0 Iii :az [4 I, I1 i, HATS, IISHINGS SPECIAL SALE I rs to have more at Wadhams & sfaction with ev- Durham Duplex Demonstrator With Blades - 35c Shaving Stick= 25c BOTH FOR 35c While they last Calkins Pharmacy 324 South State Street -the Edsoco man with 500 suit patterns for Spring. Come in today and inspect his line and get your measurement taken for a new Spring suit at a price to suit yourself. Prices from $15 io 45. We guarantee you a fit and satisfaction -or your money back. 1' XS (& CO. uth Main Street n>I1 A. MARQUARDT I IANICS BANK in Street $o .$69,000 dfie Zaftoring Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Cor, Main and Huron---Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. C John Wolz Jr. Cashier -Over Shoes I OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. * The women's league and "Masques," have presented a joint petition to the non-athletic committee for permission to produce a short skit portraying typ- ical college life, with features from the several junior plays, on Tuesday af- ternon of commencement week, in Hill auditorium. * * * Men as well as women are invited to patronize the women's league bazaar, which will be open from 3:00 to 6:00 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gym- nasium. A large amount of excellent home-made candy will be placed on sale, and delicious refreshments will be served in the tea-room. A delegation of ten university wom- en went to Detroit today to inspect some proposed furnishings for the new residence hall. WILL STAGE TITLE ROUTS ON MATS THIS AFTERNOON Three campus championships in wrestling will be decided in the final tussles of the annual tournament which take place this afternoon in the gym- nasium. Watson, who qualified last year, will again be one of the heavyweight con- tenders. Campbell will be Watson's opponent. The middleweight battle will be watched with interest as Maul- betsch and Harris will make their sec- ond attempt to throw each other. Their" match last Saturday ended in a thirty minute draw. Traub and Baker will furnish some snappy grappling in the title event of the lightweight class. Their former appearance went the full-time limit without a decision. The main floor of the gym will be the scene of the bouts. MUSIC AND DRAMA A serious accident to Pavlowa, the Russian dancer, will necessitate her date being cancelled in Ann Arbor and other Michigan cities. While dancing in St. Louis she fell and broke her ankle and the accident is so serious that her tour will be cancelled until further notice. Manager Lane hopes to arrange a later date but this is not assured at the present time. AUTHOR SELECTS PART OF CAST To Members of S enio r Classes ANNOUNCEMENT ANN JF Our Cap and Gown Department will Soon be doing Business at Full Speed Sample Gowns and materials a r e no w "displayed on the third floor and sale or rent- al orders will be promptly filled. An expert in charge insures perfect fit and appearance whether you purchase or rent the garments. JEWE LRY Extensive Stock at Reasonable Prices Skilled and Trustworthy Watch Repairing OPTICAIL SUPPLIES Michigan Pins, Fobs, Bars and Spoons J. B. EIBLER 109 West Liberty Street Across from Mack's Side Entrance, 302 S. STATE ST . Is I I' SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR PURE DRUI PRESCRIPTIONS CURATELY FIL L STATE AGENTS FOR SMITH'S HOMOEOPATI MEDICINES WE HAVE A FRESH ST4 SUGDEN DRUG ( GAS COOKIN St. and save a dollar Make 0 0 ~2.N 0 For Fraternity and Club Houses Us . Prove Mack &Co 6 V 5 ," -- it Wolffe rine {Dicers Will Be Named Leather Tip Qxfords our Price 5100 Managing editor and" business man- ager for the Wolverine, the summer student publiQation, will be chosen by the board in control of student publi- cations at its next meeting to be held about April 1. Students desiring to be considered for either of these posi- tions may send their names to Prof. F. N. Scott before April 1. These ap- plications are to be accompanied by statements of the newspaper or busi- ness experience which the student has had. Increases Cleanliness and Efficiency. Telephone for Representative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitchen Eq ment. Washtenaw Gas Company The Crack of the Gyi is the man who repeats. One feat of agility. and strength is not z test of durance---the fellow who can repeat an exhibil of speed, prowess and strength day after day is manwho scores. III I' i k When Charles Frohman made up the cast to surround Miss Ethel Barry- more in C. Haddon Chamber's comedy, "Tante", in which this favorit'e actress; is to be seen at the Whitney theatre, Thursday evening, March 26, it is in- teresting to note that three artists who appear in prominent roles were chosen in London by Mr. Chambers himself and brought here by Mr. Frohman for the American production. These play- ers were Haidee Wright, last seen here as the "painted lady" with Forbes Robertson in "The Passing of the' Third Floor Back"; Eileen Van Biene, the daughter of the famous cellist, Auguste Van Biene, who made a tour of this country about fifteen years ago; and E. Henry Edwards, - who plays the affected poet, Claude Drew. March class in shorthand begins Monday, March 23, at School of Short- , hand. 121-122 SPECIAL NOTICE: It has always been the custom for seniors after receiving their caps and gowns to get photographs made. Through the courtesy of Henry & Co., we now have caps and gowns of vari- ous sizes and can make your picture at any time thereby escaping the rush that usually comes after the annual swing out. We are getting out a "Senior Spe- cial" for $3.00 per dozen that will en- able you to remember your friends when you leave Michigan without cost- ing you a great deal of money. Daines & Nickels, 333 So. State St. "The only studio on the campus." March class in shorthand begins Monday, March 23, at School of Short- hand. 121-122 ALLEN SELLS GOOD CLOTHING. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. Suits at $10.00-All Wool. Suits at $15.00-All Wool, Hand Tai- lored. Suits at $20.00-Adlers' Make and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tom Work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf WHEAT gives the athlete and the student the repe stamina of brain, bone and brawn--t ability to "come back" tomorrow and dup cate the achie' SHREDDED I erring e - 1 wheat. minds th of life. THE SHE NI ment of today. M o r e nourisi ng than mea Shredded Whe contains all tl tissue - strengt elements of whC It builds bodies at hat win the battl RIEDDED WHEAT C4 paara Falls. N. Y. I GOING OVT OF BUSINESS Our entire stock of Guns, Revolvers, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Cutlery and Sporting goods, Tools, Lathes, etc. to be sold at cut rates. Bargains in Fishing Tack- BAILEY & EDMUNDS, 121 East Liberty St. le and Pocket Knives. Do You Know ! THAT You Can Save Money By buying anything you need in Musical Lines At Grinnell Bros. Musie House 120 & 122 E. Liberty Street Phone 1707 Planos,Player Pianos,Victrolas,Mandolins, Guitars,etc I V LOST-Sunday on auto road from De- troit to Ann Arbor a small suit-case. Reward. Phone 1287-J. Zwickey. Call 15 for Taxi or Limousine. Call 15 for Taxi or Limousine. Episcopal Theological School CAMBRIDGE, MASS. The location offers unusual opportunity for graduate work at Harvard Universi- ty. For catalogue address Dean Hodges. ~org Bi"A If tt Flori Chapin Street 220