4 ~THU MIOHIUaAN DAILY -I i. I He saTariff Tip. Duck and Flannel Trbusers, Tennis and Golf Shirts EVERYTHING THAT IS NEW Is shown here ready for your choosing Fine English and Scotch Woolens will be found this Spring, for the first time, in the medium as well as higher priced Stern-Bloch Smart Clothes. The new Tariff makes, this possible. Closeness, to the foreign markets makes the 3tein-Bloch showing most compre- hensive. Why not take the tipP Balmacaans in all the new colors. Lindenscluidt, Apfcl & Co. Clothiers and Furnishers Straw Hats Season 1914---Now on display TINKER & Company Cor. State and William Sts. THE NEW BALMACAN SLIP-ON' RAGLAN COATS The outer garment fad of the hour I P PROFILE ..... .. r.... .: .... ........ mmmmosi THE LONG GRIND *will be peastIn seven. weeks. more Before you go, you will need light dry goods for the Summer. You can buy LACES EMBROIDERIES HOSIERY UNDERWEAR WINDSOR TIES SILK GLOVES at our store. H. S. PINNEY (A CO. 614 E. Liberty SIt. The Store Where a Dollar Does Its Duty Scarf slide space and lock front WANTED-Experienced pianist, young Fman'would like employment for the summer, Address: F. S. G. care Dai- ly office. 153-4 Exclusive agents for Diemnel linen mesh underwear. Lindenschmnitt Apfel & Co. tf COLLEGE STUDENTS-EARN BIG MONEY THIS SUMMER-$50.00 PER WEEK EASY-SELLING GUARAN- TEED LINE OF GOODS, profit 175 per cent, household necessity, saving 80 per cent, big repeater, pleasant 'work, exclusive territory. FREE SAMPLE, WRITE US TODAY. C. H. Stuart & Co. 35 Stuart Block, Newark, New York. 15 =45-67-8 Everything new in Spring Suits and Overcoats, Spring Neckwear, Spring Underwear, Immense showing in Spring Manhattan Shirts. It is high time for a new Spring Hat, and you can't use too much care in choosing, I L. Pick yours here and you can be! sure it's absolutely right In every respect. THE BIG STHORE COR. WASHINGTON and MAIN Reule, 'Conlin &Fee i's IPhi Beta, Kappa I . UJNITED SHIRT & COLLAR. CO. TROY-Y. All Wc Know of is the BEST 11 _ . !L-- D~ean Hinsdale Attends Coniference Jewelry of Quality Good solid reasons why you should buy your jewelry front us will be. found by looking through our line of fresh desirable goods-- up to date in style and honest in quality. SCHIANDJERER & SEYFRIED 118 E. Liberty St" WilKING ,LOO :Come Up and Try George's Chop Suey Delicious Ciirese and American Dishes. 4 ( r 1 =s tate Street .Phone 1244-L. I lm l LADIES ! See our beautiful New Spring Coats Skirts, Waists and Dresses, Every dress in a class by itself SCAROEN BROS. Phone 1000 12~4 South Main Dean W, B, Hinsdale, of the Homeop4 Diemel linen mesh underwear at department, is attending the national indenschmidtt Apfel & Co. Tuberculosis Conference at Washing-________ ton, D. C. He is delegate of the State Students-Mak~e $6.00 per day dur- Tuberculosis Society. lug vacation, selling Non-Alcoholic - - IFlavoring in tubes, saves 80 per cent. LOST-Wednesday at Fresh Soph Lit jWrite quick for territory. General ball game, a black sweater coat with Sales Co., Dept. M., Anderson, Ind. yellow trimmings. Finder please call 148-153 Pugh. 1369-J. 154 1___________ fHarold Trosper who graduated here LOST-Waterman safety fountain penu made $1048 in 50 days. While a stu- between Haller's Jewelry Store and 'dent he made $1014 in 9 weeks in the library. Finder please call 637. Washington, D. C. Engelbertson, Mc- Leod and others, have averaged over FOR SALE-May Festival course tick- $300 per month. Combinations from et, second row first balcony. Phone $1.75 to $13.50 make sales worth while, 932-J. 154-5 Call at 60 . Liberty at 4:00 o'clock ___________________________-- and hear particuiars. 5- FOR SALE-Detroit Boat Club Canoe,__________ Mahogany finish, 16 ft. Call Hart. See Grinnell Bros.' space for Spe- Phone 189. 1523-4cial ads: It may interest you. t 'FOR SALE-A 16-ft. Canoe in good WECTAL AT THE 1PALATS ROYAL. condition. Call 1085-M after 7!00. SATURDAY ONLY. P. 3j. 1534-54ยข-8 Baskets of all descriptions at great Buy your key of Arnold & Co., jewelers, Main Street. They have made them for several years. Their keys are 14k gold, finely made, prices lower than sonme others. Orders may be left now for de- livery upon issuance of the proper certificate fronm the Secretary. See the samples. IROW ?'LAUNDRY I406 DETROIT STREET The Link between College and Htio TUTTL~' on State Street We Serve Hot Luschi ARtNOLD !ft CO* Jewel er & 220 S. M&Ixin t. w, i rte.... "_'_ _ _ .. .. ..... Flowers Cho.Oe Cut Flowers Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating Car. 12th St. and S. Uni. Ave. Phone 1 1.5 I I TRANSIT MARKET Win. LINDEMAN DEALER IN Fresh and Salt Meats 1 . - _ - ;, -,;, -.. ., p, ., r ;;,,, 3 _...._ 1 VI .. l '. I''I. y I PORK, flAM.POIJLTRY Etca Bell Phone 2294 212 N.4th Ave. . a Ioow SHIRTS MADE, TO ORDER YOUR NEXT SUI T WILL LOOK WELL WILL FIT WELL WILL WEAR WELL IF I TAILOR IT TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL MEASURE MAX P. KRUTSCH Varsity Tailor 117 E. Liberty St. WANTED-A couple more ladies for 72 days work during vacation. $100 and expenses. A fine opportunity, pleasant work, elevating surround - ings. If you need to make money in- vestigate "this. Phone 359-M. 153-4-5 WANTED-A men for work in Canada. Average compensation over $10.00 per day. One man. made $35 per day. Expenses guaranteed. Phone 359-M. 153-4-5 WANTED-Modern rouse within three blocks of Campus. Address M care of Daily. tf WANTED-Bicycle with coaster brake and good tires. State price and where can be seen. Address: G. W., care Michigan Daily. 153-41 discount-one half off. 154-155 Fresh films are a necessity-East- man speed films are best for this sea- son. We offer you fresh Eastman speed films every day in the year. Lyndon. eod'Wed Best shine at French Parlors on Lib- erty gust off State. Step in; eod ALLEN, SELLS GOOD CLOTINGM. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. Suits at $10.00-All Wool. Suits at $15.00-All Wool, Hand Tai- lored. Suits at .20.00-Adlers' Make and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tonm Work. ALLEN'S G~OOD CLOTHES STORE,, Main Street. tr Hurry Time is Short u Pt getting 4 Some one will win thil $2.0 Motorcycle, My1t D,3n't be satisfied with m,.rely voting yourself. Get everyone you can t:: help the best man win. The wiener must be a student of this col- kce but anyone can vote. Anyone who s:ns Ls Fa' aPied- Mont Satin - 40 Cigarettes. There is no' other restriction. Fcr voting instructions sec the ballot box in ary tobacco store, Will the winner of this valuable trophy be your choice? Are you doing anything to help select the student for this honor? Every student ought' to do his. best to see tha~t the best man wins. Nominees and their .Standing A. 0. Williams, 114E...... ..... .. ...20,980 C. E. Sltiffer, '14 Lit........ ......8..19,420 11. B. Foster, 115D..... .. ........ ...18,588 G'. Y. Cheng, 115E .............. .... .18,129 It.. .J. Baker, '14 Lit ................... .11,580 M. 11. Pontius, 114L '..f..... ........:1,200 Arginnio Morales, Lit ................. 1,180 C. L. Kendrick, 15h Lit ................ 980 Howard Hollowell, 116L ................ 840 Maurice Myers, 114L...................8Go V. J. Van Loonen, '117 Lit................ 304 11. P. Carpenter, '14 Lit.................. 300 Who 'is yoW.Ur .choice for this $200 trphy Shirts- & Neckwear In Distinctive and OriiginaI Treatments SMART ENGLISH RAINCOATS A Complete Showing of Accessories to Men's Wear, Including Most Recent Importations imporERS Anger & Kanouse i WHEN YOU NEED SOMETHING TO CHEER YOU UP AND MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING, Try a Victrola AND SOME GOOD RECORDS. TChere is nothing in the Talking Machine line that can compare with the Victrola. Investigate its artistic reproductions by the best artists in every line. GRINNELL BROS. 120-122 E. Liberty St. Phose 17037 I i - ---- I . SHIRT MAKERS DIME BANK BUILDING DETROIT 11 ANNOUNCEMENT J. iH. Lambert, the well known shoe repair man, has opened a combination shoe re- pairing and clothes pressing establishment at STUDIO ixgi E. Liberty St- lrolophozne Cadillac 4524 ..---- oxtrai't, t r .rt x . You do NOT Gamble, o a; when you buy rubber soled foot- a wear from me. Because my better grades of rubber soled shoes and oxfords are made for me by a f actory that has made a specialty of this class of footwear t .r the past ten years (originators of the thin leather tWesplice). I have sold them here for the past eight years and have the exclusive sale IerA3n Arbor. NOTHING BETTER REGARDLESS OF BDICE. fP 119 East Liberty St. - LET: D-IIETE RLE Tailor for Men Make Your Spring Suit. British Woolens $35. to $60. 301 S. State St. lHe still continues his 94 west FortStroet Detroit L business at. 613 Williams St. Telephone i1g911 i