uispiay STYLES 11 'enni agents for the Slotted Throat S1 / AL Line to so NG 4 e of Woolens elect fromi 10 Clo. ant Tailors TED LINES Ra-ckets Tennis Balls 3 for $1.00 any make Look over our 'Rackets before buying THE MICHIGAN DAILY official newspaper at 'he University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except M4on- :ay during the university year. F ntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan wader Act. of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scription pri"e: by carrier, $2.30; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: 'Press Building; c2 arry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. i i. Davis, Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 96o and. 2414. Maurice Toulme ......Managing Editor Adna Johnson............ Business Manager Hd. Beach Cartenter.........News Editor jFred Iionilk.............. Assistant to Editor F. M. Church.. ..............ports Y: dtor leonard Rieser ........ Intercollegiate editor Robert Tannahill I........Music and Drama Glenn Mminn f I" Harold Abbott ....... ........Cartoonist Lillian "Thomson..........Women's Editor ED ITOR IALS Shoes -Men Want The man on the inside of a pair of our shoes knows fromt experi- ence what excellent shoes they are. Test a pair of our Spring Shoes and you'll k-now why men want them-. TENNIS B L Shoes at $3.00 to $500 One Hundred Rackets to select from at University W ~5 Bookstore 3 for $1.00 ., Gross & Dietzel Some foolish editors have assumed flarold Rippler Niarshlah Fote Paul Blanshard Lester Rosenbaumn Louis David. WI' TIME TABLE Cars for Detroit-7, ir 0 6:Io p. in., also 8:xo --S:40 a. in., 6:o6 a. mn., "s to 6:o6 p). in., 7:06 p. Dp. in., andl 10:-45 p.In. II :I5 p. in., 12:15 p. Mn. 46 & . i.and sto 6:51 p.,im., e&lso g:20o COX SONS & YININ6 72 M~adison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS OF CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Dgrees May be Ordered from MACK & CO. STUDENTS' BOOKSTORZ i REAL4 GOOD tailor-mande;I clothes are not obtainable under 4 $25 but it you appreciate extra- ordinary value for that money, have them tailored to measure~ byI, Hl. V. PRICE '& CO.1 f Let us show you their 500 jbeautiful woolens and take your imeasure. NIGHT EDITI Leo Burnett Henry Rumimel F. F. McKinney On Sport St Carlton .Jenks T. Hawley lapping REPORTE] t'. F. Thompson C. A. Swainson R. S. Collins I'. C. Roth C. L. Muller D~onald Sarbaugh l euben Peterson Willis Goodet now ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood Field Harry Johnson Jahn S. Leonard F. G. Millard Loss of popularity Is a bitter and Main Streets nient place for banking. 'an iniallability. A foolish public has rORS Chester Lang believed, and had its belief shattered. Jabin llsu it i el WValter Nye isnel ta RemusKline Generalities are ignoran~ces. ',,w, -' Bruce Miles, papers nre interesting because they RS'j are human. It is their greatest fault' J. M. Barrett and their greatest virtue. 1). R. Ballentine Leon Greenebauni ____------________ ____ 1-1. R. Marsh - _ _ _ _ J. F1. Jordan I). A. Wallace TT~1T 1V. A., P. John Guaranteed Tailoring at $17x.50 'Sou lick your fabric; choose your std le; then I will mhake it to your mneasure -That mean;, Individuality. No other way of~clothies getting is as flexible as Tailoring. We offer the greatest clothavariety: make ex- actly as you wish and as quickly as you say; and it's guaranteed tailoring. White flannel and serge trousers $6.oo and up. We will half line these, trousers without extra charge to yon. E. Ce FLANDERS Popular Priced Tailor 209 E. LIBERTY STREET yourI BUSINESS STAFF iI R. V. Leffler K. J. Hofmnann A. ST. Torrey Myron Watkins IPrts THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1914. Having shelled my daddy's shcckl s; For an atb-el-etic book, THE PROFESSIONAL HAND. I feel that Cassie Chadwick, The ichian nioneleti~~lesWas a crude and short horned crook. prohibit professional politics, back-al- The numbers call for baseball gamnes, ley methods, bossism and in a word (I like to watch 'em sizzle) all of those distasteful, ward heeling On yester eve I took three bolts,, means of the "outside, practical The game-It was a fizzle. world." It is as it should be. __ The student who steps into a Union It's it Space Filler Lads, But We're it office can feel just pride, for he has tinAwful iHurry not been put there solely by his su- There was a physician of long ago preme "bravery" in the matter of Who hired a man to shovel his snow; pledging votes. The Union system for- But instead of a-shovel he gave him a tuinately confers an honor-the only hoe, real honor there is. As a nominee and He was a, Floe-me-a-path, you know. as an officer, he has been a recipient lii. of appreciation and trust from his fel- --- loves. Our3i' Miulnl~ei, Minstrels A discussion of the qualifications is Mr. Johnson: Mr. Bonles, do you to. be highly desired. That is educa- know why Villa never shoots a man Lion. And what a success this sys- with a glass eye. term has proved to be? The present Mr. Bones: No, Mr. Johnson, 1 was and past efficiency of the Union is not aware of the fact. Will you tell founde d upon the non-pledging and the assemblage the reason for this nomination scheme, without the shad-, wonderful fact. ow of a doubt. The stuident body has Mr. Johnson: Simple. lie uses a buti- cause to congratulate itself. let. Har, har!!!! The nomination system brings forth Introducing the infant son of Baul men who are too sensitive and honor- 1 Tue, our famous big league umpire, in able to mix in gangs. And so the pro- his comedy dialogue and hundred yard hibition does prohibit and the men sprint, entitled, "If You're Going to who have gone into the closer service Throw a Bottle Boys, Be Sure and of the Union havo gone in with clean PKass the Pop." (Meaning use a Coca hands. Cola bottle). THE 209 South~ Stuts Street Gives clean. wholesomze board at 4.Z Ater vweek. SeLfe drinking wwtor, CHUBS j VC. IFr0Ixw.Proprietor 1 %y You*r CorkkIlrin Peirm At H OUSE ni Chocolates, 80 Cents In the Maize ad Blue Box rslty Bitter Sweets, 60 Cents In the White Box [ilk Chocolates , 60 Cents -T4h-ed o ain Our OwnCleau candly Shop. They're Simply Delicious. sy THE POPULAR PLACE CHOOL SUPPLIES utter Loose Leaf Note Books, Loose Leaf any size. Department Paper and Envelopes FOUNTAIN PEON HOSPITAL AND LO, ANOTHER H-UMAN! The newspaper has been said to have no heart, to be a wolf, a liar, ra stealer of peoples' respectability, a beast Land all that is evil, base, corrupt and. fla- -0---- lie Should Be Sentenced to Thun a lu- nior Column For One Week Jordie Writes: lDear Smiles: What do you think should happen to the sanitary medic who enters the hash r " SCHLEEDE. 340 S. STATE ST. a t URCHFLELD & CO. grant. Ihouse, wps111s chiair with theUiC But, no! A newspaper is only hu- does the same thing to his plat man. Its news is gathered by hu- knife and other face feeders, to means, its stories are written by hu- nate luring germs, and then mlans, its mistakes are human and its his mug at the end of the meal successes are human. Yes, a newspa- the same napkin? per is human, is passionate, is enthu--- siastic, is lethargic, is cowardly, is Billie: Did you name your corrupt, is fearless or is honest. The "Waiter" because it was so slow newspaper has a heart-a big human Phillie: Ndope, because it was s heart--the biggest. "Yes, the newspa- customed to tipping. per is open to all the vicissitudes of---- -- human n Oire, it is capable of the low- Exclusive agents for DMemel est evil piid of tile- most enth~ralling mesh undlerwear. Lindenschmitt good n s. &Co. re, his elimi- wipes .l with. canoe so ac- linen Apfel Liketh try it ii- tobacco years- Tobacco too smoo to carry< Pocket-- You nee: SMOOTHEKST TOBACCO eo Lawforc stroke, the more you leĀ° more fascinating is Velvet, the .The best leaf aged over 2e -time is the only process. : matured in this fashion is rare-it'sI nth to irritate or "bite." It's a pleasure such a smoke-as Velvet in your -it's extremely companionable!1 .d 41! At your dealers. .. One oune bags 5C, convenient four cigarette znLker3. FINE TAILORING1 TRADE We can and do give you the limit of excell- xe in Tailoring, this issue, with a complete e of up-to-date woolens, makes us the leaders our line. Respectfually, Sam Burchfield & Co. f SPRING SHIRTS Just received a comtpiete line of SOFT SHIRTS with new style collar attached or detached. Negligees in handsome patterns. The AJIJES TO sleeve Shirt -"Best Ever" The new BALLMACAAN Coats all sizes. j Vht,.re iashp"POP" BAN CRO FT Beth go ,d and mow: ,t 22 Monroe %1ill tteat you righlt Cigars, CUgarrttes..'tobacco M^_,rn, noon and night .atiuYknrY, ltainy, Magga tines THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK THE STATE SAVINGS BANK 141-103410O5 Sotlh Main Stroet I Surplus 711nd Profits, $1Qo01.4 Capital, $100,000 ANN ARBOR, MICH. Surplus ari Profits, w," ,s $69,000 4W'A3rolhl W in. J. Booth )ht'WltJr. Varsity Toggery Shop 1107 S. University Avg nue6. _ T1 NDTIALL (& PACi PJIOTOGR.