I _i 'r rl r s OYM IOIfYr1O Yq r .r rr Norte r rr l rrr lll /Y Sr i 4 sBALLET PUMPS Best for the Tango TRY THEM REGAL SHOES W ,. .-,,, e ' it , Don't Fall to Hear THE WONDERFUL NEW Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph Edison's Latest Triumph. Many decided advantages ove r any other talking Machine. EASY PAYMENTS WHEN DESIRED A limited number of other machines will be taken in trade as part payment.. Now on Display and for Sale at showed himself peculiarly adapted to the part. His easy, natural stage presence added considerably to the general effect of the play. S. L. Adels- dorf, '14L, and Waldo Fellows, '14, as the funny men of the cabaret enter- tainment repeated their success, along with Gordon Eldredge, in the comedy "I'm a Nut." The chorus work was especially strong. The dances were new and original and the costumes and stage scenery added much to the all-around development of the play. Standing room will be sold on the main floor of the theater for the re- maining performances at one dollar a person. Seats in the gallery will be sold at the usual prices of 35 cents. $. D. Kinne S. W. Clarkson Harrison Soule President Cashier V. President FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ann Arbor.Mieb. Capital $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $65,000 Cohar TB! :&Co. 108 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR RICHM4 Spring Hats FOR IMMEDIATE WEAR, AT 1ICHARDSON 115 East Liberty I I LYNDON'S EASTMAN KODAK A N D PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY STORE 719 N. UNIVERSITY NOTE..-H. H. Perry of the Delta U. House won the $5.oo Robin Prize The T They All Admit we are "Just a little better" SO WILL 'YOU ICE CREAM, CANDIES, LUNCHEONS PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE 116 S. Main St. Roasters and Wholesale Grocers Co., Ltd., 214 S. Main St.. CANOE RACE DATE CHANGED TO MAY 2; ALLOWS WORKOUT Entry List Has 15 Crews Enrolled; Each Canoe Must Carry Two Life Preservers In order that those entering the Water Marathon may have sufficient opportunity for preliminary training, the Union Boat club has decided to stage the race May 2 instead of on April 25 as originally planned. ,t More than 15 crews have already signified their intention of entering the contest, and others planning to compete should report to R. A. Hill, '14E. A cup will be awarded to the winner of the contest, and for this reason, each crew must represent a class in the university or some organization. The cup will rotate from year to year, becoming the permanent possession of any organization which succeeds in' winning the race for two successive years. The race will be for time in an ef- fort to break the record of 4 hours and 35 minutes made two years ago. Launches will be stationed at inter- vals along the route as a means of safety and to see that all the crews follow the rules governing the race. Each canoe will be required to carry two life preservers., COSMOPOLITAN TRAVELLERS MUST HAND IN NAMES TODAY Vacation Tourists to Visit Detroit, Lansing, Battle Creek, and Grand Rapids Names of the Cosmopolitan club members who intend to make the spring trip must be in the hands of William W. Welsh, '12, at the Ann Ar- bor civic association by 10:00 o'clock DETROIT. PRINCESS PLAYERS' HOLBROOK BLINN, Director )QLFOLK g Spring and Summer Ready-to- from the shop of A. Starr Best, Matinees Wed. and Sat. Garrick ARBOR SHOWROOM-326 S. STATE ST.I LET THE R ESHMAN Prices 25C to $1.50 this evening. Twenty-six members, whos elgibility requirement has been passed upon by the board of directors, have signed up for the tour. William C. Achi, '14, and E. S. Sy, '15, are making up the personnel of the trip which will consist of about 50 men. Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, chair- man of the board of advisors to the foreign students, will travel with the party. The complete itinerary will be given out as soon as plans of the lVuskegon board of commerce are completed. As scheduled now, the places to be visit- ed are Detroit, Lansing, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids and Jack- son. Travelling expenses will be paid by the various boards of commerce. The delegation will start on April 5, the visit to extend one week. Fresh Tennis Team Will Begin Early Freshmen tennis aspirants will be- gin practice as soon as the Ferry field. courts are in shape, according to Man- ager Broadhead. It is expected that much interest will be displayed this year as the men' will meet at least six state colleges.So far only Albion has arranged for a game, but the manager expects to hear soon from Ypsilanti Normal, Adrian, Hillsdale, and M. A. C. Dean Cooley Confined to His Home Dean Mortimer E. Cooley is confined to his home with an attack of tonsilit- is. He is not expected at his office until next week. HOUSE G IVES OPERA FINALE FOUR ENCORES (Continued from Page 1) nison, but a big improvement was shown over the first night. In "A Model Daughter" and "Days of Long Ago," Gould received merited recogni- tion form the audience. A. M..Reed, '15L, as "Kippy" Dunn easily held his audience after the sensational tango with a dummy. Gordon C. Eldredge, as the self-assertive American mother of Jerry Borden, a believer in art for arts sake, acted by Bernus dline, '14, showed splendid ability, for a novice in such roles. Bruce Bromley, '14, as the wealthy American father of Caroline Sedley Pass the Rest, T the Best " Fresh hope-made candles, crackerjack R EGUL and fountaln drinks at Two Sh W ILLI AM.E. DIE] FORMERLY TEE VARSITY TAILOR OF ANN wishes to announce that he has opened a tailoring establis 94 WEST FORT STREI With " Coniplete Line of BRITISH AND DOMESTIC WOOLE Special attention given to my College trade.' with Better Satisfaction and Better Workmansh DIETERLE-VARS MAC'S 613 E. Lib.rti 11 ENG GRAVING CO. JOUR~NAL IUILD 6 GDTROIT, MICHIGAN 0 'RE THEATR~ Friday March Our Usual BiE Featuri PACKARD ACA) Dancing classesevery Monday and 'Friday 7 P. M. appointment. Hall and Dining Room accomodation Refreshments of all kinds served to order. . same pr OFFICER A Story of a I4 I I /1 ril -! z FASTEST ENGRAVERS IN THE a 11 Featuring WALLY VAN, LILLiAN WALKER and FLORA FINCH A Vitagraph Laugh Picture. MATINEES -2:00--- 3:30 NI ITS- 6:30-:--9:30 CHILDREN - 5c ADULTS - 100 Press Your Clothes You will appreciate HAND PRESSING SUITS 25c TROUSERS 10c the beautiful !lines and soft curves embodied in our high grade, hand tailored garments. Our coatmakers are ex- perts and are proud of their products. All garments made in our own shops. C. 1. KIDD, '17 Lit. mJ 1112 S. University Ave. 1. IN WAGNEW ftA Importing Tailors CO. State Street r That Sore Throat We Would Recommend r. Hobsons Antiseptic Throat Gargle Sore If You FREIGHT Expecet PHONE US AND SAVE TROUBLE C E. GODFRIEY, 410 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 82-L Coliseum Roller Rik Closes Tues. Eve., March 31st p14 I I I Id TRSITY. AVE. PHARMACY Coulding and Wikel I FOLLOWING EVENTS March 18. March 27, March 25. FOR REMAINDER OF SEASON: Pair of skates given away Football game on skates Pair of skates given away S. University Ave. Phone Us 416 We deliver the goods Ladies to Skate for 15e Balance of Season Except Saturday Nights .1 I P. i RYA . wnw .w AA rllw ilAAAAAAA AI I Is AAw I A, A