THU MICHIG,&N DAILY. .0 0 i!i ; i! SPRING CLOTHES Best Cure for that "Spring Fever" is a iI LYNDON'S , KOflAKS, I WHITNEY FILMS, Amateur finishing .719 N University Ave.I MALCOLM Tailored Suit ! I OBBY FABRICS. SNAPPY STYLES PERFECT FIT SHIRTS TO ORDER ALSO . K. MALCOLM, 604 E. Liberty ~oyI ailored S its. $18, $20, $22 ana $25 mean a positive saving to you of $5 to $io and no one can give you any better fit, workman- ship or style. Our tailoring business has increased nearly this season over last season. There good reason. 5090 is a a jonal g co. CampusBootery Opp. Hutol' s Agents for ROYAL TAILOR S The Sugear Bowl Conafectionery We have the best assortment of Choco1t s and Bos. Bofa' All kinds of fesmny Ice Creams for Partiea Try our Friut Sunda.s after the Theatre MANY EVENTS TO ASSIST REGATTA Cups Have Been Donated by various Soeeties and Business Men For Best Moat ACTIiAl CONSTRUCTION BEGINS A Wright saxophone party has been arranged by the Union Boat club fV the Friday night of the regatta, May 29, at the new armory. This, in add. tion to parties to be given by frater- nities in connection with house par- ties, is part of the entertainment plan- ned for the large number of out-o5 town guests which are expected. The dance will be held immediately after the Cap night festivities. Cups have been donated by various campus societies and local business men, and will be awarded to the best' decorated float, best society float, best decorated canoe, and the most success- ful refreshment booth, best all-around- diver, best all-around swimmer, best singles canoe, best doubles canoe team, high est individual winner. Bron'e medals for first, and ribbons for sec- onds will be given in each of the swim- ming, diving, and canoe events. Win- ners in the novelty events will receive ribbons. The novelty events are expected to attract a good deal of interest and af- ford considerable amusement for the spectators. Two men teams will try to nupset one another by means of long lances in the titling contest. If enough men turn out, a water polo game will be run off. By last night, ten men had signed up for this event. In the tub races, the contestants will use canoe paddles with which to urge their un- wieldy craft forward. In the tug of war, one man will paddle while the other holds the rope in an effort to pull a similarly equipped canoe across the lhuron. Actual work on the construction of diving boards, entertainers' stage, and judges' stand was begun yesterday by a squad of men under the direction of \Vestcott Smith, '15E. *FOR SALE-One half interest in the typewriting business of Zewadski and Evanson. For particulars in- quire at office 310 So. State street upstairs. 159-60 POR SALE-Oliver typewriter, new style, printype. Price is very low. Cash or payments. Mack & Co. FOR SALE-American and English Encyclopedia of Law, 32 volumes. Second edition. Call 1876. 160-1-2 LOST-Carved signet, ring. Inscrip- tion inside band. Reward. N. J. Miller. 789-L. 161-2-3 ALLEN SELLS GOOD CLOTHING. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. Suits at $10.00-All Wool. Suits at $15.00-All Wool, Hand Tai- ored. Suits at $20.00-Adlers' Make and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Fint Cus, torn Work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. t Victor Recrds of the May Festival Artists at Grinnell Bros. 120 and 122 E. Liberty St. 158 ORPHEUM Watch thiusSpace Friday, May 15 Carl Williams in THE MISCHIEF MAKER Saturday, May 16 Ethel Story in THE HELPING SISTER Matinee K Days 2C tO GARRICK on.May ii Nightis25yetW$ Weber & Fields in HOKEY POKEY AGGIES TO FACE FERGUSON TODAY Tonugster Is Coach Lundgrei's Choiee to Start Against Farmers at Lansing II SATURDAY MAY 16 Matinee and Night Pabst Milwaukee German Theatre Co. Direction-Conrad Bolten PRESENTING IN GERMAN COM TE S SE COMEDY IN 3 ACTS Now On Tour to Enormous Business--- Great Success. NOTE-Entire Perform- ance to be given in German. Benefit of Educational: Fund ofI German Societies. Prices-t.oo75-50-25 SEATS NOW SELLING i There is a shtop, Proprietor "Pop,;~ Serves things to eat Both good and sweet Will tteat. you right Morn, noon and night "POP"! BANCROFT 722 Monroc Cigars, igarettes. Tobacco Stationary. Candy, Magazines etc, WHITNEY One Night Oly MON, MAY 18th Harrison Croy Fiske Presents =MRS. AND THE MANHATTAN COMPANY IN j Mrs Bumptead- leigh AN AMERICAN COMEDY BY HARRY JAMES SMITH I STUDENTS Seats Thur-50c to $2.00 i 2 Get to Know f OUTFIELD LINEUP, IK SIFTED) R AYL'S in Detroit for' Ma, xStreet kUBBER SOLE OXFORDS FOR LADIES AND GENTS a black and tan calfskin, low broad heel s, nd tready soles. Prices $3.50 to $6.00 Our styles distinctly above the ordin a r y." ateSt Wahr's Shoe Stores MainSt. "Nettleton Shoes"' ;top, a t he Crest The New Pl a ce e Cream :: Candy Light Lunches We make our own candy 02 S. Main St. Near Liberty Nineteen strong, Michigan's invad- ing force departed last eveningaat 6:00 o'clock for the Farmer camp at Lan- sing where the Wolverines are sched- uled to mix in vital combat with the Aggie tossers this morning on the league diamond. As he stood on the platform at the Michigan Central station last night, waiting for the train which was to carry the invaders away on their cam- paign, Coach Lundgren announced his tentative plans of attack. Ferguson is the probable choice for mound work, with "Doc" Baribeau as the alternate. The lanky youngster has not been giv- en a chance for some time and the tu- tor is anxious to look him over as a probable prospect for the eastern trip. Baer will in all probability be seen in the backstop's post. There is apt to be an eruption in right field, according to Lundgren, with a chance that Benton will be der- ricked to make way for Labadie. La- badie would otherwise be out of a job, for Captain Sisler is due to make 'his appearance in left field where his un- seemly ability as a batter is apt to cone in handy against Dodge, the like- ly moundsman for the defending Ag- gies. The Wolverines were'- due to arrive in Lansing shortly before 8:00 o'clock last night. The game is scheduled for 10:00 this morning in order that the visitors will be able to catch the Wol- verine flyer at Jackson and get back to Ann Arbort in time for the Michigan- Syracuse track meet at 3:00 o'clock. Beautiful Philippine embroidered waist patterns, complete at reduced prices. Arts and Crafts shop, corner 5th and Liberty. 159-60-61 You cai rent one or fifty kodaks to- day at 10 cents each. Lyndon. Sat.-Sun' The musical people of Ann Arbor and vicinity who have investigated thoroughly, decide on the Victor Vic- trola as a means of transmitting their favorite selections. The best Artists in all lines. Grinnell Bros. easy payment plan will assist you to place one in your home. 120 and 122 E. Liberty St. Phone 1707. ATHLETICS, KODAKS9 CUTLERY, GUNS, FISHING^ TACKLE ETC. Michigan's Oldest Sporting Goods Store T.B. RAYL CO. Corner Congress & Woodward M HURON RIVER CONTESTS END IN TIED SCORE. (Continued from page 1) by brushing against the heavy rope. About 100 onlookers, who were perch- ed on an M. C. freight train, were un- ceremoniously swept away from the scene of battle to Dexter, when the train rolled out of the station before they could dismount. With the score a 1 to 1 tie, both un- derclasses will enter the relay races and pushball contest at 9:30 o'clock this morning on South Ferry field, with determination to win. Freshmen will fight to avenge the 5 to 0 whitewash handed to them last fall by the second year men, and the sophs will strive to uphold their record. Four points remain to be won this morning, 3 in the three obstacle races, and 1 in the pushball contest. Freshmen will meet at 8:00 o'clock this morning at the flag pole, and the. sophs will assemble at Tappan hall at the same time. Both classes will march to the field at 8:30 o'clock. Ar- thur Kohler, James Raynesford, and George Paterson will referee the events. 'Nothing but tennis shoes may be worn in this morning's contests. The famous Weymann Mandolutes and Martin Guitars sold at Schaeberle SURPRISE MAY BE SPRUNG AT {RANGE CLASH (Continued from page 1) Brewster, Price; Michigan-Fox, Plum- mer, Walters, Watt. 220 yard hurdles: Syracuse-Kings- ley, Mixer, Delling, Hamilton, Cham- berlain; Michigan-Armstrong, Smith, Larson, Cohn, Crumpacker, Klopfer. 220 yard dash: Syracuse-Bowser, Kingsley, Foertch, Pope, Rulison, Doh- ohue, Mixer; Michigan-Bond, Seward, Smith, Lapsley, Hughes. One mile relay: (Competitors to be chosen from entrants to the meet). 16 pound shot put: Syracuse-White, Street, Propst; Michigan-Kohler, Cochran, Phelps, Quail. High jump: Syracuse-Taylor, Wis- ner, Kortright, Curtis, Castle; Michi- gan-White, Perkins, Berray, Ham- mond, Zavitz. Pole vault: Syracuse-Wisner, Kort- right, Curtis, Grimes, Klein; Michigan -Cook, Cross, Chatfield. Broad jump: Syracuse-Kingsley, Nichols, Delling, Hamilton, Chamber- lain, Curtis, Crimes, Castle; Michigan -Ferris, Begaman, Cowing, Brown, Cohn, Hughes, Klopfer. 16 pound hammer throw: Syracuse --White, Street, Propst; Michigan- Kohler, Quail, Bastine.. 1 cripgt, .oman haded gothic haded Seniors Engraved Cards 100 Cards and Plate ten styles - $1.25 Plain Old English - - - - - $2.00 Shaded Old English - - d Roman $3.00 Plain French Script - Go-hi .-$2.00 Staded French Script d Gothic - - $2.25 Astor Text New - - Mourning Cards'additional per 100 ioo Cards from your Plate 75c Haler Jewelry Co. - 534 State St.Jewelry 306 S. St $2.00 $3.00 $2.o0 $3,00 $3.00 Phone Wte St. XHIBIT ENDS; DRAWS 17,000 IN TWO DAYS (Continued from page 1) most interest to many of the unin- iated. The model of the earth, built by John irey instructor in engineering me tanics, to show the advantage of the yroscopic compass over the magnet- was the cynosure of all eyes in the echanical department. The water irbines in this department also prov- d interesting. The glider of the Aero society, re- aired after its disastrous fall was on xhibition during the whole day. The arine and architectural exhibits were particular being a spot of interest. The civil engineers featured motion pictures and lectures again yesterday. The models of Camp Davis and that of a harbor drew forth many exclama- tions of delight and wonder from the onlookers. The railroad and good roads exhibit was packed to capacity during most of the day. The closing of the doors last night at ten o'clock marked the end of by far the best exhibit ever held, and ev- ery spectator Congratulates the suc- cessful engineers. See Grinnell Bros. space for Spe- A Well Made Suit is an importantfpart of being well-dressed- A good appearance is of course necessary, but perman- ent satisfaction can only be had when the garment is well iade. Our coatmakers are experts in their line and dothe work in our own shop. i & Sons Music House, Main St. tf WE ARE THE ONLY THE HOUSE WITH THE GOODS AND BEST SERVICE Michigan Pins-Fobs-Spoons-Pennants KODAK SUPPLIES Morse's and Cilbert's Candy WAGNEI (& importing Tailors CO State Street .1 by many, the naval tank incial ads: It piay interest you, tf I I opposite Engineering Arch 1 1 1 So' University Ave , ._. " n a . - - I by Min- Are Sure to Please SE .e '. . f' Studio: 319 Ea 1 a1 Y4 . I AE