FOF SUITS, HATS, [IFURNISHINGS j Try the new paper SELTONA Prints in daylight and tones itself. Beautifult Sepia prints with little work. SPharmacy Balnacaan & Ti 1 Teach your dollars to have more sense by trading at Wadhams & Co. Lasting satisfaotion with ev- ery transaction. for Spring. Also a full line of the most up-to-date hats and caps. Don't forget to see our special shirt bargain for $1.00 Remember that we have the famous Society Brand Clothes. Come in and get your suit. dhamna Co. 121-123 South Main Street Z) RED MAN A. MARQUAROT Zattott no Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired, Cor. Main and Huron--Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Dank. PREPARATIONS FOR CORNELL MEET TO BE STARTED TODAY Director Floyd Rowe to Stage Trials in Absence of Coach Farrell As the first step in preparation for the Cornell-Michigan dual trackmeet on May 1, Director Rowe will hold tri- als for two-mile runners this after- noon on Ferry field. The distance men who intend to try out must report to Rowe before 2:30 o'clock. Trainer Farrell issued orders, before leaving for the east that there was to be no let up in the work of the athletes left behind. Director Rowe is in charge of all track activities and he is putting the men through their paces' daily. It is expected that the hurdlers, and some of the middle distance men will race their entire distance today in order to start their preparation for the impending clash with the Ithacans. CAMPUS IN BRIEF -Over Shoes [k to Main St. and save a dollar ILL Make OU Us , Prove alk ?t ERI r Tip Oxfords our Price .000 1 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR COOKING For Fraternity and Club Houses nereases Cleanliness and Efficieney. Telephone for our sentative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitchen Uquip- -Pending the arrival of the delayed cricket outfit, some ten enthusiastic devotees of the English national game have been working out in the batting cages at south Ferry field with im- provised equipment. -Keystone club, gin orgaiiiation of students from Pennsylvania, will hold a smoker and business meeting May 5 at 7:00 o'clock at the Union. Sever- al faculty men from Pennsylvania will be present and address the club. -Fie men went to Ovid, Mich., on the, University Y. M. C. A. deputation team yesterday. They will have charge of church services on Sunday and will hold meetings and banquets to inter- est high school boys in the university. -Prof. T. N. Iden will meet with the Upper Room Bible Class tonight in the Bible Chair building at 7:00 o'clock. A special musical program has been arranged in addition to the reg- ular talks. -Dr. H. H. Cummings, and Dr. W. E. Forsythe, of the university health ser- vice, and representatives of the Mich- igan Union Boat club, made an inspec- tion Thursday of many of the numer- ous springs frequented by canoeists and others using the river. An analy- sis of the water is now being made. -Union tennis courts tire being put into condition and only a good rain is necessary before they will be ready for use. It is planned to have a tennis tournament some time in May. -Soph lits ave fought their way to the top in the class bowling league, which finished its schedule recently. The last series upon which leadership hinged was captured by the '16 men from the senior engineers. The win- ning team was composed of Captain. Schultz, Bentley, Stuart, Williams and Dieterichs. Elbert Hubbard Presents New Books A set of books by Elbert Hubbard were received by the university library yesterday. The books were the gift of Mr. Hubbard, and include the follow- ing: "The Book of Business," "Holly- hocks and Goldenglow," "1,000 Epi- grams," "The Myth in Marriage," "An American Bible," "Justinian and Theo- dora," and "Life Lessons." Many of the books are beautifully bound in leather, and are characteristic prod- ucts of the Roycroft shops. AGENTS-Men and Women Make too per cent, selling Winan's Clothes Line Tightener-newest thing out. Patented, Sens on sight. Write for par- uAVIDGEWWORDEN CO. Water St. Binghamptn,NY. . * OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. * * * * * S * *' * * * * Women interested in organizing ora- torical and debating contests for wom- en are requested to hand in their nam- es to R. K. Immel, of the oratory de- partment. * * * Not all the stories submitted in the Stylus prize contest have been read as yet, but Prof. F. N. Scott has stated that some very promising material has been received. The name of the successful contestant wil probably be announced at an early date. * * * A unique entertainment will be of- fered by freshmen women to the soph- omores, in the form of a mock track meet, to be held in Barbour gymnasi- um from 3:00 to 6:00 o'clock this af- ternoon. Sophomores are asked to wear regulation gymnasium suits. * * * Dr. Mabel Ulrich will not speak at Newberry hall this afternoon, but will give the fourth of her series of talks to university women at 4:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Senior women will have their last opportunity to eat luncheon together at the Union at noon today. A number of interesting features have been ar- ranged by the committee in charge, and tickets at 50 cents, are on sale at the door. FRESHMEN BASEBALL TOGS TO HAVE FIFTEEN WEARERS Lavans' Squad of Forty Are Staging Bitter Struggle For Positions New suits for the new Michigan freshman team arrived yesterday af- ternoon. There are 15 of the uniforms and about 40 men trying for the right to wear them, so a hard fight is assur- ed. The outfits are gray with the word freshmen written across the shirt in black letters, while the hose is black and white striped. Lavans will not give out the suits until the last of next week when he picks the men to make the Detroit trip, where the youngsters will meet the University of Detroit nine in the opening game. Lavans has called a practice for 1:00 o'clock today when he will stage a game between two teams picked from the squad. In this way the coach will be able to get a better line on all the men that he deemed fit to withstand the first cut. .At this time he will give a number of his battery tryouts a chance to show what 'stuff" they have to offer to the batsmen. Yearbook Pages to Have Color Design Every page of the 1914 Michiganen- sian will be framed by gilt marginal lines within which, in the outer upper corner of each page, will be inserted a gold shield bearing a white M. Last year no color was employed on the pages constituting the main body of the book. First proof reading has' been entirely finished. a. o JEWELRY Extensive Stock at Reasonab1e Prices Skilled and Trustworthy Watch Repairing OPTICAL SUPPLIES Michigan Pins, Fobs, Bars and Spoons J. B. EIBLE t 09 west Liberty Street Across from Mack's Side Entrance ri ANN J hG AR I The r Ann Arbor Taxicab New Number is I I - -- --- ---- IR 2280 Service Guaranteed Parties a Sped, 300 N. MAIN STREET "I , "." HENRY & CO.,Merchant 1' 711 N. University Ave. Can meet all competition in of our 20 years' experience garments. Prices from $20 up. And Arbor, Mil CREA tailoring. Also adv as makers of high SUGDEN DRI 302 S. STATE ' P-iONE 1244 Tailors I 1 SOAPS, and T ment. Washtenaw Gas Company WANTED-A few good men to join a° Michigan Law Grad. 1911 for sum- mer in Winnipeg, Canada, on a high grade selling proposition. He is av- eraging $12.00 per day now. $65 per- month and car fare guaranteed. Phone 359-M.. tf WANTED-Women students who need to make some money for summer to know that we can use some high grade educational work and guaran- tee $100 and expenses. Phone 359- M. tf Diemel linen mesh underwear at Lin- denschmitt Apfel & Co's. t1 Exclusive agents for Diemel linen mesh underwear. Lindenschmitt Apfel & Co. tf ALLEN SELLS GOOD CLOTHING. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. Suits at $10.00-All Wool. Suits at $15.00-All Wool, Hand Tai- lored. Suits at $20.00-Adlers' Make and Style, Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tom Work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Candidates for sophomore tennis team sign their names at Ferry field or phone Manager Switzer at 120. Play will commence at once, contestants to play each other at will, best two out of three and report results to Swit- zer. Soph lit baseball practice this morn- ing at Ferry field.' Band meeting today at 1:00 o'clock sharp in U. Hall. Candidates for senior engineer base- ball team meet at 9:00 o'clock today at south Ferry field. Cosmopolitan club meet at 4:00 o'clock Sunday in MacMillan hall to nominate officers and arrange for In- ternational banquet. Tryouts for fresh lit baseball team report at Ferry field for practice at 10:00 o'clock today. Team will be picked at this time, as first game is scheduled for Monday. LOST-Will the gentleman who took balmacaan coat by mistake from li- bray between 8:00 and 9:15 last night, call Dunham, 775-J. TheSuee Play must be executed by the athlete who can think fast, who is quick of judg- ment, keen of eye and swift of limb. He must outguess and outspeed his opponents to bring home. the needed run. SHREDDED WHEAT -the most nourishing and digestible form of whole wheat gives the athelete and the student the best food for building brawn. brain and bone. It nourishes the mind and body, strengthens the tissues and helps---so far 1 as diet can---to make, an athlete hard, and fit. firm How About That Victrola? Nothing in the Talking Machine line compares with it for all around Entertainment, by High Class Artists ! The Victor Talking Machine Co. contracts with the world's best talent in all lines: Free Demonstration in our VICTROLA ROOM every day 2 to 5 P. M. Latest records! Let us place one in your house on our easy payment plan. Phone 1707. GRINNELL BROS. LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN MICHIGAN. 120-122 E. Liberty St. THE SHREDDED4WHEAT CO.,J NIACARA FALLS, N. Y. / Street. tf