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March 22, 1914 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-03-22

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[I I

"Disraeli", George Arliss' New Play,
Tells Why England Bought
the Suez Canal
George Arliss and his company, un-
der he auspices of the Drama League,
will present Louis N. Parker's play
"Disraeli" at the Whitney theatre on
Thursday, April 2.
In this comedy Disraeli is shown
at the height of his career, but at a
time when many of the most influ-
ential men and institutions of Great
Britain were not in agreement with
the popular view of his abilities as
Prime Minister. Thus the Bank of
England refuses to lend money neces-
sary to buy the Suez Canal from
Egypt, although the sum is a com-
paratively small one, and the Russian
representatives stand ready to outbid
Great Britain. Disraeli, by a coup
made up In equal parts of constructive
statesmanship and shrewd reading of
human nature, obtains the Canal, and
thereby realizes his cherished dream,
of having Queen Victoria declared Em-
press of India. Interwoven with deeds
of statesmanship is a love romance of
engrossing interest, showing Beacon-
field in the position of matchmaker.
In the supporting cast will be-Vio-
let Heming, Florence Arliss, Margaret
Dale, Leila Repton, Lilla Campbell,
Oscar Ayde, Charles Harbury, Arthur
Eldred and St. Clair Bayfield.

Besides being the originators of
most of the new society steps and
receiving the highest salary of any
dancers in the world, Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Castle have the distinction of
creating several of the prevailing
fashions that have come in with the
Tango. The little Dutch butterfly
bonnets which most of the 'feminine
dancers affect, were originated by
Mrs. Castle while she and her husband
danced at the Olympic in Paris. Mr.
Castle claims responsibility for the
thousand-tuck dress shirt, which is
now the prevailing fashion for men.
It is also said that Mr. Castle is re-
sponsible for the straight-back man-
ner in which most of the young men
who affect the dances, comb their
Moving pictures showing the Cas-
tles' latest steps will be shown at
the Majestic at an early date.



e Majescucileare Monuay, Tuesday and Wednesday

Though Absent from Russia, Anna
Pavlowa Is Leader of Czar's
Imperial Ballet

Ethel Barrymore Makes Fascin
Study of Heroine in C. H.
Chamber's "Tante"


Yhitney Theatre
he Irish Players.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle, Tango
Experts, Earn as Much as
$3000 Weekly.

Pulls the Strings.

Majestic Theatre
24, 25-Vaudeville.
27, 28-Marx Brothers.


Lady Gregory's Irish Company Will
Present Five Short Dramas
At Whitney'
The Irish Players who come to the
Whitney theatre for two performances
Saturday, March 28, are responsible
for at least one innovation in the his-
trionic art. They have shown that
it is possible for an actor to deliver
lines with his back to the audience,
and create a favorable impression.
If this statement is not sufficient proof
of the Irish Players' unique and nat-
ural methods, the following review
by James O'Donnell Bennett, the
dramatic critic for the Chicago Record
Herald and former Michigan student,
may settle all doubts.
"Their acting retains the rare, racy
qualities which make it incomparable
unless the observer of the art extends
his survey to the German stage. For
naturalness, humor, groping pathos
and sturdy interplay in the interpre-
tation of folk pieces the troupe from
the Abbey Theatre in Dublin is still
without a peer in the English-speak-
ing theatre. They can tell their con-
freres in the art much which ought
to be known to them and they make
the playhouse a place of delightful
resort for many persons who have
become disgusted with its pretense
and flashiness because they restore
nature and moderation to the boards
without the sacrifice of savor and
On the afternoon of the 28th the
Irish Players will present "Kathleen
Ni Hoolihan" by Yeats, "The Building
Fund" by William Boyle and "The
Rising of the Moon" by Lady Gregory.
In the evening a double bill will be
played: "The Well of the Saints" by
Synge and "The Workhouse Ward"
by Lady Gregory.
The attraction at the Majestic the-
atre for the last three days of this
week will be the popular Marx Bro-
thers and their company of 35. When
they played at the Majestic last seas-
on, the Marx Brothers broke all rec-
ords, so their return engagement
should be gratifying to local theatre-

From a practically unknown musical
comedy team to a position as headline
feature in the two finest theaters in
New York in the same week, and this
accomplished in the short space of nine
months-is the seemingly incredible his-
tory of Mr. and Mrs. \ernon Castle.
I r salary counts for anything, and it
does in vaudeville just the same as in
any other profession, Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Castle may be considered the
leading exponents of society dancing
either in this country or abroad.
Two years ago they met each other
while engaged with Charles Dilling-
ham's "The Old Town," in which Mont-
gomery and Stone were featured.
Eighteen months ago they were married,
and just one year ago they took up
the new dance fad which was then
being practiced by New York society.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle have
made a business of dancing. They or-
iginated practically all. the new steps
which have become poptlar during the
past six months, including the famous
"Castle Walk." They were the first to
introduce the "Maxine" and "Argentine
Tango" to the stage. So popular had
they become last January that the
Palace and Hammersteintheaters in
~ew York engaged in a hot battle for
first call and their services. The United
Booking Offices which books both the-
aters- -and they are situated within two
blocks of each other-could only settle
the matter by having Mr. and Mrs.
Castle appear at both theaters during
the same week. This was done by
the dancers appearing in the middle
of the program at Hammerstein's and
near the end of the program at the
For this engagement they received
$i,oco from each theater or $2,ooo for
the week-the highest salary ever paid
in America to a dancing team. Then to
top the matter off, both Mr. and Mrs.
Castle gave private lessons in the
morning, charging $25.oo an hour for
instruction. It is said that their earn-
ings for that week exceeded $3,000 and
had they so desired, they could have in-
creased that sum materially by appear-
ing at any one of the cabarets in New
When they appeared at the Palace
theater in Chicago a motion picture
film was taken showing their dances at
close range. Col. W. S. Butterfield has
succeeded in engaging this film for his
circuit and it will appear at the Ma-
jestic theater at an early date. This
will give the local devotees of the danc-
ing fads an opportunity of seeing Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Castle dance exactly
as if the Castles themselves were ap-
pearing on the stage.

In the Charles Frohman fold of
stars William Collier holds first place
with a record for ardent superstitions,
but in the feminine portion of the
Frobman firmament, Ethel Barrymore
may be said to have the lead. Every
one knows that Mr. Collier would
never dream of putting on his right
shoe first, that he firmly believes that
a cast with a dog in it argues great
success for that play, and that under
no circumstances would he permit the
last line or "tag" of a play to be read
by an actor or actress at a rehearsal,
anticipating dire calamity should that
line be spoken on the stage at any
time before the first performance..
But Miss Barrymore's superstitions
are of a different kind. Of course
the star of "Tante", who is to be seen
at the Whitney theatre Thursday
evening, March 26th, has a few of the
ordinary garden variety of supersti-
tions, but her pet ones are interesting
because they are unique and little
known. Thirteen of them Miss Barry-
more has treasured for seasons. These
she picked up while touring France,
of all continental countries her favor-
ite. For instance, although a great
many people consider the number "7"
as especially lucky, Miss Barrymore
holds it in horror. This aversion she
learned from M. Grisier, the former
manager of the famous Ambigu theatre
in Paris. M. Grisier would never un-
dertake anything of importance on the
seventh of the month. Once while
acting. as Miss Barrymore's host in
Paris, when M. Grisier's party was
leaving the theatre for the hotel, the
manager, with an exclamation of fear,
grasped the arm of the actress and
drew her back as she was about to
enter the cab awaiting them. He had
observed the figure "7" occuring twice
in the license number of the cab.
The derision of the rest of the party
in no way altered M. Grisier's deter-
mination, and Miss Barrymore and
he awaited the next carriage. This
was Miss Barrymore's introduction to
a new and novel superstition, and
since then the figure seven has meant
to her only fear of ill luck and mis-
Miss Barrymore also discovered
equally amusing beliefs among the
working people in the small outlying

An interesting story is told of how
the Czar "invited" Anna Pavlowa,
whose engagement at the Whitney has1
been postponed from March 30 toI
later in the season, to dance for him inj
Russia next September, before she sets,
out on her American tour, the invita-
tion being, of course, a command. Pav-9
Iowa, who as everybody knows is the,
prima ballerina absoluta of the Rus-
sian Imperial Ballet, and therefore a;
government employee, is required by;
her position to dance during the
seasons at the Royal Opera in Moscow
and St. Petersburg. She appeared in
St. Peterburg in April, after she
had opened the new Theatre Champs
Elysees in Paris, and the Czar, ac-
companied by a numerous suite, at-
tended two performances. Both times
he summoned Pavlowa into the Royal
box and chatted with her for quite.
a while. On the second occasion he
asked her about the report he had
heard that she had decided to live
in England, and had planned to come
to the United States next season. Pav-
lowa assured him of the truth of both
reports, explaining that she had ar-
ranged to make a tour of the world.
The Czar expressed regret that she
was to leave Russia, then told her
she would still retain her title with
the Imperial Ballet on condition she
return to St. Petersburg for some
special performances before she set
out on the world tour. Naturally Pav-
Iowa was delighted. To be permitted,
to hold her government title and posi-
tion in the Imperial Ballet -notwith-
standing the fact that she had declar-
ed her intention of leaving Russia was
an ithprecedented honor. Pavlowa
agreed to return to St. Petersburg
before coming to America, so she will
go there in September for special
appearances before the Czar. It was
arranged, too, that on the completion
of her world tour she will return to
Russia each year for appearances
with the Royal Opera. It is under
these conditions that she retains her
rank and title, but she surrenders
her salary from the government and
the pension she would have received
had she remained a resident of Rus-

The coming of Miss Barryn
always an event of extreme
tance to playgoers and the ant
ment of this popular actress' e
nwent at the Whitney theatre on
day evening, March 26th, is
welcome one. Miss Barrymore
in "Tante", the play made by (
don Chambers from the wide
novel by Mrs. Anne Douglas Sec
and in which Miss Barrymore h
appearing for the past three
at the Empire theatre, New Y
American playgoers r e c a
Chambers as the author of
Swift", in which curiously
Miss Barrymore's father, b
Barrymore made one of his g
successes, and of "The Tyra
Tears", in which Miss Barr;
uncle, John Drew, is now app
In making a stage version c
Sedgwick's novel Mr. Chambe
not hesitated to make the c
necessary for stage purpose.
instance, in the transition fro
to stage, Tante becomes a less
selfish, abnormal and cynical
than in Mrs.. Sedgwick's stc
though in the play she reta
her spontaneity of wit and br
of epigram. Miss Barrymore
Madame Okraska, as the world.
pianiste was known to her in
a poseur for effect, never ces
act when she had auditors, t
on the adulation of the admirei
her, but always a sparkling, 1
and scintillating figure, movin
geously-gowned, through Mr.
bers' four acts.
In this role Ethel Barrym(
achieved nothing less than a t
and with it she places her
once, emphatically and deserv
the front rank of those Ameri(
resses whose efforts are to b
seriously and on whose work
the future of dramatic art
Amercan theatre.
Charles Frohman has sent w
Barrymore a company of fa
than ordinary distinction, coi
as it does Charles Cherry,
Wright, Eileen Van Biene, Mrs
as Wiffen, Mabel Archdall,
Ingersoll and E. Henry Edwa

George Arliss in

April 2.

at theI

During the recent Washington en-
gagement of George Arliss in Louis N.
Parker's comedy "Disraeli", which
Ann Arbor theatregoers will see for
the first time April 2, President Wil-
son attended one of the performances.
At one point in "Disraeli" difficulties
arising out of the control of the
Suez Canal form the topic of the con-
versation, of which the great states.:
men is the, center. "What is the sol-
ution of the problem?", Disareli is
asked, "War?" "War," Disraeli re-
plies, "is not a solution-it is an aggra-
vation." The line would probably
have passed without notice under or-
dinary circumstances. As it was, the
audience broke out in a storm of
applause, the application of the phrase
to the President's ~policy with refer-
ence to the Mexican situation being
obvious, and the President applauded
as enthusiastically as the rest of
the audience.
Graham Moffet's sensational success,
"Bunty Pulls the Strings" will play
a return engagement at the Whitney
theatre, Tuesday, March 31. Several
members of the original company will
be seen in the roles they created in
New York.
The role of Lady Beaconfield in
"Disraeli" is being 'played this year
by Mrs. Arliss, the wife of the star.,

French towns. The actress was ac-
companied by a maid, who assured
Miss Barrymore that to dream of eggs
or see a vision of dirty water fore-
casted awful trouble. A dream in
which the dead figured meant im-
portant news from the living. Cats
wandering through your slumbers im-
plied some very busy enemies, but
if your dreams were disturbed by the
neighing of a horse, that was an
assurance that you had a staunch
friend. The girl further. confided to
Miss Barrymore that in the part of
France from which she cane, while
a comet was always greeted with fear
of war, it was also believed implicitly
that such a visitor from the skies
made the wine better.
Never should one try on mourning
garments when one is not in mourn-
ing, nor should one turn a loaf of
bread upside down. Neither should
one light three cigarettes with the
same match. Aside from these pet
beliefs, Miss Barrymore is confident
that she is not superstitious.

Ethel Barrymore in "Tante", at the


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