THE MICHIGAN DAILY GIRLS Monona= O-ur new line of Cak 'sPharmacy SHMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS Before buying your Fall shoes see Offers For Your Room I Society Brand Clothes CLOTHE3 I I Tooth'Brush, Tooth Powder or Tooth Paste Hair Brush and Comb Nail Files, Buffers and Pastes Razor, Shaving Brush, Soap and Talcum Soap for Toilet and Bath Bath towels, Wash Rags, Sponges and Sprays And Lots of other things. Come and see us. I for Fall 1913 has arrived and is ready for your inspection. Ready-to -Wear Clothes -don't fail to see them before buying your next suit. Gilmore Shoe Co. CopyrWg~t 191-5, AVfM Iiocwr owhY We carry all widths and sizes in latest styles 324 b i"ate Street Lost-A small gold nugget stick-pin. Valued as keep-sake. If foundCH LR IS H1EADQUARTERS FOR Our new general line of wearing apparel for gentlemen has come-shirts, ties, socks, etc., all the latest. Visit this Quality Store and get souvenirs. JEWe PINGREE MADE SHOES1 STUDEN TS We can save you money by trading at our store. We carry the best line of Men's Suits, Overoats, and Raincoats. We also carry, the largest and most com- plete line of Men's Furnish- ings, Hats and Caps. Ask to see our line of all wool Mackinaws. ADH AIS & CO. phone 736. Reward. 10-12 For Sale--ouse suitable for frater- nity or sorority. Price low and on reasonable ternis. Enquire on pr im- ises, 302 S. Division Ave. 7-111 For Rent--Light housekeeping rooms, modern, furnished, pleasant, fine for roan and w ifea or students. 1003; 1,. University Ave. Phone 1359-L.:10-il Board free to any student filiiin a table of ten or twelve. Reduction for alIf the number. Inquiu'e at Daily Business Office. Laboratory coats and aprons, Waig- ner & Co. State St. 7-12 Buy your Richler Drawing instru- ments at Sheehan's. tf ARE Best shoe shine, hat cleaning and b lbocking next to Wagner's. tfi 121-123 South Main Street ESTABLISHEDI AI rt I I I I TRADE 1 *Ups. p ° A. MASQUAROT tailtoring "SQUARE DEAL" everybody is the "Spald- Policy." We guarantee h buyer of an article bear- the Spalding Trade- Mark t such article will give sfaction and a reasonable ount of service. A. G. Spalding & Bros. :odward Ave. Send for oit, Mich. our Catalogue Engineering Or eralls and Jackets, Wagner & Co., State St. 7-12 Mackinaws-Wagner & Co. 7-12 Ladies: get your hair shampooed with rain water. Face and scalp treat- ment, manicure, at Mrs. J. R. Trojan- owski, 1110 S. Univ. Phone 696-W. 1-12 Look at our Michigan 'Scrap Books' before buying. Two sizes. Sheehan & Co. tf Buy Laboratory Supplies at Good- year's Drug Store, 10 Main St. They pay you to come down town: : 1-12 WE SELL GOO ) CLOTSHNG Suits at $10.00-All wool. Suits at $15.00-All wool, hand tail- ored.. Suits at $20.00-Adler's Make and, Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tom work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf Pianos to Rent. Up-to-date stock of Musical Instruments of every descrip- A new field in scholarships is open this year through the courtesy of the American-Scandinavian Foundation. Several thousand dollars have been made available each year in scholar- ships to be advanced to American stu- dents desiring to study at Scandina- vian universities. The purpose of the organization is to maintain an interchange of students, teach rs, aO lect:rrs between the United States and the Scandinavian cou tries. Closer relations between the two races will be established. Stu- dents will be assisted i obtaining N gher educations. Scandinavian in- fluience and culture will be advanced in the United States which will be val- uable especially in the treatment of metal for which Sweden and Denmark are famiious. Six fellow sips haver also been es- tablished with stipends amounting to $750 each for students of the three countris Sweden, I)enark, and Nor- way, who desire to study in American universities. ----------4 WILSON OUT-RACKETS BOND iN A LL.CQ11WII TOURNA 3ENT Playing the first match of the semi- finals of the All Comers Championship Tennis Tournament yesterday, Edwin Liten. aicsity >'lnsinu eliminated Bond in two straigh sets w--2, 6-4 tad hwi able th winner oi teB Craw- ford-Sha foth match for the campus championship Monday afternoon. Yesterda y's match was the fieres of the entire tournament, as almost all: the games went to long deuces. It was largely duo to Wilson's "twist" serve that he was able to overcome Bond's fast net play and win his place in the finals. UION AR\I ES PIRQGRA)L FOR SUN IAY GAEIRI NG. The following numbers have been arranged for the Sunday afternoon Boston Safety Fountain Pen JEWELER AND OPTICIAN LEAK Are The Best rI play of fine quality at reasonable prices. is all we ask. y jewelry A trial We offer an extensive dis- We have the complete line SUGDEN DRUG CO. 302 S. STATE STREET J. B. EIBLER 109 W. Liberty Street Across from Mack's side entrance 1 I' THE PEN WITH THE Comb Feed THE PEN L A PARK & TILFRD'S CHOCOLATES Suits Gleaned and Pressed and repaired Cor. Main and Huron---Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. For Sale By 1 THE WAHR and SHEEHAN BOOKSTORES SUITS PRESSED 25c OVERCOATS PRESSED, 25c TROUSERS PRESSED, 10C Twenty per cent saved on above prices by getting a Cash Card. I '1 Have our wagon or auto call for and deliver your clothes October, 22 tion sold at reasonable prices at program at the Union which will be- Schaeberle and Son's Music House, 110 g :' at 3:00 o'clock. Violin solo, Gerald S. Main St. tf Strong; monologue, F. Nutting; stunts, A.O. Williams; piano solo, F. A. Bade; Try our special $1.50 self-filler. vocal solo, Charles Sikes; "Jerry Bon- Sheehan & Co. . tf es," opera piece, RI N. Parsons. No Goldman Bros., Cleaners, Dyers, Pressers ore :1i L P. Note Books with your namea gold on cover at Sheehan's. Charcoal grilled porterhouse stea at Bessimer's grill, 113 West Hlur St., upstairs. Phone 110. in tf ks on tf Auditorium Read Lyndon's new prices on pic- tures. 10-15 Modern Methods give me best re- suilts for printing and developing. Vis- it our work room and see for your- self. Lyndon. cod. Ligegti's Gitbert's and Fenway Choc- olates in perfect condition. Edsill's Rexal I)rug Store. m122S. Main St. cod If you want the best in ClXocolaes, itwr°, 122'So. Main St. cod 3ieaker has been arranged for this week's program. Programs will be arranged for every Sunday afternoon during the year. Some speaker of note will also be se- cured each week. Ex-Captain Tlhonison to See Game, George C. Thomson, captain and fullback of the 1913 varsity football team, arrived in the city yesterday and will remain to see today's game. Ile is enroute to Saginaw where he will engage in business. UNiVERSITY NOTICE S Soph lit football candidates report to Acting Manager Turner at 9:00 a. m. this morning in front of the south leachera in Ferry field. Kalaazooclub will hold smoker-at the Mfichigan Union Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. I Loose Leaf Note Books I Phones 1890=1891 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION N&ame Esrbossed fi Gold-Fres of Cha re 220 S. State St. MMOWA CARD INDEXES and FILING DEVICES OF ALL KINDS WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS THE MAYER-SCHAIRER CO. STATIONERS, PRINTERS. BINDERS, STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, 112S. MAIN ST. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR GAS COOKING -----r - --- ]r 0 For Fraternity and Club Houses r i Increases Cleanliness and Efficiency. Telephone for -our Representative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitchen Equip- ment. We Have the Largest and Best. Stock of PIans for uRent Popular Songs, 10 Cents Per Copy WE ARE FIR S T WIT H T HE LATEST ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE AT LOWEST FIGURES Grinnelr Bros., 120-22 E. Liberty St. The Cihbb ose 2 9S uth.a e street *w Gas Company I I Gives cleani, wholesome board at $4.25 per week. 5S.fe drinking weiter. C. C. Freemran, Proprietor 4w ob1 , 0, )Oki 1 1 P.m '7 U'Ct T ~T~