HO will see the first Robin R4 and get a snap shot at him?" EJ f PUMPS 1111 Best for the Tango TRY THEM REGAL SHOES $5.00 Cash to the first person getting a snap shot of a 1914 Robin in Ann Arbor. Picture must be reasonably good-Robin within 30 ft. when snapped-and you must be able to prove time and place. Get out your Kodak-keep it loaded-and sleep with one eye open-but don't fail to go to LYNDON, for Kodaks and Films-Fresh 719 N. University Ave. % , ' / I = Ili /, li'I .- & COS. 108 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR . m Spring Hats FOR IMMEDIATE VEAR, AT IARDSON 115 East Liberty s 1 They All Admit we are "Just a little better" SO WILL 'YOU ICE CREAM, CANDIES, LUNCHEONS PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE 116 S. Main St. CAMPUS IN BRIEF -Dr. amuel M. Zwemer, of Cairo, Egypt, addressed the "24 Hour a Day Club" at a dinner held in Newberry' hall last night. He mphasized the need of enterpirse and vision in promoting the financial campaign to secure ad- equate facilities for the mission sta- tion and hospital at Busrah, Arabia. --Prof. Edwin C. Goddard and Mrs. Goddard will hold a reception for the Chinese students of the university at their home, 1212 Hill street on the evening of Friday, March 20, at 8:00 o'clock. Invitations for all Chinese students will be mailed today. -The Forestry club will hold a meet. ingtonight in the club rooms in the new engineering building. -Dean H. M. Bates is still kept from his classes by illness, which has lasted for more than a week. He expects to meet his classs in a few days. - -The "Los Angeles-Medical" number of the Alumnus will be out on Thurs- day, featuring the Los Angeles associ- ation, and its work during the past year. --W. H. Tinker will return today from the east, where he has been soliciting funds for the new Unievrsity Y. M. C. A. building. While in New York City he took an active part in the Moot Evangelistic Campaign,giving a speech Matinees Prices s aed. Garrick 25C to and Sat. $1.50 DETROIT PRINCESS PLAYERS BLORHOOK BLINN, Director at one of the meetings. -Prof. George R. LaRue will lecture on "he Natural History of Human Par- asites" at 7:00 o'clock Thursday even- ing in the museum lecture room, be- fore the class in zoology 24. -The 59 senior dent canes arrived Monday, and will be given out Friday afternoon at the dent building. The dents expect tot have a cane day in the near future. -All material requiring cuts for the 1914 Michiganensian will be in the hands of the engravers by the end of tflis week. The management hopes to have complete copy ready for the printers by April 1, and the tentattive date for the apeparance of the year- book is May 1. -The latest edition of the plays of Bernard Shaw, in 17 volumes, has been added to the university library to meet the great demand of the works of this author. -An informal duce will be given by the Union Boat club in place of the regular Saturday evening Union dance Saturday evening, March 28 at the Union. The affair will be similar to the one given on November 8 and a number of features will be introduced. Members of the Boat club will have the first opportunity to purchase tickets, the number being limited to 100. Ad- mission will be 75 cents. -Cercle Francais has changed the date of its Soiree Dansante, from March 20 to March 25, because of the performance of "A Model Daughter," to be presented the same nightt. The dance will be held in Barbour gym at 8:00 o'clock. Julian H. Krolik, '06, of Detroit, will be married to Miss Stella Lepman, of Chicago, at the Congress hotel in Chi- cago, March 23. They will reside in Detroit. -John F. Fuller, '15, has returned to his home in McAlester, Oklahoma. He was troubled with pleurisy during last EOURN A UING CI3TROT, MIIG J 11 _ _ I I II - ,III r f .l ,r ,..^^ i V -. 1 / /9 1 / }J 1 II s 1 _ I ice., FAS'i EST ENGRAVERS IM Tt1E E T 11 I_ For That Sore Th We Would Recommend Dr. Hobsons Antiseptic Throat Gargle EXTR St. MONDAY TI TUESDAY WEDNESDAY UNIVERSITY' AVE. Es; SRoasters and Wholesale Grocers II Goulding and Wikel 1219 S. University Ave. F We deliver the goods & Co., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. i I UY WOOLFOLK You will appreciate the beautiful lines and soft curves embodied in our high grade, hand tailored garments. Our coatmakers are ex- perts and are proud of their products. All garments made in our own shops. . wing Spring and Summer Ready-to- ing from the shop of A. Starr Best, PACKARD ACA Dancing classesevery Monday and Friday 7 P. N appointment. Hall and Dining Room accomodal Refreshments of all kinds served to order. .Kne S.WC Clarkson Harrison Soei Pass the Rest President Cashier . V. President FIRST NATIONAL BANK Fresh home-made o, Ann Arbor. Mic,. r and 1a0ade Capital $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $65,ooo DR SHOWROOM-326 S. STATE ST. WAGNER importing Tailors 1' CO. State Street I ..r 6 LET THE Merchandise ESH MAN C. E. CODFREY Press Your Clothes 410 N. 4th Ave. Phone 82-L I I AND PRESSING Coliseum Roller. Rink i r 1 i 7 i i _ , I ' semester. -All those behind in the bridge tour- nament must make up their games to- morrow evening at the Union. The final round in the tournament will be played att he Lounger at 7:30 o'clock at the Union. Muckley and Meyers still retain the lead with 21698 points; Mc- Intyre and Corwin coming second with a score of 20418. -About 15 pictures of graduating classes from 1860 to 1880, and of prom- inent alumni, have been hung in the corridor of the engineering building. The pictures were procured by Tau Beta Pi, the engineering honorary so- ciety. -An average o more than 100 persons were treated at the University health service every day last week. Dr. Cum- mings, head of the health service says that most of the cases treated wero throat infections. The condition of the weather is believed to be responsible for the large number of such cases. -Freight amounting to 100,000 pounds was handled by the university truck this past week. The materials include many of the new power plant aceesso- ries. -A number of senior engineers inter- ested in railway work, and several students of railroad will go to Chicago tomo the engineering exhibit with the annual conv American Society of neering. Professor Rig civil engineering depa Chicago attetnding the -Prof. E. I. Turner, i ropean history departm ture Monday afternoon fore the New Century c leading women's organiz Rivalry of Germany anc Regents Will Meet Fr The regents will mee noon at 10:00 o'clock room of the law build: the lit-medic course, an( for the new science by -Therupperclassmen of deupartment will give ai day evening, April 1, at emy. HALLER JEWEL State St. Jewe Phone 534 We replace broken le a full line of Optical guaranteed Stic-Tite gl Watch and jewelry Closes Tues. Eve., March 31st JITS 25c TROUSERS l c C. I. KIDD, '17 Lit. FOLLOWING EVENTS March 18. March 27, March 25. FOR REMAINDER OF SEASON: Pair of skates given away Football game on skates Pair of skates given away 1112 S. University Ave. I Ladies to Skate for 15e Balance of Season Except Saturday Nights i I Attention Gentlemen! Spring Display of Smart Suiings in Greys, Blues, Plaids, Stripes and Mixtures. $20.00 to $40.0 Norfolks are our Specialty We are also agents for the E. R. MOORE Co. makers of Collegiate CapsCowns and Hoods ENRY & Co. 711 N. University Ave. "-- 7 Are Vim,