r - v I ISPR NC SHIRTINGS P Fine English and Scotch Woolens will be found this Spring, for the first time, in the medium as well as higher priced Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes, The new Tariff makes this possible.' Closeness to the foreign markets makes the Stein-Bloch showing most compre- hensive. Why not take the tip? Balmacaans in all the new colors. LindensClmidt, Apfel & Co. Clothiers and Furnishers Just received, a full line of soft, negligee shirts for Spring and Summer wear. We have them in various styles and cloths to suit every taste. Have you seen that new design in Collar Attached Shirt? It is just the thing for day wear and very popular at present. TINKER Q COMPANY Furnishers and Hatters 342 South State Street EVERYTHING THAT IS NI Is shown here ready for your choo, THE NEW BALMACAN SLIP-ON RAGLAN COATS The outer garment lad of the hour Everything new in Spring Suits and Overe4 Spring Neckwear, Spring Underwear, Itmt showing in Spring Manhattan Shirts. It is high time for a new Spring Hat, and can't use too much care in choosing it. yours here and you can be sure it's absohi right In every respect. THE BIG STORE COR. WASHINGTON and MI Reule, Conlin & Fieg i No11 THE LONG GRIND will he past Ir seven weeks more THEN HOME in go, you will need light dry goods for the Summer. z can buy fli PROFILE Scarf slide jspace and lock ifront R. D. Kinne S. W. Clarkson Harrison Soul, President Cashier V. President FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ann Arbor, Mich, Capital $ oo,ooo. Surplus and Profits, $65,000 Pass the Rest, Try the Rest Fresh home-made candles, crackerjack and fountain drinks at MAC'S 613 E. Liberty St. CAMPUSMILES Loss of popularity Is a bitter rlyal.-Adams. The Campus Wall Ah, sad and disappointing day! I didn't pull the P..B. K. O'er such a thing, why fret and quib- ble? I LACES HOSIERY WINDSOR TIES, EMBROIDERIES UNDERWEAR SILK GLOVES m Oldest 8i-anp' fAr~r ~ 'UNITED S HI ftA& cotsAR' . . I~opLY- 4 Phi Beta Kappa CO. 614 E. Liberty St.. here a Dollar Does its Duty All We Kn1 of is the BI - !,. MUSICAL MEN TO GET LITTLE REST A completed western tour of 6,000 of Quality reasons why you r jewelry from us y looking through ldesirable goods- yle and honest in" LADIES! Buy your key of Arnold & Co., Jewelers, Main Street. They have made them for several years. Their keys are 14k gold, finely made, prices lower than some others. Orders may be left now for de- livery upon issuance of the proper certificate froni the Secretary. See the samples. ROWE'S LAU 4 06 D ETRO IT S' miles does not necessarily mean a rest [I show my scorn by "Ish gebibbel!" RER & SEYFRIED E. Liberty St- ING LOO e Up and Try 's Chop Suey se and Amgerican Dishes. Street Phone 1244-L See our beautiful New Spring Coats Skirts, Waists and Dresses Every dress in a class by itself SCHROEN BROS, Phone 1000 124 South Main wers TRANSIT MARKET Wn. LINDEMAN DEALER IN Fresh and Salt Meats Cousinis e l I o.00 Cust Flowers A of Palms and Ferns for Decoratlng St and S. Univ. Ave. Phone 1 15 PORK, HAM.POULTRYEtc. I Ball Phene 2294 212 N.4th Ave. __j r SHIRTS MADE TO ORDE R YOUR NEXT SUIT WILL LOOK WELL WILL FIT WELL . WILL WEAR WELL IF I TAILOR IT TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL MEASURE MAX P. KRUTSCH for the members of the musical clubs, as at least three more concerts will be given before the beginning of the final examinations, Saturday, May 9, the men will visit Jackson, where a program will be giv- en under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce. May 23, a return con- cert will be given in Hill auditorium in conjunction with the visiting Glee club from the University of California. A similar joint program was given in Brkeley on April 14, at which time an audience of 5,000 practically filled the famous natural Greek amphitheater. It is hoped to draw a crowd in Ann Arbor equally as large as the Califor- nia audience. Arrangements will be made for the entertainment of the visitors at the various local fraternity houses. The California men expect to make a three month's European tour this summer. Sometime during the first part of June a farewell concert will be given, officially closing the musical season. MUSIC AMD DRAMA Students to Give Recital Advanced students of the voice, vio- lin, piano and organ departments of the school of music will appear in a students' recital in Frieze Memorial hall this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Band rehearsal at 7:00 o'clock today in University hall. Meeting of the hospital social ser- vice committee today at 5:00 o'clock in Newberry hall. LOST-Emerald Rosary-gold cross and chain. "Genevieve" engraved on cross. Please phone 765-J. LOST-Gold open faced Elgin watch,. last Sunday. Monogram W. S. G. Return to 1015 E. Huron. Rhone 397. Reward. LOST-Dark blue leather coin purse_ containing $7.00 in bills and change at Whitney theater Saturday after- noon. Finder please call 2381-M. Reward. Sulla declared war on Athens when the Athenians called him a mulberry face. Woodie Wilson jumped on Vic.'s frame cause the bottle fighter called him a - - - (according to the Det. News.) It's the same old world! The Author Shows Good Sense in Hid. ing Behind the Women? (The readers will note the final rhyme) Between the lines of smoking men, The co-eds prominade (Spelled thus) at ten; Bull Durham, Omar, Home Run, too With purple smoke tone down the view. Hats of cerise, vermillion, and green As misty dreams by men are seen. Poor men! they smoke in self defense! If girls in milder shades were seen. Oh, Would the men smoke Melachrino? Or if the girls dressed in black and white Would the men give up the nail and pipe? -W. C. T. U. L. One of the many reasons why the humorists fill padded cells. -o-- We had with us yesterday: The first straw hat. The chapple who wears pumps to class. The yokel who supports his jeans with galluses and removes his coat. The yearly pest who flirts with death by saying: Is it hot enough etc. And the humorist who gets funny about the above line. Selah! Our Mid-Summer Minstrels. Mr. Johnson: Mr. Bones do you know why a man-eating shark is like the student who dines at a boarding house? Mr. Bones: Mr. Johnson, I confess my ignorance. Pray tell the assembled gentlemen the resemblance between a man-eating shark and the boarding house student. Mr. Johnson: Simple. They both have occasion to eat sinkers. Har, har! Introducing our serio-comedy trio, Huerta, Carranza, and Maas, in their martial scream, entitled, "We Have A Little Villa in the North of Mexico." A RNOLD &A J20 wcla.rs 220 S. Mal n St, -Y ho will wi this tropi Contest closes May 15, at 12m. sharp __ _ This $200 M-M Motor is for Our Most Popular Student C~O. The Link between College anl TUITTLE on State Street We Serve Hot Luu Last week thescore went up with a rush. But it's anybody's race yet. No one can say who will win this handsome trophy until the polls close May 15. However, don't wait until the last minute. That may be too late for your vote to do any good. Standing of Nominees A. 0. Williams. 14 E . . 19, 440 C. E. Shaffner, 14 Lit. . . 16,100 B. B. Foster, 15 D ..,.....15,680 G. Y. Cheng. 15 E.... . 13,000 R. J. Bake,r 14 Lit...... , 10,500 M. H. Pontius, 14L .... .. 1,140 C- L. Kendrick, 15 Lit . 960 Argimiro Morales, . ...... 900 Maurice flyers, 14 L . . . . . 600 James Raynesford, 15 1F . . . 240 Chester Dursenra, 16 D 240 Waldo Fellows, 14 Lit . . . . . . 180 Varsity Tailor 117 E. Liberty St. Fresh films are a necessity-East- man speed films are best for this sea- son. We offer you fresh Eastman speed films every day in the year. Lyndon. eod Wed Best shine at French Parlors on Lib- erty just off State. Step in, eod Open every day until 9:00 p. m. Sundays from 9:30 to 4:30 only. Rent Eastman Kodaks-10c. Lyndon. eod Diemel linen mesh underwear at Lin- denschmitt Apfel & Co's. tf Exclusive agents for Diemel linen mesh underwear. Lindenschmitt Apfel & Co. tf ALLEN SELLS GOOD CLOTHING.' SPRVNG AND SUMMER STYLES. Suits at $10.00-All Wool. Suits at $15.00-All Wool, Hand Tai- lored. Suits at $20.00-Adlers' Make and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tomn Work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf FOR SALE-Oliver typewriter, latest style printype at low price. Cash or payments. Mack & Co. 146-7 WANTED-A post-graduate student and wife would like to care for house, for rent of same, during nextl school year. No children. Very best of reference. Address X Daily. WANTED-A few good men to join a- Michigan Law Grad. 1911 for sum- mer in Winnipeg, Canada, on a highl grade selling proposition. He is av- eraging $12.00 per day now. $65 per month and car fare guaranteed, Phone 359-M. tf WANTED-Women students who need to make some money for summer to know that we can- use some high grade educational work and guaran- tee $100 and expenses. Phone 359- M. tf WANTJED-To rent a good modern 8 room house in University District. Possession soon. Phone 359-M. tf LOST-At Soph. Prom. an enameled pin. Phone 411. A ballot bo: every tobacco i No one should shirk in this big contest wh really so easy to elect t dent ofeyour choice. D tear off the frontof s F Piedmont ort Satin Cigarette package. the name of your can on the back of this p2 front and drop it in ballot box which yo find in any tobacco Surely any student college is willing to d much to see the righ win this honor. Package fronts count as Fatima - . - - 6( Piedmont - - . Satin 4 - -- FOR L ADIE Styl j Low Heels, thme Popsular Style Blue skies mean Blue marks in Bluebooks. 8 Styles: Rubber sole pumps. 10 Styles: Leather sole pumps. 8, Styles: Leather and rubber Complete line's of Colonials. Low heel, Patent, dull, tan ai white. Low heel. Patent; dull, tan and satin. sole Oxfords. Low heels. All leathers, Spool and Spanish heels. All leathers. $3.50 to $4.50 per pair $3.00 to $4.00 per pair. $3.50 to $4.50 per pair. $3.50 to $5.00 per pair, A How About That Victrola? Nothing in the Talking Machine line compares with it for all around Entertainment, by High Class Artists Y The Victor Talking Machine Co. contracts with the world's best talent in all lines: Free Demonstration in our VICTROLA ROOM every day 2 to 5 P. M. Latest records ! Let us place one in your house on our easy payment plan. Phone 1707. GRINNELL BROS. LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN MICHIGAN. 120-122 E. Liberty St. i " 119 EAST LIBERTY STREET