.THEB ACHIGAN fDAILY. '1 k 1. .1 Now On Display ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND COLORINGS FOR, SPRING 1914 The Largest Line; of Woolens in the olty to select from II I[ SENIORS 11 Order Your Visitin g 'Cards Now Plate and 100 Cards Script $1,50 Plate and 100O Cards old English $2.75 Plate and 100 Cards shaded old English P3.00 The above are the three most popular styles. Place your order now at STUDKNT ' BOOKST029 Oi 11 WILD -CO. Leading Merchant Tailors E TROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE itnited and Express' Cars for D etroit-7 axe a. m. and hourly to 6:to p. mn., also 8:xo ocal Cars for Detroit-s :4o a: mn.,, 6-0o6 a. M., and every two hours. to 6 :o6 p. in., 7 :o6 p. In., 8:06 P. in., :o p. in., and 1:4;~ p. Mn. To Ypsilanti only, tIx:iS p. M.., x2:15 p. m.i 12:30 p . in. : 0.A. m. imited Cars for Jacksn-7 :46 a.m, and every two hours to 7:46 p. in. ocal Cars for Jackson-s :tz a. m., 6:51 a. in., and every two hours to 6:51 p. mn,. also o:aoa P.min, II:I5 p.mI. . .. U RRAL GOOD tailor-made; jIclothes are not1 obtain able under # 2 but it you appreciate extra- ordinary value for that money, Save them tailored to measure 11). V. P iCE& Co. Ltus show you their 500 b eauieu woolens and take your1 COX SONS- & VIKING 12 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS OT CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Dor.. May be Ordered from MACK & CO. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at he University of Mich igan. Published every morning except Mo day during the unniversty year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbo Michigan under Act of Congress of March 1 879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. S scription _price: -by carrier, $.5; by mal $3.0. Want Ad. Stations: Press Buildig. Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 96 and 244. Maurice Toulme.........Managing ;Editor Adna Johnson............ Business Manager H. Beach: Carpenter....... .. News Editor Fred Foulk ............Assistant to Editor F. M. Church............... Sports Editori Leonard Rieser ... ....Intercollegiate Editor Robert TannehillMuianDrm Glenn Munn f. .ui n rm Harold Abott .................Cartoonist Lillian Tuomson..........Women' Fditor EDITORIALS Harold Hippler Paul Banhard Marshall Foote Lester Rosenbaum Louis David. NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett Chester ang Henry Rummel labin Hu, F. F. McKinney Walter Nye .On Sport Stagf Carlton Jenks Benus Kline T. Hawley TDapping Bruce Miles REPORTERS 1'. F. Thompson J. M. Barrett, C. A. Swainson Di. R. Ballenine R. S. Collins Leon Greenebaum F. C. Roth l1. R. Marsh C. L. Muller J. 1. Jordan Donald Sarbaugh 1). A. Wallace Reuben Peterson \'V. A. 11. John Willis Goodenow ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood Field Harry Johnson John S. Leonard F. G. Millard BUSINESS STAFF R. V. Leffler R. J. Hofmann A. H. Torrey Myron Watkins SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1914. Night Editor--Paul F. Thompson. THEI PH ILOSOPH-Y OF FAILURE. Some men fight hard for a point;- and lbse. Some men aim at a1 certain target, and miss. The losing may be through their own incompetency, it may not be so. And out of the pang- of failu re and sting of disappointment may arise a Phoenix philosophy. The sum and gist of the strong man's loss is not the point lost, but what is done with defeat. The philosopher does not pin his happiness on a single issue. To use a homely phrase, he does not put all his eggs in one basket. He dloes not put the stress and hopes or vital contentment on the turning of a single event. He who says, when the battle is lost, "This is not everything," will yet win. .He who sees that a single event can never be all-embracing and who builds anew, with resignation rather than aches, will succeed. Not the hypocrisy of outward calm, while within the bit- terness of defeat eats the heart out. Not that. But the philosophy of breadth of view, which, realizing, the limita- tions of the destructive force of one failure will yet build without rancour. THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT. No less a personage than Coach Field- ing H. Yost has gone on record as flat- iy opposed to the adoption of summer baseball. Coach Yost, besides holding the genuine respect and love of the Michigan student body and alumni, has had some 21 years of experience in collegiate-amateur-sports. His is an opinion to be reckoned with. Two serious objections stand out prominently. In- the first place, the athletic world does and has always drawn a sharp distinction between professionalism and amateurism. It does not matter what Michigan thinks of the distinction, it is a fact that the distinction is made and that it is part of the social system that Michigan is a part of. In the second place, Mich- igan must receive the permission and the moral support of her intercollegi- r ti I 11- UANITARIAN CHURCH State cor. 1Huron 11 State St, wft R. S. LORINOC, Pastor Morning Service at :0.30 EUCKEN'S NEW BOOK Can We Still Be Christifans? i TYPEWRITERS New, reouit, and second- hand, For Sale, $10.00 up For Reat, $2.00 up 3 mo., $5.00 TYPE WRITING 0. D. MORKILLI Ovar Baltimore Lunch Eiucken thinks somne of it's moral teaching is too soft, and distrusts its plan: of redemption, and declines to call Jesus unconx- ditionally lord and master, yet, holds we must still be Christians. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY AT 7:30 SEN0 DON'T -DELAY; 'ORDER THEM NOW! V1IITINGCARDS 100 cards with plate $1.50 to $3.50 100 cards from your plate 90c All work guaranteed Ui Giuaranteed Tailoring at$17.501 You pick the fabric; choose your style; then I well make it to your, measure-That means Individuality. No other way of clothes getting is as ible as Tailoring. fliex-: i Mr. George J. Smith WHY I LEFT THE FARM. the Ann Arbor Savings Bank pital Stock $300,000 Surplus $:oo,oooi Resources $3,000,000 kGeneral Banking Business Transac ted cers : Chas. F. Hiscockt, Pres., W. A. Har- rirman, VicePres., M. J. Fritz, Cashier ate opponents, even in the contempla- tion of such a radical change. Michi- gan can and does say how her internal athletics are to be run, but Michigan cannot dictate the conditions under which she will play Cornell, Penn and Princeton. Not one of these univer- sities now recognize sumer baseball. :Michigan stands alone in the athletic world,' neither in the west nor an old power in the east. Critics, on all sides, are waiting for the slightest pretext to yell "mucker," to show. to the world the ulterior reason for Michigan's western relations. No! No! Michigan must follow, riot lead, in this summer baseball matter. W A R SMain St, UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES E. C. FLANDERS We offer the greatest cloth variety: make exactly as you wish and as, quickly, as you say; arnd it's guaranteed tailoring. White flannel and serge trousers $6.00 and up. We will half line these trousers without extra charge to you. Popular Price d Tailor 209 E. Liberty St. ,,.I I 'd O)UR ICE CREAM Is made from Pasteurized Sweet Cream and in a Clean Shop We claim It to be the best Ice Cream In Ann Arbor V8 Orders for Parties, Fraternities and FaMily use Delivere~d promptly TROPHY and LOVING CUPS From $1.75 to $180.00 s OF INTEREST TO WOMEN * 0 0 *0 C C .5 I Sautoirs Lingerie Pins iNew Butterfly Jewelry Friendship Bxoocbacs \Xa Ide 11ar.-i Bracelet-, Decollete Pins a, Sterling Silver Pencils, Knives and No.ellie's Mrs. Alice McClure, of Punjab, India, a secretary of student volunteers in missionary work, will speak to uni- versity men and women at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in Newberry hall, con- cerning her life work in India. In accordance with the custom of other years, senior women are reqluest- ed to wear high collars of lace or net with- their academic gowns, at the swing-out exercises on Tuesday after- noon. Statements issued by the dean of women and the vice-president, to- gether with opinions of a number of senior women point toward the advis- ability of following precedent. All women holding unsold junior play tickets are asked to turn them 'over to Marion McPherson before Wed- nesday of this week. Fresh films are a necessity---ast- man; speed films are best for this sea- son. We offer you fresh Eastman speed films every day in the year. Lyndon. eod Wed Best shine at French Parlors on Lib- erty just off State. Step in. eod T HE pleasures of uising a superior article are found. if you try this DISTILLED. IMORED BAY, RUM at Quarry Drug Co. The. Druggists on the corner Caps and Gowns 4 May yet, be secured in time for SwinigoutIday We have fiftyr extra out- fits in all sizes F. I), Kinne S.W. Clarkson Harrison Soupr ,President Cashier V. President FIRST NATIONAL D ANK of Ann Arbor. Web., 3 ' Capital $ioo,ooo. Surplus and Profits, $65,000 I Bailer Jewelry Co.- 306 S. State St. Phao e534 owmm I YOU CAN BUY! The best s. Poultry and Fish at the I Meat 0 . P. Siesendorfor Market 1 201 E. Washington St. I__- Buy Yoxr orkim Pewz AtI . r WAHL ;'. STEIN Ann Arbor Steam 'Dye Works Mxperts Clea ners and Dyers OSTRICH Feathers a Specialty All Work Guaranteed Phone 628 We Call and Deliver Fraternities Notice 1 To make your party the hit of the season it will b to your' advant age to look over our tine of: Party Decorations, Festoons Tally Cards Place- Cards Programs. Menus Crepe Papers Serpentines Dinner Favors Luncil Sets Napkins 'ULnivexsttt t1usic iDouse PRESS BUILDING M AY"1'NARD ST. Let Us Furnish Your Next Order of. Dance or Banquet Programs 'The Mayer-Schairer Co. Stationers, Printers, Binders 112 S, Main Street Ann Arbor, Mich. I'I Victor Victrolaa, anid e% Choice Stock of K ecovd A Opsen every day until 9:00 p. im. Sundays from 9:30 to 4:30 only. Rent Eastman Kodaks-I10c. Lyndon, eod See Grinnell Bros. space for Spe- dial ads: It may interest you, tf Exclusive agents for Diemel linen mesh uinderwea r. [in densch mitt Apfel & Co. tr ,.. Diernel linen mesh underwear Lindenschn-pdtt Apfel ,& Co. atl i r You may pay a little more for Pack's Portraits, but you will be satisfied with the tasteful artiltic quality In them" RA NDA-LL & PACK, PH CTGRPI 11? 121