l I .straw hat iani &Co., ye you money. mama Hat ever 5,0 0 Main Street Anything that you bring In today before 6p. M. will be ready tomorrow night, sure. The Work Speaks for Itself as to Quality Qalkins' Pharmac Come in and select Beach suits, the coolest si weather. - i We also hads of Olus, B.V.D., and sF for outing wear, and alsc trousers. I 1 1 W-ANTED -To rent canoe for Satur- day. Call Whitacre' 1818=.J. 171 TO RE NT-MDodern furnished 1house, near campus. Summer months. In- .A quire 916 Churchi St. Phione 147. 171 - ANN 4 U ' M ARQUARQ DT ' aiiuritng I suit . and Pressed and Mechanic's Hank. r Shoe0 S Scar~f slide space and lock front UJNITED SHIRT & COLLAR co. TVLOfI'.. TO RENT---An unfurnished, six room apartment for summer or year. One,1 and one-half blocks from campus. Bath, gas, electricity and heat; for $20 per month. Call 2319-J or 1226- M. 171-2 FOUND--Pocket-book containing sumT4 of money. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for this ad. At Quarry's Drug Store. 171 FOR SALE'-Oliver typewriter, new, style, printype. Price is very low. Cash or payments. Mack & Co. WANiT ED-Two university students to w'ork in Toronto, Canada. Salary $60 and carfare guaranteed. Call 259-M. T'O ILEN'r - Stptemrber first, for Lhe year. Furniished huse for private fan~.Phone 1359-J.'. 90 E. Uni- versity Ave. 171 FORi SALE--Guiltar, Banjo and Mlan- dolin, standard make. Will sell cheap. Call after 4:00 o'clock, 602 e . Catherine St. 170-1-2 C:001,',PILLOWS FOR SALE-B3elow cost (to close out),' at the PALAIS ROYAL, 304 S. Main -St. MVICHJIGAN, Chicago, Wiscon- sin and others. 170-1-.2 G ranger's will continue their Wed- nesday night assemblies through the summer school, from 9-12, with Fisch- er's Orchestra. 50 cents per couple. tf Straw Hats. All the 1914 M'4odels in Straw Hlats, including the New High Crown Sail- ors. All the leading styles in Pana- mnas. Hlats to suit all tastes, from $1.50 to $6.00, Allen's Good Clothes Store tf Maiu Street. Granger's willy continue their Wed- nesday night assemblies through the summer school, from 9-12 with Fischr- er's orchestra, 50 cents per coulple. tf G ranger's will continue their Wed- uesday night assemblies through the suimmer school, from 9-12, with Fisch- er's Orchestra. 50 cents per couple. tf JEWELRY Ex teusive Stock at Reasonable Prices Skilled acid Trustworthy Watch Repairing OPTICAL SUPPLIES MKichigau Pius, Bars anld Spo( J. B. E1BLEF 109 West Liberty Street Across from Mack's Side Entrance Fobs, I _ Ann Arbor New save 'a dollar Make U " ' , e\ -.- Us Service Prove it Quality-Service and Prices Edailh's Rexall Drug Store. Right. Tue-Fri our Price . .. ! I SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR When In Want /of anything in the realm of Music, call on us. Get our prices and terms on P IAN O S--- ViCI'TRLAS--MANDOLIN S--GUI TARS--VIOLIN S. HENRY & C06.! 7 11 N. University Ave. Can meet all competition in of our 20 years' experiehce garments. Prices from $20 p 6 COOKING and Club Houses 120-122,9. Liberty St. I, Phone 1 707 I I The 6 sry r~eases Cleanliness and Eltiiecy.'T'elephone for our ntative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitchen Equip-, Tashtenaw Gas Company TbheSugr Bowl Conrifectio tieX-Y We have the best as'sortmcnt of Chocolates ad rvd Ba" ,Bas ,All kirkdS of fa.zcy 1,00 CreOamm sfar Pa~rties Try our I1rualt 8sxndae, after thje 'Theatre Announcement fR Jrcb Tifon TAIL~OR NUMBIM 61 WXS' FORT SmT~r D9TR OIrrI ACIu. must be executed by the can think fast, who is qt ment, keen of eye and sd He must outguess and opponents to brin oehome Main 2351 WILL GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION To Ann AROR $TlUDEN;TS run, I Main. street m SHREDDED WHlE --the most nourishig and digestible forme wheat gives the athelete and the student food for building brawn. brain and bone. It nourishes the mind an~d body, strength tissues and help; as diet can-ti ' ~an athlete has - THE SHREDDED WA NIAGARA FALLS ENGRAVING Don't Wait--Now is the Time to Place your Order for those Engraved Cards which you Will need in a few weeksi Styles and Quality of Work~a xiship Unsurpassed THE MAYER-SCHAIRER CO. 112 Sauter Main Street-