RINGS ti Anything that you ebring In today btfore 6 p. mn. will be~ reacdy t6morrow night, sure. y yiir straw hat adhms& Ce. can sereyo ny.. best Panama Hat ever 23 $outh MainlStreet I as to Quality Calkns' Pharmacy with the new Straws or Panau a hats. W inspect tile new" styles ais portrayed ini our c( You will, find that our selections omit n( or proprtionis that fashion hias set forth a Amnig the steles are the Highl Taperc narrow brim as well as the lower crowvnss ing th~e tasltes of' those in search of the those inclined to the more eons ~rvative complete showing of all staple styles in too hats. The sound of the gong, indical, Panamna hat tinie. It is the signxal for all openinig (display of Straws and Pan amas p limited opportanity for choosing. Straw flt prices Range Panama HAat Prices " 3v ]id I -O \1 W I~tto) StCkIcl' o gs Instad o ordnaryglue, ANN 4 t 1\ f' :, LE A. MARIQIYAJiT -01 fine t~ailoring . . . : , , Suits Gleaned and Pressed and repaired Cor. Main and Huron---Over Farner's and Mechanic's Hank. IM- .~ t.. Scarf slide space andlok.fromnt Episcopal Theological School CAMBRIDGE, MASS. The location offers unusual opportunity for graduate work at Harvard Universi- ty. For catalogue address Dean Hodges. -Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works For sj years the best carpet and ffeat her renovators in the city. Ruigs miadle ovrr Suzed, sterilized and cleanedc. Prices tow. All work gurateed. Pone49 CAM PUSMILE S ;tjlls.--DefQ uin "y, -kit of Which 4i-oes to $holw 'ThatIDis. taiec, Lends 1Numlnies as lWelt as Enchiantmnt. 3J1AN\1l' D'ARC PAGaEANT DRAz-WS (111O WD)OF 5,000 -TheMichga~Daily. NlA tLY 7,000 VIEW ARTISTIC lZE' PRODUCTLO ;OP JEANNE D'A C -De~troit; New,,. 8,000 1PEOPLE SlE'FHE JE.ANNE D'ARd PAGEANT AT It. OF MICHIGIAN. Chicago'Triune George Maynard, Wisconsin's fan- ous tenor, is said. to be the h,-mcdsomi- est mlan at Madison.-Advt. Sheared from the Toledo Blade, aPerhaps, writes C. T., bu~t why ad- veratise?. -0- 'o. Yoir °Coniinuidcatiou [iPuiiunils Dear Smiles: Do )'oil realize that nithy a love -game is settled in other thian a. 1iauis caui~t?--L, T. JEWELRY Exatensive ,tock at Reasonable Prices Skille-1.d ntrstworthy Watch Repairing OPTICAL SUPPiE M ichtigant Pins, Fobs, Bars and Spoons J. B.EIBLER 109 West Liborty Stroet Acos 4omMak' SdeEnrac I I SUDDEN~ 302 S. 51r r-Over Shoes lain St. anid save a dollar Ann Arbor Taxtca1 .New Number Is G ' e Make Us .I i In target practice, the. cruiser IKen- tucky fired thirty shots at a target seven miles awa and scored every ;hot.--News Despatch. We suggest these thingsfOr tar et in the niext trials; jThe? he-lizzie that waljks the camuits at nook inlpunmps. Phe boob who persists in stgrndiog u p at t ho finish of the 100 yardl dash. The c.,olfeli boy who sinigs stel n ;ongs on the way home from Joe's. The rube who per-sists in shtying '"ice Are there any other nomine~s for this position? Service 2280 1y Prove iVER it Oxfords our Price ~PECIAL EQUIP, MENT FOR S COOKING Increases Ceaniness and Efficiency. Telephone for our presentative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitchen 1 quip- at9 Waslitenaw Gas ComPany ;1h1.'clung to0 1hil paissionately~r, ?glue to lily1lips.-fleanuor Gxlyn. We've nevr hmlad a maiden Lfir, Cling passicuiately- to us. _We',ve never had such love- and Care -Withi poesyc imbue us. We've neve Er found the. grottos cool, Nor glens, nor dales, nor bmoer, W1here arty girl would act the fool, And Ipiaste hi lips to ours! IWe'veought this girJ l J ,an Rose, Liz. In low and highbilrow cl:1.sesa Jns_ tCaad of glue, their sticker s P'ure New Orleans molasses. But whin we find her, sweet land truti Get our prices and V'Fi CTROLAS- MANDOL G RINN 120-1t22 E. ;U'berty st. dsw !I f rt 7° c e i F' ALLEN SILL1S GOOD CLOTII*NG.. SPING AN) I SUMMER STYLES. Suits at $10.00--All Wool. Suits at $15.00-All Wool, Hand Tai- lordq. Suits at $20.00-Adlers' Makie andi Style. ISuits at $25.00--Equlal to Fines~t Cue ton Work. ALLk'S tGO]) CLOTHES S'TORE, Main Street. tf Qua.lty-Service and Prices Righ~t. Edsil's Rexall D~rug Store. Tu.e-Fri Prices rm$2 p Tailors 'H"ENRY & CO,, Merchant 71 1' N. University Ave. Ann Arbor Cainmept a 1 comnpetition iti tailoring. As of our 20 years' experierice as makers of h garments. '1 he 'Sqtxeeze' must he executed by the athl can think fast,' who is quick I I in the ream call on . i term~s on PIANOQS--- 1NS S'GUITARS--VIOLINS. of 1i I k ~ 4' - - ment, keen of eye and ,He mlust outguess air Opponents, to bring .1h swift. rid ou ,noe t ST UDENTS Ge ELL IBROS!. Phono, 7,'7Q'7 to Know 2 L'S SHREJD El) Wul -the mnost nourishing an digestible farm wheat gives the ad-delete and the student food for' building brawn. brain and bone. It nourishies the mind and body, stren~gt in iDtroit for. ATHLETICS, KODAKS, CUTLERY, - - ~ GUNS, FISkIHNG TCACKLE ETC. Michjigns"Oldest Sporting Goods S tore L.B. RAYL CO., Corner Congress & Woodward asn and to4 diet cans---t® athlete 'hr IE SHREDDED WH INIACARA FALLS STUDIO. 119 E. ILIBE TY STO OPPOSITE GRINNEDL'S,