.THIE MICHIGAN DAILY. n Display I Tennis TIDE LATEST STYLES AND COLORINGS FOR 1914 Largest Line of Woolens n the city to select from 11 agents for the S lotted Th roat Rackets Tennis Balls 3 for $100 ainy make Look over our Rackets before buying TH-E MICGIIAN DAILY Official newspaper at t.he University of Mich- igan.. Published every' morning except Mon- day during the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan tinder Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Ofilces Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scrip tion: price: by carrier, $2.5o; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 96o and 2414. Maurice, Toulme .......... Managing Editor Adna Johnson.. ....... ... Business Manager H. Beach Carpenter............ News Editor Fred Foulk.............. Assistant to Editor F. M. Churcbh................ Sports Editor Leonard' Rieser.......Intercollegiate Editor Robert Tannahill#MuianDrm Glenn, MunnMuiadDrm Harold Abbott .................. Cartoonist Lillian Thomson............ Women's Editor EDITORIALS H arold Hippler Paul Blanshard Marshall -Foote Lester Rosenbaum Louis David. NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett Chester Lang Henry. Rummel JabinTHu F. F. McKinney Walter Nye On Sport Staff Carlton Jenks Remnus Kline TI. Hawley 'rapping Bruce Miles REPORTERS P. F. Thompson J. M. Barrett C. A. Swainson D, R. Ballentine R. S. Collins Leon Greenebaum 1:. C. Roth 11. R. Marsh C. L. Muller J. F. Jordan Donald Sarbaugh D. A. Wallace Reuben Peterson W. A. P. John Willis Goodenow ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood Field Harry Johnson John S. Leonard F. G. Millard BUSINESS STAFF R: V. Leffler R. J. H~ofmnann A. H. Torrey Myron Watkins SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1914. Night Editor--James M. Barrett, Jr. UNITARIAN CHURCH State cor. Huron 1I 11 ii R. S. LORING, Pastor Morning Service at 10:30 Wright & Ditson TENNIS BALLS Two Sermons on Eucken's New Book- "Can We Still Be Christians?" 3 for $1..00 flay 3. igion Why Is Rel- Stil IINeeded? flay 10. What About Christianity? YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY AT 7:30 DISCUSSION INTERNATIONAL PEACE Mr. R. R. Greathouse Mr. 0. T. Kreuser 11 us WILD G0. Merchant Tailors PROIT UNITED LANES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE 9 and Express Cars for Detroit-7 10 and hourly to 6:io p. n. also 8:i tars for Detroit--. :4o a. in., 6 :o6 a. in., very two hours to 6 :o6 p. nn., 7 :06 p. :o6 p. mn., g9:1 o p. mn., andid o0:45' p. in. psilanti only, 11 :15 p. in., 12:15 p. In. P. n., 1S:oo a.im.. d Cars for Jackson-7 :46. m i. and rtwo hours to 7:46 p. mn. "ars for Jackon-5:12 a. in , 6:51 a. m., very two hours to 6:51 p. mn., also -4:2o 11:15 p. in. COX SONS & VINING 12 Madison Ave., NEW YORK r'te 'MAKERS OF b CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS e ... For All Degrees May be Ordered from MACK &400. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Stock $300,000 Surplus $xoo,ooo Resources $3,000,000 eneral Banking Business Transacted sChas. E. Hiscock, Pres., W. D. Har- an, Vice-Pres., Ml. 3. Fritz, Cashier STUDENTS'BOKTR One Hundred Rackets, to select from at University W 1~ 5 Bookstore Guaranteed Tailoring , ~ at $17.50 You pick the_ fabric;. choose your style; then; I will make it to your measure-that means Individuality. I wwwwasomomm r REAL GOOD tailor-made, clothes are not obtainable under1 S$25 but if yon appreciate extra- ordinary value for that money, have themi tailored toj measure by ID. V. PRICE & CO.~ Let us show you their Soo0 beautiful woolens andtakeyour - measure. TYPEWRITERS New, reouilt, and second- hand, For Sale, $10.40 up For Rent, $2.00 up S mos., $5.00 TY1PEWR I TINRG -0. 0. MORRILLI firer Baltimore Lunch No other way of clothes getting is as ible as Tailoring. flex- THE± HUMAN SPIRIT. We offer the greatest cloth var~iety: make exactly as you wish- and as quickly as you say; and it's guaranteed _tailoring. White flannel and serge-trousers $6.00 and up. We will half line these trousers without extra charge to' you. Baseball Maid to Order. M a M-11mi1-11 1 1,111, IN I! m All humor is divided into two parts.,__o There is the humor that is subtle, that AN ORIGINAL VEST POCKET tickles, that amuses and =that chariA. ESSAY Then, there is the humor that is loud, Written especially for "Campusmiles," boisterous and physically tiring., The by the famous one is inward, the other, outward. G~eorge Fitch "Adam's Diary," Bill Nye, and George In the rush aid agitation of report- Ade make for aching sides and facial ing Michigan's three places in the 220 contortions. F. P. A.-and a great, yard dash, and Sisler's poor feeble many others-draw a smile, perhaps work with the baseball, I fear the the mere shadow of a smile. The "col" regular staff has overlooked the crick- is laid aside, but there is inward peace et game on the southwest forty of Fer- and a feeling of smug content. ry Finled yesterday afternoon. A num- The one is a smile, the other a laugh. ber' of players took part, the score re- ___________--suiting in favor of the Australian Ter- SUNDAY. rors. Director Rowe officiated in the Does Sunday ever prove to be dull, deep foul left and made the star play flat, eventless, uninteresting to you?° of the day, scaling the wvall for a lost Do you find yourself looking forward ball.- Score 186 runs, folur banged to its coming merely because of the shins, a loft hll, and 86 cups of tea. restful (?) change from the customary--- routine of the weekday? If so, what's The Sigma Delta Chi fraternity, com- the reason? Has the change from the posed of newspaper aspirants, has had "old-fashioned Puritanical Blue Sab-' six banquets in three days. We fear bath" left us listless, filled with ennui? these young gentlemen are trying to Perhaps the day is intended merely for make up for the grub they will not get reflection. That's enough. in. the henceforth.-_GEORGE FITCH. Popular Priced Tailor 209 E. Liberty St. Rh A' OUR ICE CREAM made from Pasteurized Sweet Cream and in a Clean Shop We claim it to be the best Iee Cream In Ann arbor BsYAp u E. C FLANDERS B E Medicine Bags and Pocket Cases at Qoarry Drug Co. The Druggists on the Corner Annual May Sale of Fine Muslin, Und ergar- ments and Lingeries. MACK&CO. ders for Parties. Faterailies and Faitly use Delivered promptly r/ PHI BETA KAPPA ui r v SIGMA XI IKtl DELTA SIGMA RHO Loving Cups. In Sterling and Plated Silver $1.50 to $200.00 (See window) HALLER JEWELRY CO. 065.- State' Street YOU CAN 'BUY!! The best Meats, Poultry and Fi'sh at the 6. P. siesendorfer Market 201 E. Washingten St. CAMPUSMILES To liv e is to lor e.-King ,John. DIAMONDS LOOSE AND UNMOUNT- ED. -State St. Sign. Spring being the correct time to have diamonds flying around loose. ----e Simp : Why on. earth did you persist in standing up at the finish of every event 'at the meet?. Boob : Didn't you see the girl I had with me? Simnp: I asked you why YOU stood uip:? -0- -A SUGGESTION A Title For The 4argoyle Cover It would be trite to say that the Case aggregation worked for one hour and forty-five' minutes for nothing-but they did. --0-- Out with the""fast line- Before the type metal gives out. - 1 p. SHOE REPAIRS ? FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIING JOHN H. LAMBERT 613 EAST WILLIAM Official Sisoe Doctor to Michigan's Football Team FOR RENT-Large single room suit- able for one or two boys at 337 E. Madison. Also 4 single rooms or two suites, three rooms for light housekeeping for summer school at 344 S. Division. LOST-Thursday afternoon on North State St., D. T. D. fraternity pin. In- itials 0,. V. S. Call Phone 1728-1.. LOST--A pair of tortoise rimmed spectacles on Ferry field Saturday afternoon. If you find it please call Paul Wagner at 580. Buvy Youzr Conklint Pern At Valkf Dorn's hrmaA p fi F, WAHL Ann Arbor Steam Dye Works Experts Cleaners and Dyers OSTRICH Feathers a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed It. STI3IN CAMPUS IN BRIEF MUSIC AND DRAMAI Garrick Theatre. new cemient wailk has. been laid Ito atke the place of the old path which May Robeson, in James Forbes' lat- -an between the rear part of Univer-+ est play, "The Clever Woman" will ap- 1i ity h-all and the law building. pear at the Garrick theatre, Detroit, -'The driive way from the side of-Bar- this week. Meiss Robeson hardly needs lour gymnasium running into the :an introduction to theatre-goers; her hemnistry building; is to be paved withsucsinThRevnaonfAnt Mfary" is- proverbial. Mr. _Forbes is oncrete. --best remembered for his, ."The Tray- -"Votes for Womien" banners,,floating eling Salesman" and "The Chorus La- dy" The combination of Miss Robe- ver sorority houses, and badges of a'dso's acting and Mr. Forbes' skill in inmilar insignia, worn by university stagecraft should be decidedly worth 'omen constituted the part taken by1 while. Phone 628 We Call and Deliver 7d ._ t1Unvexsfty 'Music.Ibouse PROSS DVILDING MAYNAR DST. Victor ersity w-omen int) yesterday's na-, -wide suffrage demonstration. ie big anital barbeeme dinnDer, ape- instruction in cooking, and a piro- in of contests featured the Field Summer work. Phone 973, Monday. WANTED-Man to work In Oio for sumnmer. Salary. Call 2473-M. 7:00 to 9:00 a. m. tf Victrolas amd sk. ICkeocc Stock of ebrtio ofthefoestrs estrLOST-At Cornell Track Meet. Athlet- their camp on Third Sisters' ; is book of Victor M. Lebron. Finder IIplease return to Daily office. Records f X -r 'iLTr~ IAZ -rT? DOT7n I