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March 19, 1914 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1914-03-19

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Michigan Union opera, Whitney thea-
ter, 8:15 o'clock.
Prof. George R. LaRue lectures in Mu-
seum lecture room, 7:00 o'clock.
Mr. Baldwin lectures in room 348 new
engineering building, 11:00 o'clock.

Chicago Consul-General Will Speak at
Bismarck Celebration on
April 1


Lundgren Puts Abbreviated Squad of
Diamond Candidates Through
Stiff Grind
Coach Lundgren accomplished more
yesterday afternoon in the first work-
out with the abbreviated indoor squad
of two dozen men, than he has been

Phi Lambda Upsilon, national chem-
ical honor society, with Delta chapter
at Michigan, -has elected eight men
from the advanced courses in chemis-
try to membership. Scholarship and
personality form prerequisites in the
selection. Those to be initiated at the
banquet to be held at the Union next
Monday night are: E. M. Honan, and
R. L. Novy, graduates, R.E. Christman,
'14E, B. A. Standerling, '15E, H. E.
Wheeler, '15E, J. W. Robinson, '15E, C.
P. Field, '15P, and R. F. Smith, '16P.






Be Popular

edy, ex-

pea make ne sev,
'A Model Daughter"
irst time last night
om the picturesque
t act in the art stu-
de France until the
ped on the brilliant
,abaret Mornet the
spell bound by the
,scent spectacle of,

University Oratorical contest, Univer-
sity Hall, 8:00 o'clock.
Fresh architect dance, Packard acade-
my, 9:00 o'clock.
Triangles and Sphinx annual Unionl
opera party, 8:15 o'clock.'
Prof. Robert W. Hegner lectures in
Newberry hall, 8:00 o'clock.
Weekly Lounger, Michigan Union, 7:30
Reception by Prof. E. C. Goddard and
Mrs. Goddard for Chinese students,
1212 Hill street, 8:00 o'clock.
Michigan Union opera, Whitney the-
ater, 8:15 o'clock.
No New Cases Reported Yesterday and
Cummings Thinks Epidemic'
Is Checked
Directions for disinfection with for-
maldehyde gas, by Dr. H. H. Cum-
Preparation of Room.
Make the room as tight as possible
by closing cracks and crevices. Ar-
range articles in the room so that the
gas can gain free access. Hang cloth-
es on lines across room. In center of
room place a pan to contain the fumi-

Consul-General Alfred Geissler, of
Chicago, will be the principal speaker
at the Bismarck birthday celebration
to be given in Hill auditorium on April
1. The event will mark the opening
of the 49t4 meeting of the Michigan
Schoolmasters' club, and will be given
under the auspices of the German so-
cieties of Ann Arbor and the univer-
sity. President H. B. Hutchins will
give the address of welcome. Prof. W.
W. Florer, of the German department,
will preside.
Alumni of the various German uni-
versities are planning to take this op-
portunity to organize in Ann Arbor an
alumni association of German univer-
sities. Prominent Germans throughout
the state will be present. Invitations
have been extended to all German
churches, both Catholic and Lutheran,
to all German organizations and to
people interested in German culture
and language.
The Harmonie Maennerchor of De-
troit, one of the best known musical

Captain Kohler and Seward
Crack Squads of Track
on Saturday
'Relay Will Probably Decide
Freshmen to Compete
First Time

ho handled
Le Dupont,
and his in-
n the Cab-
be desired
lifficult to
erson was


as Caro
rk and
I was

ws, '14, as P
" and a ne'er
honors in hi
e was ably ass
orf, '14L, and G
s the Count am
, when during
e three prese
m a Nut," wh
lause. The bus
especially clevq
"If I Only Ha
one of'the son

uage of Method.
Figure out approximately the num-
took the ber of cubic feet of space in room.
hter" de- Deprees Formaldehyde Fumigators
in at the may be procured at any drug store for
left va- 25c, 50c, 75c, and $1.00. , Place the
s injured, proper size fumigators in a pan or pail.
make the Ignite and close room for eight hours.
portrayal At night open windows and air out the
ely satis- room fumigated.
m more Instructions.
s Rose in Isolate patients affected in one room.
Let one person attend to their needs.
line Sed- Provide a receptacle for expectoration.
rth Sed- Have the dishes, silver, and linen used
a digni- in this room, boiled for at least five
his sing- minutes before allowing anyone to use
notewor- them. Disinfect sputum and throat
washings with carbolic acid. Fumi-
ierre La gate room after recovery.
do well No new cases of throat trouble were
s comedy reported to the University health ser-
sisted by vice yesterday. Dr. Cummings, head
;ordon C. of the service, believes that the fum-
d Count- igation of the various fraternity hous-
the cab- es and rooming houses that have been
nted the infected, will greatly aid in checking
hich met the epidemic. --
iness for The condition of H. J. Allington, who-
er. Fel- is ill at St. Joseph's sanitarium, was
d a Girl," reported as improved yesterday. In-
g hits of jecti6ns of blood serum are still being.
made by Dr. Mark Marshall. For this
y" Dunn, purpose several men from the Psi Up-
ce by his silon house are being bled each day at
of a hap- the University health service.
d abroad. "The use of the common napkin,"
late lady Dr. Cummings declared in response to
specialty the report that several men used the
applaud- same napkin in' certain fraternity
houses, "is one of the easiest ways of
E. Kline, spreading this or any other disease.
t's sake" He says that this unsanitary practice
Parsons, should not be tolerated.
g friend, The Whitney theater was fumigated1
Tuesday by the city health officers.
The Majestic theater was fumigated
e excep- last night. Dr. Wessinger, city health
mble mu- officer, says that the theaters will be
d. Prac- compelled to fumigate at least .once a
l) week in the future.

able to do in several practices, with
all the candidates on hand.
Following the batting drill, the coach
lined .up his infield and gave the men
a long session of fielding and base
pegging. Tward, the veteran first
sacker, was not out; and Dwyer, the
youngster on the first string, appeared
at the initial corner. His work was
close up to the standard of the older
men, and apparently favorably im-
pressed the coach.
"Tommy" Hughitt was at his old
stand on third, and although andi-
capped with a sore hand, showed all
his accustomed "pep." The veteran
combination of Baker and McQueen
around the middle sack was working
like clockwork, and with Hippler at
the plate, the gym fans were treated
to a lightning fast workout. Benton
was given a brief stunt with the big
mit, before the coach -chased his men
down stairs.
In the batting practice, Quaintance
and Baribeau, the veteran hurlers, let,
themselves out, each having a world of
stuff. The doctor's spitter was. break-
ing well, and "Ack" was mixing all
his balls In excellent form.
Baer and Hippler handled the two
veterans, but the coach would not let
Baer throw any, as the latter's arm is
in bad shape. Hughitt and Davidson
are the other cripples on the squad,
both having a bad hand.
Lundgren is making his men work
out 'on the track this week, to -build
up their wind, and from now-,n the1
new lines of work will follow each
other rapidly. Early next week the
coach will probably begin teaching the
squad team work.
Seniors Nominate Class. Day Officers
At the senior engineer class meeting
today the following men will be voted
on for class day officers: orator, R.
Keliher, F. Miller, and W. Schomburg;
historian, F. Dubois, C. Crowe, and F.
Abrams; toastmaster, G. Ballantine,l
D. Dudley and R. Yerington; poet, C.
Barnett, R. Hill, and H. Cope.
Bridge Players Must Catch Up Tonight,
Those who are behind in the Union
bridge tournament will have a final
opportunity to make up their back
games at 7:30 o'clock this evening at
the Union. The final round of the tour-
nament will be played tomorrow night.
Pewter steins will be given as prizes,
to the winners.
For the first time in the history ofl
the law department, the graduating
class is leaving without bestowing
some sort of a memorial to that de-
partment. This drastic action was!
taken at a recent meeting of the senior
law class when it decided it would
leave no memorial to the department,1
other than the class picture.
Many suggestions were made, pro-
posing new ideas relative to the gift,
among those being an addition to the
memorial fund left last year by thef
1913 class. This fund is used to assist
self-supporting students through col-I
(Continued on page 3.) 1


Frank Pennell, '12, Gets Advancement
Frank Pennell, '12, has been advanc-
ed from a desk job to editor of the In-
dustrial Review, one of the three pub-
lications of the Western Underwriter
Co., insurance publishers of Cincinnati.
He has also been appointed insurance
editor of the Cincinnati Enquirer. Pen-
nell was managing editor of The Mich-
igan Daily last year and prominent in
campus activities.
Haff, Jansen, Griest and Murphy Will
Race Big Red Men in Meet
at Pittsburg
Trials, held yesterday afternoon, de-
cided the makeup of the quartet that
will run against Cornell in a two mile
relay race at the Pittsburg meet Sat-
urday. Haff, Jansen, Murphy, and
Griest were the runners who made
the best times in the trials, and Brown
will be carried as a substitute.
Trainer Farrell maintained sphinx-
like silence on the exact nature of the
marks made by his half milers, and
gave out nothing except the informa-
tion that Jansen made the fastest time
of"the four. The Trainer did not seem'
to be- dissatisfied with the result, so
there is some reason to believe that
all of them clipped off the half mile]
distance at close to two minutes.
It was expected that Fox would beat
out Brown for the substitute position,
but, the veteran showed some of his
last year's form, and came back strong1
enough to cinch the fifth berth.
Brown won the first race over Lam-
ey, but according to Trainer Farrell,
made the poorest time of any of the
leaders in the other races. Jansen won
the second race, with Griest second,
and Fox third. The third and last,
race was won by Haff with Murphy
Tau Beta Sigma, Alpha chapter, hon-
orary architectural and landscape de-
sign fraternity held ,their spring elec-
tions on March 17 and the following
men were admitted: C.C. Cohagen,'15A,
Billings, Mont., C. E. Firestone, '14A,
Canton, Ohio, John B. Jewell, '15A, De-
troit, G. M. McConkey, '14A, Ann Ar-
bor, R.C. Perkins, '15A, East Orange,N.
J., H. 0. Wittimore, grad., Owosso, and
David H. Williams, special, Duluth,
Minn. -. .A -, _..
Special Geology Lecturer Called Away
Frank Leverett, special lecturer of
the United States Geological ,Survey,
who has been delivering a series of
talks before the class in Geology 20,
has been suddenly called away for spe-
cial service for the government. He
will go to Louisiana to conduct.some
special work and will not return to
Ann Arbor until some time after East-
er vacation. The lectures which Mr.
Leverett has been giving for the past
two weeks will be discontinued until
further notice.-

organizations in the country will ren-
der several selections. The Wartburg
Verein, under the leadership of Pastor
William Hopp, has made arrangements
to come to the celebration in a body.
Prof. ,William Howland, of the
school of music, will give a vocal solo.
The 'varsity' quartet will sing several
songs common to German students,and
Frank Taber, of the school of music,
will render several organ selections.
Mrs. G. A. Hastreiter, of this city, will
also give a vocal solo.
Though the time for the production
of the Joan of Arc pageant is still dis-
tant, keen interest is being shown by
those signing up on the lists as can-
didates for the cast, and Prof. H. A.
Kenyon is receiving many questions
about the pageant.
The women are turning out excep-
tionally well to try for the pageant,'
but owing to a misunderstanding of the'
time for signing the lists, the men have
been fairly slow to report. Therefore,:
the senior and junior men may both
sign up today at Prof. Kenyon's office
in the old engineering building. Soph-
(Continued on page 3.)

Instead of an interclass struggl
Varsity meet, scheduled for Satu
will be a contest between a tear
by Capt. Kohler and an opposing
tion led by "Howdy" Seward. F
men, as well as Varsity track cr
dates, have been entered.
The Varsity meet will serve
tryout for the squad that will mee
Cornell track team next week. It
also serve as a final indoor wom
for the all-fresh athletes, whose in
season is over.
The entrants for, this Var ty
have been chosen by Trainer Fa
and Captain Kohler, and apporti
among the two teams so that -
strength will balance as evenly as
sible. Captain Kohler states tha
expects the meet to be so close
the relay will be the deciding eve:
All men who entered the Va
meet of last year were require
make certain marks in their eventi
fore being allowed to compete.
was done because the meet was
gether in the nature of trials to en
the trainer to pick the team to op
Cornell, the week following.. It
not been neceskry tto follow sua
plan this year, because the men
been arbitrarily picked, and only t
have been chosen who are figure
have some chance.
Precedent, set last year, has
shattered by the entrance of fresb
in Saturday's meet. This year's
fresh has several promising stars,
Trainer Farrell is anxious to I
them working all the time.
In past years rivalry has always
high between factions in the Va:
meet, and with the two teams ev
matched, there is sure to be pl
of spirit developed Saturday n
when the Kohlers and the Sew
lock horns.
The entries for the Varsity meet
35 yard dash: Sewards-Sew.
O'Brien, Herrick, Hughes, Root, B
er; Kohlers-Bond, Smith, Foni
Kurtz, Leslie, Burbey.
440 yard dash: Sewards-Augs]
er, Plummer, Donnelly, Ufer, R(
son; Kohlers-John, Darnell, Ste
880 yard run: Sewards--Fishl
Kucera, Lamond, Gregory; Koh
Kirby,.Kohr, Lamey, Dillon.
Mile run: Sewards-Carroll, J
ston, Walters; Kohlers-Fox, G
mann, Young, Watt.
Low hurdles: Sewards-Corbin,C
Skinner, Klopfer; Kohlers-McE
Armstrong, Crumpacker.
High hurdles: Sewards-Co
Klopfer, Cohn; Kohlers-Armstr
Shot put: Sewards-Cross, Le
Phelps, Edwards; Kohlers--Ko
Quinn, Cochran, Quail.
Pole vault: Sewards-- Wilson, 1
ner, Chatfield; Kohlers-Cook, C
High jump: Sewards-White,
kins, Hammond; Kohlers-Water
Martens, Berray, McCabe.

A. M. Reed, '15L, as "Kipp
won the hearts of the audien
natural and unaffected actingc
:y-go-lucky American strande
His dancing with an inanim
friend was probably the best
in the opera and was heartily
Jerry Borden, played by B._
'14, a "believer in art for hearl
and Raymond Fibbre, by Roy
'14, as his none too obliging
were convincingly done.
Music Tuneful
The individual songs wer
tionally tuneful and the enser
sic left nothing to be desire
(Continued on Page 4

- U

IL 2








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