..__._ { .di. 1 The Stein=Bloch. Fashion Camera Duck and Flannel Trousers, Tennis and Golf shirts EVERYTHING THAT S II S 1:. Nothing gets by it. It reflects 'what London thinks about fashions for you --whiat Parir thinks --what New York thinks --what Chicago thinks And out of all these opinions, with. the fol-de-rols el- iminated, come The Styles Sensibly Dressed Americans Prefer. Such styles we are now readly to show you. Imperial Hiats, Delmel Linen, Mesh Underwear, Lldcschmidt, Apfcl & Co. Clothiers and Furnishers Straw Hats 1. Is shown here ready for your choosia THE NEW BALM ACAN RAGLAN COATS Season 1914---Now" on display TINKER & Company Cor. State and William Sts. The outer garmeut flad o1 the hour PROFILE- -ii Swill 6. KE LONG GRIND past In sevelm weeks ore THEN HOME will need" light' dry' goods for" the Summer. 1~ Scarf slide spat and lock ffou 'Before you go, You can1 you bv --.7 L&CES HOSIERY WINDSOR TIRS e6 EMBROIDERIES UTNDR WEAR SIL4K GLOVES at our store. H. s. rIl o/d~SlA,,,d h7M7WJ "'UNITED SHIRT & COLLAR. CO. 'ROY" .Y. Co. 614 E. Libertty St. heare a Dollar Does Its Duty 11 ANNOUNCEMENT Jewelry of Quality Good solid reasons why you, should buy your jewelry from us will be found by looking through our line of fresh desirable goods- upto date in style and honest in quality. SCHIANOERER & SEYFRIED 118 E. Liberty St- VAI KING L001 Comae Up and Try George's Chop 'Suey I Delicious Chinese and American Dishes. I am ,_ Always some= thing ,new in DRY GOODS, Notions and Readyto =wear The store that always treats~ you fair SCHROENBROS. FPhoue 1000 124 South Main 1 ,- I iI 1 Flowers Cho. . Oeut Flowers -Fne lot of Painm: andl Ferns for eOrating Car.12th St andS. Unlv. Are.Phone115 III TRANSIT MARKET Wmn. LINDEMAN DEALER IN Fresh and Salt Meats J. Ii. Lambert, the well known shoe repair man, has opened a combination shoe re- pairing and clothes pressing establishment at 301 S. State Sto Ilie still continues his business at 613 Williams St. HOUSE ORGANIZATIONS ADOPT GOOD) HE ALTHl CON STrITUTION Representatives from 16 organiza- tions met in the amphitheatre of the medical building Friday eveing, and after talks by Dr. H. H. Cummings. of the health service, and H. S. Huil- bert, '14M, adopted a loose constitu- tion for an organization of "Universi- ty Health Service Representatives" who will be elected in each house the second week after the university opens next f all. Although the constitution makes no provision for representatives of large rooming-houses, the organization so- licits their co-operation. It was de- cided to call another meeting on Tues- day evening, June 2, at 7:00 o'clock in the medical amnphitheatre. Further plans will be discussed at that time. Get your Michiganensians at Univer- BOARD TESTS CANOEISTS WHO SEEK YACHTSMEN'S FLAGS All Men Who Can Paddle Canoe, Swim ad Render First Aid Are Eligible Yachtman's flags, intended to be marks of proficiency in canoeing, have been received at the Union, and appli- cants may secure flags after being passed upon by the examining board. All1 men who know how to handle a canoe well, who can swim and resus- citate the apparently drowned are eli- gible to receive the flag. The examining board consists of D. H. Williams of the university health service, and A. D. Cipman, '14. Each one of these must pass favorably on the man, after which he may secure a flag upon the payment of 10 cents, at the Union desk. BOAT CLUB ROSTER REACHES 300 MARK Membership in the Union Boat club has risen to more than 30, as a result of the personal canvass for members ! now being conducted, under the general chairmanship of E. B. McKinley, '6. Each member of the Union wil have been approached by May a3, and will either be signed tup or asked to state his reason for not joining. In this way the sentiment of the campus for the boat club will be obtained. The fee for active membership, which will be open only to Union members, is $, all other students or residents may become associate members by paying $.o to any member of the committee or at the Union desk., All Union mcmbers have been divided by by classes and departments. A sub- chairman, who will have about ten men under him, will have charge of each di- vision. Following is the list of sub- chairmen: Arthur Grilles, '5E, junior engineers; Louis Hyde,' 'i6E, soph en- gineers; W. L. Watson, 'UE, fresh en- gineers; Wilbur Brotherton, '6, junior engineers; Harold Bowcock, %6, senior lits and engineers; Staats Abrams, '17, fresh fits, and J. S. Leonard, '6l, law department. W. H. TAFT CONTRIBUTES TO "-THE COSMOPOLITAN STUDENT" The June issue of the Cosmopolitan Student, which will appear May 27,will be the Yale number. Among the con- tributors are Prof. William HowardI Taft, ex-president of the United States, President Arthur T. Hadley of Yale, and Prof. K. T. Asakawa, Japanese ex- change professor at Yale. Albert G. Bryant, organization director of the World Peace Foundation, hae also con- tributed an article o "What Shall We Do With. Mexico?" SENIOR LITS TO DECIDE ON MEMORIAL THURSDAY Senior Tits will decide what their class memorial will be at a special class meeting, at 4:00 o'clock Thurs- day afternoon, in the west physics lec- ture room. Opinion seems to be in favor of a loan fund, and unless some- thing new is proposed, the only ques- tion to decide will be whether the fund should be $300.00 or $500.00. The class alumni secretary, and two mem- bers of the board of alumni secretaries will also be elected at this meeting. p.. Phi Beta KappaI Buy your key of Arnold & Co., Jewelers, Main Street. They have made them for several years. Their keys are 14k gold, finely made, prices lowver than some others. Orders may be left now for de- livery upon issuance of the proper cerYtificate from the Secretary. See thi e samples. JOawee ors 220 S. Malum St. THE Reule, Conlin& GLEN 00 406 DETROIT S The link between Coileg TUTTL on State Stree We Serve Hot Everything new in Spring Suits and Oavearec Spring Neckwear, Spring Underwear, Imm showing in Spring Manhattan Shirts. It is high time for anrew Spring Hat, and can't use -too much care in choosing I t.I yours here and you can he sure It's absoluj right In every respect. THE BIG STORE COR. WASHINGTON and M I All We, K of 4"s theI 9 , "-, mwf mq WAY Is something of. in- tenest to.ev ery student at the U Nof Ml. PORK, HAM.POUTRYEtc. Bell Phosne 2294 212 N~th Ave. _ J ... ONWAMMMWMMMWM mommomwommemom SOMETHING NEW We are the First to show the new Tartan sultings. Come in and see the different shades HOT' MAX P. KRUTSCH allor 117 E. Lii city Avenue Pharmacy. 168 Varsity Ts iberty St. Best shine at French Parlors on Lib- erty just off State. Step in. I I. (Lit's just about tim ELLE~CTRIC PAl your room coolt days. CLThere is 'no use being when real comfort can cheaply. CJJ~ave you seen our line? us show you. e to get N to mat hese war uncomforta be secured Sto in and 1T.ieplone Cadilla. 4324 Get your Michiganensian s at sity Avenue Pharmacy. Univer- 168 LED DI ET ER LIE, Tailor for Men . Matte Your Spring Suit. British Woolens $35. to. $60. Quality-Service and Prices Edsill's Rexall Drug Store. Right. Tue-Fri 94 West IFort StreetDtoi DOtrolt i Get your Michiganensian s at Univer- sity Avenue Pharmacy. 168 ALLEN SELLS GOOD CLOTHING. SPRING AND SUMM1ER STYLES. Suits at '10.00-All Wool. Suits at $15.00-All Wool, Hand Tai- tored. Suits at $20.00-Adlers' Make and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tom Work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf Eastern ''i0'higan Edison Co. Cor. Main and William S.vt. Phone 2300 I FOR RENT-I am desirous of renting my home which will accommodate 25 students to a house club,. frater- nity or sorority. Mrs. F. J. Chap- man, 311 Thompson St. tf FOR SALE-My residence suitable for Fraternity or Sorority. In perfect condition. Terms reasonable. En- quire 302 So. Division St. 165-6-7-8 WANTED-To rent rooms to 12 or 14 young men with board, for next school year. Address: M. W. Care Michigan Daily. 165-6-7-8 The home of Rexall Rtemedies. Ed- rills Renl) Drug Store. 122 South Maina St. Tue-Fri Try our Sundaes and Sodas. Edsill's Rexall Drug Store, 122 So. Main St. tf WANTED--Room or suite with private family by young lady. State location and terms. Address M. L~. Q. Mich. Daily. 168-69 LOST-On campus Friday evening, May 22, purse containing money. Finder will be rewarded by return- ing" to 1221 Willard street. Call 1643 -M. its LOST-Tan cravenette coat, English make, from cloak room near roomI 301, new engineering building. Re- ward for information leading to re- covery. Phone 1622-M. 167-8 If you desire Oxfords BOjYS-~ season that are right ins and REASONABLE in P QUALITY CONSIDERED- and want your properly fitted you will make a mistake to over k s AW~hen in Want of anything in the realm of music, call on us. Get our prices and terms on P lANO0S---' VICTROLAS--MANDOLINS-GUITARS-VIOLINS. " GRINNELL BROS. 120-122 E. Liberty St. Phone 1707 LARGE LINE OF THE SATISFACTORY RUBBER SOLES H( * A