AKS, 214 E FILMS, is a Amateur finishing 719 N. University Ave.-' THE FARMERS AND MECHAN 10O1-1 03.105 Sleuth Main capital, $ 100,000 All I -ol!" UN IVERSITY NOTICE S Surplus and Profits, T FIT ALSO :. Liberty .. S Meeting of the junior law class this afternoon at 4:00 o'clock in room C of law bu ldlng, to elect football man- ager. Senior engineers last chance to or- der invitations, Friday mnorning, 8:00 to 12:00 o'clock, in engineering socie- ty rom. All first and second rounds of the Michigan Union double tennis tourna- ment must be played off today or de- faulted. All freshmen wornen who have not paid the extra assessment of fifteen cents, are urged to do so before, June 3, as the books must be audited at that time. They may be paid Saturday, May 30, from 11:00 to 12:15 o'clock and from 1 :00 until 2:15 o'clock at the library- or to Olivia Williams, 718 S. Ingalls street. The annual election of officers of the Architectural society will b~e held at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in room 311 new engineering building. e New board of directors of the Cos- mopolitan club meets at club office, 611 IE. Liberty street, tomorrow night at 6:00 o'clock. Junior architects meet at 4:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in room 311, engi- neerIng, building, to elect student councilman. ORPHEUM Wed. May 27--HE MANSION OF SOBS Thur. May 2£3-The Maid of Orleans in ;parts Joan of Are Fri. May 29-Van Dyke Brooke in Vitagraph Old Reliable Sat. May 30--Anita Steward in Vitaraph Hol never Know Mon.-Tues.June 1-.2-Mary Pickfordi in Tess of Storm Country Aer'oplane Soon to Be Sent to Chicago The eighty horse power aeroplane; which has been on Ferry field for the last two weeks, i~s to be shipped by its builder E~ugene Gregory, to Cice- ro Field, Chicago, where he intends to give it a thorough test. Ferry field was too smiall for the successful op- eration of the powerful machine, which he intends to manufacture. Senior lits to Holdl Important Neeting Senior f its will hold an important class meeting at 4:00 o'clock this af- ternoon, in the w est physics lecture room, to decide what the class memo-. rial shall be. An alumni secretary,, and tw~o memjers of the boar-d o!' ailumni secretaries will be elected. In- formation regarding invitations will be given by the invitations comimittee. George Bisohol F'lorist 220 Chapin Slreet Phtu Choice cut flowers and plant; THE STATE SAVING S BA Surtjflbs and Profits, $1001 Capital Stock $50,000,00 ANN ARBSOR, MlIH Wm., Arnoild Wmn. J. Booth C John W4 Vice-Pres. President Cash Matinee fGARRDICK 25c, Da ily 25c and 35c Ui lh~ and Lyman H. Hov DEPICTS THE PANAMA. CANiA 11 kI to you of . to $io and any better fit, workman- h increased nearly season. There 5 o 1( is a Booteery s ton's Agents for ROYAIL TAILORS E OXFORDS AND GENTIS kin, low broad heel s, A Well Made Sit is an important pait of being well 'dressed- - A good appearance is of course necessary; but perman- ent satisfaction can only be had when the garment is well. made., Our coatmakers are experts in their line and do the work in our own shop. 1 $6.00 above the ordi nary." New iciig,1n T1eehnit:Is lDistribted The first number of the new Mlichi- ganechic, which undier the plan adopted this year. is to be published quarterly, made its appearance yes- terday and is replete with valuabl# engineering articles, and well illus- trated. The noew power pl-ant is de- scribed in detail. ~Senior Society, Elects Junor Wonien Senior society elected the following junior women. to its membership at the last' regular maeting: Hluldah lBan- HOPPE ~eStores man St, Shoes " All 1911, 1912, . I. Importing Co. State Street p ~toeCrest, e w P1letc e ndiy Light Lunches our own candy Near Liberty "THJE FRESHMEN*. You are eligible alter Cap Night to wear any headgear. OFF to 6 all 10%Fresh m en. on all Purchases of Soft i at s. This discount holds 'good until June 6 We have also the newest and best in rI Why spend when you can ee for us? Work perience not reqi your field and wi in rhorns rng. croft, Romaine Bramwell, Honora Fo- -erty, Bessie White, Lucile White, Ge rtrude Snow, Helen Burlingham, Mlargaret Woley, ~Marion Robertson, alid Lu lle Stroup. Cl the Michig-an C in a body to tl ties. The proL by faculty met song s by the~ daily June 1st to Sept. 30th~ urn limit 30 days privileges and option of boat tri~adBfao n nHdo ie nd New York. 700Boston 26 I~ AND) RETURN~ w~fares to all Eastern Summer' Re- Thousand Islands, Saratoga, Lake ondacks, Canadian Resorts, White d Springs and the entire Atlantic .iftutral Line~s ~tral-"The Niagara Falls Route" STR A W HATS Dennnon G~ets Forestry Appointmnt E. L. Demmnon, '14, has been appoint- r ed to a position in the governmentS Iforestry reserve at Cheyenne, WNyom- D rm nlf o h y n eer ly this-- week. ( Fresh Engineers Gather for Pow-Wow Freshmen engineers will gather round the flowing keg of ginger ale at- their annual Pow-Wow on the eveningA ~of June 5, at Schoolgirls' glen. The yearling boilermnakers will assemble at 7:30 o'clock on the appointed day at Granger's will conti nesday night assembli summer school, from 9 er's Orchestra. 50 cen WNV TED-Men Nwante mier. Pleasaiit wol wages. See MeConli FACTORY HAT STOR~E W. W. MAIN, Prop. 11 8 E. Huro t' Near Allenel Circle Tours be arranged to New York and Boston, inch: re extended circuit tours, meals and berths on ocean er fares. de to' New York City." It cresting information about Eglake (GIIINNELL MEETS 11L'ALL' IN 'Henry Grinnell will meet E. R. Mc- Call this afternoon on the links of the Ann Arbor Golf club for the chain- pionslhip of the university golf asso- ciation, the two mnen having 'worked their way to the finals through a field of strong competitors. The miatchi will be an eighteen-hole test, and it is ex- pected that the players will be followV- ed by a large gallery. SENIORS ODER YOUR VI. CARDS NOI LET US LOAD YOUR KO-DAI( We Sell the Con Proof BlueBo4 's consult Ticket Agents S5TU DENT I1 111 So. !University Ave SUPPLY f 1. to ivl# A to, DI