n Fheatrica r I II ACTING IN"TANTE" CALLS FOR PRAISE The performance of Ethel Barry- more and her associates in "Tante," C. Haddon Chambers' play, which comes to the Whitney theatre March 26, has been praised universally. The follow- ing review by the critic of The Dra- matic Mirror is typical of the high opinion in which both star and com- pany are held: "The admirable stage version is obviously Mr. Chambers', but Mad- ame Okraska is as obviously a study from life by the author of the novel. The great charm of the performance lay in the highly artistic conception and the thoroughly consistant presen- tation which Miss Barrymore made of the many-sided character of the spoiled artist, denoting the lights and shades, the various inflections, the actuating motives, the underlying shallowness and play of emotions of the character with a delightful spon- taneity and grace., All the suppressed little impulses of mischief, the under- current of jealously and malice in LIKES REPERTORY THEATRE SCHEME, Lady Gregory, Founder of the Irish Players, is Well Qualified to Give Opinion. SAYS VENTURE WILL SUCCCEED. Those who argue the need of a reper- tor' theatre in America will find strong support for their assertions in the suc- cess of the Irish Players who come to the Whitney for two performances on March 26. In 1904 Lady Gregory, fa- mous author, producer and manager, founded her repertory company at the Abey theatre in Dublin, and since that time it has risen to a high degree of eminence. Her ideas on the subject of a repcrtory theatre, therefore, should be of great value. In a recent talk she said: "The repertory theatre should be a permanent Institution. It cannot and does not seek to depend upon the chance passer-by, but it calls for an audience of regular and enthusiastic :I which is the special glory and joy of the repertory theatre. Considered in its larger aspects, the repertory theatre's concern is with a universal and evergrowing appeal, not with an appeal which is merely ex- tensive and stereotyped. Its ambition to achieve, not just to succeed; for success now-a-days is confused with the always monotonous process of ac- cumulation; it must have scope to breathe and free air to develop. The special aim of the repertory theatre may be said to be that of giving the public bread instead of stone, and its business, in order to accomplish this most satisfactorily, is to bring back into its ranks those who are its na- ture-born children, and who are being ousted by the outsider. the children of the theatre use it to its ultimate ser- vice; the outsider seizes it for the purpose of exploitation, and the end of an exploitation is sterility and death. But the outsider does not care about that, for him the sun is shining when the ducate are pouring in. When bad times come he will have retired on a fortune, and the theatre may close its doors. The promoters of the reper- tory theatre, then, are looking ahead. The drama is the people's most direct artistic need. They will not see it blood-sucked by the speculator, while the public passes by on the other side. The moment for success is now, before the fatal process has gone too far for recovery. The repertory thea- tre is repairing the damage. It is. recreating a broken dramatic tradi- tion. Its success if properly organ- ized, should be certain, for the drama fulfills a need which is as deep and far-reaching as life itself. If the light of life shines within its portals the people will surely respond." Mr. B. Iden Payne will bring his famous English Players to the Whit- ney theatre, Tuesday, March 3, under the auspices of the Drama League of America. On the afternoon of the 28th, the Irish Players will present "Kathleen Ni Hoolihan," by Yeats, "The Building Fund," by William Boyle, and "The Rising of the Moon," by Lady Gregory. In the evening a double bill will be played, "The Wells of the Saints," by Svnge, and "The Workhouse Ward," by Lady Gregory. Lady Gregory, the founder of the Irish Players, is fortunate in having in her company this year two excellent leading men, Fred Donovan and Arthur Sinclair, both of whom are well known in England and Ireland. INHERITS F SENSE 0 Ethel Bar for . WOULD MAKE There is every likeliho, Ethel Parrymore, who i the Whitney theater Thu March 26, in "Tante," I the stage as a professi have achieved fae s writer with a crisp, c style. Miss Barrymore l- somewhat rare among « mistakably hitting oaf a ation or an idea in phra could not change in the s without marring. "Once cautious," is one of Mis mots, but is only one of to the wit of this delight Miss l'arrymore's gift maker might be said to herited, for her father, I mnore, was noted for hi less than was her bri Georgie Drew Barrymore a clever conversationalist Miss Barrymore is foi two instances of family r pears that while walking way with a celebrated v actor, to whom Barrymo ing New York, a blind ma the two. The English while he dug ostentatior his pocket and extracte coin obtainable, dropping the blind man's tin cup gives me great pleasure,' "to extend charity to blim it does," replied Barrym never see what you give -more appear at t he Whitney March 26, in "'Tante." on. :Y Actor, "THE ONLY SON" TELLS STORY OF NEW YORK LIFE. NWinchell Smith's, "The Only Son," which Cohan and Harris will present in tabloid form at the Majestic theater for the last three days of this week, tells a' dramatic story. Thomas Brainerd, a New 'ork millionaire, who has arisen from the ranks, is nettled over the fact that his son, Tom Jr., has a greater fondness for luxury than for hard work On top of this, Brainerd discovers that his wife, in her loneliness, has developed an indiscreet fondness for an artist. This knowledge is furnished to him by a detective. In the presence of his son and daughter, Brainerd orders his wife to leave the house. It needed such a domestic tragedy as this to bring out what is best in the boy's character. He leaves the house with his mother. Heavy-hearted, they go west together, after Tom has forced his father to abandon the idea of a di- vorce. The boy forms a business alli- ance with a successful inventor, and in time the elder Brainerd seeks to buy the firm of which his son, unknown to him, is a partner. The discovery works a powerful change in the father, who in his hard-hearted way, loves the boy. Father and son are brought together again, with the ultimate result, a re- union of father, mother and children. To Observe St. Patrick's Day. When "The Onl Majestic on Thurs Brainerd, Jr., will mond Kent, a pop the brilliant The latter as very early c prayer book to Mass, me he was retur his club. "W going so ear the actor. ' torted Mrs. F the devil!" PLAY. George Arliss in >medy, "Disraeli," April 2, promises t interesting the- ;eason. This play ces of the Drama a commended by cs in the country. n long in letting ow famous 'inter- Disraeli, for his in a few cities nsive tour impos- three years since George Arliss in "Disraeli," at the Wihtney April 2. ted shown at a period when e a spectacular young Jew, f romantic novels and the tartling waist-coats,abut an nan, whose warmth of Ori- nation is concentrated on country an Imperial world e historic incident of the e Suez Canal from the dis- ve of Egypt, 4nd the saving thereby of the short route hosen by Mr. Parker as the e of the play. The intrigue absorbingly dramatic and esting. Incidental to this is a delightful love story, rewd statesman is shown ian of a young aristocrat be worthy the heart and te English damsel. etion is elaborate scenically tumes of the period, the es, lend the play attractive .ities. Mr. Arliss' company et Heming, Margaret Dale, rliss, Lila Repton, Lilla rarles Harbury, Arthur El- Carvill, Oscar Adye, Dud- This week will be St. Patrick's Day week at the Majestic theatre, and in honor of the event the management will offer a number of special features. Heading the list of acts will be a-dra- matic sensation known as "The Pass- enger Wreck," which employs a cast of to people. As a. climax the stage is made the scene of a thrilling collision betwen two passenger trains. Tracey and Rose, two talented young girls who sing and dance; Schreck and Percival, a couple of acrobatic clowns, and Moss and Erye, a pair of colored entertain- ers. constitute a large part of the bill. !As an added attraction, The Three Am- erican Trompeteers, Major Tourjee and his daughters, will appear. Manager Lane has several surprises in store for all those who attend the theatre on Tuesday, March 17-St. Pat- rick's Day. From a practically unknown musical comedy team to a position as headline feature in the two finest theaters in New York in the same week, and this accomplished in the short space of nine months-is the seemingly incredible his- tory of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle. the artistic temperament, were con- veyed by insidious means with the art that conceals art. What the char- acter reveals with remarkable clear- ness is the polish and amiability of a pampered nature in contrast with the vanity, the sordid, selfish attributes and insincerity of a spirit used to conquest and aroused to a dangerous state when crossed, all conveyed in a spirit of delicate comedy and sprightly suggestion. It is Miss Barrymore's good fortune to have the sustaining aid of a brilliant dialogue, even if there is something lacking in point of situations and physical episodes. An unusually good bit of acting is done by Haidee Wright in the part of a social floater who is attached to the entourage of the great artist and maintains a hazardous equilibrium be- tween the two points of her patronage and disfavor. The part of Karen was played with much sincerity and charm by Miss Van Blene, a newcomer from London, and Mr. Cherry was excellent as Gregory, without quite measuring up to the standard of his adversary in the play. Another neit- comer was Mr. Edwards, who played the poet with a fair degree of intel- ligence; but an impressively kindly if somewhat exaggerated dialect, im- personation of a German violinist who loves Karen with a tender, unselfish devotion, must be credited to Mr. In- gersoll. Lizzie Hudson Collier scored strongly in the part of the bluff and candid companion of Madame Okras- ka." patrons. Upon them it weaves a spell, which is cumulative in its effect, and its material success depends upon the gathering together of a large body of supporters who have taken the reper- tory idea as part and parcel of their lives. This takes time. The very term is new and unfa- miliar, and often misconceptions have to be removed. All who have exper- ienced the true delight of the theatre, and who fear not to have this emo- tion aroused, have to be brought by twos and threes, and then by tens and twenties, to the repertory theatre, there to discover its especial joy and to fall beneath its glamour. There- fore the repertory theatre must not be a mere occasional splutter of fire- works; it must be a permanent light shining in the darkness. In this way the repertory theatre becomes a center of social life, and the devotee feels that he is "coming home" when he enters its doors. Familiar faces, whether those of ac quajntances or not, amongst the as- sembling audience; the retrospective pleasure of the memory of the former dear and precious experiences within the same walls; the anticipatory pleas- ure of seeing the players, who have grown to be almost as personal friends, In new and different roles; the happy certainty that the play will at least be something more than a list- less instrument for "killing time"; all these combined to produce 'a subtle, intimate and individual atmosphere, A Scene from "The Only Son," at the iv