i v' On Display HE LATEST STYLES LND COLORINGS FOR PRING 1914 rgest Line of Woolens he city to select from IGolf THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- Tgan. Published every morning except Man- 4ay during the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scription price: by carrier, $2so; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 960 and 2414. Maurice Toulme...Managing Editor Adna Johnson ........ Business Manager H. Beach Carpenter........ .. News Editor SHIRTS The material being woven to our order you are assured of exclusive patterns and colorings in all grades BASE I a I The Season is Here Alain We are in a better position than e ver to supply your wants to Golf We are the s le agents for the Crawford Me Gregor Clubs Come In and look them over Golf Balls are much cheaper than last year. You can buy Bals now at 50 and Ose and save money. OUR LINE IS COMPLETE SHEkEHAN We have just received a larg4 ment of mighty good looking BASE BA LL BA' Come in and look them over -- ourr s Mitts, Gloves, etc,, etc. is complete University WH . s~~a~a- .aaycu: c .c . .. . .. . .1 w ZUL 1 1 ,- - .... -I -...,. , .. Fred Foulk ............Assistant to Editor from $1.50 up. Look for the pur- F. M. Church..............Sports Editor ple band across the neck of every Leonard Rieser ........Intercollegiate Editor shirt; it's the mark of .Music and Drama Robert Tannahill TROY'S BEST PRODUCT Glenn MunnEARL & WILSON Harold Abbott ...... ......CartoonistEAL&W SO Lillian Thomson.......... .Women's Editor Makers of RED-MAN Collars TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1914. Night Editor-T. Hawley Tapping. ward, trade votes and committeeships, he will not be a "peanut" politician. fait shal wold lves The present condition of affairs is AMBITION. nothperfect, by any means. We are He who has charity, ambition and better off than we were under the old faith shall succeed. The world loves ksystem, and we believe that the present such a man; makes a hero of him. system can be perfected. The senior Nothing is quite so pitiful as a cruel, lits have done it and the rest of the bigoted ambition, unaccompanied by campus can do it. sympathy and conviction. Such a man Let us look to the future. Let us . WILD CO. g Merchant Tailors I &CO, STCUDENTS' BOOQKSTORic IT UNITED LINES ARBOR TIME TABLE, Express Cars for Detroit-7',IG .ourly to 6:xo p. an., also 8:1o Detroit-:4o a. m., 6:o6 a. tn., xo hours to 6:o6 p. M., 7:o6 p. mn., g9:10 p. mn., and 10:45 P. mI. i only, 11:15 p. m., 12:15 p. m. z:oe a. u. for Jackson-7:46 a., w. and urs to 7:46 p. m. Jackson-5:12 a. m., 6:s1 a. m., o hours to 6:5 p. m., also 9:2o p. m. COX SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS 0F CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees_ May be Ordered from MACK & CO. mcdan sn afik y and Main Streets venient place for your banking. , ~ , ' I I I! ill EE REMEDY FOR THE BLUES i ,Take a nice shave, a clean bath and put on a suit of clothes. tailored by Rd. V. Price Co: It' will subtract a few years from your looks without reducing. the size of your pocketbook very much. A sure cure guar- teed. Try the remedy. I I rfFl= ::600.1 ;Vt OR k i A -II0 I n: ,; xi "ar a : c=.n. _^ .kw '- .a I 1' I gan Chocolates, 80 Cents In the Maize and Blue Box Varsity Bitter Sweets, 60 Cents In the White Box . Milk Chocolates, 60 Cents The d ox Them in Our OwnjClean Candy Shop. They're simply Delicious. is a failure. He is feared, not loved., He compels recognition, but there is no enthusiasm. The man may garner an enormous fortune, he may acquire the most profound wisdom, he may reach the pinnacle in statecraft-yet he has not succeeded. He must have charity, faith-and ambition. The difference is the differ- ence between Napoleon and Lincoln, between Tallyrand and Hay, between Midas and Tolstoi. POLITICS AND THE CLASS. Class politics are in a most distress- ing state of being, a state of confusion, of transition, a dangerous,.,yet encour- aging condition. Two years ago a well-directed move- ment was launched against "peanut" politics, against vote pledging, against card storming, against ward heeling, against combinations that were purely selfish. It was an attempt to clean the Michigan campus, just as the voters' leagues, and the municipal associations of our larger cities are attempts to throw off.the yoke of the grafting ma- chines. It was an awakening, worthy in every respect. Since that time, there has been seri- ous complaint from.very respectable sources. It is claimed that the ideal will not work, that the class will not be interested unless pledged to vote, that the wicked are thriving at the expense of their more wholesome op- ponents. We are yet unwilling to admit that the ideal will not work. We would not make a deliberate move backward. The former system was rotten, absurd and unfair. The present system needs- only to be perfected, the gangster must feel the disgust of the student body and the student body must be reminded of its responsibility. The senior lits have worked the cleaner game, and the man who is elected president may well feel proud; he has a real honor. His classmates have-gotten together and without in- fluence or vote trading elected him leader. The sentiment of the class has made pledging-"peanut" politics im- possible. The rest of the senior classes Beautiful Rain. They call me a fake weather prophet; They say I'm an athlete from Spain; When I merrily sing Of the sunshiny spring, By golly, we always have rain! They say that my verse brings revers- es,* When I sing of the summer it snows; If I rhyme "the day fair" With "the soft balmy air" By golly, it drizzles and blows! But today I am banking on record, So I blithely poeticise rain; When tomorrow I wake, At the morning's first break, I bet we'll have springtime again! *Quite a pun. "It isn'talways the man with lax memory," said little Nemo last night, "who most often forgets himself." CAMPUSMILES Self-made men bear marks of the creator.-Wenley. Iii I per week. make our senior class presidencies real honors, and we will have leadership. Give use time to grow and give the newer system a fair test. Sefe drinking wa.r. C. C. Freemexn, Proprietor Buy Your Conakn Pen At I Doren z's Jarrcy Spring and Summer Styles e are the people who make it possible for you to buy a suit Classy at reasonable prices. Creations for Swell Domestic and Imported Novelties Dressers are ready for your inspection E. C FLANDERS THE QUALITY 209 E. LIBERTY TAILOR :2:09 E.BRTa 209 Sozith stte eStreet Gies cleam, wholesome% board at $4 BVS Y I KNOWt THE POPULAR PLACE N,'- f! - s 4 ;. \\ , , , j ' 1 E .. .. SCHOOL SUPPLIES ather Loose Leaf Note Books, Loose Leaf , any size. Department Paper and Envelopes, FOUNTAIN PEN HOSPITAL A Strictly Local Joke. "Well, I'll be dammed," said the lit- tle rain drop, as he joined the Huron on its race toward Barton. -0- "I sigh for an opportunity to trip the light fantastic," said the old fashioned man, "at an affair that is not some sort of a dansante." "Three Varieties of PunchI" '\ t\ yd\ \ iKL J F I' 1 a - i' F. SCHLEEDE. 340 S. STATE ST. -Placard ph In the back. In the eye. In the solar plexus. -Meaning the floor was crowded. -0- rase. r od Over 1] NOTED MEN WILL URCHFIELD & CO. FINE TAILORING TRADE can do the same. This is encourag MAKE ADDRESSES. ing. Da In the meantime the class that per- The same old Sunday headline! mits votepledging and these small po---o- litical methods is denying itself the Come, fair lady, I prithee best leadership and deliberately sacri- Join in the witty fight, ficing to the wolves, the more whole- On Thursday next, you own the col. some type of man that is nominated Get busy with your mite. for office. He will not call his hench- men together, he will not heel the Call 15 for Taxi or Limousine. aily. We can and do give you the limit of excell- -ce in Tailoring, this issue, with a complete ne of up-to-date woolens, makes us the leaders our line. Respectfully, Sam Burchfield & Co. tf PRING SHIRTS ust received a complete line of SOFT SHIRTS th new style collar attached or detached. legl gees in handsome patterns. he ADJESTO sleeve Shirt-"Best Ever" he new BALLMACAAN Coats all sizes. x c< as iiwr o~ CLOTHES Ve are Now Featuring IIIRSH -WICKWIRE - CO'S CLOTHES Inspect the New Spring and Summer models, and your favorable impressions will be more than con- firmed. Buy Them and Secure Thorough Satisfaction in style, quality, workmanship and service-value. You can't get more for your money-$20.00 upward. The iron- nerved bird - men who ride 0--c "bucking bronchos of the ir" - the brawny cowboys of the West -Uncle Sam's surdy Jack Tars, "cowpunchers 1ohe W ycallng that appeals to men of m etwt4c G , y-youl find "Bull" Durham, in frcsh, hand-made cigar-ettes, the favorite smoke. "Bull" Durham appeals to them not only because it is a superb tobacco, but because of its wonderful flavor. Ever notice tht peculiarly distinctive, rich, fragrant roMa that only "Bull" Durham possesses? It is due to a generatio-s-cld prococs known only to the makers of "Buhl" Durhan. I t3 a unique factor in the world- wide succes ci this famous tobacco. GENUINE SMOKIN& TOBACCO (Enoug fr forty hand-made cigarettes in each 5c sack) As maiw cigarettes c.e rolled from "Bull" Durham h-1y:r ca C=Il b:__nds of ready-made cigarettes in this country combined-- and the Ijbok; "aer' sales are still growing. Get w it z, "the Makings" today-"roll , your own"-and obtain last- ing, healthful enjoyment. , An Illustrated Booklet, FREE / ~ bowing how, to "Roll Your Own,"an,da Book of cigarette papers, willboth be mailed,free, to anyaddress in U. S. on postal request. Address "Bull" Durham, Durham, N. C, Room 1210. THE AMEP CAN TOBACCO COMPANY rsity Toggery 1107 S. University Avenue. Shop Wagner & Co. State Street. George Baschof THE U.of Florist I. . 220 Chapin Slreet Phone 809-L Choice cut flowers and plants. tND LL F-A MC