7'}LE MICHIUAN DAILY Duk and Flannel Trousers,I { Tennis and Golf shirts all I'l Hiere's a EVERYTHING THAT IS NEW .._,v 'Tariff Tip Is shown here ready* for our choosing Fine English and Scotch Woolens wil be found this Spring, for the first time, in the medium as well as higher priced Stein.Bloch Smart Clothes. The -new Tariff makes this possible. Closeness to the foreign markets makes the Stein-Bloch showing most compre- hensive. Why not take the tip? Balmacaans in all the tew colors. Lindensch idt, Apfel &CO* Clotie~rs and Furalshers Straw Hats Season 1914---Now on display TIKER & Company Cor. State and William Sts. THE NEW BALMACA N SLIP-ON RAGLAN COATS The outer garment fad of the hour I 11 INN., GRIND semvesi weeksg umore M HOME light dry goods for the Sumnmer. Scarf slide space and lock fromt E C-. A6o-&ars II Before you. OOSIR INDSOR TIES EMBROIDFRIFES? UNDERWEAR SILK GLOVES at our store. Imo=S. PINNEY '(. CO. 614 L. 1Liberty $t. The Store Where a Dollar Does Its Duty 0/0,031 ,and h7Aaerca UNITED SHIRT-& COLLAR. CO. TROY N~.Y. m JwlyofQuality Good solid reasons why you should buy your jewelry from us will be found by looking through our line of fresh desirable goods- up to date in style and honest in I LI LADIES ! I DEREK & SEYFRIEDI 3 E. Liberty St, KING L01O mue Up and Try ; e's Chop Suey luqese and American Dishes. ,10 StreetiPhone 1244.-L See our beautiful New Spring Coats Skirts, Waists and Dresses Every 'dress in 'a class by itself SCHRDEN BROS, ]Phone i000 124 South Main wwwommimm ii -~ owers mies 41.H TRANSIT MARKET Wmn. LIND)EM AN DEALER IN resh and Salt Meats FOR SALE-Two May Festival tickets for Wednesday, Thursday or Satur- day night, 1st floor, 12th row. Call at 420 South 5tlh Ave or phone 1100- M. 156-9 FOR SALE --Mayi Fes tivatl tickets. Two seats fifth row first balcony. For Fri- day night. Two seats tenth row first balcony, single numbers. Phone 815-W. 156 FOR SAaE--Two May Festival] course tickets reserved. 'Telephone 937. 156 'WANTED-A man. to work in Spring- field, Ohio, on salary. Call 359-1M. 156-7-8 WA NTED---.An educated woman for vacation. $2.50 aindl transportation. ('all J- .156-7-8 L OST- \V( (dnsdlay night, gentleman's dancing" pump,, betwe:en llarbour gym niJrl AimniladCUlon sre ts.Finder please phone l 1JM.156 Note the prize ad in Tioppe's window. The new shutter for kodaks is find- ing many admirers: Call at 1loppe's an out rent ant old kodaik \when you can rent a 1:'A1" one at 11-1.op's for 10 -('nts. ALLEN SELL. S GOOD (CLOTHING. S1 ll-lN'GA NI)Si' IIAR STYLES. Snits at $10t.00---Allt Wo(-ol. Suits at $15.00--All Wool, Hand Tai- lor-ed. Suits at $20.00---- Adlers' Make and Style.. Suits at $25.00----Equal to Finest Cus- tom Work.. ALLEN'S GOOD) CLO)TRES STrORE, Main. treet. tf FOR SAL.E-A 16-ft.canoo in good con- dition. Call 1058-M after 7:00 P. M. U7NIVERSITY NOTICES CAMPITSMILES Juedge a man's sterling qualil lies by the small enemies he has. -Calhoun. Many a student sobs his tale, M~ost blatant is his springtime wail, Of overwork and torpid liver;- He swears he'll work all Sunday night, To set his studies all aright,- And then goes up the river! -o- To the wise lad who bet on his chances of making Phi Beta Kappa, a miss is as good as a meal. -0-' C. W. POST COMMITS SUICIDE IN HOTEL. --Headline. The real road to Wellville. -0-- Our Mid-Summer Minstrels Mr. Johnsing: Mr. Bones, I heah the Goodyeah people had a bad yeah de las' yeah. Mr. 'Bones: You don't say so. How do you account for this fact? Mr. Johnsing: Oh, de male clerks merely turned to rubber and dey had to bounce 'em. liar, har! Introducing Mac, our home made Senegambian flea, in his death defying dive from the top of the flag pole into a plate of break- fast food. Are you ready gentlemen? The blatant strains, director! -0-- WtANTEb-4 men for work in Canada. Average compensation over $10.00 per day.--Want ad. yesterday's Dai- ly. Anybody but a collich highbrow would call that "compensation -wages." - FAME I (Overheard at the Detroit Newspaper - Conference.) Fat man: Who was that clever chap who just told that funny story? Bald headed, guy: Why that's Guest, of the Free Press! Adipose one: Why I didn't know that the local papers were acting as per- sonal hosts! -0- The squeeze play must be executed biy the athlete who is quick of judg- ment,' keen of eye, and swift of limb.- More Daily advertising.- And in addition to that, he must, above all things, be long of arm. GOLD' ASSOCIATION STAGING FIRST SIRING TOURNAMENT ARNQLD 4t Jawsisrs CO. 220 S. Ma lru St. on State Street ServeIHotILi We Buy your key of Arnold & Co., Jewelers, Main Street. They have mWade them for -several years. Their keys are 14k gold, finely made, prices lower than some others. Orders may be left now for de- livery' upon issuance of the proper certificate from the Secretary. See the samples. Everything new in Spring Suits and Overcoats, Spring Neckwear, Spring Underwear, Immense showing in Spring Manhattan Shirts. It is high time for a new'v Spring Hlat, and you can't use too much care In choosing I t, Pick yours here and you can be sure it's absolutely right in every respect THE BIG STORE COR. WASHINGTON and MAIN Reule, Conlin'& Flegel Phi Beta Kappa All We Know of is the BEST IROUWE'S LAUNDRYV x406 DETROIT STREET The, Link between College and Horr T U TTLE'Sc% Ch.** .Cst Fioworo flee lot of Palns and Ferns for Dpecraflng Car. 12th St. aId S. Ony. Ave. Phone l1 5 PORK, AM.POULIRYEte. Just received a new line of Ensign fims--fur speed .faster films made. no Bell Phone 2294 212' N.4th Ave. a I SOMETHIING NEW. We are the First to show the new Tartan sultings. Come. in and see the different shades Rent a new camera today--only o cents. New cameras just- received this wreek, The Kings and Queens of Europe use these films and cam- eras. Get one today and try it. Open all dlay ,Suntda y. HOPPE'S STUDIO1 619 East Liberty St. MAX P.- KRUTSCH COLLEGE STUDENTS-EARN BIG MONEY THIS SUMMER-$50,00 PER WEEK EASY--SELLING GUARAN- 'PWI'TI T .TR oUIr fC'rThon rf# 7 o M1USIC AND :I)RAM3A Garrick Theatre Varsity Tailor 117 E. Liberty St. DR, GEORGE A. GO-'RDON Pastor of Old South Church, Boston Will Speak on ""THE CAUSES OF MORAL DEFEAT AND VICTORY"t Methodist Church SUNDAY, MAY 10, 7WO P. MI. Auspices of Wesleyan Guild The last Saxophone party of the year will be given at the Ufiion Friday night, May 29.- Senior lit baseball practice 3:00 o'clock, Monday. Twenty extra -waiters are wanted at the Union, Tuesday night to help serve the senior dinner. All students wish- ing a place should e the 'Union Stew- ard tomorrow. Soph lits will hold a 1unMess meet- ing in Tappan hall at 4:00 oo~k to- morrow. Captains for the middle- weight tug-of-war team and the first relay race wild be elected. The recently-organized University of Michigan Golf association" will stage its spring tournaments beginning next week, the matches to be under the di- rection of a tourney committee ap- pointed yesterday by President Al Reed and consisting of Christian Mack, A. S. Palmer, J. R. Thomas and Henry Grinnell. The association now has 30 members and entries in the competition will be restricted to these men. Two trophies given by the Sheehan Book store will be numbered among the prizes which will go to the winners. It is probable that three tournaments will be run off, a handicap, interclass, and an all- comers individual championship. LOST-Small brown leather pocket- book on south side Liberty St. be- tween Main and State. Finder please return to Daily office. xra.11i I~t V'r, ,IJ, rmlUiOper For the first three days of this weel cent, household necessity, saving 80_ the attraction at the Garrick theatr- per cent, big repeater, pleasant work, Detroit will be Weber and Fields in exclusive territory. FREE SAMPLE, revival of their greatest su~ccess, "Hok WRITE US TODAY. C. H-. Stuart & Co. ey Pokey;i" Inasmuch as Mr. Webe 35 Stuart Block, Newark, New York. intends to retire from~the stage at th, 158-4-5-6-7-8 end of this season and as Mr. Fieldsi - going to enter the fl ld of drama nex WANTED-Modern house within three year, this will be the last opportunil, blocks of Campus. Address M care for Detiroit to see the famous comedi of Daily. tt ans in musical comedy. FOR SALE-Two May Festival tickets; You cani rent one or fifty kodaks to first floor, best seats. Also single day iat 10c-fnts each. Lyndon. concert tickets. Call 51.3-W. Sat.-Sur to- z n You do NoT f Gamble when you buy rubber soled f oot~ wear from me. C Welphons Crdllao 4324 14 LET DIE*TE RLFE WHEN YOU NEED SOMETHING TO CHEER YOU UP AND MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING. Try a Vlicola AND SOME GOOD RECORDS. There is nothing in the Talking Machine line that can compare with thie Victrola. Investigate its artistic reproductions by the beet artists in every litre- Tailor for Men Make Your Spring Suit. British Woolens $35. to $60. Because my bettk". grades of rubber soled shoes and oxfords are made for me by -a factory that has made a specially of this class of footwearf t 'r the past ten years (originators ot the thin leather toe splice). I' have sldthein here for the past eight yea~rs and have the exclusive sale torAn Arbor. NOTHING BETTER REGARDLESS OF ]PRICE. 119 East Liberty St. 94 We** rort Street Detroit GINNELBOS 94 West Fo120-222t E.tLibePhonel170 Phone 1707 I '