THE MICHIGAN DAILY. i JO HISTORY XTENDS OVER OUTONE YEAR, [nto Existence in December, 1912 Result of Letter from Harold Hulbert, '143I, to Former President of Union npted ley the idea of improving ons on the Huron River- for ca- in December 1912, Harold S. t, '14'M., sent a letter to Edward mp, '14 L, then president of the an Union, in which he proposed ganization of a boat club to be lder the auspices of the Union. :he next meeting of the Union of Directors following the re- >f this- letter by President Kemhp .was taken to forward the pro- 'he foresight of the organizers of v club then discovered new possi- MANY COMMITTEES IN CHARGE Fifteen Men Head Various. Depart- ments of Work in Preparation for Regatta The chairmen of the various.Regatta committees are as follows:-General Chairman, H. S. Parsons, 'i5 F.; Clerk of Course, W. S. Davidson, 'x ; Chair- man in charge of Program, E. B. Mc- Kinley, ' 6; Canoe races, R. A. Hill, 14,, E.; Swimming and Diving, Bert Chipman, '14; Novelties, W. W..Watson, '16E.; Amusements, A. R. Griffes, '15E.; Judges and. Prizes, L. F. Merritt, '15F.; Qualifications, D. H. Williams, spec.; Arrangements, W. T. Smith, '15E.; Pre- arrangements, K. S. Baxter, '1E.; Fi- nances, H. G. Gault, 'x.;; Publicity P. H. Middleditch, 'i E.; Shell Race, ). Don- ald. ' i ;; Secretary, T'. A.. Arentr. '77. Souwenir Programs to be Distributted A special eight-page souvenir, pro- gram of the events of the regatta will be issued. The cover. design will be the same as that -of the poster, but wvill not be printed- in colors. BOAT CLUB REGATTA EVENTS p - M MONOPOLIZE NEXT WEEK-END Beginning with the preliminaries Fri- day afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, something will "be doing" in connection with the Union regatta until late Saturday night. Under the direction of the chairman of the regatta, and with the help of a large number of committees, this year's carnival has been planned to set a stand- ard for future ones as the big event of the spring. At 4 0; o'clock Friday afternoon, Michigan meets the "Aggies'" baseball team on Ferrv field. At the same time the preliminaries in all the water events will be run of on the River, at the bend above the- Argo dam. Cap night festivities will begin at 7:00 o'clock Friday night, when the classes march from the Campus to Palmer field. After the freshmen have burned their headgear, the Vright Saxaphone party, especially arranged for the out--of-town guests will commence at the Armory. Other guests will (lance at fraternity lodges where house parties have been arranged. aaturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock the second M. A. C. game will be played. Immediately after the game, special cars will carry the crowds to the M. C. station, from where a ten min- utse walk will bring them to the natural amphitheatre on the north bank of the river, from where the events will be viewed. Lunch and refreshments will be pro- vided, for the spectators so that it will be unnecessary for them to go back to town for dinner. In the evening a water carnival will be the program. Res- ervations for canoes to he used during the Regatta may be made now at the boat-house. DANCE TO SAXAPHONES FRIDAY Wright Trio Will Dispense Music at Party Sponsored by Boat Club -Following the Cap Night exercises on Friday evening, the first annual Union Boat Club Regatta dance will be held at the Armory. The Wright Saxophone Trio will fur- nish the music. Favor dances, as well as several feature dances, significant of Boat Club activities, will be run; and the Armory will be specially decorated. The number of tickets placed on sale will be limited in order to .prevent the presence of too large a crowds but the purchasers will not be limited to Boat Club members only. Flowers anl car- riages are barred as the dance is to be strictly inforihal. . Tickets may be purchased -for -two dollars at the Union desk or from the members of the following committee: Howard R. Marsh, 't, chairman, R. B. Sturtevant, '14, J. S. Switzer, '6, S. T. Steen, 't6 E., Clark I). Smith, '7, C. A Howland. 17. RIVER DANGER MINIMIZED, DY SAFETY RULES Plans Made fol Giving Boatsman's and Yachtsman's Flags to Members of Boat Club Coming Up to Prescribed Re. iquirements Plans for Boatman's flags and Yachts- man's flags to be given to members com- ing up to th:e requirements laid down by the safety aid qualifications commit- tee of the Boa Club have been made and will go into effect immediately. The rules are as follows: Safety Rules: (t) There shall be no canoeing below the Ann Arbor Bridge. (2) There shall be no canoeing in the Barton tail-race under any circum- stances. (3) There shall be no canoeing above the Michigan Central Bridge if aIny of the flash boards are up. (4) The _ - I I CUPS TO FURNISH VICTORS' SPOILS Dean M. E. Cooley.,'and F I RFinch, of the Eingineering department, together with officials from the Dctroit Boat Club and the Toledo Yacht Club, will be the judges for the Regatta. A large num- her of cups and medals will be awarded by them to the winners of the different events. Following is the list of cups and their donors:- Cmodore's cup to Detroit Fboat crew: Michigamua cup to best man in canoe singles; Griffin cup to best team in canoe doubles; Vulcan cup to best swimmer, Busy Bee cup to best diver; Sheehan cup to best man in nov- chies; Triangles cup to highest indi- vidual point winner; \Web and Flange cup to Detroit Boat Club scullers; S wit er cup to highest point winner in swimming and diving events; Prizes and Judges comittee cup to lowest in- dividual point winner; Druid cup to the best decorated canoe; Huston cup to best society concession: Arnold cup to best costumed society; Union cup for best decorated.float; and the Haller cup for the best entertainment. Medals and ribbons will be given for places in the swimming. diving, and ca- noding contests. Special Car Service, Game to Regatta The D. U. R. has agreed to furnish special service Saturday afternoon from the Packard and State street crossing to the Michigan Central station.: SWIFT SHELLS TO SPEEDSATURDAY Racing shells imported from the De- troit Boat Club and manned by im- ported crews will give the University of Michigan water sports enthusiasts a glimpse of a future decade, when the yellow and blue shall be flaunted in the face of ^Cornell's red and white at Poughkeepsie. Three four-oared shells, and two sin- gles will cut the Huron's flood, Satur- day afternoon in three different races. In the first, the three four-oared shells will cover a mile long course. Michigan gradluates will compose the crew of one of these skiffs, with representatives from other colleges in another, and the third flying the colors of the Detroit Boat Club. The singles will race for a mile over the same course travelled by the four- oared shells, and will in addition enter a quarter mile dash. Although in the races between the singles, the spectators are promised a wonderful exhibition of individual pro- ficiency with the oars, it is in the four- oared race that interest will reach its climax. Here the four backs bending in unison, the blades spooning and dip- ping like clockwork in pace with the sliding of the seats, the shouting of the hoarse voiced coxswain armed with a megaphone. will present the strongest argument for such shells, in the future propelled and guided by Michigan un- dergraduates. W OF HURON RIVER WHERE R EGATTA WILL BE HELD, CHAIRMEN BOAT CLUB REA( TTA C OMTMITTEES. lities in its establishment. Not only -as it / recognized that improvement ould be brought about by better con- tions on the Huron, but it was ;also alized that with the proposed construc- on of dams on the river the formation f a Michigan crew would no longer be chimera of the future. With these two ideals, improvement f river conditions for canoeists, and ie ultimate establishment of a Michi- an crew, the Boat Club was introduced the student body in a series of mass cetings and smokers. At the first of the smokers a oonsti- iton was adopted. At this same meet- ig the first officers were elected, and tring the next week three ensigns were >pointed by the Commodore and work -as begun on the first regatta. A year ago this month the Boat Club ade its debut to the university when it resented what was termed .its "First nnual Regatta" on Barton lake. Swim- ing and diving contosts, canoe races nd "stunts" made up the program of is first affair and concluded the- first ear's work of the infant organization. In cooperation with the Eastern Mich- an Edison Company, the club has in- ituted and carried out a "safety first" anpaign. and has prevented, so far, any ccidents on the river. At the beginning of the current year hen Commodore Hulbert was forced resign from press of scholastic du- es, Henry Parsons, 15 E., stepped into e breach, -and as the active head of he Boat Club has been the executive ower in the work of staging this sec- nd annual Regatta. - CLUB IS ON TRAIL OF MEMBERS Fiscal Backing for Year's Plans is Found in Membership Fees The Michigan Union Boat Club's Sec- ond Annual Re'gatta will be financed al- most entirely from the fees received from the sale of memberships. More than four hundred names are now on the roster and a large committee is pushing the campaign for more mem- bers into every corner of the campus. Although the response on the part of the campus to this appeal for material support has been answered to a degree that asures the success of the organiza- tion's plans, it will be necessary for further aid to be extended if their en- tire program for the encouragement of water sports at Michigan is to 'be car- ried out. LUNCHES WILL BE PROVIDED AT SCENE OF WATER EVENTS Five booths will furnish lunches and refreshments during the regatta, making it unnecessary for the spectators to come back to town between the afternoon and evening events. Of these, four will be .run by fraternities and one indepen- dently. A cup for the best booth has been offered. Posters May be Purchased Tonmorrow The Boat club regatta posters will be, put on sale tomorrow at Wahr's and Sheehan's bookstores. The poster com- -petition was won by John B. Jewel, 'iu, with a design of. unusual cleverness which has been printed in three colors.1 Henley Regatta Rowed Over Course Like One On Huron MANY TO ENTER RIVER EVENTS Canoe and Swimming Races and Div- ing Contests Scheduled Of the Regatta river events, the swim- ming and diving entries have been the largest; while the canoe races have at- tracted less attention. The preliminaries will take place Friday afternoon and the finals Saturday at 4:00 o'clock!. .Following is the list of events : Ca- noe singles- o yds., 300 yds., f4. mile; Canoe doubles-so yds, 300 yds., j mile, % mile; Swimming--under water. from dive, 30 yds., '% mile, V mile, tug of war; Diving--for distance, for form, running header; tub race; tilting con- test. SAfURDAY EVENING WILL BE REPLETE WITH )DVERSIONS Michigamua scalp-lifters in their war paint, members of Sphinx in their trop- ical garb, Druids in their mystic rai- ment, along with other campus societies, will brave the turbulent Huron on il- luminated floats, as a part of the enter- tainment of Saturday night. A power- ful searchlight will be flashed from float to float for the benefit of the onlookers. Ashore, the Mimes will present an ap- propriate skit, following which the Cos- mopolitan club will assume the role of entertainers for half an hour or more. The performances will be best viewed by those in canoes; the best decorated of which will be awarded a silver cup. The festive crowd will he serenaded at in- tervals by the university mandolin and glee club, and the band will play. maximum load shall be: For fifteen foot canoe-two persons. For sixteen foot canoes-three persons. For seven- teen foot canoes or larger-four per- sons. (.) Each canoe shall be equipped with at least two paddles. Qualifications for Membership flag: In order to fly a boatman's flag a mem- ber must: (i) i1e able to swim or sig- nify his intention to learn to swim with- in one year. (2) Be able -to handle a canoe under normal conditions. (3) Have received instructions in resuscita- tion of the apparently drawned. In order to fly a Yachtsman's flag a member must: (r) Be able to swim a hundred yards. (2) Be able to bring a large object to the surface from seven feet of water. (3) Be able to bring ashore an apparently drowned person. (4) ie able to demonstrate resuscita- tion of the apparently drowned. (5) Be a,le to leave from or enter a canoe without capsizing the same. (6) Be able to handle a canoe under unusual conditions. (7) The above six require- ments must be demonstrated to the sat- isfaction of the examining conlmittee. Examinations will be held for every ten applicants at hours to be arranged. The University Health service has made a test of the two springs near the Michigan Central bridge. The spring on the right bank known as Beechnut spring is badly contaminat'ed and stu- dents are advised not to use it. The other spring on the opposite side is found pure and fit to drink. All the snags, fences, and other ob- structions will be removed from the riv- er before the time of the regatta. If a dyed-in-the-wool Englishman of the deepest hue were to stroll up the banks of the Huron, aSturday after- noon, the scene that would meet his monocled stare would not be a marked- ly foreign one. In explanation of this startling state- ment. it is quoted from the lips of a De- troit Boat Club fan that the University of Michigan Union Boat Club course resembles closely the one on the Thames where the Henley Regatta, that classic of all shell competition is held. In the arc of a great curve like a sec- tion of a -Greek theatre, the green hill- sides will -be broken by the banks of spectators. The feminine element trick- ed out in all the coquettish finery of their sex, and the young campus swains with newly purchased straw hats, blue Norfolk coats, and ice cream trousers will vie with their anglo-saxon brethren across the big pond in correctness of at- tire. A fine education in water sports you say in sarcastic mood. But what if the young collegian is better pleased to watch than to participate? Surely we at Michigan are doing a noble work if we aid the movement towards the in- jection of a few college bred men into the ranks of the porch commodores of our metropolitan yacht clubs. I- ,, i MICHICAN UNION BOAT CLUB ANNU AL RE G A ran A A N D W A T E R TWO GREAT DAYS OF JOY! C A R N I V A L CO U'N T L E SS ATTR A CTION S FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAY 29th and 30th HURON RIVER Aquatic Sports, Regatta Carnival. FERRY FIELD M. A. C. vs. MICHICAN (Two Cames) SLEEPY HOLLOW Cap Night Special Attraction:- Wright Saxaphoue Trio party at Armory, Friday May,29th, Auspices of the Boat Club. Tickets $2.00 now on sale, Informal.