THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at t:he University of Mich- gay Published every morning except Mon- dasy during the university year. I um 11 STYLES FOR 'RING 1914 est Line of Woolens city to select from. "$$oil. Tbe Season is Here Again We are in a better position than ever to supply your wants in Golf We are the sle agents for the Crawford Me Gregor Clubs Come In and look them over Golf Balls are much cheaper than last year. You can buy Balls now at 50 and 6Se and save money. OUR LINE IS COMPLETE S HEEHAN WILD G. Merchant Tailors &CO.$ STMl COQ LINES _ _ , r OR TIME TABLE ess Cars for Detroit- -v y to 6:10 p. in., also 8:10 roit-5:4o a. m., 6:06 a. m., ours to 6:06 p. m., 7:06 p. ixo p. mn., and 10:45 P. ml. y, i 1 :15 p. M., 12:15 p. M 0 a. UL Jackson-7 :46 a. m. and, o 7:46 p. m. :son-5 :r2 a. m., 6:51 a. m., urs to 6:51 p. M., also 9:20 n. COX SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS OP CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS LFor All Degrees May be Ordered from MACK & CO. [ , a 1 i +I j i ,_ --__.- 11 REMEDY FOR THE BLUES t Il i '' I I I' , II, i j ! I Take a nice shave, a clean bath and put on a suit of clothes tailored by Rd. V. Price Co. It will subtract a few years from your looks without reducing the size o f your pocketbook very much. A sure cure gtuar- teed. Try the remedy. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan nnder Act of Congress of March 3, z879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Buildig., Sub- scription price: by carrier, $2.5; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis, Cor. 'Packard and State. Telephones 06o and 2414. Maurice Toulne ,........ Managing Editor Adna Johnson ...... Business Manager ii. Beach Carpenter.........ews Editor Pred ;oulk...........Assistant to Editor F. M. Church..............Sports Editor WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1914. Night Editor-Leo N. Burnett. Meeting of Cubs Club at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon. THEN AND NOW. One hundred and twenty-three mem- bers of the law class attended yester- day's meeting. Only 32 were there at a former seance. That's encouraging. The law class, we were told would give a memorial, after awhile. We be- lieve it and we rejoice. The publicity has been unpleasant for the class. The conscience of the class had to be stirr- ed. We all understand, more than ever before, just what a class memorial means. The educative process has been wholesome, not for the law class alone, but for the entire campus. WHAT'S YOUR IDEA? Professor F.N. Scott presented a real piece of literature in his recent presi- dential address before the annual con- vention of the North Central Associa- tion of Colleges and Secondary Schools in Chicago. His subject was "Efficien- cy for Efficiency's .Sake." The address follows, in part: "I do not know how the profession of teaching presents itself to those who are before me, but to me it has always seemed very closely akin to the minis- try. I have always thought of the teacher as being called to his pursuit by inward promptings, not by caprice or merely material considerations. "Is he a saver of souls? "Does the spark of intelligence in the young minds before him as he ad. dresses them shoot up into sudden flame? Has he been able to inspire them with the love of truth, with the ambition of being wise and good, with the growing power to enjoy what is pure and noble and finely wrought? "The schoolroom ought to be a kind of shrine. So it should be for the teach- er a holy place of which he is the high priest. The teacher, who when he en- ters the classroom, does not feel at least momentarily something of the de- votion of the minister of God, who does not then and at intervals there- after, as he conducts his work, feel within him some stirrings of the Di- vine Spirit, is not a teacher. He is a curve. He should go into some pur- suit where curves are true expres- sions of efficiency." Law, medical, dental books. Bought, sold and exchanged. C. E. Barthell, 326 S. State St. Tel. 761-M. 124 tf R. A. Dolph Funeral Director. Finest1 funeral furnishings. 209 S. 4th Ave., Open every day until 9:00 p. m. Sundays from 9:30 to 4:30 only. Rent Eastman Kodaks-loc. Lyndon. eod CAMPUSMILES A prominent friend means success.-Couglilan. Tho The Meter is Off, The Sentiment Is Fine. A Fable in Two Parts. PART ONE There dwelt a prof at Michigan And he was wondrous wise He dealt his grades out by per cent To raise the standards to the skies; And they claim a certain co-ed Failed to pull a much sought "A" For, on reaching her fair name, he found, He'd given them all away. -o--- PART TWO In twenty years or so he left Ann Arbor for above He felt that lovely paradise Would fit him like a glove But it seems they grant admittance By a system of per cent And the rhetoric prof was forced to go Where he said conned students went. -Mack (a woman) - A Paraphrase. "Get right with Tom. Save your sole." --.- Smiles: I read that Berton Braley was run over by a train, and his legs amputated below the knees. Would you say that he is now writing verse without feet?-H, C. R. "And Meet Me at The Old Mill at Mid- night!t! (From yesterday's commuication) "To you, Mr. Editor * * * * * 1lay down the challenge,deliver the goods!" And don't forget the papers and the chee-ild! -o- SARNIA-Police Chief Meyers gave orders today that the policemen should not loaf around the corners, talk to citizens, or chew tobacco while on du- ty. He expects to make the police force a model.-Det. News. A model is a small imitation of the real thing. uck to ye, chief. TYPEWRITERS' New, reouiit, and second- hand, For Sale, $10.00 up For Rent, $2.00 up 3 mos., $5.00 TYPE WRITING 0. D. MOR ILUL Over Baltimore Lunch A Are You Going To Buy a Suit Before Easter? If you are, step in and look at my beautiful display of domest: and imported woolens for spring and summer wear. It will pa you to talk to me before going elsewhere. Fit and workmai ship guaranteed. E. C. Flanders, QUALM 9 TAILOR 209 E. LIBERTY ST., across from Russells confectienerv stor L mlmmummm UniversIty school of Mu Albert A. Stanley, Director llaynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. A &Shool of AMusic which offers courses in all branch highest standards. Students may take regular courses leading to graduation take such subjects as they desire, without reference to gradua If you are interested in studying some branch of music, the office and get a copy of the school catalogue which gives ation. CHARLES A. SINK, We have just received a lar ment of mighty good looking BASE BALL BI Come in and look them over - our Mitts, Gloves, etc., etc. is complete UniversityW Savings Bank Surplus $iooooo .3,000,000 Business Transacted ck, Pres., W. D. Har- J. Fritz, Cashier . K --.-_ f Chocolates, 80 Cents In the Maize and Blue Box Mty Bitter Sweets, 60 Cents In the White Box k Chocolates, 60 Cents The Red Box . Our OwniClean Candy Shop. They're Simply Delicious. THE Michigan Towels STUDIO I igE. I Have arrived and will be sold for Vortraita of I sY it.; BE THE POPULAR PLACE cousins'A HJ1 60c I No towel quite a shower bath. for 6 o c so good after 7 5 c value --0- And a week from today the campus cringes-It will be ladies' day in the col. ALLEN SELLS GOOD LOTHING. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. I +Cho.., Cyst ,Flowers Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating Car. 12th St. and S. Unly. Ave. Phone 115 THE UofM ,BOAT CLUB Will Open APRIL 1st P.G. TESSMER Prop *Qarry Dru o. The Druggists on the Corner Telephone 191 SHOE REPAIRS? FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRIN JOHN H. LAMBERT 613 EAST WILLIAM Oftidial shoe Doctor to Michigan's Footmall Team O= JO Suits at $10.00-All Wool. Suits at $15.00-All Wool, HIand Tai- lored. Suits at $20.00-Adlers' Make and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tom Work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf B,.y Your Conklin Per At I I Doront 'aharrnecy p pow songs and several arias. 7Madras )LLARS Z0'IO-madc of a fne nclf striped Madras. r that has the charac- mindividuality that accompany correct 2 for 25c Best shine at French Parlors on erty just off State. Step in. Call 15 for Taxi or Limousine. Lib eod I 1 WEXTT, PEAEODY & Co., INC., TRoY, N. Y. Makers of Anaow Saiws MUSIC AND DRAMA To Give Graduate Recital ie general public is cordially in- 3 to attend the graduate recital to iven by Mr. Kenneth Westerman :00 o'clock this evening in Frieze orial hall. .Mr. Westerman is a uate of the music department of an College. He came to Ann Arbor years ago to take up further : in the university, and the univer- school of music, from both of h institutions he will graduate in . For the past year he has been ssistant in the vocal department e school of. music. His program Advanced Students to Appear. The violin sonata recital which was announced some time ago for this af- ternoon, will be omitted on account of the illness of Mr. Samuel P. Lockwood. Instead, an interesting recital by ad- vanced students of the piano and vo- cal departments will be given at the university school of music at 4:15 o'clock. The regular Sunday rehearsal of the University Symphony orchestra will take place next Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock in hill auditorium, in- stead of at the school of music. Mem- bers are requested to enter by entrance No. 1, on the north side of the audito- rium. Students going home, west of Chica- go, especially on or near the Rock Isl- and Lines will be benefited by com- municating immediately-by phone or card with J. Levin, 110 N. Ingalls. 699-M. 124 Books bought. Any quantity. Lib- eral prices paid. Will call. Open ev-. enings. C. E. Barthell, 326 S. State St. Tel. 761-M. 124 tf Cash for books-Libraries lots. C. E. Barthell,, 326 S. Tel, 761-M. tf ( I- Ve are Now Featuring IIRSH -WICK WIRE CO's CLOTHES Inspect the New Spring and Summer models, and your favorable Impressions will be more than con- firmed. Buy Them and Secure Thorough Satisfaction In style, quality, workmanship and service-value. You can't get more for your money-$20.00 upward. Phone 628 204 East Washington Consolidation 11 UNIVERSAL CLEANING WORKS T. E. WAHL ANN ARBOR DYE 6. H. KUHN It WE CALL AND DELIVER 11 or small State St. 124 tf l ik ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS ARTISTIC FRENCH DRY AND STEAfl CLEANERS ' r fteirtt flusic IlxrseI PRESS BVILDINO MAYNARD ST. HEADQUARTERS FOR A MODEL DAUGH MUSIC Wagner & Co. State Street SHEET MUSIC) ON SALE at 8:30