e St SbR LZs { Cards Now FOR.I Plate aid -x.00Cars Plate ifrfi 100 Cards Y 'vF I s # old Elt lflh $2.75 dlate and 100 Cards . , 'shaded old English in the city to seet from The above are the three most a popular styles. aPIa~e your ord'r rnow at j&Y A2 WIJI &T NI'A I MRTR5Y UNITPED LINES____ ic rs or etr oit 5:o a. 606am.,nl A 6& rm. ; , lL bro-pnIna an 0:45P'Oq1 Pt1t1yit, 12:6wpinr~e t~ Reas~fr our s t o 5 U . o a'o 9 z " iK 0UX STrJ& psNM<. 12 idN FAe:,MEW:AT CA, GON, OK W rc ~ ~wumThV f~4 ,THEI (CHIGAN fDAILI. Official nei atvper:t h i"3st fMc an.. Publtsid y yt~ntge cep M T)P ay during the university g'ear. IO RS! - -Entered at the...postoffice -at. Ann. -Arbo 'Mi~!fltan iinder Act of Congress of Marc~h 1879. Offics Arnn Arbor !Press -Building. -Su .n ~scription 'price: by carrier, $_.5o; by ma'- $3.oo. want A\d. Stations: Press Building f NLsurice Toulme....... Managing Editor Ada J ltsn-... y. tiess 1 anger' H. Rac1jO~ne .'Nw Eio Fred Fou k ' . ssant toEitor F. M. Church............... Sports Editor IAVI1 N19 tEdor--Pal . Thompson. Co airf4. seniment, is rected by the Mtichi1gan1ii tl~r.file aihlc tassocia- t ion, the womoPi'yIakne and the stir- dent council forbids rote pledging and vote solIici in -riitte lfdptbi di.oifiboti'glltctos of the candidates is encouraged. Discnss1ii 1 edft1ataiotii'' WHICH WILL YOU HAVE? tricks of a dirty gaeThymkfo our ward bosses, our vote swapping, sheep-herding and badgering. ,The care for the health of the oitca alon. Th pubic nd its interests ,be hanged!, The cdeserving nmai-and h is usually not a "pea, nit"--is the s1ac- rifice to this foul system. For the~ past three years, th~ere has t een a well directedi campus opinion against the button-holiingcrowd. Ther h~as beeif an attempt to encourage in- dividual thought and action ,at thieex- pense of the power. of the old boss. TJhe elections have been smaler th~an in the past, but whoistthtdeno prefer quality to qtuantity? The man who do'es not care enough for the op- portunities, of. sufrage to vote, had better be let alone,he is doing th~e corn7 Triunity a bigger service by remaining away fromn the polls than by' casting an ignorant vote, at tho instigation of c schemning boss. W~hich will you. have? GOAOV! GROWV! GROWV! 2 "'Give upslide back into tho meth- ods of the past",,sas~,Mr. Peanut,~"for you4r newyer systemi does nnqt prohibit and it is so different from the coinb- m~unity methopds of theg outsie world." To whbich there, ,is o~nly onte answer. against 'peanut" politics ,has not. pro-,II hibited._ Public opinionlhq~s not pro- hibited crime rior theft, eith~er. Shall DON'T DEL.AY; ORDER THEM NOW: VISITING CADS-' Has it ever occurred to the critics of;te'no- l2e'd-ng s~ratern, that the uniesitessh utad blsening out men with bet'ter and higb'1er' idekas of citizen- ship? The business of the university lw flof lso much~ to* reIIect the ,practical life of the, outsid'e worldag it is to present to that Nworld a2 mirror, that is cleaner, purer and frier than has ever, been dreamed of. The 'old m i'ht go. 'The campy:i Will CAMPTISMILES' In definer B1rust, sind define Selhicisal's 'Sterne.-Scller. i-More than 340Oprescriptions have beQn filled by the university health seF- Nyice pharmacy sp. far this year. -Item.in yesterday'~s Dally. The Sob of the Pestle Punsher I ,went ray~ way, at the close of day, (ly heart was filled with, hope) Tq get a, sob fromn the- guy whose job~ Vya~s, tmyixipg pharmie, dope. He pulled his franie front, ou, atick Of capulesills, and tub~es; "I snakle the pills,.that cure th~e ills Of a thousand hal1f sik.boobs. "There's them that comie, with corns and itch, -, . And stick around beside uss; There's them that quake with stonhach And groatn 'Apperdicitis I' 10; ards with plate $1:0 o,3.5 10card!s from your- phi c m Alliwork guarantee State Stl WiA H an UNIVERSITY 19OSORPS Guaranteed Tailoring at $1t?.5O Y'ou pick your fabric; choose your style; then I will make it to your measur e - - thatm n4 Individuality.' No &60jei way of clothlesgpetting i~ s t, leible as Tailoring. . 5.We offer the greatest, cloth variety: make ex'- actly a's you!wish andi as qickly'.-as you say; and it's g'uaranteed tailoring. White' flannel and serge trousers $6.oo and up. We will half hine these truers withoput extra charge to you. 2, 2 2 J~' - 2,2.1 V 2,,/ < t ~' 22 E. C. FLAND~ERS ' 2~ 2 Poulr rce ,Tilr209. E.LIBETY SRE fe Tatbest ~21V ,.. ;at the S. P-1, 6ios end-orfer Mar ket 9 2014E." Jshtugteu 3t. . 2~~ S' all our laws be abrogated and shall we Blms T1 return to a state of savag~ery, because J 0 ) vj inow and then .there are spora~dic :cases nlliL uMemorial, Budding, Souvenir ,,Spoons of crimpe? t ' 'As a IIt is also' tu that the non-cam- nations Ann '*iiAjrbor Scj irrel Spoons paigini system .is d'ifferent from the laded 0 Sel 10 q 1. Speolt ethods of "the outside acid mre rwomen i pn4 Npractical world." It is as. it shoul]d be. over hi '222 ,r Peanut adits tha.t}4the univer~sity Does FieWtch Wd 4Jei iry Raf~ig s performing th'e mo s ssntial func- Clare tl ~ me 9?tion of a state supported in-titution, fallr t e Wel y. (62the training, of better' itizensifor a bet- A.1 fit ,,< Phne 34 tae S. Jwelr* 306 . Sale5t ter .citiz enship. !What, more can be Phoe 34 Stae,~ ~wer ~ S.wished for? It is nost eneouraging to Do n - '. ,2 " '' 'learn that the university public is lead- have 01 in- suc a reform~. James iBryce,t44,migiht stern. but juist critic ofT the Amnerican il r com-monwealth, bas jpointed out, to the Sh rts & Neckwear satisfaction of the x-world, .a inDitncie. Ci riialTreatments ternof mn incipalgovernm~ent is pitb. shake __________fully weak, th~e weakest link, in the en- _ 24 2~ -- - tire chain. Our city governments areWANT t EN GL V G RAINCOATSQverrun with bossism, uih rftad yours 3_____ official ,incompetency,. because the schoc SA° Cbr±PIe Showing of Accesseic- to eMn~s Weair, Including "eau"pltc sprm.ih Moskt Recen~t ItiottiAh2 S :There Iar Mi fA1 B4JIL}#N r llTi ITis - w~hy we have been sell WVeyman Mandolutes, Mandolins, . .he famous Weymann Mandolutes - 'uitars, and their accessories at~i ry ~d_'"rtin Guitars sold at Schaeberl . usir _Houke, Mainsit tf SILt. urhts> l2i 212 l at from1$3.00 to'nreS:,. -. ._J ea ~z.PosLd- rangf and dance nti 20 oindO - o enta ug% au ' um, dnesday, i sday, or Fri a - bea e ;;u.50 e.Slr The Store for Young SAVE YOUR WATCH-Watches' 'and expe n g~rnte'd. 'A R mnmediately to Haller Jewelry Coy, for examination and repairs. '" zALR-icycem g STREET VANTED-Furnished house for cI M -Al 15-- of 10 or 12. Must be, modern "l: "C.. }) ,ilrL~tce.::_..._'- ' L:. T - 1} '2, pit.in . 2 ,Gu ti , 155-6-7 after June Ist. Phione 2382. Ann Arbor Steam 2 ok Experts Wok All W2ork C9eranteed Phone 628 We Call and Deliver 1 2' ~ 2'22 t 2-K V 2'K''M r ss-. M . M2 22' 2', :tiv tuatc 1b9uc. . Rot "Here is order for three niore Style A Up~righit Pianos. Of Vthe pianos thae fyo a' ertlie oncert Grand Sis scprb- winig friends fo our Conservutory constantly. Thepossessinofi£ ,Pequipe' ofipufexcellent Ba-- nos b e Wa slittninsign raitpart n te Success tot our dasart rt. ,;. SI_ i T _T1 4 T PACK PHIOTOGR.