THE MICHIUAN D.AIL; -- 'T'he o tI - e ..w w° .°d° 4 "" '+ Ini It reectsWh Lndonthinks about fashions for youi -what Paris thinks ~ lwhat hicagothiks~ Aidotof althese opinons, with the fol-de-rols el- irnated, cm AT ' t eics Seusibly - Dressed Americans Prefer. ' i'rls t~le'weare nowy ;reac ,to:.shiop yur Imperial iFats; Deimel Linen, M1 est tUnderwear r o d e n~' hin J t o 4 l .r VPi Duck and Flannel Trousig Season 11M4-Now 0on tdi spla~y TINK A''Company. {k~ THISI 1EIervhiugnnewrenrSridg for your Overcoats Svi%~ E TwIRE pin ahfan i._ _ ;, ', -._ , , ;:~<: * Clothtekrs ai r Y _ . .' s hACRS~ I IOSIERX _ WINDSOQR TIES_. - "iI ULANURE9 & SEYFRIED-11 ~113 E. Liberty "t, (A,,lA G O Cwm4e9ani'T7' .Ye~i *ii thd~ost8e elciu C ins au I\ r rctnIlishs * .o, Cgt FZf 'ow~saa/ tt Pam:ndFerns for Deoraing I flue TO "PE" ) ~IRA~ antuse t gIoPc gh~s tor~aenVw~ ours be~ re $11ct .... . y 1 111 -absolutely .....h . hpit y u sh r dayv4 dte fl ph Illt Iaed St UNDERWEAR d ,t1 . nean.trunfthsuernan. Mii 3IIK G4OVS wshi to e!kthe,jxiuhls n"thue~rnh Chi sey ar 1ksgld man as oened reminer of teT1 pj6 ' tGff g to enter mustsday their Kjo1 corisrtwo hoiw~- 1Wse ax- nhepeiacarda~s on til useh P~jieut he unUFr 1'iftIAN All'- 1 '01 AnrJfuf ZVI_ ...has bee+ Doe t ,1'- V ia ms rydJaid ocrigtef R."e e, y -y 1 vofl.Dlly,~i~, was7business managereof The i4kigold, ISM, a l noey of, eme o h LatRewm s co1 neg of the h l bs 0 r 0idelrgaeniy ve~l a Woeniteetennglyig athan somef hpS C . n190191 al ta ' hefil dyceebai ~ ~ 1em t t r ief~rI DIALERImanh4Was t plaeon Ple l Thhte b a raisZa~~d Frshad at easP tira fn n Tisgmew rtem anmdero te$Dtoi$ o'erI~L1 th ~con er~ctthcrery eWilbj foow' ibfIn!-I ' Pp~, ~j.PULRY~c n wl ~befn 'ropty-at-.2: or t~ r~uingyer:Prs. wil3R. isapls ~ promp~lyat 7:QO o'clock.:1,§tno'clnocek.' ~ ~ 1~kt annDepritoT I sho te ewTaran ItOl~eVauevll' ntrtan-- io ~ti~ lday th s yerNilt AR OLD Q 0# 1.. - elec ofthe ti~etpublcatons oringe, thecd l wifith tbQ W(RUTSCH(A a at T reashyt ri~yoI ica 230oCl;ck to-hefdptEU~f~aS nteSaim -- - -Newbe-yyhallbetwen 8:00a~ 4:0 o art thceefit handscoedn aw ht er asasmkesmebttr hn h 'Inm'd'tiocgrnngar'6 _ per mnceof te yer. -ih otein Vth silpE co0I d nAeiA Theprood hic oacoi pai St. ue-r Inr n2te ,frst inin and wi e eALLEoN1 SELS O 4 C asOTv-. Tefehmn1na sflo - edeanei~e aths. Ibalr uisat$0.0la ern ae and The soe:icu, no LOST skand glS obwailst Meat th- etrit-~4 4- 9 t 6 VANTED~-~'ATo ol, els iall cottag fur-owing oWus June 20 to Sept. !uPreferablyinea ~on'236..16tR. AVIARYtc, ?frittheeecuinbyear FOR~lolI SiFcPsdnesialefr--~rdso ube ee he n xfraeiaeo eb - U T~l~lllltiilctr ta asmd asecat o hs lsso o2wa Fraternity or Siorority. In perfect f ,r the past ten years (originators .1 the thin leather toe splice). I have condition. Terms reasonable. 'En-tJ~ sold the Inhere lotthe past eight years and have the exclusive sale lorAwn Quire 302 So iiion. St,. 165-6-7-8 Arbor. NOTHING BETEiRE RID ESS Oh PRICG. G__- et ourl prices ad-- er s"on P A V - FOR RENT-I am desirous of renting VICTROLAS-MANDOLIN&A-QU~ITAS-VIOLINS.1 my hoime which will accobmmodate ^+ T TT" 25) students to a bous&'(ub, frater- ' R 4 nity or sorority. Mrs. F. J. Chap- 120-2122 E. Liberty St. ei n 4 6 1 atLbrySt 'man, 311 Thompson St. tf - Phone t SOM-E-T , We'ares the First to sultings. shades Come in a MAX P. K Vars~ity Tailor I~, f 4 Standiskh-a New for Summer A-n ultra smart style which correctly ex- presses the fashion !VfIor25c C12(JETT, PhEABTODY &'CO~, INC. 1-faikerf, I~M7tdYt37T. OPPi :