- I . _______________________________________________ _________________________________________ -. 1 ; x 2 for 251, THE KN SPW3133T'LE EARL & WILSON+ !Rakers of TROY'S BEST PRODIUCT A. MARQUARDT SCuits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Cor, Main and liRon --- Over farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. .. r Scarf slide space and lock front ti6B0iiioiiars I o zdes MWi UNITED SHIFT & COLLAR CO. T HUGHITT FAILS TAKE JAUNT ROY o, EAST er 'Nott For I (ihe Up Baseball in Orde Rtisk Tieing Ineligible Football in Fal r 116. FI Walk-Over Shoes Walk to Main St. and save a dollar W ILL YOUT Walk? 1 Make Us d4L K -."'T/ Prove OJVE ~it Rubber Sole Leather Tip Oxfords our Price SPECIAL ' EQUIPMENT FOR GAS COOKING For Fraternity and Club Hiouses Increases Cleanliness and Efficiency. Telephone for our Representative to call andI give you expert advice for your Kitchen Equip- uient.' Washtenaw Gas Comp~any SISIRI ILLPLAYON N11LII Yesterday's play in the interclass _ILB WL LA N NIL baseball series eliminated the senior' ""Pomy" lughttVarsty tirdlits and the fresh dents, the former "Tomy" ughit, arsiy tirdfailing to appear, forfeited to the jun- baseman, did not go east with the Wol- for engineers, while the latter were de- verne nine. Although lhaving the con- feated in their second game with the sent of the faculty of the engineering senior laws by a~ 7 to 4 score. The departmentI, who passel favorablY up- soph fits made it one apiece ill their on his eligibility, Hlugh itt decided at series with the fresh medics by win- the last moment that he would rather ning a 15 to 4 contest. not risk being ineligible for football The junior law-homeop game, sched- next' fall, and gave tip the baseball used for today, has been postponed un-I trip. til tomorrow. There will be no games As a result the veteran infield will this afternoon. be broken up, Howard being shifted to - -________ 11l uhil t's station on third anfd Captain LOST-Canadian-quarter pin engraved Sisler appearing on the initial sack. with initials A. 0. C. Finder Please Tphese men have both played these po- leave at Daily office. sitions, filling in last year in several- grameCs owing to injuries to other mem- LOST-Friday p. mn. medium sized be'rs otf the squad. When Sisler pitch- cameo prized as keepsake. Reward. es, 1-oward will be at first, and Waltz, Return to Mrs. H. R. Holmes, 1014 taken east in place' of Hughitt, will Cornwall Place. Phone 2475-M. pathr.[uht'abecfrmthe team will mean that Labadie and LOST-A lady's watch with monogram Benton will both play regularly in A. L. M. on Ferry field Saturday. Re- the outfield. ward. Phone 637. Athletic Director P. 0. Ba telme will- ------ - leave tonight for the eoast, joining the LOST-The person who took the rain Michiigan team at-Cornell.. Mr. Bar- coat from the medical building the telme will arrange for next year's east- other day, was seen when he took the ern dates while there, and it is under- old'one he left in its place. If he does stood that he will also sound out the not return the coat soon, his name eastern authorities on the question of will be given to the police. summer baseball, which will come up'_________________ before the board of control at the FOR RENT-Apartment in the Cutting meeting shortly after the return of the after June 1st. Phone 2382. baseball team. ----- - FOR SALE-Oliver typewriter, new 11USIC AND) DRAMA style, printype. Price is very low. --- Cash or payments. Mack & Co. "I)ax-it Copperfield." - - -- -- A mnoving picture production of Dick- The home of Rexall Remedies. Ed- ens' masterpiece, "David Copperfield," sill's Rexall Drug Store. 122 South will be the attraction at the Majestic Main St. Tue-Fri theatre for the first three days of this week. The dramatization follows The famous Weymann Mandolutes closely the thread of the story. It tells and Martin Guitars sold at Schaeberle how David Copperfield, shortly after & Sons Music House, Main St. tf the death of his beloved father, be--___________ comes aware of the attention of one ALLEN SELLS GOOD CLOTHING~. Mr. Murdock to his mother. His dis- SPRING AN I SUMMER S'TYLES$ pleasure at such attention is markedly- Suits at $10.00-All Wool. evidenced and as a result, he is dis- Suits at $15.00-All Wool, Hand Tai- patched on a visit to his Aunt Peg- lored. goty's house in Yarmouth. The story Suits at $20.00-Adlers' Make and goes on to describe David's rise to Style. fame and fortune. Three perform- Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Gus- ances of "David Copperfield" are giv- tom Work. en daily, at 3:00, 7:00 and 9:00 o'clock ALLENS8 OOD CLOTHES STORE, resp~ecti vely. Main Street. tf The Worlds Famous Artists appear in our city THIS WEEK Should you not be able to hear them we can supply you with VICTOR RECORDS & VICTROLA so that you can listen to them any time at home. GRINNELL BROS. 120-122 E. Liberty St. Phone 1707 F-. LARD'S SHOE REPAIR SHOP The Shop on the way down town. 214 East Washington Street G~Orge Bischofi Florist 220 Chapin Sreet Phone (hoice curt ffowcrs anid plants. f 809L