- -- - - - - - - - 1ST i! i vas gz :, r, , ° F= 1 Y ," , r z: . ,: ' tr3 , rF r ",, S t g y1:, .f c, .. ., _ ask nr.+f.. ..-.1. KODAKLS, FILMS rAmateur finishing ' 719 N. University Ave. i *1 L~ET THE h MAN , Latesttye 1 Press Your Clothes IESAL SHOES ad . , .. _ _ / I i" wta"W. NOBBIEST LASTS. :RUNER & CO. NEWEST S4' 108 . MdN ShEL FOR IMMEDIATE WEAR, AT ANA RICHAR DS+ON115 EA t Libery 9 sTt ' a LsTa'1. x 116 S. Mlin St. IFcr thne Co:)rnvenieCeothe sr- natingfolks wholc, udK~ir orr We arel-eased to aanonr-. e ha no' niet p)rogr257,e s 11 +1:u< C1or1pod' caId are'The Dela, i~ri:. j Ph. ",. ald's in teCaps lrit (Co1tn 'e1frompage 1.) a team atithif e, placing in tonl c n it, Thr t: h nletes, however, took bu~~~i 'w ~rtpaces, and the seconlds and Thrds di not otalance the six a dRivi(5'ith 14 points, nosed out U< Ciy Eaternby one )oiit'for the tate honors. TDetroit Eate(rn, with .~ 12, nd Lnsig, ith 8, wecre the here.wre0 15 schools repsr(esented it' e scor;ng. Chelsea, croswell ], lDe- I ro0it Uieriy school, P", nymouth, Rockford, fleck, Island, Il, and Wayne, ~lthcgh qalifying mnen Friday, failed tollC)in tihe finals. The p-e, scool affhletes attended Th bnqeta the Union last evening, at whLich tiree.'the prizes were awarded. ;.2 .- , id andc ups ?were given out, ireviirs were entertained at the, cocr 'tinte California and AMich- an gleeclub in; ithe evening. I ii; summrirc eollow: Eva'k1>ents iuO arddashwonby Carter (Chi- 2< V, eny .(lyeticoat < ,stern) ;, o : i-e) fourth. Time, --10 1-5 sec- r S G 0 HEU M, Mon.-Tugs., May 25.6-Burr "cnto tn IN IZZOURAt Wed. May 27 -TIE 1MANSION OF_ SO Thuir. May 28- Vic M~aidIof or] ai; in a part., Jean ofAr Fri. May 29-Van I1 yke >Brook ei Vitagrapli Old Reliable Sat. May 30--Anita Steward in Vritarapli He never Knewa Ma~n.-Tues.June 1.-2--M,iry P'ckfr." Tess of Storm Country C. IKIDD$ 317 Lit. ,10- 1112 S. University Ave. I 7v SUITS 25c ITROUSERS 10c I 26 3-5 seconds. DHalf mile re.lay---won by Chitcago 1. (Foat, Spinck, Shiverick nd Gr ter); Lewis Institutescn;Lasnthir"Al Gran(] Rapids fou rt. Twin---i in unte, t)4 2-5 'seconds. 12 Ipound shot put ---vwon by '-- i (Bay Cityv), Wailin(Lei scod Gro tet T~ (Grand ai: (id le litz (Keewatin) fourth. Dsxie-4 feet, 9 inches. n a ...,, , QA~ ..,, ,Yr-a .,R , .,. ma, _ .:, .. ._-. I - offee'Roasters nWholesale calF> Crce ,n& Co., Ltd., 2'T4&S" m -, .1 . . _ _ _ __ .. j I FthAvnue BoT S Number 224 Oil 11( 12 pound hainnr throw --won b 22( yad (lsh- -onby Carter (C111-Kimball (ukgnMle Lnig caePPris(P[ay City) second, seconid, Smith (",ay City) thir~d, looliiz Iabl(olwtran len(LW (Keewatin) fourth. I )istance 140 Ii'~ fo thid. bne-91 -5 ee-feet, 4 1-2 inches. Discus throw- ---won by Ooehi Ke tw'catin), Grotein :t (Grand a d)ec ond.c, Smith (a City)thr,(lis is a iportan t part of beingc (Chicago U. fourth l. listanilce 118 Pole vault-won byITl l i ;o d A odaparnei f Reich (Detroit Eastern) second, (Ir- co'Arse necessary, but perinan- ham (Chicago U.) third, Wallisa c-- cut sat;isfaction can only be 'inaw?1 Eastern) fourth. 11i-!:t- 1 had h, e n the garment is well feet>:G & VIKFL 7 1 . - 1219 SOUTH UeiiVERSIT Y MARTHA WASHI, oO CND 416 Telephone 416 _ . (ew iOSolastic record.) 4-1 yad rn--won by Shiverick >. !iao 4 url ey (Lansing) sec- ondBure . Ichond) third, Cantwell .Krevatfourulh. Time--51 1-5 see- ends:. (owinterscholastic record.) ~ ? ya d run--won by Spiny (Chica- go V., weler (Lewis) second, Shad- T r AnArbon) thir d, x.CGallagher (ByCity fourth. Time-4:56. (New ~itreoistic record, and breaks the Arerr 44l track record of 1:57 2-5 aeld-by,'piden of Cornell.) .hern-won by Hlailoway (Lewis), An hat (luitcGreek) second, T.fhayer t~nsilsti)th,;relThompson (Detroit ~a sern)Iu Thinne--4 mmiues, 46 ~Y yr~lhighh#rles-won by 0-oe- Vt::(J~cx~a) ; Zoellin ([Lewis) sec- ond I oinr Grand 1 '4apids) third, I~~~~ i. e l o 1rn ais) fourth. Time - .sconds. t~oyad owhu rdile--w;on by Goe- 1> - ((ee , _ '1:,1Anna (Keewatin) :and :b n a Btrit isterni) tied for see-.d, eehn LeWis ltiTim.Tue- ,, i y k 1' Ir- J'' U 'W 9 d "A d TUpv Wednesday GEORG1E KLSN,100 &OJ Photo Drama Spectacle MAY 25-26 27 Antony l r 7r-,: N _ __ . w _ -t - . i ra, YOY The bcstL at the at is 8 CTS 50( SCEES, 00 PEOPLE NOTE-This amgiiin rdcion byswac§p thatprdued"UoVadis" ipeil" etc DIRECT FROV1 iTS LONG RUN Al !THE AMITATREsCtICGOADBLSO N.Y P R CS , d l , 6 B ox S eats 2 5 5c Cmin y2 2-,~ h e aolt By JACK IDNOON *t P.Sosnor 201 E. Wasbinglo , S. ----- .d _ __._ .. .... _ ..._.,...,...r. r ., . ._.. _. ... .. -,, Anni , N r. - " =L Pff"UT U!""' t 5 ..? LTA 3 rt.n j} f ., 'Oc 75C, asad 1 y hk At J [It] t! ate. ' ~w aby - h Are Sure to.lmseSE Your FriendsTH 1l