. Evans Holbrook, in a plea for
4ichigan democracy, which he defined
as sharing in everything worth while
on the campus, asked the men of 1917
pointed questions: "How many of you
do anything more than yell at foot-
ball games? How many of you vote
in campus electio'ns? It isn't the star
who makes Michigan better, he said.
"It is the combined efforts of every
Harold Hulbert, '14M, in asking ev-
ery freshman to be a booster, a con-
structionist, and not a knocker, said:
"Two great ideas received their inau-
guration this year, the Health Service,
and the Boat club, after years of work.
It is -up to you to start more new
things, and perpetuate those already
Frank Murphy, '12-'14L, in a fine
outburst of oratory, made a strong ap-
peal for more university sentiment.
"It is a sad fact, but true," he said,
"that the student body has less rever-
ence for university traditions now
than it had four years ago. This should
not be. A man without love for his
Alma Mater, is a man without a coun-
"When you burn your caps tonight,"
said Dean John R. Effinger, "we want
y9u to realize that you have new re-
sponsibilities. The symbol of burning

the freshmen headgear, means that you
have passed your probationary period,
and we vxelcome you now as sepho-
(Continued on page 4)

Sentiment In Eastern Institutions
Favors Leaving Rules As
~tey Stand
Summer baseball wily be the piece
de resistance at the meeting of the
board in control of athletics, to be
held this evening in the athletic asso-
ciation offices.'- The question will be
officially placed before the members
though the resolution presented last
winter by James 0. Murfin, the alumni
member from Detroit, and who, with
Athletic Director P. G. Bartelme and
J. E. Duffy of Bay City, visited the
athletic authorities of several eastern
universities during the tour of the
Michigan baseball team. last week, for
the purpose of determining the atti-
tude of these universities on the pro-
posed change in the present eigibility
code. h
Conferences were held withe au-
thorities at Cornell, Syracuse and
Princeton, and according to statements
made followying the return home, the
Michigan officials found a general ten-
dency on the part of the easterners to
let their present rules, which require
no statement from the athletes in re-
gard to the playing of summer base-
ball, stand asthey now are.
Campaign Will Be Launched By Tag
Day on Campus, at Regatta
and Ball Game
A campaign which is expected to
eventually result in the placing of
rowing among the major sports at
Michigan and to give to the Wolver-
ine athletes representation in the big
regatta at Poughkeepsie, will be
launched today by members of the Un-
ion Boat club, when a Tag Day will
raise funds for the establishment of
a permanent Crew Fund,
The campaign will be waged onthe
campus,. at the ball game, and at the
Regatta in the afternoon and evening,
and it Is expected that the squads of
campaigners will meet with a ready
In the opinion of Coach Courtney,
of the Cornell Varsity crew, condi-
tions at Michigan are ideal for the
training and development of a crew.
With the Union Boat club as the spon-
sor, the caiupaign to be started tomor-
row will-be carried on each year, un-
til the fund has grown sufficiently to
warrant putting this branch of athlet-
ics on a permanent basis.
H. N. Schmitt, '16, was elected pres-
ident of the men's section of the
Deutscher Verein at the final meeting
of the year Thursday night. The other
officers elected were: vice-president,
W. M. Laux, '16; secretary-treasurer,+
H. T. Wagenseil, '16; publicity mana-
ger, E. C. Roth, '15. Prof. John Diet-
erle was the principal speaker and
gave a comparison between Erasmus
and Martin Luther. The musical prq
gram consisted of selections by the
Verein quartet.
Architect Society Selects Officers
At the last meeting of the Archi-
teitur, society, the following officers
were elected to serve during the com-

ing year: president, C. C. Cohagen,
'14E; vice-president, Louis Vorhees,
'16E; secretary and treasurer, W. A.
Bellows, '17E. The society 'elected J.
B. Jewell, '15"E, and R. C. Perkins,
'15E, directors.


W verlne Dash Entries Sw
in Preliminaries at Har
Cornell and Penn
in Lead
Kohler Shows Well In Weight
Quallies in Broad Juij
Jansen 'Strong
* Cornell-16
* Pennsylvania--14
* Yale-13.
* Harvard-l.
* Michigan-10.
* California and Dartmoutl
* Princeton-4,
* Georgetown-3.
* Penn State-2.
* Columbia, Colgate, Syracus
* Haverford--1 each.
By F. M. Church.'
BOSTON, MASS., May 29.-
ing their men in the prelt
Michigan looks to have a fail
to t1ke 30 points in- the final
row; and should Yale, Hai
California cut in suficiently
and Cornell, the Wolverine n
the point column, in which a
en teams would be closely b'u
A conservative estimate, 1
today's showing, gives Michig
25 points. Cornell and Penn
if they run true to form, will
ner more than 30-
The failure of Potter in the
has eliminated Yale as first p.
tender, while the debarring
son, a sure first in the broad
ineligibility, and the collapse
son in the hurdles, also el
Harvard, in the opinion of
The new system of point
hurts Michigan. Contrary t.
tations, the small colleges fat
in on the points any more tha
vious year, and the squads
men from Ithaca and Phil
therefore, lead the qualifying
Trainer Farrell is more t
isfied with the showing of :
The work of the three sprinte
qualifying in both races, b
most optimistic feature. The
tion of Patterson and Lippi
both races, leads Farrell to
Kalmost 20 boints in the sprin
Bond and Seward won the:
while Smith pushed Ingersol
way in the century, and el
Marshall in the furlong.
Bond and Seward are sure
at the finish of the longer
morrow, with Smith placing.
does' not fear Lockwood of PE
either race, but Stanton of C
and Reller of Cornell, look
the hun-dred Which will be a
Michigan will take at leas
points, however, in the event
Kohler will win the hamme
bridge made his big put on
trial and has not done 150 f
Kohletr made his big ,throwv
turns, and will win, says Fa
the shot Kohler did not exer
today, as he is not feeling
Farrell does not think it at a
sible for Kohler to win her
looking for second.
Meredith, Barron, Wilkie a
make a hard field for Jans
quarter, but Farrell believes
will surely take second.
(Coptinued on page4




n moundsman pitched a
or Michigan. He had nei-
r curves, but he put the
te visiting batsmen were
ch it and they garnered
* off him, three of them
seventh. Behind their
Wolverines were playing
ly ball. Waltz at third,
erything which came his
.rst appearance before a
Baker proved up ev-
ch Lundgren said about
the eastern tour, while
scooping them up all

At, the bat and on the paths the
olverines did even better. Labadie
tted for a percentage of .750 for the
me, mxling 'in a triple for good
ek. And with no fear in their hearts
at Umpire Egan would fail them in'
;inch, they tried the impossible more
an once and made good on it.
Balked for two innings, the Wol-
rines cut loose in the third. Four
s, mingled with two Aggie errors
d a whole lot of good offensive base-
d gave the final winners a start
aich they turned into runs in prac-
ally every inning which followed.
e Farmer scores came in the sev-
th. Two men got on bases via a hit
d an error and then Baribeau had
s lapse of memory. He mussed up
e throw-in of Griggs' hit and Mogge
:red. Then he tried to trap Bibbins
4 tossed the ball into left field,
aich caused Bibbins and Griggs to
>t across the home plate in team
(Continued on page 4)


What a few said yesterday:'
' With stories, articles and
humor in just the right propor-
to m-Ake it well balanced,' Stud-
ent Life this month is great.''--
Wm. C. Mullendore.
"Student Life sure is interest-
ing and full of live matter. Ev-
one ought to read it''-Mar-

The Spring number of STUDENT LIFE out today.
The biggest, best and last number of the year with an Emeritus; Glenn D. Bradley, author of the "Winning of the
artistic four color cover. Containing articles of merit by Dr. Southwest,' etc.; T. Hawley Tapping, "The George Fitch of
Aldred S. Warthin, Dr. Geo. A. May, and Joe Horner, former flichigan;" Sylvan S. Grosner, Campus playwright and
star athlete. writer; Tom Shroeder, creator of "Adam and Steve" and


Bright, s
reading to h
long at the
and Regattm

Also contributions from Dr. James B, Angell, President


A limited numberare on sale at all news-
stands and stores about the campus.


It's worth more than 1 cents


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