{ d SPRING SHIRTINGS I I id Scotch Woolens will Spring, for the first time, mi as well as higher priced ch Smart Clothes. ff makes this possible. :he foreign markets makes )ch showing most compre- iy not take the tip ? in all the sew colors. Just received, a full line of soft, negligee shirts for Spring and Summer wear. We have them in various styles and cloths to suit every taste. Have you seen that new design in Collar Attached Shirt? It is just the thing for day wear and very popular at'present. i I 11 TN E Q O PNFurnishers and Hatters 342 South StateStreet EVERYTHING THAT IS NE Is shown here ready for your choosi THE NEW BALMACAN SLIP-ON RAGLAN COATS The outer garment fad of the hour Everything new in Spring Suits and Overcoa Spring Neckwear, Spring Underwear, Immeiv showing in Spring Manhattan Shirts. it is high time for a new :Spring Hat, and y can't use too much care in choosing i t. Pi yours here and yon can be sure it's absolute right in every respect. THE BIG STORE CORt. WASHINGTON and MA ReeConlin '&nFlea Apfel & Co. Furnishers othiers and LONG0 GRIND at In seven weeks. more lIEN HOME need light dry goods for the Sumnmer. EMBROIDERIES UNDERWEAR TIES SILK GLOVES LCO. 614 E:. Liberty lit. Where a Dollar Does Its Dutyx LADIES! You See our beautiful Is- New Spring Coats t in Skirts, Waists' I ED and Dresses Every dress in a Wlass by itself MUSIC AND DRAMA Students to Give Recitals This afternoon at 4:15 o'clock and rnext Wednesday at the same time, pub-' lie students' recitals 'will be given at the University school of music. To both of these the general public is cordially invited. ALLEN SELLS GOOD CLOTHING. SPRING AND SUM1~MER STYLES. Suits at $10.00-All Wool. Suits at $15.0-All Wool, Hand 'Tai- lored. Suits at $20.00-Adlers' Make and Style. Suits at $2.00--Equal to Finest Cus- tom Work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE. Bargain. Cash or time. 1913 Model. Telephone 937. 140-41-42 Open every day until 9:00 p. m. Sundays from 9:30 to 4:30 only. Rent Eastman Kodaks-l0c. Lyndon. eod Best shine at French Parlors on Lib- erty just off State. Step in. eod The home of Rexall Remedies. Ed- sill's Rexall Drug' Store. 122 South M~ain, St. Tue-Fri Safety razors sharpened keen as new 2c each. Pay after you try blades. American Tool Co., Dept. A., Columbus, ~ K. -,, ,, / 4 \" I HUILRRY UP Standish-a Newa ARROW COLLAR for Summer An ultra smart style which correctly ex- presses the fashion 'Vfor 05C CLUETT, PEABODY & CO., .INC. Makers Quality-Service and Prices Right. Edsill's Rexall Drug Store. Tue-Fri Diemel linen mesh underwear at Lin- denschmitt Apfel & Co s tf ' , .. .. Optical Repairs Don't wait two days for a broken lens to be replaced. We get them out for you in ou own shops in Two Hours. Just bring the pieces and we match them accurately. The service of an expert in the fitting and making of Comfort glasses is at your (lisopsal. ARNOLD ft CO. .Jeweles 220 S. MaIrt St. All We Ki of is the B] ROWE3'S LAUN~ 406 DETROIT ST1 The Link between College TUTTLJ on State Street SCHROEN BROS. Phan* 1000 1 24 South Main IWe Serve 4-L 11 See th,.e Trophy!, Contest Closes Promptly at NoonRMa1 ill 1 h. d I TRANSIT MARKET Win. LINDEMAN DEALER IN Fresh and Salt Meats a a, At Flowers Ferns for Decorating . , ,, - V v PORK, HAM. POULTRYEIc. Phone 115 Sell Phone 2204 2M N.4th Ave. i r U I SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER F or our most Popular Student Vote for your choice UR NEXT SUIT WILL LOOK WELL WILL FIT WELL WILL WEAR WELL )R IT TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL MEASURE MAX P. KRUTSCH talor 117 E. Liberty "St. s & NeckwearI ncieand Original Treatments Have $200 you seen the handsome M-M Motorcycle that is to I be given to our most pop- ular student? Isn't it a dandy? The fellow who wins' this Trophy may well feel proud. The wheel is one of the very best and latest models-and of course every student would like to be chosen as the ''most popular student'' Standing of Nominees B. D. Fosted, '15D... C. B. Shaffner, '14 Lit. G. Y. Clieng, '15E.... . R. JT. Baker, '14 Lit... A. 0. Williams, '14E. M. H. Pontius, '14L... Argimiro Morales, Lit Maurice ?Myers, '14L.. James Raynesford, '15 in SMART ENGLISH RAINCOATS A Complete Showing of Accessories to Mcn' ear, Including Most Recent Importations IPORTERS Anger,& Kanouse, I The Ballost Box in every store will tell you how F. W. GROSS 123 E. Liberty Sit.: SHIRT MAKERS will show you you for clothes our newest fabrics, and measure that are distinctive. Invest tern , BANK BUILDING DETROIT minutes today. j Teleptiora, Cadillac 4524 LE~T D I E'TE RL E Tailor for Men Your Spring Suit, British Woolens $35. to $600 Largest tailors in the world of GOOD made-to-order clothes You doo NOT4 Gamble, t when you buy -rubber soled toot- wear from me. Because mny better grades of rubber soled shoes and oxfords are made for me a factory that has made a specilty of this ciass of footwe tI r the ast tea years (orlginatsrs of the thin lentl sr toe splice). I i iseld them here for the past eight yearssad have the exclusive sate ford Arbor, NOTHING BETTER REGARDLESS OF PRiCIt. 119 East Liberty St. ( ft Detroit Price Building Chicago, U.- S. A.' I Ii