THE MICHlUAN DAILY ii Duck and Flannel Trousers, Tennis and Golf Shirts EVERYTHING THAT IS NEW sa 'ar iff Tip Is shown here ready for your choosing Fine English and Scotch Woolens will be found this Spring, for the frst time, in the medium as well as higher priced Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes. The new Tariff makes this possible. Closeness to the foreign markets makes the Stein-Bloch showing most compre- hensive. Why not take the tip ? Balmacaans in all the new colors. Lindenschmidt, Apfcl & Co. Clothiers and Furnishers Straw Hats Season 1914---Now on display TINKER & Company Cor. State and William Sts. THE NEW BALMACAN RAGLAN COATS The outer garment fad of the hour 11 11 PROFILE . . .. ....... .... . . THE LONG GRIND will be past In seven weeks more THEN HOM E Before you go., you will need light dry goods for the Summer. You can buy \ ~ Scarf slide space and lock front, LACES HOSIERY WINDSOR TIES EMBROIDERIES UNDERWEAR SILK GLOVES IOII 6ollars at our store. H. S.PINNEY to CO. 614 E. Liberty St. The Store Where a Dollar Does Its Duty Oldest 8,avd ift7Amerc4 UN[TED SHAL.T& COLLAR~ CO. TRW R.Y. w I k %I Jewelry of Quaity I LAIS Good solid reasons why you i be found by looking through our line of fresh desirable goods- up to date in style and honest in quality. SRLANDERER & SEYFRIED 113 E. Liberty St' WAI KING LOO Come Up and Try George's Chop Suey Delicious chinese and American Dishes. Z ! 1 Statf sree I Phone 1244-L NOTED BARITONE TO APPEAR AGAIN May festival patrons will have an opportunity to renew acquaintance with Reinald Werrenrath, the youthful baritone who made a deep impression when he appeared in U. Hall last year. At that time Mr. Werrenrath conquer- ed his audience as a sympathetic in- terpreter of songs; on Saturday, May H. . iue . W.Clrkson Harrison Soulr President Cas~hier V. President FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ann Arbor, Mich. Capital $ioo,ooo. Surplus and Profits, $65,000 Pass the Rest, Try the Best Fresh home-made candies, crackerjack and fountain drinks at MAC'S 613 E. Liberty St START TOM ORROW ON PAGEANT WORK Rehearsals for the Jeanne d'Arc pa- geant, to be presented on the evening of May 21 on south Ferry field, will commence Monday afternoon in Bar- bour gymnasium at 4:00 o'clock. The steps of Mozart's minuet from the op- era of Don Gloyanni will be practiced. Those who will participate in the scene will be notified before Monday afternoon by the committee. The poster to be used in advertising the pageant, painted in black, blue and gold by Don M. Cottrell, '14A, is near completion and will be put on exhi- bition early this week in the window of Wahr's Bookstore. It is arepresen- tation of Jeanne d'Arc, clad in full ar- mor and mounted on a snow white horse, riding before a typical French chateau. The canvas is 18 by 24 inch- es in size, although the reproductions to be made will be of somewhat small- er dimensions.a Buy your key of Arnold & Co., Jewelers, Main Street. They have made them for several years. Their keys are 14k gold, finely made, priees lower than some others. Orders miay be left now for de- livery upon issuance of the proper certificate from the Secretary. See the samples. Phi Beta Kappa All We Know of is the- BEST 9929 ROWE'S LAUNDRV 406 DETROIT STREET The Link between College and H TUTTLE"1 Everything new in Spring Suits and Overcoats, Spring Neckwear, Spring Underwear, Immense showing in Spring Manhattan Shirts. It is high time for a new Spring Hat, and you can't use too much care in choosing i t. Pick yours here and you can be sure it's absolutely right In every re*pect. THE BIG STORE COR. WASHINGTON and MAIN Reule, Conlin & Fiegel I See our beautiful New Spring Coats Skirts, Waists and Dresses Every dress in a class by itself SCH ROEN BROS. Phone 1000 124 South Main ARNOLD 41 Jewelers Woo 220 S. Main St. IWe on State Street Serve Hot Li Flowers Cousins ( & Hl1 Choce Cat Flowers Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating Cor.12th St. and S. Univ. Ave. Phone 115 TRANSIT MARKET Wm. LINDEMAN DEALER IN Fresh and Salt Meats A1 I PORK, HAM.POULTRYEtc. Bel Phone 2294 212 N.4th Ave. J I I SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER YOUR NEXT SUIT WILL LOOK WELL WILL FIT WELL WILL WEAR WELL IF I TAILOR IT TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL MEASURE MAX P. KRUTSCH Varsity Tailor 117 E. Liberty St. TelIphone Cadillua 4524 LET D TERLE Tailor for Men Make Your Spring Suit. British Woolens $35. to $60. 94 West Fort Street Detroit - - - - - - - - - - - - }k ' 16, he will show another phase of his musical gifts by singing the difficult role of Caractacus in Elgar's cantata by the same name. That Mr. Werren- rath is fully equal to his task may be expected from the following words of the eminent New York critic, W. J. Henderson: "His singing has not only technical finish but sound taste and great delicacy of sentiment." UNIVERSITY NOTICES Meeting of the Educational club at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow at Tappan hall. All senior engineer canes must be at Haller's jewelry store by Tuesday night for engraving. Cosmopolitan club class will not meet tomorrow. "The Mission Qf a Meeting House" will be the subject of Dr. A. H. Pot- ter's talk at the Presbyterian church, tonight, 7:45 o'clock. Fresh engineers wishing to try out for canoe team for Boat club ma.rathon call 906 between 12:00 and 1:00 o'clock today. You can rent one or fifty kodaks to-# day at 10 cents each. Lyndon. Sat.-Sun. Women students who wish to make money for summer should call soon. Phone 359-M, office hours only. Posi- tions pretty well filled and considera- ble preparation necessary. $100 and expenses for nice trip for 72 days' work. tf. * OF INTEREST TO WOMEN * Teaching of children in the general hospital by college women as organiz- ed under Miss Burrows, the city visit- ing nurse, has been progressing splen- didly. Four or five women are at the hospital every afternoon, and the chil- dren are enjoying the entertainment as well as learning many new facts. All who are interested in this work, which is said by those who have taken it up to be thoroughly enjoyable, are cordi- ally invited to meet the committee, to- gether with Miss Burrows and Dean Jordan, at 5:00 o'clock next Wednes- day afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. All women who wish to enter the tennis tournament should sign up in Barbour gymnasium at once. * * * . Prof. J. R. Nelson will lecture on "Christianity and "the World Situation" at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in New- berry hall. Exclusive agents for Diemel linen mesh underwear. Lindenschmitt Apfel & Co. tf SIGMA DELTA CHI FINISHES PRO- GRAM (Continued from page 1) ism faculty at the University of Wash- ington, was made vice-president, F. M. Church of The Michigan Daily was chosen secretary, and Robert C. Lowry, newspaper correspondent at Austin, Texas, was re-elected treasurer. Chase S. Osborn, former governor of Michi- gan was accorded the honor of re-elec- tion to the national honorary presiden- cy. The next convention will be held at Iowa State university in 1915. Standish-a New ARROW COLLAR for Summer An ultra smart style which correctly ex- presses the fashion CLUr E,5c CLUETT, PEABODY &Cq., Im~c. Makers EMIPLE heatr e The Cool Theatre LUBIN That Terrible Kid' KALEM The Padrones Plot' [N TWO PARTS V ITAGRAPII 'The First Endorsement 5c ADMISSION Open every day until 9:00 p. m. Sundays from 9:30 to 4:30 only. Rent Eastman Kodaks-10c. Lyndon. eod Best shine at French Parlors on Lib- erty just off State. Step in. eod Fresh films are a necessity-East- man speed films are best for this sea- son. We offer you fresh Eastman speed films every day in the year. Lyndon. eod Wed ALLEN SELLS GOOD CLOTHING. SPRING AND SUM[ER' STYLES, Suits at $10.00-All Wobl. Suits at $15.00--All Wobl, Hand Ta lored. Suits at $20.00-Adlers' Make a Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cu tom Work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STOR] Main Street. FO LADIES- Low Heels, the Popular Style Fraternities Notice To make your party the hit of the season it will be to advantage to look over our line of Party Decorations. r you 8 Styles: Rubber sole, pumps. 10 Styles: Leather sole pumps. 8 Styles: Leather and rubber Complete line's of Colonials. Law heel. Patent, dull, tan and white. Low heel. Patent, dull, tan and satin. sole Oxfords. Low heels. All leathers. Spool and Spanish heels. All leathers. $3.50 to $4.50 per p $3.00 to $4.00 per;p $3.50 to $4.50 per;p $3.50 to $5.00 per Festoons Tally Cards Place Cards Programs Menus Crepe Papers Serpentines Dinner Favors Lunch Sets Napkins Let Us Furnish Your Next Order of Dance or Banquet Programs How About That Victrola? Nothing in the. Talking Machine line compares with it for all around Entertainment, by High Class Artists ! The Victor Talking Machine Co. contracts with the world's best talent in all lines: Free Demonstration in our VICTROLA ROOM every day 2 to 5 P. M. Latest records 1 Let us place one in your house on our easy payment plan. Phone 1707. GRINNELL BROS. L ARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN MICHIGAN. 120-122 E. Liberty St. The Mayer-Schairer Co. Stationers, Printers, Binders " =k4l W-l", 112 S. Main Street Ann Arbor, Mich. 1 19 EAST L1 1. 3 I L