Try the new paper [I OF N'S SUITS, HATS, PS and FURNISHINGS SELTONA ur dollars to have more trading at Wadhams & ting satisfaction with ev- Prints ink daylight and Stotes itself. Beautiful Sepia prints with little work. Calkin'sPharmacy -" IRST THING you do today our store and choose your spi clothes. Then it is settled. J. F. Wuerth Co. efficient vice insures prompt deliv o .o Our complete and compret sive exhibit of quality clo affords' the widest range of ection. The styles and value V young men's and men's s 7 are exceptional. $20.00, $25.A we will be glad to extend the courtesy charge account to all responsible persons. ANN .l; prk ARBO dharx~ ~Co. 12f-123 south Main Street I CVA 'IPVi _IN BRIEF r RED TI!MAN DUNVWgpp AMARUUARDT fine Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Cor. Main and Huron-'-Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. NEN SPRING STYLE WILSON S BEST PRODUCIT 1k-Over Shoes 3 Main St. and save a dollar Make bb Us Prov Scurf slide space and lock front. UNITED SHl ot& } LT-a.VQ.TRQ&Y PtMORE 'TF CITY IM1PBRO'(E EN TSf E E xtensive imnprovenments in the "city beautiful" line, are being planned by R~a i F, Bassett; '13, pity park comiuis,- gfoner, for the coming seas~on. Al' West Park~, a new baseball field is to, be laid puit similar to the Ferry field diamond, and new tennis courts along with ptber ge14er4l imnp}ovements are to be niade. a shelter llptuse will be erected at Cr Bend park 4lpIng the river. The racing track at the fair grounds is to I be regraded, and teniiis courts set in. ffOJ1 INtIIAT ION B4NQUE'T Th~e initlatipn banquet or the. Tau Delta Sigma, the honorary architectur- al fraternity, was hleld last night at the Pi Beta Phi Hl-ouse. Miss Dorothy Adams was hostess. Prof. Herbert Cfoss find Prof. Louis Boynton repre- sented the faciilty on the program, while ,,B. Newvmgan ed 0. ohagen were the student spe~kers. >.lE. Deal was toastmaster. 'Captain Shelton to Arrive Thursday President .H. B. Hntchins received notice yesterday morning that Captain George H. Shelton, 29th U. S. Infant- ry, stationed at Fort Niagara, New Yov'k, wvill be in° Ann Arbor on .M Y 7. lie will speak to the stuxdelnts relative to the suimmer military camp, which is to be situeited at Lud9ingthi tl sm- NOTED PHPYSICIST VISITS LA PLATO OBS3ERVATORY Dr, iHormgnn Walthor Nernast, world famed physicist and cliemist, of Berlini, and Mrs. Nernest are at present being entertained at the La Plata observato- ry, lea Plata, Argenltine, by Mrs, . J. Hlussey, wife of the director of the local observatory. Dr. Nerna, who is inoted for his research wprkin thermo- dynamics ant electromotive force, and ailso for the invention of the Nernst ,electric lamp, isi delivering ' 'six 'Weeps lest}}re Qpprse at the university, pf ILa Plate,,- Leather Tip Oxfords $5.o00 our Price -According to a rumor current about the campus, the Ci Psi fraternity is contemplating building a new house on South State street. During the past year the Accacia and Sigma Cii frater- nities both buit nw houses on this street.. -Rtoekwell Mlarmoni Potter, 11.1., o Hartford, Conn., will speak at theUn- ion Guild meeting in the Presbyterian church at 7:45 o'clockSunday night. -The entire homep department will. hold a meeting at 11:00 o'clock today in the homeopathic hospital to elet a manager for the 'departmental base- ball team.. D. B. Hagerman, '14H, and C. D. Pillsbury, '14H, are the nominees.. -Prnes. Harry B. Intehin~ will go to Toledo today to attend the alumni meeting in that city in the evening. --Senigr engieers ivwho hve made their deposits for canes will have a last chance to secure them at 9 :30 O'clock this morning in the engineer- ing society's rooms. -Positions for 50 college men In the Y. M. C. A. work in Chicago are open for acceptanpe immediately after grad- uation. Applicants must hiave had some Y ~.~ A. work or have the recommendation of the univerity. The initial salary is $50 per moth with al- lowance for living expenses. -Prot. . Nil. I4l'will speaj on Per- sona l Iuiceg." befqpe cthe Upper Room Bible lss, in the Bible Chair building, at 7