'HE1 MICHIGA DAILYI I THE LEADING ERCHANT TAILORS We offer to you the t tailored suit possible he most suitable price. )rkmanship the best. zry suit built to fit, r stock of woolens of highest quality. The ,est assortment in the to select from. N. WILD CO. 311 S. State St. IOIT UNITED LINES NN ARBOR TIME TABLE and Express Cars for Detroit-7:10 and hourly to 6:io p. m., also 8:o ery two hours to 6:o6 p. in., 7:06 p. 6 p. mn., 9:10 p. i., and 10:45 p. Tn. ilanti only 1:15 p. M., 12:15 p. n. . in.,1 : cooa. im. Cars for Jackson-7:46 a. m. and wo hours to 7:46 p. in. rs for Jackson-5:iz a. m., 6:5T a. n., ery two hours to 6:5 p.., also 9:20 11:15 p. in.. I Tcxt-Books New and second-hand, all departmuents DRAWI N G INSTRUMENTS We can save you mnoey by buying the Richter brand. LOG LOG SLIDE RULES Ask to see our Special $i..5 FOUNTAIN PEN I. P. NOTE-BOOKS The Original' Loose-Leaf. All kinds of Students' Supplies at SHEEHAN & co. I STUDENTS* BOOKSTORE ' - ,N FIRA REL SOLD EXCLUSIVELYIBY F. W. Cross 123 East Liberty Street COX SONS & INING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS OF CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees May be Ordered from MACK & CO. Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan under .Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Subscription Price: By carrier, $.5; by mail $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis. Cor. Packard and State. Phone: Bell, 6o. Maurice Toulme ..........Managing Editor Adna Johnson............. Business Manager News Editor Sporting Editor H. Beach Carpenter Gordon Eldredge Assistant to Manager Fred Foulk. F. M. Church ....Assistant Sporting Editor Leonard Rieser.......Intercollegiate Editor Robert Tannahill........ Music and Drama Harold Abbott.................. Cartoonist ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood Field JrHarry Johnson John Leonard BUSINESS STAFF Myron Watkins EF. G. Millard NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett REPORTERS Carlton Jenks Bernus Kline Y. F. . Hsu Chester Lang F. F. McKinney H. C. Rummel TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1913. Night Editor-Henry C. Rummel. Business Staff ald Tryout Neeting Wednesday at 4:30 o'clock. ANNOUNCING PLATFORMS. Again the nominees for Varsity po- sitions are to run on platforms. Ob- viou sly great care must be taken to give each nominee an opportunity to present his convictions. Everything must be equal. To insure this result The Michigan Daily has planned to co-operate with the student council. Each nominee may use the columns of The Michigan Daily not to exceed 150 words on Thursday morning. In this communication the nominee may set forth his campus record, and his convictions on athletic policies. The election committee of the -student council will meet with the nominees and edit the platforms, that have been prepared by the nominees, to insure fairness. These platforms shall then be published simultaneously in The Daily, under the signatures of the election committee and the nominees. SPORTSMANSHIP. The Michigan Daily has recently had occasion to display black type on the Conference situation. We will soon have occasion to use this same type again, but, before we enter into a dis- cussion of this momentous question we feel that a few words of intention are necessary. First and above all else, there are to be no blows below the belt. We be- lieve that we can disagree and still have faith in your honesty and sincer- ity. The questions are not questions of personalities, but of issues. We be- lieve that they can be separated. We intend to wage a clean, fair campaign, based not on cant or prejudice. We are not fighting the questions of 1905 and 1906 but the questions of 1913. If we should err in facts, it will be because we were unable to secure the facts. And our efforts to secure the facts will not be lazy efforts. It is our fundamental conviction that Michigan belongs in the west, and since she belongs.in the west, she be- longs in the Intercollegiate Confer- ence, the best representative of the west. Some will disagreewith us as to the ways and means of getting into the west, the overwhelming majority will not. And we will prove this lat- ter clause. Our news columns are open to the opposition. The paper is yours: it is Michigan's' paper. Use it. But be as fair in your use of it as we intend to be. Text CAMPUS IN BRIEF. ERS AND MECHANICS BANK 103-1,05 South Main Street Capital, $100,000 Profits, . . $69,000 Hon. John F. Jewell, '96L, U.S. Con- I sul to Australia, is to represent the university at the dedication of the public library in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, November 11. Junior homeops made nominations for class officers yesterday, as fol- lows: president, H. R. Hildebrandt, R. Criswell, J. Blinn; vice president, J. Conlon; secretary, C. Schepeler; treasurer, E. C. Ganzhorn; historian, H. Hammel, S. Town. A member of the local committee for the State Teachers Convention, October 29-31, will be in room 205 University hall,daily from 3:00 o'clock to 4:00 o'clock, to consult with house managers of clubs and fraternities. A white diamond ring, valued at $225 was lost by Marie McDermott in University hall at noon yesterday. At a late hour at night no trace of the gem could be found. The, woman left the ring on the wash stand in the rest room. Being in a hurry to get to lunch she uncon- sciously started away without it. Once out of the room, she noticed her loss and hurried back to claim the treas- ure, found that it had disappeared. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. AAll students taking Rhodes schol- arship examinations today, are to meet at the president's office at 9:45 o'clock The examinations start at 10:00 o'clock. The first meeting of the Girl's club of St. Andrew's church, will be held today in Harris hall at 4:00 o'clock. All fresh lits entitled to apply for advanced credit are to obtain their blanks from Registrar Hall today or tomorrow.dThe blanks must be filed before Friday. Senior lit football practice at 4:00 o'clock today, at South Ferry field. Everybody out, Mortar Board will hold its first meeting Thursday evening, October 16, at Newberry hall. Wyvern meets Thursday, October 16, at 702 South Thayer street. Senior engineer election Friday from 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock. First year law football candidates meet at south Ferry field Tuesday, 4:00 o'clock. See bulletin board. There will be a meeting of the Mim- es, Wednesday, at the Union, immedi- ately following the membership din- ner. All candidates for junior lit football team, will report at south Ferry field at 3:30 o'clock today. Soph lit class meeting for nomina- tions this afternoon in Tappan hall at 4:00 o'clock. Important meeting of the oratorical board in oratory room, Wednesday at 5:00 o'clock. Junior research club will meet in the mineralogical laboratory, tonight at 8:00 o'clock. Mr. P. H. Forsythe, of the mathematical department, will speak on "Vitality." Student council will meet tonight at 8:00 o'clock. For all Departments. _U. Your Appecarance reflected in your,mirror and friends eyes, will be sati- factory if your New Fall suit bears our label, (Tie Quality Tailors.) Our showing is the most magnificent assortme:t of Woolens for Men and Young Men that has evr been shown in Ann Arbor at Popular prices- Seoend-Hand Books in great quantit-s. $1T.50to $2500 11 The woolens are all well chosen for long and sati- factory wear; the patterns are fresh from the mills, au every inch is cold water shrunk, ,Style, Fit and Workmanship is guaranteed. All garments fitted to you before finishing. Drawing Instruments and Engineer's Supplies Loose-Leaf Note Books of all sorts. Fountain Pens, etc., etc. Make our stores your headquarters. The Quality Tailors I' E. C.a FLAA"NDERS 209 E. Liberty St. Ralnooats, Macklaws, and CustomiAS W AHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES U' The Sverybody Knows,, B e OisBiS The Old. Mission Shop Cream Soda-The Best. Lunches-Most Delicious Home-Made Candies-Delightful 313 SOUTH STATE STREET Buy The Best ountain Pens "Guaranteed" WE REPAIR ANY MAKE WHILE YOU WAIT IGAN AND DEPARTMENT STATIONERY AND ENVELOPES e Repair Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Drawing Instruments TING F.SCHLEEDE, 340 S. STATE STREET s I Va Doen'sPhamac We Carry a Fine Line of Coic- Vsy n's Fountain PeI, 703 Packard Street from $1.50 up. Come in and get fitte October 22er wsk Hill Audtorium LOUIS DEL PRETE A F.AL L c o L L A R FINE TAILORING CLNA ING AND PRESSING LIBERTY STREET, above Liberty Bar- ber Shop Formerly head coat-maker for Dieterle THE STATE SAVINGS BANK Capital stock 1$510,000.00 Surplus and Profits x100,000.004 ANN ARBOR, MICH. Wm. Arnold Wn. J. Booth C. John WolzJr. Vice-Pres. President Cashier 3 A * ABRA3 LAIRD'S MODERN REPAIR SHOPEARL&W O N The Shop on the way down town. 217 astWas~i11n St iGRACEFUL LINES, MEDIUM HEIGHT 217 East Washington Street iCL 55 I al TaXi 1550I URCHFIELD & CO. FINE TAILORING TRADE We can and do give you the limit of excel- ce in Tailoring, this issue, with a complete e of up-to-date woolens, makes us the leaders our line. Respectfully, Sam Burchfield & Co. r ' M A Large Assortment of Mackinaws and Raincoats Get yours while the assortment is complete LOVES HOSIERY Agnt for Young's Mats Parties a Specialty Quick Service The Varsity Toggery Shop 1107 S. University Avenue. Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. 300 N. ! ain Street w . i man o your face let anyone photograph eture let Pack make It. RANDALL & PACK,- Photog s _ _. ,