THnE MICHIGAN DAILYV ill L play I LL THE LATEST STYLES AND COLORINGS FOR SPRING 1914 ' I I iI SENIORS Order Your Visiting Cards Now Plate and 100 Cards Script $1.50 Plate and 100 Cards old English $2.75 Plate and 100 Cards ,shaded old English $3.00 The above art the three most popular styles. Place your order now at STUDIEN'WBOOKSTORE Liune of Woolens to salaot feOm . WILD CO. lg Mercbaut "Tailors 0 (lIT NITEDLINE 4N ARBOR TIME T'ABLE nid Express Cars for Detrot-r '10 nd hourly to 6 : t p. in, also 9S: ro gfor Detroit-g ;4o a. in., 6 :o6 a. mn., y two hours to 6:u6 p. mn., 7:o6 p. ip. i., q9:1 op. im., and 10:45 P. In. 'anti only: 7':46l a. mn., 8:20 a.m., 11 :06 6 p. Mn., 11 :15:P. i., 12:15 p. in , 12:30 00 a, Dn. ars> for Jac'kson-7 :46 a- m. and ro hours to 7:46 p. mn. 3for Jackson-s :r a a. mx, 6: 5 a. in., 7y two hour. to 6:51 p. mn., siseo 9:30 :15 p. in COX SONS & VININ% 72 Madison Ae., NEW YORK MAkEJ{5 OF CAPS, GOWNS & MtOODiS For All Degrees May be Ordered fromn ~ MWACK & CO. in Arbor Savings Dank :ock $300,0o0 Surplus $ioo,ooo Resources $3,000,000 ral Banking Business Transacted has. 1 . Hiscockc, Pres., W. D. Har- Vice-Pres., M. J. Fritz, Cashier Keep Cool Don't miss seeing our superb collection of Tropical Weights including Palm Beach Cloth, White Flannel, Outings, Silk Pongees, Rajah Silks, Mohairs and all the popular Hot Weather Fabrics. Tripsj, US PREPAREo YOULNCoFR mHA Official newspaper at the University of Mich igan Published every morning except Mon day during the university year, Entered at the postoffce at Ann Arbo Michigan under Act of Congress of March 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Su' scription price: by carrier, $25; by mai $3,00o Want Ad. Stations: Press Buidig. Quarry's Pharmacy; Univesity Pharmacy; C. H.Davis, Cr. Packard and State. Telephones 960 and 244. Miaurice Toulmne......... Managing Editor Adna Johnson....... .... Business Manager H. Beach Crpenter... ........ News Editor Fred Foulk ..............Assistant to Editor F. M. Church.......... .....Sports Editor Leonard Rieer.......Intercollegiate Editor Robert Tannahill , Glenn Muin 1' Music and Drama Harold Allbott ..................Cartoonit Lillia Thtomson........... Women's Editor EDITORIALS Harold Hippler Paul Blanslard Marshall Fot* Lester Rosebaumt Louis £David. NIGHT EDITORS Les Burnett Cheter Lang Henry Rummel F.; F. McKinney Walter Ny Carlton Jeniks On1" a erous Kline TI. Hawley Tapping Bruc Milss REPORTERS P. F. Thompso .1r. rrt C. A. Swainson D. S1.~aitntne R. S. Collins Leo Greenebaus E. C. Roth H. R. Marsh C. L. Muller J F. Jorda Donald Sarbaugh, D. A. Wlla** Reuben Peterson W. A. P. Jon Willis Gooden'w ASSISTANTS TO. BUINSS MANAGX Sherwood Field, Harry Jonso John S. Leonard F. G. Millard BUSIXXSS STA"F R. V. Lefflr R. J. H1ofmaa A. HI. Torrey Myro Watis WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1914. Night Editor-T. Hawley Tapping. WIT AND HUMOR. At least, one change for the better might commend itself to the next year's editor of the Michiganensian-. the omission of the election or men- tion of the "most hopeless" members of the various senior classes. The only cause for its continued existence, is precedent. But that of the past which serves no purpose, that can re- sult in nothing but chagrin and disap- pointment, has no foundation for life. The difference between the election of the "most hopeless" member of t he' class ,nd t he "m os t popular man" or ° the "jolliest girl" is the difference between wit and humor. One is kindly, humane pleas- ing, with a dash of friendliness and appreciation. The other wounds, is sarcastic, and whether Inten- tional ly or unintentionally, leav- es a heart burn. No one would 'say that the election is malic- ious, but it Is likely to be misnter- preted by a sensitive classmate. It is too easily misunderstood. Surely, there is no place in the yearbook, a life-long memorandum, for this 'wit, even though it is innocently intended. RADICALISM VS. CONSERVATISM. This morning's communicant falls into much the same fault that he ac- cuses the Michiganl authorities of--in- tolerance. He is didactic and ureayi- onable, with his deft pen and intoler- ant of the problems that face the authorities of any American universi- ty, not Michigan alone. (Pertain usages and customs have grown up about the American system of state supported universities, The political forces, which make possible these institutions, have decreed that politics shall be shuned in the class- room, that radicalism shall not be voiced from the teachers' rostrum. Blame the~ system, if you will, but not entirely, the faculty of one particular institution. It is different from thel German system and the Russian sys- temn, where political activity and radi- calism is encouragd to the breaking point. If the university 'authorities them- selves are precl uded from political discussion aind th'e dissemination of particular beliefs ini the "class rooms, why : houlthe .ry be called upon, to in- vite outsider,,,ini to do what they can- not do? Would they not hoar from such an act? [low would it be viewNed from the state capital, by the legisla- ture, that grants appreciations, and the great body of the 'citizens of the state, who are taxed to support the appropriations? These are the ques- tions that the university authiorities must answer. If a radical change is to be made in the Americans system, it is not' to be made overnight, by one set of indi- viduals. perhaps the conservative American university is serving our democracy as well as the radical for- eign-university is serving its autocrat- ic surroundings. New Zoological Selilahrsblip Offered A summer scholarship at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass., valued' at $50.00 has been ot- feredi by the Zoological department of the university.' The scholarship will be awarded. by the zoology faculty, and is made possible through the kindness of Mr. Bryant Walker of Detroit. Ap- plications for the award may be made up to May 30 by registration wiithi Pro- fessor Reighard in room 208 S.W. MUSIC AN'A DRAMA'I~ Stuidents to Givo Reeltal A public students' recital will be given at the school of music by ad- vanced students of the voice,' piano and violin depattments, this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock, The public is cordi- ally invited to attend. State S t, !TYPEWRITERS' Wew, reoulit, and second- hand, For Sale, $10.00 up For Rent, $2.00 up 3 mos., $5.00 TYPEWRITING . D. MORRILL ? Z Over Baltimore Lunch Guaranteed Tailoring at $17.59 You pick your fabric; chose your st)yle; then Z will make it to your measure --- that means Individuality. No other way of clothes getting is as flexible as Tailoring. We offer the greatest cloth variety: make ex- actly as you wish and as quickly as you say; and it's guaranteed tailoring. White flannel and serge trousers $6.oo and up. We will half line these trousers without ex tra charge to you. I SE NIO. 0RS! DON'T DELAY; ORDER THEM NOW! VISITING CARDS 100 cards with plate $1.50' to $3.50 100 cards from your- plate 90c All work guaranteed WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES Main St. E. Popular Priced Tailor C.' FLANDERS 209 E. LIBERTY STREET YOU CAN. BUY!!ow The best meats, Poultry and Fish at the, 6. P. Siesondorfer Market 29 E. Washlugten St. ., I r H pleasures of using a superior article are found if you try this floe UP-RIVER TRIP us what you want---We'll have It ready when you want it. Memorial Building, Souvenir Spoons Ann Arbor Squirrel Spoons U. of M. Seal Spoons, $1.25 Special Michigan Plus, Seals and Novelties DISTILLED IMPORTED BAY RUM UNIVERSITY NOTICES Equip Your Cainoe wvith KA POXCushions Leatherette covered and stufif- ed withl a material which is soft and yielding, yet of such a nature that a single c'ushiota. will support 20 pounds of di- rect gravitation downward in the water for 24 hours. PRICE $1.25 IF. D, Kinne S. W. Clarksotn Harrison Soulr Presideut cashier V; President FIRST NATIONAL BANIK W Ann Arboa'.Mich,, Capital $100,900. Surplus and Profits, $65,o*o Fine Watch anid Jewelry Repairing Bailer Jewelry Co. State St. Jewelers 808 S. State St. Band rehearsal this evening at 7:00 o'clock in University Hall, The Websters w~ill meet tonight at 7:00 o'clock to formulate plans for the coming year. All seniors entitled to Webster diplomas must put in ap- plications. There will be an important meeting of the senior law class in room 0G. of the law building, today at 4:00 o'clock'. The matter of the commencement in- vitations will be taken up. The Union enmploymnent bureau has a number of odd jobs to fill. The bu-y reau's office hours are from 3:00 to 4:30 o'clock. Summer school students desiring to try out for the. business staff of the Wolverine call F. G. Millard between 0:00 and 7:00 py. m. any night this week. Phone. 904-M. The annual election of officers of the American Institution of Electrical lin- gineers will be held at 7:30 o'clock Thursday evening in room 343 engi- neering building, I I at P Quarry Drug Co. The Druggists on tihe Corner ne 534 Ithe price does not bother you THE GLEN- MOOR WAY" may not in- te rest you. write. Otherwise THE GLENMOOR COMPANY EAST LIVERPOOL, OHIO B~yY~rCnkiLPri AMF G, 9. WASI x 5n Ann Arbor Stleamn Dye Works ]Exports Cleaners and,,Dyers OSTRICH Feathers a Specialty All Work Guara~nteed Phone 628 We Call andI Deliver live 8txy (music 1bouse Mrs. M. M. Root 1P RCs 1VILDING M.AYNAR D ST. A. B.® CHASE. PIANODS "Here is order for three more Style 'A U pright Pianos. Of the pianos purchased of you last year the Concert Grand is superb-winning friends for our Conserv atory constantly. The possession of a full equipment of your excellent pian~os here hbas had no insignificant part in the success of our dasartmuent.' ]E ARLi4EG. KILLN Director Dept. of Music, Coe College' Cedar Rapids, Iowa efamnous W'eymaun Mandolutes' Martin Guitars sold at Schaeherle is Music House, Main St, tf anger's will continue their We(d- aynight assemblies through the~ ner school, from 9-12 with1{Fivcl- rchestra. 50 cents per couple. Straw Bats. the 1914 Models in Straw H-at, cling the New 14igh Crown Sail- All the leading styles in Pana- Hats to suit all tastes, from $1.50 We have 88 note Player Piano Rolls of U. of Al, Songs-Grinnell Bros. 1120- 122 E. Liberty St.. 167-70 ALLEN SELLS GOOD CLOTHING. SPRING AND SUMMER TYLEiwuS. Suits at $10.00-All Wool. Suits at $16.00-All Wool, H-and Tai- tored. Suits at $20.00-Adlers' Make and style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cue- tom Work. ALLEYS GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street.,tf Be st shine at French Parlors on Lib- erty just off State. Step in. Os Good Clothes Store Alain Street. mLy a little more for Pack's Portraits, but you wilt. with the tasteful arts jtic quality In them " RANDALL'& PACK, PHO TO GRAPHTERS