IDuck and Flannel Trous ers, I Tennis and Golf Shirts EVERYTHING THAT IS NEW The Stein=Bloch Fashion Camera Nothing gets by it. It reflects what London thinks about fashions for yo , -what Paris thinks -what New York thinks -what Chicago thinks And out of all these opinions, with the fol-de-roll el- imnmated, come, The Styles Sensibly Dressed Americans Prefer. Such styles we are now ready to show you. imperial Kats, Deimel Linen, ' Mesh Underwear I Is shown here ready for your C Straw FHats Season 1914---Now on display TINKER & Company THE NEW' BALMACAN SLIP-mON ":he coter garmnettad of the hour / I Cur. State and WillilamnSts. IL Linke nschnildt, Apfcl 8 Clothiers and Furnishers k 004 I I - PROFILE- C l 4lotS I B RIEr TH LONG .GRIND will be past. In sevenlweeks Mors. THEN HOkE Before you go, you will need light, dry goods' for the Summer. You can buy LACES EMBROIDRRIES HOSIERY UNDERWEAR WINDSOR TIRS SILK GLOVERS4 at our store. HI. S. PINNEY ft CO. 614 E. Liberty St. The Store Where a Dollar Does its Duty M r I O Scarf slide spac and lock from: c@ it" r [- --y --- wmh- Im momommoommolm" Jewelry of. Quality Good solid reasons why you should buy your jewelry from us will be found by looking through our line of fresh desirable goods- up to date in style and honest in quality. SCHLANDERER & SEYFRIEDr 1 13 E. Liberty St, Always some- thing' new in DRY GOO Ds, No tio ns and Deady=to =wear The store that always treats you fair SCHROEN BROS. 0/ odest8A in Amy 'UNITED SHIRT &c C tT AR. CO. TRCK N Y. ANNOUNCEMENT J. Hi. Lambert, the well known shoe repair man, has opened a combination shoe re- pairing and clothes pressing establishment at 301 S. State St. ii WAI KING Loo Comue Up and Try George's Chop Suey D~elicious Chiriese and American Dishes. Hie still continues his business at 613 Williams St. Phone 1000 1 24 South Main = a_. i ---Thie ch aperonles for the weekly Sat- urday night danme ,at the Union will be Prof. J. lR. Bruinma and Mrs. Brumm, and Prof. W It. !llumplhreys and Mrs. Humphireys. - "lie senior sits did not hold at class meeting- yesterday, because a quorum was not present. T he postponed ses- sion wil be hield at 4 :00 o'clock next Tuesidy, in the stphysics lecture room. ---Dr. A. W. Hewilett of (lie iieial de- partment, and fam ily will spend the summer in San Francisco, California. -I. M. Clark, '1611, v,-bo was operated on for appendicitis several weeks ago, will leave the university this week for his home in Scranton, Pa., to recover his health. -The university library will be closed Friday evening, May 29, and all daiy Saturday, May 30. -The connititee for the Y. -21. C. A. handbook of the next school year has made plans for the issue ( 4,500 cop- ies, more than have ever been printed before. The book will also contain more cuts illustrating the campus than previous editions. --The Varsity banmd will open the Me. morial day, exercises on tomorrow at 9:00 o'clock on the Court house lawn. The Lull band of 40 pieces, will take part. -There +Yill l>( a inietingf of the new board of directors4 of the Cosmiopoli- tan club at the Cosmopolitan clubt: rooms tomorrow evening at 6:00 o'clock. , -The senior enginer formal dane at (;r 1ugerr's tonight, will begin as soon as the cap night celebration is over., The committee decided that no flowv(,rs would be permitted. Student Life on Sale This Afternoon President-Eme)(ritis James B. Ani- gell and Dr. A. S. Warthin are con- tributors to the srignum bery of the StudenitLLife, %which will ibe-sold on the campr!us this afternooni. The paper will also lie sold at the RtegaLta tonior- row. u NIVERSITY NOTICES Jeffersonian will meet at 7:00 o'clock tonighit,'to elect officers for the comning season. All men intending to write music for next year's opera, are requested to see Mr. S. S. Grosnrer before the close, of school. The senior law picture will be tak- en at 12:05 o'clock this noon, In front of the law building. Al] band men meet at ban~id stand in marching uniform, at 7:00 o'clock to- Those who have joined the Union Boat club and have not received their tmembership cards are requested to call at the Michigan Union desk and get them at once. 1% ARNOLD (C Co. 220 S. rMal ~St. 11 Phi Beta Kappa Buy your ke-y ol A iiold &Co., Jewelcers, Mainu S-treet. Theyi have miade them for several years Their keys are 14k od finely made, -prices lower than some others. Orders may be left now for de- livery upon issnaiice of the proper c t iatfo the Secretary. ee thei~ samples. I ROWE'S LAUJNDRY 4 06 DFTR~lT STR EET The between College and Hto on State Street We Serve Hot Luuch4 Everything wew lit Spring Suits andi Overcoats, Spring Neckwear, Spring Uderwear, Immense shoawig fit Spyrits(ManhAattan Shirts. It is high time for a new Spring Hato and you can't use too mauc h care in choosing i t. Pick Iyours here and you c an be sure it's absolutely right in every respect. ItlifBIG STORE COR. WASHINGTON and MAIN ffReM le, onlin01&1Fiegel . All We Know of is the BEST Flowers Cho .oe C xt Flowers Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating Car. 12th St. and S. Univ. Ave. Phone 1 IS5 STRANSIT MARKET Win. LINDE MAN DEALER IN Fresh and Salt Moats PORK, HAM.POULTRYEtG1 Bell Phone 2294 212 N.4#h Ave. a i Granger's will continue their Wed- iiesday night assemblies through the summer school, from 9-12, with Fisch- er's Orchestra. 50 cents per couple. tf ALLEN SELLS GOOD CLOTHING. SPRING AND SUMMI1~ER STYLES. Suits at $10.00-All Wool. Suits at $15.00-All Wool, Hand Tai- lored. Suits at $20.00-Adlers' Maks and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tom Work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. t Granger's will continue their Wed- nesday night assemblies through the summer school, from 9-12, with Fisch- er's Orchestra. 50 cents per couple. tf GET THAT STUDENT LIFE TO. DAY1!! Granger's will continue their Wed- nesday night assemblies through the summer school, from 9-12 with Fisch- er's orchestra. 50 cents per couple, tf SOMETHING NEWI Ilwe are the First to show the new Tartan I i +1. It R! r.' a.,c -w Alo aske a salestilaeto t _C TI a te ther da' 1( T - y how at itmax >3 o, re thming, _on.e tbc: wis vly a fwe ars ago tat lnowtherae-qisn'talrein th'e. cl(Y Ir itLC i meisyall Wih all 0 Indh idu ats N-- A. ' sultinge. shades Come in and see the different wT". J v I Y Yc h MAX P. 4KRUTSCH Varsity Tailor 117 E. Liberty St. ... "THE GLEN MOOR WAY" WANTED-For next year. for club of 12 or 14 boys. R. S. caA Michigan Daily. Roonyis, Address tf N 2O for 15e You can make your vacation WANTED-Two university students months pay for your next year ,college by representing- THE GLENMOOR COMPANY EAST LIVERPOOL, OHIO _i to work in Toronto, Canada. Salary $65 and carfare guaranteed. Call 359-11. WANTED-25 men for a quick selling canvassing proposition. Call Rabin- owitz, 1104 or at 114 No. Division St. 17 2-3 FOR SALE-Guitar, Banjo and Man- dolin, standard make. Wil sell cheap. Call after 4:00 o'clock, 602 E. Catherine St. 170-1-2 WANT i±D---To buy writer. C. WV. Phon~e 1676-M. "TRKSHBLENI) ULndErxx ood Type- vane Bensehotenl. 1'70-2-4 FOR SALE--A brand new M and M motorcycle. Cheap for' cash, if sold immediately. Call at Switzer Hard- ware Co. '172-3 WANTED --Fifteen studen ts to handle a good p}roposition for summer work. Call at 1317 Wilmot or phone 1407-M, - " ' ~ ;y LL g : ,__,- GambleJ when you buy 'Y rubber soled ft s Ll - . . ammmmmani f 'k Tsleplsono Cadillac 4524 LET EI1TH RLI3 w e H v inthe latest dance records for Victrola. Also Medley U. of M. Songs Player piano rolls, 88 note. Tailor for Men Make Your Spring Suit. British Woolens $35. to $0. wear from me. Bcuem betrgrades of rubber soled iShoeS :and oxfords are madefor me by. is factory that has made a specialfy of Mais class of footwear I -r the past ten Years oiiao 1Mte Ithin leathe r toea splice). t ha've soldthem here br the Das I