iI THlE M1ICHIGOAN DAIL Oflicial newspaper at the University of M igan. Published every morning except N day during the university year. T STYLES ML p ti 914 Tbe Season is Mere Again We are In a better position than e ver to supply your wants In Golf We are the sole agents for the Crawford Mc Gregor Clubs Come in and look them over Golf Balls are much cheaper than' last year. You can buy Dulls now at 50 and 65c anid save money. OUR LINE IS COMPLETE SHEEHA &co. 1 Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scription price: by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H.Davis, Car. Packard and State. Telephones .960 and 2414. Maurice Toulmne.... .....Managing Editor Adna Johnson ...........Business Manager . Beach Carpenter ........News Editor Fred Foulk............Assistant to Editor F. M. Church.............Sports Editor Leonard Rieser.......Intercollegiate Editor ...Muicand Drma Robert Tannahill .MUSIC aIaGlenn Munn Harold Abbott .........Cartoonist Lillian Thomson........ ,... Women's Editor EDITORIALS Ilarold& Hippler Paul Blanshard Marshall Foote Lester Rosenbaum Louis David. NIGHT DITOR NGTEIOSLeo Burnett Chester Lang Henry Rummel Jabin Hsu, F. F. McKinney Walter Nye On Sport Staff I Carlton Jenks Bernus Kline T1. Hawley Tapping Bruce Miles REPORTERSS SHIRTS The material being woven to our order you are assured of exclusive patterns and colorings in all grades from $1.50 up. Look for the pur- ple band across the neck of every shirt; it's the mark of TROY'S BEST PRODUCT EARL. 8kWILSON Makers of RED-MAN Collars cacy, or fineness of thought, taste and manners. "Culture" then denotes not only activity of the intellect, that would put one in the thinking class, but the nice perception and apprecia- tion of the beautiful (and good) comn- bined with the honest development of the aptitudes for new ideas and prog- We have just received a large ship. mnent of mighty good looking BASE; BALL BATS Come in and look them over -- our stock of Mitts, Gloves, etc., etc. is complete University W A H BookstorwH Re L Lire of Woolens to select from WILD CO. Are You GI Tailors STUDENTS' BOOK(STORE r :IFED LINESt a, LtL1z~. -- -______ I1 TABLE rr' P. F. Thompson C. A. Swainson R. S. Collins] C. L. Kendrick E. C. Roth C. L. Muller Donald Sarbaugh Willis Gooderi n. Leon Greenebaumn ress that would make a man a fulll W. A. P. ohn mn H. R. Iarsh mn J. F. Jordan Above all, "Culture" is an attitude D. A. Wallace f. M. Barrett To Buy a Suit Before Easter? If you are, step in and look at my beautiful display of domestic and imported woolens for spring and summer wear. It will pay you to talk to me before going elsewhere. Fit and wvorkman- ship guaranteed. is Cars for Dectrolt-7 ' 1 c to 6:io p. mn., also 8:io it--5:40 a. mi., 6:o6 a. in., rs to 6:o6 p. in., 7:06 p. io p. n., and 1o:45 p. m~. 11 :15 p. mn., 12a:15 p. mi. fackson-7 :46 &a. iand 7:46 p. mn. re to 6:51 p. mn., also 9:20 COX SONS & VINN 12 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKEIRS OF CAPS, GOWNS & HO000S For All Degrees Mlay be Ordered from. I MACK & CO. + i I' i l I;f Ill I -,r wsn rREMEDY FOR THE BLUES t i ;. ' i ' 1 ,, i.' i I it Ii _ , now 01o mind. ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood _Field Harry Johnson John S. Leonard F. G. Millard li THURSDAY, .MARCH 26, 1914. CAMPUSMILES Take a nice shave, a clean bath> and put on a suit of clothes tailored by $d. V. Price Co. It will subtract a few years from your looks without reducing the size of your pocketbook very much. A stare cure guiar- teed. Try the remedy. fin Streets place for I rF I your vkr. dr +_YLer ,e x r rnarr - Wigan Ch ocolates, 80 Cents In the Maize and Diue Box Varsity Bitter Sweets, 60 Cents In the White Box 4.Milk Chocolates, 60 Cents TheReBo ke Them in Our OwniClean Candy Shop. They're Simply Delicious. ErV S'I NO WI rBEE THE POPULAR PLACE Meeting of business staff and all try. A promient friend means onts at 4:00) o'clock sharp. success.-Coughulan. MEN AND CODES. Amble Reasons We argue for the code of the nor- I have never swum a mile or so, mal man. In a freezing ice filled sea, It is not a stiff-necked Puritanism,i To snatch a maiden from the deep, a rigid.. prohibition, an autocracy or a And have her owe her life to me; narrow, bloodless, unhuman order. It I have never braved the cannon's roar is not bestiality, license, deliberate'k Or shot a maddened snake, disorder, insanity, savagery, or law- Or saved a dam from going out, lessness. By pulling up the lake; We argue for the code of the normal' I've never braved the burning flames, man, temperance, decency, faith, en- To save the widow's child; llghtenment-and personal responsi- Or pulled a knife from out the hand, bility. Of a madman, crazed and wild; TIhave never stopped a frightened. CULTURE? j horse, Too often does the college under- Or saved a train from wreck; graduate lose sight of this most im- Or yelled: "Take off the children portant fact-that the "drill of school first!" education" is not the sole end or When the flames had reached the means of developing one's natural deck; powers. But In spite of all this evidence, In addition to the systematic devel- A hero's medal is my due. opment that is here afforded us, there I wear a tie that's striped with orange, must be on the part of the individual, Purple, green and blue! ,cultivation and direction of feelings -- and tastes that improves and refines And The Chleering Section Fainted! the mind. "Culture" is a term rather Prof: You ought to be able to ans- vaguely, perhaps, used to signify this wer THAT question. latter idea. In its implications, how- Stude : But there seems to be a dif- ever, the idea is too broad to be thus' ference of opinion around here, profes- easily defined. sot. "Culture" does not mean merely a Clerk: (Pointing to show case) knowledge of art, strictly of rules or That's our new silent salesman. particulars, for it also includes a -thor- The 'proverbial co-ed: What? ough knowledge of the problems of to- Clerk: Yes, it's a salt cellar-P.D.H. day, economic, social and the like, of A POLISHI IIVIIN foreign affairs, whether by travel or (Composed from the marriage li- well-informed. reading. Between the censes in the Chicago Tribune) nice perception of artistic excellence (To be sung standing) in the fine arts and the knowledge of Maryjan Warcyglows, Klos Wojuch, the world today, there is the broad ex- Wladyslaw Wizniewski,Ludwika Such- tensive field of science and history to arska; make a life fully-rounded. Ionas Rabasanskis, Leokadia Klima- Literature-books, story writing or vicinte, the drama-is one of the chief aids in Teodor Murzewich, Ohaf a Nekonorro- developing this many-sidedness. na; There is even greater versatility Wladyslaw Klawckowsi, Mareyama than this, however. It is evidenced Slagowksz, when men are able to meet every sit- Yeronumas Jendrzeicnak,Maggie Was- uation and all kinds and sorts of men ilewskaite! and still feel not self-conscious, but Chorus- fully able to meet naturally each new Jan Gondek, Wiki Ula, set of circumstances. Geo. M. Cohan, Anna Poula; Always, this improvement of the Nathan Surlin, Dora Bowe, mind should be characterized by deli- Bernard McSherry, Kathryn Howe! Iw tThe CK'ubb. Houi E.- C Flan ersThe QUALIT' E. t.rian ersTAILOR 209 E. LIBERTY ST., across from RussseIIs confectionery stoi 209 Sousth Sts. Street SCHOOL SUPPLIES .eather Loose Leaf Note Books, Loose Leaf )r, any size. Department. Paper and Envelopes FOUNTAIN, PEN HOSPITAL I Gives clean, wholesomn, board at $4.25 per, week. Safe drinking water. C. C. Freen-riaY, Proprietor Busy Your Corvklin Pen At Vel. re ~ harxmacyj 'THE ~ SMOOTH EST TOBACCO FErET of foot is good--but slow the pace that kings Velvet tobacco to the goal. h selected middle leaf-two " * .years aging in the warehouse-perfect temperature and ventilation -in two years, the best is then selected for Velvet tobacco. Two years has seen all g~ harshness leave the leaf-the good flavor stands 3EU Cout uncontaminmated-smoothi4 All bite has been I Uaged away-a perfect melloweza has beenz Full 2 Ounce Tina reached.. Velvet has won its race. At Aldealers. One ounce bags 5c, convenient for Ziff t#,* C~.&~cco . cigarette smokers r.A VING F. SCHLEED)E. 340< S. STATE ST. I I 3URCHFIELD & CO. FINE TAILOING TRADE We can and do give you the limit of excell- ence in Tailoring, this issue, with a complete line of up-to-date woolens, makes us the leaders in our line. Respectfully, Sam Burchfield & Co. ING SHIRTS Just received a complete line of SOFT SHIRTS with new style collar attached or detached. Negligees ifn handsome patterns. The ADJESTO sleeve Shirt-- Best Ever" The new BALLMACAAN Coats all sizes. 'i. Ve are Now Featuring HIRtSH WiORWIRE -Co's CLOTHES Inspect the New Spring and Summer models, and your favorable Impressions will be more than con- firmed. Buy Them and Secure Thorough Satisfaction In style, quality, workmanship and service-value. You can't get more for yor m noney-$20.00 upward. Wagner"&'Co.. State Street, I Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. New Number is I 2280 Varsity..Toggery Shop Service Guaranteed 300 N. M. 1107 S. University Avenge. -~ - ... 5 d'~rr ir-r o r F~7 PI r w ~ r .r w~~s . )-e r w s,. +r . o~i. rnrw . ! '^I el A