t ARRIVED LYDON'S iKODAKS, FILMS, Latest Styles in lEGAL 'SHOES "'nd OXFORD0S NOBB1IEST LASTS. NEWEST SHADES. FRUNER & CO. iS.S. MAIN SRE I R 41 E CO. 10ANN ARBOR RE Spr1Iing. Hate FORIMMEDIATE WEAR, AT 'ANA RICHARDSON 115 East Liberty Amateur finishing 719 N. University Ave. .. ...M..00MON.M."m STK ,4 A L1T'i'7 ° ' x y8, 1 i 1 16 S. Main St. of interestto you For the convenience of those discrim- nati ngfolks who appreciate and desire our High Quality Ice C eam we are pleased to announce that gonvin uct progressive firms -using our prod- art are The Delta, University Phar- macy,Sugden Drug Co., MacDon- aid's in the Campus district. CAMPUS IN BRIEF ? -Webster 'Society is six dollars rich-I er. Yesterday the' society received an anonymous letter which contained six dollars and a note saying, "This is the property or the Webster Society." -Tht ment's section of the Deutsche Verein will hold its annual election. of officers tomorrow evening at 8:00 o'clock in the Verein room, Prof John Dieterle will address the club, and a 'program will be furnished by the members. -S. H. Regester, graduate student, became so seriously ill of app~endicitis Monday night, that an immediate oper- ation" was found necessary. Physicians attending him reported yesterday that he was rallying nicely. --The following commtittee will Iiavo charge' of the Saturday night danc* at the Unioniv Reuben Peterson Jr., '14, chairman, . M. Abrams, '17, F. L. Nesbit, '17, and C. H. Breymann, '17. Tickets will be put on sale at the Un- ion desk at 5:00 o'clock tomorrow af- ternoon. -J. AV. Follin, 113E, will address the civil section of the Engineering soci- ety, at 7 :00 o'clock tonight in room 311, engineering building, on "Why the Microbe?" Nominations of officers for next senmester will also be made. -The following commiittee will have charge of the Boat club dance to be held at the Armory Friday night at 9:00 o'clock following the Cap Night celebration: H. R, Marsh, '15, chair- man, G. A. Howland, '17, C. L. Smith, '17, J. S. Sxitzer, 16, S. 'P. Steen, '16E, O.RPHEUM Wed. May 27-THE MANSION OF SOBS Thur. May 28-The Maid of Orleans in 5parts Sloan of Ar4 Fri. May 28-Van Dyke Brooke in Vitagraph O014[Reliable Sat. May 30-Anita Steward in Vitaraph H-e never Know Man.-Tuos June 1-2-Mary Pickford in Tess of Storm Country Matinee 25- c D~aily G R IK Lyman H. Howe DEPICTS THE. PANAMA CANAL R. B. Sturtevant, '14, Will Shafrothi, '14, and F. W. Murphy, '14L. Dr. F. R. Waldron and .Mrs. Waldron and Pro- fessor Evans Holbrook and Mrs. Hol- brook will chaperone. Koch to Return From Europe Soon Librarian Theodore W. Koch,: whoJ has spent the last month in Leipzig, Germai~ny, in the interests of the Amer- lean, Library association, will sail. from Liverpool June 6, arriving in Ann Arbor about June 15. Mr. Koch has had charge of the installation of the exhibit of the American associa- tion at Leipig, and has also repre- sented the executive board of the American association at the meeting of the Germian :library association. Sandish-a New COLLAR for Summer yAn ultra smart style which correctly ex- presses the fashion 2ffor 26j CT.UE T', PEABODY & Cp.,.Lv~c. Makers 2 HOUR PERFORMANCE Adults 15-Children 10 Coming June 1st- "BATTLE OF THE SEXES" MA Three days starting THURSDAY 'MATINEE MAY 2 $ NIGHT "THE SEA W yJc odPresented In 7 parts The most thrilling story of the- present age in hundreids of Interesting Photoplay scenes TeeUpJ Smoke Up! toffee Roasters andI r Wholesale Grocers AS satisfying as the sounding tl.smack of the perfect drive, is. the open-air relish of the perfect smoke-Tuxedo. Both go together, too. When you grab your bag and start for the links, grab up your tin of Tuxedo and take it along. " Follow through" the snappy after-; noon with Tuxedo, Put Tuxedo in your pipe -and you will ''put" the best. And at "the nineteenth hole" rest up and relax with a good,' solid smoke of Tuxedo. That'd the ad- vice of goad golfers everywhere. J. . AM ~RMIO'rT _National Open Champion,' 1911 to 1913 "Pipe Smoking gives added pleasure to a' golfer ten the pipe is filled with Tuxedo, Tuxedo provides more k een enjoytmet than aniy other tobacco 1 know," ~an &Ca., Ltd., 21 S. Main St. FRANK BROTHERS, F~ith Avenue Boot Shop, Number 224 NEW YORK A Well Made Suit is an important part -of being well -dressed- A good appearance is of course necessary, but perman- ent satisfaction can only be had when the-garment is well made. Our coatnmakers are experts in their line and do the work in our own shop. EXHIBIT SHOP 326 SOUTH STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR A Senio r Engineers Will Daince Friday Senior engineers wil hold their an- nual formal dance Friday, May 29, at Granger's. The grand march will not begin until 10: 30 o'clock in order that the seniors may witness the cap-flight celebration earlier in the evening. Prof.: John R. Allen and Mrs. Allen and Prof. Fleury EI Riggs and Mrs. Riggs 'will chaperone. According to chairman H. 1L. Mueller, the limited number of tickets are selling rapidly. I WAGNER. Imparting Tailors (. 0o. State Street 41 Telephone 416 I I Piano s, Furniture Moving Trunks, Merchandise The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and cigarette Tuxedo positively cannot bite- -not even if you smoke pipeful after, pipeful, as many as youi can crowd' into a day or a week, 'Tuxedo is made of only the finest, choicest, selected leaves of perfectly aged- Burley tobacco, It 1s made by the original "Tuxedo Process" whic~h removes every tra~ce of xbite and sting anq~ develops all the wonderful mildness, fragrance and flavor of the Hurley Leaf in a way that no other brand of tobacco has ever success- fulry imitated, YOU C14N BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Convenienit VpRu c h,. Fam~ous green tin, I tn~',.tr-in **$with S4 with gpld lettering, I OC tiutre-proof p~por uqrVe;l to fit pocket In Glass Humnidars, $Oc and 90c EE fiend us 2 cunts in stamps for post- R EE ge and we will mail you a souvenir tin of TUXEDQ tobacco to any point in the United States. Address 3 THE AUEIRICAN TOB3ACCO _COMPANY Room 1209 1Fli Ifth Avewtne New York, ALFX CAMPBELL t Country Club, Brookline, Mass. "I am always glad to speak a good word for Tux- edo tobacco, Constant use of it only serves~ to make it befter liked. Its fragrant, soothing flavor makes it the choice of many golfers. " ALEX ROSS National Open Chatmpion, 1907, says: "Tuxedo, cool and mild, is essentially the smoke that satisfies. Many of rayfellowo golfers agree with me in giv-. ing preference to Tuxedo." PERFECT ;ICE CREAM SODA UNIVERSITY AVE. PHARMACY I C. E. GODFR EY 410 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 82L GOULDING & WtKEL I I 1219 SOUTH UNIVERSITY 'A MARTHA WASHINGTON CAN'DY 416, FRESH MEN You are eligible alie r C Ap Nigh TO WEAR ANY HEADIGEAR Let us fit you out so you will be ready to ,"step-up" after Friday ! .., Telephone 418 ]PACKARD I. ADM DANCING CLASSES EVE RY MONDAY AND THURSDAY .7P. M. THE BALANCE OF THE TERMVI.Cqinpetent instructors on 411 the latest and most approved (lances.I Bp4th class ansi private. LET THE s { * s * S* * s s *# * OF INTEREST TO WOMEN RES HMAN WE OFFER YOU Press Your Clothes f HAND PRESSING STRAWS in allithe SOFT and ST IF F summers newe st hats in the most shaps ad stles up-to-date bummer shaps ad stles shapes Panama and straw hats bleached and blocked without injury. FACTORYJ'f~o TR 118 E Huron St. SITS 25c TROUSERS 10c jAnnual election of officers of tho women's league will be held from 8:00 to 5:00 o'clock today in Univer- sity hall and the general library. Stylus, honorary rhetoric society for women elected the following new members at the last regular meeting: :Margaret Page, '15, Helen Blair, '16, Ruth Graybill, '15, -Martha Gray, '16,} and Goorgia Jackson, '17.1 I(WAyvern wfll meet at 8:00 o'clock to- morrow night at the Sorosis House. ** * Miss Post will not be at home this afternoon. The annual garden party of the women's league will be held from 4 :0 to 6:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon i at the home of Mrs. 11I. W Douglas, 1620 Cambridge Road. The entertain- went will be in the nature of a recep-. tion to the new league officers, who will be elected today, and all mienbers are .urged to attend. To Oifer New Courses ill Sociology W. S. "Thtom.pson, instructor in soci- ology, will ol'fer two new courses ill sociology next year. Sociology 21t, en- titled Social Evolution, will be giver, during the lrat, semester on Tuesdays4 and Thursdays at 9:00 o'clock. During the second wmester, a. course in the social problems of rural life will be the continuance of Sociology 21m Resus~jcitrjton Will Be Demjonstrarted TO aid in preventing accidents on the river, Officials of the University health service will give demronstra- tious of resuscitating the drowning at the Boat club Regatta Friday and Sat- urday. A person will actually be tak~ en from the water, apparatus of vari- ous sorts will be used and a comnplete method will be demronstrated. +C. I. KIDD, 117 Lit. W. W. Mann, Prop. Near Allenell . -i 1112 S. university Ave. e i y I 14 tS by J " _ V .. Are Sure to Please SE '1 S X4 f