ichiga n
11 1
by Absence of
From Mile,
to WilI Meet
e Point
Soph lit "Punch Dansant," Barbour
gym, 2:00 o'clock.
Union Boat club dance, Michigan Un-
ion, 9:00 o'clock.
Irish Players, Whitney theater, mat-
inee, 2:30 o'clock; evening 8:15
Cornell-Michigan track meet, Water-
man gym, 7:30 o'clock.
Prof. H. M. Kallen speaks before Me-
norah society, Newberry hall, 7:30
Mr. John Spargo addresses Michigan
Socialist club, Dewberry hall, 7 :301
Chinese students entertained by Bap-
tist guild, Baptist church, 8:00
Rabbi David Alexander speaks to Jew-
ish Student's Congregation, Orphe-
um theater, 7:00 o'clock.
Mr. James Schermerhorn speaks at the
Majestic theater, 6:10 o'clock.
Dean William T. Sumner speaks at St.
Andrews church, Union guild series,°
7:45 o'clock.'
Miss Ada Freeman speaks at Newber-
ry hall, 4:30 o'clock.'
Weekly Sunday afternoon entertain-'
ment, Michigan Union, 2:30 o'clock.
- Michigan meet tonight
gymnasium for the final
f the 1914 indoor season,
lications the struggle will
tort experts have picked
it is conceded that nei-
ikely to win by more than
margin. The first event
i at 7:30 o'clock.
e crack distance man of
team will be out of the
attack of German meas-
should open the way for
point or two for Michi-
le. Cornell will probably
of the points in the half
of the large number of
ies. All the members of
'elay team that won the
it at Pittsburg will be in
alf, and should be able to
., , * * , * * * * * *
* After careful inquiry regard- *
* ing the organization and man- *
* agement of the camps of instruc- *
* tion for college students, estab- *
*lished by the Secretary of War*
* in the summer of 1913, we take *
* pleasure in certifying to their
* excellence.
* The military instruction was *
* thorough. The discipline was *
* strict; but the work was so well
* arranged that it paused enjoy- *
* ment rather than hardship. The *
* food, sanitation, and medical
* care were good, and the lessons ,
* received by the students in those *
* matters were scarcely less val- ,
* uable than the military instruc- ,
* tion itself. ,
* We recommend these camps to ,
* the attention of college authori-.
* ties as a most important adjunct *
* to the educational system of the ,
* United States, furnishing the
* student a healthful and profita- *
* ble summer course at moderate *
Instruction Offered University
in Military Tactics nd
Senior women suffered their second
and the
by the
. there is
n the
th the victory. Jansen
ginner of the quarter,
e that Griest or John
r place here.
,ornell, on the basis
nees, should have no
ig the high jump, al-
ight be able to nose
sult of the pole vault
>ok has been vaulting
st marks made by the
is sure to land either
>nd. The other field
put, should end in a
Kohler of Michigan,
rnell, second. Either
should win the third
iletes arrived in Ann
ig,and it is likely that
>akley will take his
r to the gym this af-
ort work out on the
defeat at the hands of the junior wom-
en in the basketball series yesterday.
and as a result were eliminated.
Elsa Drittler again featured the
game for the juniors, throwing four
.field goals and seven fouls. The team
work of the juniors showed a vast im-
provement over the last game, and the
passing of:, the guards, Farnham and
Gordon, showed the result of more
practice. Jean Scott did all the scor-
ing for the fourth year girls, getting
three field goals and four fouls.
Due to sickness in the ranks of the
freshmen, their game with the sopho-
mores was postponed, and will prob-
ably be played at 5:00 o'clock next
The summaries of yesterday's game
Seniors (10) Position Juniors (15)
Towsley.......... L.F. ...... Drittler
flermann.. ......J.C........Inglas
Higgins ..........S.C........Doyle
Helmecke........ R.G.....Farnham
Yates ............. L.G.......Gordon
Fieldgoals-Scott, 3; -Drittler, 4;
fouls-Scott 4, Drlttler 7; time of
halves-18 minutes; referee-Miss
Post; umpire-Miss Dreffein.
11anager Asks For Letter of Comment
Business manager Lippincott of the
Michiganensian has written the Bureau
of Engraving, Minneapolis, Minn., re-
questing that they write a letter of
comment upon this year's annual. The
letter when received will be turned
over to the Michigan Daily for publi-
cation in order that the campus may
have the benefit of expert opinion on
the year book previous to its appear-
* expense. *
* John G. Hibben, President of *
* Princeton University. *
* A. Lawrence Lowell, President *
* of Harvard University. *
* Arthur Twining Hadley, Presi- *
* dent of Yale University. *
* John H. Finley, President of the *
* College of the City of New *
* York.
* George H. Denny, President of *
* the University of Alabama. *
* H. B. Hutchins, President of the *
* University of Michigan. *
* E. W. Nichols, Superintendent, *
* Virginia Military Institute. *
* Benjamin Ide Wheeler,President *
* of the University of California. *
* Henry Sturgis Drinker, Presi- *
* dent of Lehigh University. *
* * * * * * * * * * *
The summer military camp of the
United States government for the mid-
dle states, situated at Ludington, Mich-
igan, will open on July 7, and will con-
tinue in operation until the second
week in August. The camp, which is
(Continued on page 4.)
General Distribution of Pasteboards
Starts at 3:00 O'clock
The committee in charge of the dis-
tribution of the tickets for the Cor-
nell meet announced last night that
more than 200 pasteboards would be
given to those seniors who were not
fortunate in the drawings.
The holders of lucky numbered pass-
books have been unusually slow in ex-
changing their coupons for tickets of
admittance to Waterman gymnasium,
and as they will only be reserved un-
til 3:00 o'clock this afternoon, the re-
maining tickets will be given to seniors
at that time.
Scholarship Appropriations, Degrees,
Appointments and Leaves of
Absence Are Awarded
ii Session
New Director of Barbour Gymnasium
Is Officially Installed in
Appropriations and appointments
were made, gifts accepted, degrees and
leaves of absence granted at yester-
day's meeting of the board of regents.
A $14,000 legacy for the law library
was received from the late Octavia
Bates. Bryant Walker, of Detroit, gave
$1,00 for an experimental geological
trip to South America this summer. W.
W. Newcomb, of Detroit, gave $150 for
zoological research in the Trans-Pecos
territory in Texas. The regents voted
to add $350 to this fund.
Dr. Hugh M. Beebe, of Sidney, Ohio,
was appointed to succeed Dean T.
Smith, professor of surgery, in the
homeop hospital, whose resignatioi
was accepted. Miss Alice Evans was
appointed director of Barbour gym to
succeed Miss Bigelow. Miss Evans is
head of the physical training for wom-
en in the Milwaukee-Downer College
of Milwaukee. Miss Marian Wood was
appointed to succeed Miss Sawtell at
Barbour gym, resigned. The resigna-
tion of George L. Streeter, professor1
of anatomy, was also accepted.
Leave of absence was granted to Dr.
S. C. Lind for the coming year to con-
tinue radium experiments in Colorado.
Leave was also granted to Prof. T. A.
Bogle, of the law department, because
of illness; Profs. William A. Frayer
and E. R. Turner for historical re-
search, and Prof. A. A. Stanley, imme-
diately after the May Festival, to allow
him to read a paper before the Inter-
national music congress in Paris. W.
W. Kusterman was appointed mathe-'
matics instructor.
Scholarships of $55 each were award-
ed W. W. Pearl and G. B. Hammond in
the architectural department. The
high pressure mains will be extended
to the university hospital -and permis-
sion was granted to extend the New-
berry hall residence dormitory onto
the ground now occupied by the athlet-
ic association building.'
The only action on the new science
building was to authorize the com-
mittee to make contracts within the'
appropriation for the structure. The
university button for delegates repre-
senting the. university was accepted
and sent to the engravers.
Hospital fees were made $2.00 a day
for care, with an additional $1.00 for
The following degrees were grant-
A.B.-Marjorie Walker,Louise Conk-
lin, Marguerite Stanley, Edith Hewitt,'
Elta Martin, Charles White, J. L. Cut-1
ler, J. I. Harrington, W. A. Hart, W. L.
Trigg, A. J. Walcott, C. W. Sayres, E.
(Continued on Page 4)
Opportunity for out-door work for
many students during spring vacation
will be offered, if favorable weather
conditions prevail, according to state-
ments made yesterday by Mr. L. J.
Young of the forestry department. The
bare hills just north of Barton Lake,
which are the property'of the Huron
Farms Company, are to be planted to
pine and spruce trees, and the work
of planting will require a large num-
ber of men. Mr. Young will have
charge of the work, which will be done
under his personal supervision, and
that of several of the upper-classmen
of the forestry department. Many for-
'estry students are planning to avail
themselves of this opportunity to get
first-hand planting experience and at
the same time add to their finances, but
the magnitude of the project demands
more men than can be furnished by
this one department. Experience is
not essential.
Men will be paid at the rate of 20
cents per hour. All those putting in
a full day's work will be allowed an.
extra hour's time for going to and
coming from the planting area.
The stock to be used foi planting
consists of 3-year-old Scotch pine,
white pine and yellow Western pine
seedlings and 4-year-old Norway
spruce transplants, which has been'
raised at the forestry department nur-
sery at Geddes. Taking up this stock
and preparing it for shipment will al-
so require the services of several men,
who will be paid at the same rate as
others. Those working at Geddes will
be reimbursed for car fare to and
from that point.
The work will begin on Saturday,
April 4, providing the weather is fav-
Applicants for work should commu-
nicate at once with W. F. Ramsdell,
294-M; or Alfred Voigt, 968-J.
C. N. Mack, '16, Fined in Justice Court
Christian N. Mack, '16, was fined $5
and costs in Justice W. 0. Doty's court
yesterday afternoon for violation of
the city traffic ordinance. The specific
offense charged was that Mack left his
automobile standing in front of the
Majestic theater Tuesday night with-
out lights.
Varsity Loses One of Few .Veterans
Not Taken by Graduationor
Three Year Rule
Roice A. Traphagen, '16, of Linden,
Varsity guard last fall, has been dis-
missed from the university for poor
scholarship, and will be ineligible next
fall, even should he reenter the uni-
The loss of Traphagen is especially
severe at this time, owing to the num-
ber of veteran linemen lost by gradu-
ation or the operation of the three year
rule Paterson, Pontius, Musser, All-
mendinger, and Torbet have all played
their last intercollegiate game for
Michigan. Yost will practically have
to build an entirely new forward line
of defense, Captain Raynsford and
Lyons being the 6nly veterans left.
Traphagen, who played his first foot-
ball on the 1911 all-fresh eleven, was
not in the university the second sem-.
ester of that year, and therefore not
eligible for the Varsity squad until
last fall. He soon won a place in the
regular lineup,and played at left guard
most of the season, acting as substitute
(Continued on page 4.)
Every Seat Sold Out to Alum
Society Leaders; Success
Show Promises
Melton, Diekema and Hoch Fo
Respond to. Curtain CalL
at Finale
(Special to The Michigan D
"It got away big" was the ve
critics who saw "A Model Dai
at the Broadway thater in Detr
night. From the moment Gr
removed his hat and display
green wig, until the curtain wa
down for the last time, Detroit
were behind the show. It was
fair of dress suits and evening
and the establishment of a pre
which will make the Detroit pe
ance a necessity for future ope
other words the whole affair wa
umph of Union operadom.
"Language of Love" made a
bigger hit than in Ann Arbor, a
Always Love You" brought an
looked for storm in the way
plause. "Such a Little Queer
next, and Allen M. Reed, '15L wa
ed to repeat the dummy dance
everyone was quite convinced
was not a real person. The da
Hughes and Denison was a ne
on Detroit tangoers, and Wald
lows drew unusual support in
Could Only Find a Girl." The
alumni, who laughed at Fellows
unaware of the bit of irony
marked his appearance In a com
He has been confined with lar
for the past week. He was un
leave with the "troupe" yes
morning, but got into Detroit
time for his makeup. Gordon Eh
'14, and Sam L. Adelsdorf, '14
supporters of Fellows in "I'm a
held up their end of the show a
"It was a regular Friday nig
formance," said one of the spe
over the phone last night. Alum:
hooted from the gallery at "C
and "Michigenda" got the real s
the show when Bert St. John, Di
Melton, Hoch and Grosner ap
before the footlights at the last
All of the melodies proved pu
as was evinced by a creditable
music between acts.' The sheet
and scores will probably be on
Detroit music houses. Financia
was the play successful, every s
ing reserved, including those
gallery. The audience was cor
almost entirely of alumni, and
interested in the performance w
able to buy seats. "Two show
year," says the management.
At noon all those connected w
show lunched at the Universit
as guests of the alumni, and al
the opera men dined as guests
club at the Edelweiss cafe. Af
show, the alumni did their final
of hospitality in the form of a
at the Pontchartrain. Most of t
returned to Ann Arbor at 1:30.
1914 OPERA
essful DanceI
ed couples attended the
I dance of the Round-Up
ht at the Armory. The
rated with a floral porch
the walls, giving it a
den" effect. The balco-
pened to spectators, but
e has decided to allow
it next year. The Round-
initiate new members in
enks Will Talk at N. Y. Convention
Carlton H. Jenks, '15, of the sport
aff, will represent The Michigan Dai-
at the Eastern College Editors' Con-
2ntion to be held April 4 in New York
ty. Jenks will give a talk at the
nquet on the subject "Western Col-
ge Journalism." During their stay
New York the delegates will be
ken through the Pulitzer school of
urnalism at Columbia University by
rofessor Talcott Williams, head of
e school.
Consul Changes Subject of Address
The subject of Consul General Alfred
Geissler's address, which will be deliv-
ered at the Bismark Celebration in
Hill auditorium, Wednesday, April 1,
has been changed. The Consul General
will speak on "The Economic Devel-
opment of Germany Since 1870" in-
stead of "The Cultural Relations Be-
tween Germany and America" as was
previously announced.
ThreeCarefiree Hours
AT THlE 1918 LIT
2:00 to 3:30 P.M.
President to Attend Alumni I
Pres. Harry B. Hutchins wi
alumni banquets in Kansas
Springfield, Ill., during the s:
cess. He goes to the former c
4 and to the latter April 7. Wi
M. E. Cooley, H. M. Bates a
Effinger, he will be a guest at
cago alumni dinner April 23.
Ask The
committ. e man!
w ..,
All Seats 15; Sale at Wahr's
All Seats iS; Sale at W
Next Thursday Afternoon, 415
Hill Auditorium
Popular Matinee Concert
at Wahr's