.THE MICHIGAN DAILY. OnDi isplay I I U_ ALL THE LATEST STYLES: AND COLORINGS FOR SPRING 1914 °-Th. Largest Line. of Woolens in the city to select from i Tenni .a ients for the Slotted Throat THiE MICHIGAN DAILY I S Tennis Balls 3 for $1.00 any make Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Mon- day during the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,. Michigan under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- f scription price: by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: Press Ruildhig; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. r. D~avis, Cor. Packard and State. I TJelephones 960 and 2414. Maurice Touime ..........Managing Editor Adna Johnson............ Business M4anager 11. Bleach Carpenter............ News Editor Fred Fronk.............. Assistant to EditorI V. MI. Church.............. ..Sports Editor Leonard Rieser ....,....Intercollegiate Editor Robert Tannahill l uscacid Drama Glenn Mun darold Abbott .... .... ......Cartoonist 1 illia,n (msotn............ Women's Editor Shoes Men Want The man on the inside of a pair of our shoes knows from experi- ence what excellent shoes they are. Test a pair of our Spring Shoes' and you'll know why men want thenw. 3 for $1.00 Wright & Ditson TE IALLS Shoes at $3.00 to $5.00 Gross & Dietzel W CAMPUSMILES Look over our Rackets before buying On U'l. WiIC.I Leading Merchant Tailors ,ETROIT UNITED ULNES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLU ,ted and Express Cars for Detroit-7: 'c t. m, and hourly to 6:io p. 1n., also $:1(, ),.M. cal Cars for Detroit-5:40 a. mn., _6:o6 a. mn., rid every two hours to 6:06 p. n., 7:06 P n., 8:o6 p. m., o:Io p. in.; and 10:45 P. D, ro Ypsilanti only, 11:15 p. in., 12:15 p. n,~ s :3o p. in., 1: 00 a. 11 nited Cars for Jackson-7 :46 a. mn. an(' :very two hours to 7:46 p. =n. al Cars for Jackson-5:1z a. m.-, 6:51, a. In.. rid every two hours to 6:5x p. mn., also g:arr Iiim., 1 x:15p. Mn COX SONS, & VINING 22 Mdsen Ave., NEW YOUK 9t &XIERS 0or CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS May be Ordered from xz x;MACK & CO. Liberty and Main Streets most convenient place for, your banking. STUDENT7S' BOOKSTORE EDITORIALS la-llI.} Ilippler Paul ilanshard Va rshall Foote L~ester Rosenbaum NIGHT EDITORS r,,eo lBurnett Chester Lang hlenrv Rimnel [aiad HsuI 1. F. Mchiunev Walter Nye On Sport Staff E . klawle'v' Tapping Furuce Miles REPORTERS ;iI I S(=(tpulciliter inee magnitnitas est sibi quelqutes homiies-Sul- One Hundred Rackets to select from at !University AMIMI RV A5 Bookstore Guaranteed Tailoring at$17.50 You pickr your fabric; choose your style; then I will make it to your measure--- that means Individuality. No other way of -clothes getting is as flexible as Tailoring We offer the greatest cloth variety: make ex- actly as you wish and as quickly as you say; and it's guaranteed tailoring. White flannel and serge trousers $6.oo and up. We will half line these trousers without extra charge to you. E. C. FLANDERS Popular Priced Tailor 209'E. LIBERTY STREET 1L r-._,t I r-'--i-U- - - - SR AL GOOD tailor-made clothes are tvot obtain~able under $2 r% uti o ar rer'ate extra-I 11. F. Thompson C. A. Swainson R. S. Collins 1?.: C. Roth C. 1,. Muller Donald Sarhaugh Reuben Peterson Willis Goodet J. M. Barrett F- 1). R. Ballentine Leon, Grerne I ann If. R. NMarsh: IJ . V allace !And W. .. 1john !The Irfs the Old Army f~amie. voteJ;: Direct election, w Ne win it five to two; rc-rult of our selection ordinary value ior that money, have them tailored to measure by ED. V. PRICE & CO. Let us show you their S00 beautiful woolens and take your measure. ASSISTANTS To BUSINESS MANAGER Sherw,,nd Field. Hlarrv Johnson John S. Leonard V. . CMillard BUSINESS STAFF 4t V. Leffler R. J. 1 lofnmann A. If. Torrey Myron Watkins T1411RSD)AY, MAY ', 1914. WHIAT ARE THE SOCIETIES FOR? 11f the Michigan carpus societies were in an ideal condition, every stv- .lent who interested himself in under- graduate activities would have an af- filiation--and one affiliation only. Ev- ery society should be active enough to engage all the spare moments of any man's time, and there should be enough societies to take care of every man. The present conditions are bet- ter than the conditions of three years ago, but there is yet room for growth. The problems of the societies,wheth- er they be class, departmental or all- campus, are much the same, the dis- cussions are the same-and unfortu- nately the memberships are much the same. There is still too much dupli- cation, too little originality, too little AWas z-, straight and honest crew; And Nwlen our, crew began to act, We' got this for digestion: The ruling cannot be enforced- 'Twas a misprint in the question! -- Our Atid-S umnmer Minstrels. Mr.n Johnsing: Mr. Bones, can you tell me why Tammany can never pros- eetute the power dat am in the athletic association, before a court of law?, Mr. Bones: Mr. Johnsing, being -an honest man, I'must confess that I am unable to answer your question. Sup- pose that you tell. the shorthorned vot- ers why it could never be prosecuted by Tammany. Mr. Johnsing : I will elucidate. It's because Tammany ain't got nothin' on it. No applause, please.-Introducing our political war song, written espe- cially for the occasion by Charley Mur- phy and John Coughilin, entitled, "Don't Even Count the Ballots Boys, There's a Misprint on the Ticltet."-- The dirge, professor. -0- SJEX LITERATURE THE CUB HOUSE 209 South, Ste.As Street I 1I 11 .._ __.. __W____v. .. . . I .- I -------_ I OUR IE REAM made from Pasteurized Sweet Cream and in a Clean Shop We, claim it to be the best Ice Cream in Ann Arbor research. It almost amounts to care-1 UV 7 E E rs for Parties, Fraternities and Family use Delivered promptly on FmmW LISTEN "SENIORS" Order your Caling cards nlOw. Lowest prices Stop in and see our samples TAKE HROME A BRONZE SEAL FOR YOUR 'OFFICE Michigan Jewelery--Ask to see our big line lessness. Michigan is interested in these soci- eties only so far as these societies im- prove Michigan citizenship. The broad- er the scope, the larger the number of men introduced into these societies,F the better will be the citizenship, andE the more perfect will be the results of the societies. It is highly absurd to support a system that makes for the deification of a few "big" men. We want to encourage as many "big" men as possible, even into reaching down into the ranks and taking a "little" man and malting him over into a "big" man. That the societies can 'do, if they will but cease this everlasting duplication. Incidentally the present "big" men would heave a mighty sigh of relief and would become more eff- cient doing one society-well, than at- tempting half a dozen. unman nature has decreed that there shall be divisions, that there shall be aristocracies and recognitions. But little harm-and a great deal of good-could be done if the recognitions were made more general, within the reach of even-even-the mediocre man. Exclusive agents for Diemel linen mesh underwear. Lindenschmitt Apfel & Co. t -0- JBATTLE CREE~K.-Sol "Movies" Rosen, a pawn broker and junk deal- er, paid $300 for 20 cents' worth of paste diamonds. The two salesmen' 'who have Sol's money have not been located. Greek Meets Greek.(Ir Battle, Creek and royatl, we bet.) Their Creed "Of the people For the People By-- -mistake." ALLEN SELLS GOOD CL1OTHING~. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. Suits at $10.00-All Wool. Suits at $15.00-All Wool, hand Tai- lored. Suits at. $20.00-Adlers' Make. and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tom Work. ALLEN'S G~OOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tr WAN~TED-Bicycle with coaster brake and good tires. State price and where can be seen. Address: G. W., care Michigan Daily. 153-4 HTAS RUN COURSE SAYS. S. S. M'CLURE -Headline Det. News. Because it has run coarse. IRVING F. SCHLEEIDE. 3405S. STATE ST. I.' 4 Gives clewar, wholesome board at $4.25 C. C. Frreerm o.ra, Proprietor B3%y Youzr Contkln Pere At 'TE THE senior looks with pleasure on his '~college life-the close friendships-the good old times. Sentiment will continue to wreath memories with the curling smoke i from the old pipe, and Velvet, clear old velvet Twill go with him to the end; Velvet from old Kentuclc----nellowed in the gran old ware. houscs-. two years of aging=.-getting rid of :harsh- rless, beco:ming_ the noothest of all smokes. Men will come and mien will go and Velvet will rlwayrs go wifth ema-what better testimony of At all dealers. Full Two Ounce Tin, LAIRD'S SHOE REPAIR SHOP Gleorgie Bischoff The Shop on the way down town.01 8 214 East Washington Street 1220Chapin street Phon 09-L TEFARMES ANDMECHNCSBNK THE STATE SAYINGS BANK (1101-103-105 South Main stet Surip1s and Profits, $100,000.00 Capital Stock $50,000.00 Capital, $100,000 { ANN ARBOR,MIH Surplus and Prfis . $69 ,0 "I,. Arnold Win, . . oth C John W*Jz jr. ! !li viace-Pres. President Cashier it BURCHFIELD & CO. FINE TAILORING TRADE U 9 Wle can and do give you the limit of excell- ence in 'tailoring, this issue, with a complete line of up-to-date woolens, makes us the leaders ins our line. Respectfully, Sam Burchfield & Co. i r' SPRING SHIRTS Just received a complete line of SOFT SHIRTS with new style collar attached or detached. Negligees in handsome patterns. The ADJESTO sleeve Shirt--""Best Ever" The new BALLMACAAN Coats all sizes. VarityTogery 1107 S. University Avenue. Shop 'I _ .. ,or0 " lack's Portraits, but you will gad artsitic quality in them" RANDA-LL & PACK, P110TO GRAPRIE. s 121