SPRING SHIRTINGS I EVERYTHI 11 1 ra about fashions for you. 111 just received, a full line of soft, negligee shirts for Spring and Summer wear. WtVe have them in various styles .and cloths to suit every taste. Have' you seen that new design in Collar Attached Shirt? It is just the thing, for day, wear and very popular at present. Is shown The otr ametfd fth or here ready fot yor ± ( ,with the fol-de-rids' I I I TINKER Q .COMPANY Furnishers and Hatters 342 South State Street ady to show you. lit should be a ,Stein-2moch. 9, LU * * * * ** * * * * * F, OF INTEREST TO WOMIEN. *I EverythingneinSrnSitanOvrat SrnekSpringprn Udrwa,Immlensi Its ishigh time a wqtrin h1, and yot can't use oo u Uc t colgI to Piel yours here anyon eat eit" bsolutel THE BIG STORACQ N Nan A IL & CO* std ers i 'ACTIONI --wear SATISFACTION HOSIERY ;, 50c, 73c and $z. Ouce tried, always worn. line of Hosiery for men. L~et uls show you Pinney & Co. Store Where a Dollar Does us Duty Freshman women, who wait on table at the women's banquet, are asked to attend Tuesday night's performance of the junior play, instead of that given in connection with the banquet. Marion McPherson will be at Bar- bour gymnasium from 2 :00 to 5:0 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, April 1, to check up the sale of tickets for the junior play. All who have tickets are asked to report to her at that tinme. Any seniors, who have not received invitations to the play, are cordially invited by the juniors to attend the performnance given in their honor, at 8:00 o'clock Tuesday evening. Members of the junior play cast re- quest that no flowers be sent them at either performance. / / Reule, I I I LADIES! Miss Ada Freeman, secretary of the Federal charities of Detroit, and form- erly connected with the juvenile court, will speak to university women at 4:30 o'clock at Newberry hail. I ini See our beautiful New Spring Coats Skirts, Waists and Dresses Every dress in a class Hy itsel I = I r ; rrti SCHROEN BROS. !h mne1000 14South Main ... 14-L JEWELRY CO. "Women's annual indoor meet at 7:15j o'clock tomorrow night in Barbour1 gymnasium. All university women in- vited, Miss Marion Scott has been select- ed to_ edit "Campusmiles," The Daily humor column, on Thursday, April 2. This action has been taken as a result of several letters from university wom- en, demanding a humor column, edited exclusively by women. Miss Scott will receive contributions only from the women of the university, and all copy must be in her hands by 6:00 o'clock, Wednesday. Contributions may be mailed to her at 1351 Washtenaw Ave. I Butter Fly Jewelry, Haller Jewelry Co. 128-9 .Choral Union ushers are requested to report Wednesday evening April 1,k at 7:00 p. m. promptly, for Bismarck Celebration at Hill Auditorium. Broken lenses replaced-Hal ler Jew- elry Co. 128-9 Broken lenses replaced-Hailer Jew- elry Co. 128-9 I1 TO THE SENIORS Who are looking ahead to Swing Out Day, we would Say a few words by way of anouncement, and fore-warning. CIOur Cap and Gown department, located on the third f loor, is ready with complete samplestocksof Comn- mencement Robes for all classes. eI~ur Garments are made by the eastern college supply house of Cox Sons and Vining and are per- fect in quality and workmanship. ((Our Mr. Josenhaus in charge of the department has become expert through years of experience in the correct measu~rement and fittinig of the Robes. (L~While it is possible for us to secure your Cap and !Gown within ten days after ordering, it is better to allow us at least three weeks. QIf the Swing Out should beset for early May it is important that you place your order before vaca- tion. For the, use of robes during entire season we charge $2.00 The purchase price varies from $3.85, $5. $6.25 $7.50 and up. 11 ii Arnold Optical Sse nSneSre 220 South ?lin Sreet5_ 1 J fi$a ISTUDENTS wr1ing gEase o feeling the need ofhmv l be pleased to know that Ann rbo has a modern optical so hr services of an expert oti~w and optician can be ha. Advanced methiods ofOpotyL- tang glasses without drugs, 2app :clito -l who, demand ,accurate ey y xaintT-i made without loss of timeorinonen ience of having muscles pa-ralAc(I d rugs. E. H. Arnold, optometrist vwiffi Anal & Co , is a recognired leade:r in avance optometrical work. fHis comte ffc equipment combined with shop fac 1i1e to grind lenses, togefltlis ihyas~ experience as refralctionis.t andt11wi make his Optical Sy stem r elg a place to buy glasses. I OW"LAVNID Th~~~~ I~ l ak ewenCleg is 3056 S. STATE PLMTFN LIRE OF JMWDL1LY Tatches Michigan Jewelry lace your broken Lenses=-bight, Dark Black and Amber Library Glasses. Vatch and Jewelry Repairing SITY MAN, on a mnodebt salary, having a de- 'ith ample grounds would do well to investigate 16 acre tract of land in the city, io acres woad- ua, fine out-look., sewer, gas, water, and electric at a price that is right. It will sub-divide building place--, smallest i OOX 264. L. D. CARR In Arbor Savings Bank Block 'AM E. DI E"TERU L E ILY THE VARSITY TAILOR OF ANN ARBOR that he has opened a tailoring establishment in Detroit at I WEST FORT STREET With a Complete Line of ITISH AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS igiven to mny College trade. The same prices ;faction and Better Workmanship. IDIE TERLE--VARSITY TAILOR AA' r, ov, 00I HA 04 P dIsSW4 W S} UM4O ~~~~q~~~ I}~ O 4) ~ J fO( ~ 1 jJ .1110 ZV I )Pdpl )~ ij ~) 0 .11 aq oj urniiaiF . q tX{ _ ju 3 V Call 15 for Taxi or Limousine. tfI I q We Manufacture the finest of PIANOS Beautiful Tone of Lasting Quality Best Mandolins Five Guitars; Violins; Banjos STRINGS Popular Music 10c Per Copy VICTROLAS and Records 120 &122 F. Liberty St. PHONE 1707 PRICES Right!2 Rear them before Purchasing LET THE FRESHMAN I Press Your Clothes one __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 7dF01 ur Roller Rink HAND PRESSING SUITS 25c TROUSERS0c4 es Tues. Eve., March 31st I C. 1. KIDs '17 Lit. {. to Skate for 15c Balance of Except Saturday' Nights Season 1630-J 1112 S. University Ave. FOR TEN YEAR.S-A IN tSAIFATO 119 E LIBETY S. V