.THEB LICHIQAN fDAILY. Now On Display' ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND COLORINS FOR SPRING The Largest Line of Woolen. In the city to select from T ' i e, I SENIORS, Order Your Visiting Cards Now P late and 100 Cards Script $1.50 Plate and 100 Cards old English $2.75 _i I I i STHE . 'UCI-HIGAN DAIL Y Official newspaper at .he University of Mich igan. Publishedi every morning except Mon day during the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbo- Michigan under Act of Congress of March - 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Su scrip tion price: by carrier, $2.5o; by niai $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: Press Buildiiig. Quarry's Pharmacy ; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 96o and 2414. MAsurice Toulme......... Managing Editor Adna Johnson...........Business Manager H. Beach Carpenter....... .N'ews Editor Fred Foulk ............Assistant to Editor F. M. Church...............Sports Editor WEDNE SDAY, MAY 20, 1914. Night Hditor--Leo N. Burnett. IPlate and 100 Cards shaded old English $3.00 The above are the three most popular styles. Place your order now at TYPE WRITERS N'ew, reoujit,.and second- 1,and,1 For Sale, $10.00 up . For Rent, $2.00 up 3 mos , $5.00 CAMPUSMI LES In definer Brust Sind dene Ciliieksall's Sterne.--Scliller. EDITORI AL. It is seldom that the editor of this counbecomes serious. It is seldom columndishi e it tecasi tat hedriptiismpendintoshe cauvtic aains h ofcritics aig, and asesbey agth ay.nstthe eomesnstandfible of th Bthehlf feeremeshethuatn~ SENIOR DON'T DELAY; ORDER THEM NOW VISITING CARDS loo0 100 cards with plate $1.50 to $3.50 cards from your plate 90c All work guaranteed State Stl WAH R3 SMain St. UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES On ll. WILD CO. Leading Merchant Tailors ETROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE dted and Express Cars for Detrot-y zo m. and hourly to 6 : i ep. in., 'ala 8 : io in. alCars for Detroit-5:46 a. in., 6 :x6 a. in.,t id eery two houirs to 6-.o6 p. in., 7:06 p. .8:06 p. in., 9:i0 p. in., and [o:45 p. m, Ypsilanti only: 7:46 a. m., 8:20 a.m,, 11:06' mn., 5:06 p. in., 11:15p. mn., 12:15 p.mi.. 12:34 in., 1:00 a. M. ited Cars for Jackson-7;:46 a a. i.*ad eery two hours to 7:46 p.,in. RI Cars for Jackso-S:12 a. m., 6:51 a. m.,, 4d every two hours to 6:5x p. in., also 9:20 in., 11I: IS p. in. STUDENTS' BooKSmTolRE "PROFESSOR."1 A "professor" is a polyglot. He is a learned scientist--or a whip-cracker in a one ring circus. He is a dignified scholar-or a curb stone vendor of pat- ent medicines. He. Is a leader of the1 age--or a bumptious pounder of the1 side -show piano. He is a magnificent dreamer-or an end man in black-face comedy. He is a apoleon of Ideas- or a fiddler at a country side shuffle. L; mmm ---- - --_- - f ...r._ -- _._. . .._ COX SONS & VINING 12 Minn Ave., NEW YORK MA&KERS Off CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS LFor All Dog reom I~aay be Ordered from MACK & CO. I li i i, jl 1 I' v-~ i Hats Drop in and see Straw Our~ ood. '5. He is an idealist, the minister of a!-------------------- or humorist, when he must voiceA an coming generation-or a dancing mas-I honest opinion on vital matters. The ter. time for the Smiler to speak is here. Everyone is a "professor" in Ameni-" The education of this nation is on the ca. None is too high and none too low, 'downward path. Prominent educators to enter. have, for years, voiced this opinion, -- btut it took no root in the adolescent "YES, YES, GO ON." minds of the people at large. But now, The women of the university are we, at Michigan have conclusive evi- coming into their own. It is time, and deuce that these words have great im- the Michigan public will not be slow port. Our educational 'curriculum is in its appreciation, nor stingy with its' weak, and is wobbling on its last legs. applause. Our greatest failing came' to light on Thursday marks a new epoch in Monday afternoon. Sisler failed to get women's activity in this none too con- }a. hit. genial atmosphere of coeducation. But 1-0 Michigan is learning, and the presenta- CCOXEY'S ARMY tion of the Jeanne d'Arc pageant will HAS DESERTED. startle the complacency and indiffer- --Headline. ence of many and many a doubting and And we don't blame him in the least. reluctant Thomas. It has been but --o--- lately that the women of the univer- :1ll of Which TCakes Up Spae 1 Guaranteed Tailoring at $17.50 You pick your fabric; choose Sour st3 le; then I will make it, to your mneasture - that meanis Individuality. No other way of clothes getting is as flexible as 'tailoring. We offer the greatest cloth variety: mnake ex- actly as you wish and as quickly as you say ; anid it's guaranteed tailoring. White flannel and serge trousers $6.oo and up. We willihalf 'line these trousers without extra charge to you,. E. C. FLANDERS Popular Priced Tailor 209 E. LIBERTY STREET YOU CAN BUY! The best Meats, Poultry and Fish at the S. P. Si'es en dorfte r 'Marke t 201 E. Washington St. S TRAW! We';ve all the, g4 styles Ann Arbor Savings Bank Stock $300,000 Surplus $1o0,oo Resources $3,000,000 neral Banking Business Transacted Chas. F_. Hiscock, Pres., WV. D. Hiar- ,, VicePres., Mv. J. Fritz, Cashier "Z. PANAMAS ATI .',=- l I f ALT r .wO31W1,Iit !EkR > "I a r 'l Canoe Tip LET US PREPARE YOUR LUNCH FOR THAT UP-RIVER TRIP V 'Io ell us what you want--We'll have It ready when; you want it. 1111 Memorial Buildiiig Souvenir Spoons sits nave received even courteous rec- ognition from the general public. Their development has been slow, but it has been healthy, and today they are found undertaking a gigantic task, equal to anything that is dared by the sterner sex. They are found staging a pageant that calls for four hundred players and the expenditure of several thousands Little pigs are whirligigs, Little fish are bad. H-umorists are pessimists, And always sad. Wise indeed is the man who goes up the river in a canoe' and refrains ;from crackin-- that trite, trite thing: And of dollars. The elaborate production will be presented on Ferry field wvhere thousands of spectators can be accom- modated with the,- greatest ease and convenience. I now we'll hug the shore. -0- The M. L.'s got a rainbow tie, The sporting ed. wears yellow shoes. The Smiler smiles while making wiles, And gets the blues. T HE pleasures of using a superior article are found if you try this DISTIL LE'D IMP RTED BAYVRUM at Ann Arbor Squirrel Spoons U. of M. Seal Spoons; $1.25 Special Michigan pins, Seals and Novelties Fin~e Watch and Jewety_ Repairing Truly, the women have come into their own. There is nothing small about this pageant. "Yes, yes, go on?" Fresh INet Men Victors Over Juniors Freshmen took the third match of the interclass tennis series, 4 to 1, from the juniors yesterday afternoon. Pan won the sole match for the juniors in two love sets, against Kennington. Two uncompleted matches, one singles and one doubles, went to the freshme'n by default.' The result follows: Pan vs. Kennington, 6-0, 6-0; Hart vs. Crane, 6-1, 6-2; Bradbee~r vs. Ettin- ger, 6-4, 6-4; Grylls vs. Reindel by default, 6-3, 3-6 (default) ; Barthel and Hart vs. Pan and Ettinger, 6-1, 4--6, 4-2 (default). The freshmen play the sophomores today. Two Interclass Diantond Clashes Today The following two games are sched- uled for play this afternoon in the in- terclass' baseball series: junior laws vs. all-homeops, and senior engineers vs. junior engineers. Hailer Jewelry Co. State St. Jewelers 306 S. State St. -0- What's in a name-after dark? -0- The springtime anomaly: Paddle your own canoe. --- Our )Mid-Summer Minstrels. Notice: Theatre dark this week, -0- From Our Gargoyle Correspondtent' Syracuse Coach: You've got 'some catcher, I hear. Lundgren: Yep, he's a regular Baer. -Naturally, having been tutored by an ex-Cub. ALLEN SELLS GOOD CLOTHING. SPITING AND SUIMMER STYLES. Suits at $10.00-All Wool. Suits at $15.00-All Wool, Hand Tai- lored. Suits at $20.00-Adlers' Make and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tomn Work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. ti' I Equip Your Canloe with KAPOX Cushions Leatherette covered and stuff- ed with a material which is soft and yielding, yet of such a nature that arosingle cushion will support 20 pounds of di- rect gravitation downward in the water for 24 hours. PRICE $1.25 R. I). Ktnne S W. Clarkson Harrison Soule, Presidenut Cashier V. President FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ann Arbor, Mich, Capital $,xoo,ooo. Surplus and Profits, $65,000 Quarry [Dru' Co.' The Druggists on the Corner P Phone 534 I I For Sale--A Bargain ii This 8 Room House ixy Yotzr corLklirv pen At Jv en ren 'harm y G, F!,. WA IiI" TEiIN Ann Arbor steam Dye Works Experts Cleaners and Dyers OSTRICH Feathers a Specialty All Work Guaranteed Phone 628 We Call and Deliver I I '(fnivexsftv ,11usfc ios Mrs. M. M. Root PRmSS BUILDINoG MAYNARD ST,, Evcery modern convenience ; street being paved. line. Sleeping porch. Reason for selling, leaving abundance of shrubbery. Near car city. An Terms-Small cash payment down, balance in monthly install- ments. Inquire 905j Church St. Phone qi2-M. A.sB.1 HASEPIANOS "MHere is order for three more Style A Upright Piano. (f the pianos pucc hasedf of you last year.the Concert Grand is superb-. winning friends for our Conservatory cpnstantly. Tihe possession of ,a full equipitmeut of your excellent pianos here has had nio in.significant part in the Succes$ of our dasartiment. HARI E G. IILEI N I hrector Dept. of .Musc, Cot College'Ccedar Rapids, Iuwa SI HUSTON I for Pack's Pi teful artsltlc ,but you will ty in tham" RANDALL & PACK, PROA(,lTVGR API. a