. THU MICHIGA&N DAILY. i UST ARRIVED LYNDON'S KODAKS, FILMS, Amateur finishing 719 N. University Ave. Latest Styles in REGAL SHOES and OXFORDS An 1 NOBBIEST LASTS. PRUNER & CO. NEWEST SHADES. 10$ S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR Spring Hats FOR IMMEDIATE WEAR, AT DANA RICHARDSON 115 East Liberty PHONE 166 Of interest to you For the convenience of those discrimn- natingfolks who appreciateand desire our High Quality Ice Cream - we are pleased to announce that among the progressive firms using our prod. uct are The Delta, University Phar- macySugden Drug Co., MacDon- 116 S. Main. St. aid's in the Campus district. Coffee Roasters and BAND SCORES HITII IN SECOND CONCERT An enthusiastic audience of 400 greeted the University of Michigan band at its second concert of the sea- son in Hill auditorium last night. The. program, which consisted of classics and ragtime, was exceedingly well de- livered and brought forth many en- cores. A quartet, consisting of W. C. Breid- enbach, '17M, D. O. Walthal, '16M, R. H. Dimoch, and S. R. Frederickson, '17E, rendered several pleasing har- monies, and George J. Curry, '15M, gave a comic interpretation of Sousa which called forth much applause. The descriptive fantasia, "The Haunted House," under the leadership of Eu- gene J. ("Ike") Fischer, was all that the name suggests. The next concert, which will be the first of a series of open air entertain- ments, will be given next Friday ev- ening, May 15. These out-door con- certs will be held every Friday night for the rest of the school year. CAMPUS IN BRIEF Wholesale Grocers Dean & Co., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. -.1 FRANK BROTHERS, Filtth Avenue Boot Shop, Number 224, NEW YORK EXHIBIT SHOP 326 SOUTH STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR A -H. D. Wallau, engineer of the Cleve- land Electric Illuminating Co., will read a paper on "Factors affecting the cost of the kilowatt-hour," before the Detroit-Ann Arbor section of the A. I. E. E. at the Edison Company building at 8:00 o'clock tonight. The public is invited to attend. -Prof. W. D. Henderson will address the junior engineer class assembly, 1t 11:00 o'clock this morning, in room 348 of the engineering building. --The last informal Fischer party fea- tured with many musical specialties, will be given at 9:00 o'clock tonight at the Union. __'ie 1912 class memorial drinking fountain near the library, was turned on yesterday afternoon and is now ready. for use. -The following officers were elected at a meeting of the Symphonic league held Monday night: president, Miss Elma Smith; vice-president, Miss Kath- erine Smith; secretary, Miss Dorothy Moran, '14; treasurer, Miss Bess Ad- gate. ---University hospital authorities re- ported yesterday that J. P. Roberts, The Greys that are so much in demand in the east, when made up by our experts in our own shop, give you a truly metropolitan product- LET- us TAILOR FOR YOU ORPHEUM Watch this Space Wed. May 6-Princess Mona Darkfeatli- er In 'THE MEDICINE MAN'S kl y VENGEANCE' Thur. May 7-Jockey Scovel in 'IN THE STRETCH' Fri. May 8-Mary Fuller in 'The Ghost of Mother Eve' Dollie of the Dailies No 2. Say 9-Earl Williams in 'HER HUSBAND' Mon.-Tues. May 1,-12-Dustin Far uumiin THE SQUAW MAN' '15E, who has been suffering from a mild attack of scarlet fever, is much improved. It is probable that Rob- erts will be discharged from the insti- tution in a day or two. -The cup offered by Dean Myra B. Jordan for the winner of the singles in the women's tennis tournament is on exhibition in east corridor of the libra- ry. Physcians attending J. P. Roberts, '15E, who has been suffering from a mild attack of scarlet fever, reported that their patient was much improved yesterday. He will be able to leave the hospital shortly. -Physicians attending D. M. Clark, '1611, and C. C. Kane, '17, reported that both men are recovering nicely from the appendicitis operations which they underwent last week. PRELIMINARY CAMPAIGN FOR UNION BEGINS IN JACKSON No authentic reports have come in from the Union campaign for a mil- lion dollar club-house, which has just been started in Jackson. The rest of the state is being gradually organized into committees, preparatory to the ac- tual work of canvassing. Griffith Hay- es, '11, is now devoting most of his at- tention to the city of Detroit, from which the largest returns of the cam- paign are expected to come. Accord- ing to a statement given out yester- day by Homer Heath, the entire lower part of the state will be worked over before Commencement. REGISTRATION FIGURES WILL A PPROXIMAT E TOTAL OF 6200 Rough estimates of the total enroll- ment at Michigan this year point to an attendance of approximately 6,200. No exact number can be given out until Registrar Arthur G. Hall completes the compilation of the university bul- letin tab'les, now in process of being prepared. The checking over of the duplications in registration will be completed in a short time, when defi- nite announcement can Lie made. STf RlTV ANT M tKES FINAL INSPECTION OF YEAR BOOK Managing editor Robert Sturtevant of the Michiganensian spent the day in Kalamazoo in response to a telegram from the printers, Iiling Brothers Ev- Standish-a New A RROW L COLLAR for Summer An ultra smart style which correctly ex- presses the fashion 2for 25c CLUETT. PEABODY & CO.,Inc. Makers MAJESTIC .To rNghts Only THURSDAY FRIDAY - - May 9-i9 erard, asking that he make a final in- spection of the last part of the year- book. May 12 is the tentative date of the annual's appearance, although it may be found impossible to issue the book before the end of next week. Officers Elected by Canadian Club. The Canadian club met Thursday night and elected the following offi- cers for the coming school year: Pres- ident, R. C. Eastman, '16E; vice-presi- dent, C. T. McIntyre, '16E; secretary, L. D. Ostrander, '16; treasurer, E. W. Pulling, '17; sergeant at arms and press reporter, I. N. Cuthbert, '15E; executive committee, N. H.EGoldstick, '151,; and J. M. Brown, '16E. Prof. N. L. Lloyd, of the mechanical engineer- ing department, was elected to honor- ary membership. Plans to boost Mich- igan in Canada were outlined, and ar- rangements were made to take care of new students enrolling next, fall. GRIFFINS INITIATE ELEVEN MEN INTO FOLD YESTERDAY Griffins, mighty gods of Olympus, swooped down on the campus yester- day afternoon . and gathered eleven mortals into the upperclass interde- partmental society. The chosen ones, are: P. H. Middleditch, F. A. Bade, J. B. Catlett, W. B. Thom, G. P. McMahon, W. W. Schroeder, WV. E. Nye, S. W. Field, C. L. Kendrick, A. T. Ricketts and F. Millard. * Three Shows Nightly, 7 to 10 Magnifleent Photo Play 'lYN HO '"'Sir Walter Scott $50,000 MOTION PICTURE CAST OF 5,000 ACTORS Beautiful Scenes--Wonderful Plotures ADULTS lOc-CHILDREN5c Matinees Fights exceptM GARRICK Wed Mat Thurs.& Fri. 25cto$1-00 MAY ROBSON in THE CLEVER WOMAN Mrs. Cooley will not receive univer- sity women today. Members of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority cordially invite all college women to a tea to be held at their house this afternoon at from 4:00 to 6:00 o'clock. MUSIC AND DRAMA To Give Graduation Recital Mis Marian Struble, a talented stu- dent in the violin department of the University school of music, will give her graduation recital this evening at 8:00 o'clock in Frieze Memorial hall. Her program will be as follows: Concerto, Op. 64 ........ Mendelssohn Allegro motte appassionato; An- tante; Allegro motto vivace. Prelude and Fugue, 0. minor . ... Bach Balladand Polonaise, Op. 38 ....... ...... ....Vieuxtemps i larger crowd will be present at the coming function. SECOND EXHIBIT OF DEPART- MENT DUE NEXT WEEK (Continued from page 1) ned an exhibit which will furnish an unusual opportunity for study of the operations of the modern automobile. A complete Studebaker chassis, cut out to show all the parts, will be in action. Regular Krit, Franklin, Reo, Ford, and Hudson motors will be in operation. The largest part of the exhibition will be furnished by the mechanical, civil, electrical, and marine engineers, who are planning mammoth displays. OF INTEREST TO 410 Telephone 416 SENIOR RECEPTION OFFICERS CHOSEN (Continued from page 1) $4.00, and "singles" will be sold for $2.50. Last year about 125bcouples al- tended, but it is expected that a much PERFECT ICE CREAM SODA UNIVERSITY AVE. PHARMACY GoULDI & WIKEL Your Summer Vcation 1219 SOUTH UNIVERSITY MARTHA WASHINGTON CANDY can mean profit as well as pleasure to you WAGNNR Importing Tailors tCO-. State Street 418 Telephone 418 I I I LET THE F'RESH MA-N If You FREIGHT Expect PHONE US AND SAVE TROUBLE C- E. GODFREY, 410 N. Fouth Ave. Phone 82-L PACKARD ACADEMY DANCING CLASS MONDAY AND FRIDAY 7:00 P. M. Private lessons by appointment. Dream Waltz New York Hesitation TangoOne I Step and latest variations taught. Hall and rersmn accomnmodations for pri- 3vate parties. The Outlook Company is desirous of securing a limited number of college men as exclusive representa- tives to secure subscriptions during the summer months. The Outlook is a recognized au- Press Your Clothes I |I 0 HAND PRESSING I I I SUITS 25c TROUSERS 1fOc Garage and Livery in Connection All New Fishing Boats Lake View Hotel WHITEMORE LAKE. Opens May 1st Fish, Frog, and Chicken Dinners, our SpecIalty. Dan ci n g parties and Banquets. Rates Reasonable thority on current events and appeals only to the educated, intelligent class of people. You can secure subscriptions from your own circle of acquaintances. The work is pleasant and the remu- neration attractive. Write us to-day for full particulars about our college men's agency plan. Address the Treasurer, THE OUTLOOK COMPANY 287 Fourth Avenue, New York C. I. KIDD, '17 Lit. I .J 1112 S. University Ave. I' James Burke, Prop. Phone 565 F 2-2 q p ONAOMMOROM -Z. -AA7 Apo, I