I -9 at dy at or 1 -4 Off 1 j Kodaks Reduced All Kodaks fitted with imported lenses reduced in price. We take good saleable Kodaks as part payment on new ones. Come in and see us" CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 So. State Street I Step inhere today. Ask us to show you this Society Brand suit. -< <>,_ 5. * A Money Saving Opportunity You Cannot Afford to Miss. The style will be a revelation to you, the tailoring the achieve- ment of your fondest hole. And the most satisfactory feature of it all will be your realization of the complete unification of the style, the making and the material- Such unity of purpose spells perfection and such clothes compel admiration. They're the sort of clothes you'll want this Spring and Sum- mier. Better see about it today. ; , . ...,.. .:. , -- -- ' 1 ,_ _ 4. p .. I . ,, i ,=. ' d !1 ' , pit!. / 4 , / s C s CA Coo :h Main Street -123 REPAIR SHOP the way Washington Street AND MECHANICS BANK 05 South Main Street al, $100,000 its, 1 1$69,00 A. MARQURD fne Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Cot. Main and Huron---Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. VINGS BANK 'rofits, $100,000.00 $50,000,000 t, MICH. ith C John Wolz Jr. ent Cashier PECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR COOKING and Club Houses Cleanliness and Efficiency. Telephone for our > call and give you expert advice for your Kitchen Equip- dienaw Gas Company WATSON DOWNS HANDY FOR WIN IN WRESTLING MATCH Heavyweights Stage Exciting Bout in Tourney-Traub and Champ Are Victors With less than a minute of the allot- ted half-hour remaining, Watson suc- ceeded in putting Handy's shoulders to the mat in the wrestling tournament yesterday afternoon before a large crowd. The bout was the best staged in the heavyweight class thus far. Traub and Kelley, lightweights, pro- longed their tussle 24 minutes with Traub the winner. Both men let pass several opportunities earlier in tf- struggle. The victory is the third scored by Traub in the tournament and it is now certain that he will be one of the grapplers in the final match for the lightweight supremacy. Champ won handily over Hart in a nine-minute scuffle. IRISH PLAYERS TO PRESENT FIVE PLAYS IN ANN ARBOR Appear on March 28 and George Arliss In Disraeli Comes on April 2 The Irish Players in five different plays, and George Arliss in Disraeli will be brought to Ann Arbor within the next month under the auspices of the Drama League. The.Irish play- ers will be here on March 28 and Ar- liss will appear on April 2. On the afternoon of the 28th, the Players will present "Kathleen Ni Hoolihan," by Yeats, "The Building Fund," by Wm. Boyle and "The Rising of the Moon," by Lady Gregory. In the evening a double 1ill will be play- ed, "The Well of the Saints," by Synge and "The Workhouse Ward," by Lady Gregory. This organization of Players was founded in Dublin in 1904, at the Abbey theater, and since that time they have risen to a high degree of eminence. At present the Players are in Chi- cago. Beginning with Ann Arbor they start on a tour of 12 selected cities.; German Consul General Speaks April 1 The German Consul General, Alfred Geissler, will be the principal speaker at the Bismark celebration to be held under the aus- pices of the Deutscher Verein in Hill auditorium at 8:00 o'clock on April 1, Bismark's birthday. He will deliver a short address on the "Cultural Rela- tionsBetween Germany and America," and President H. B. Hutchins will make a few remarks on the "Ideals of Citizenship." The faculty of the Uni- versity school of music will furnish a special musical program. All stu- dents of German are especially invit- ed to attend. --There will be a St. Patrick Celebra- tion, given by the Baptist Guild,, at 8:00 o'clock tomorrow 'night. The af- fair will be held in the church parlors Everybody is welcome. -A fictitious breach of promise case, brought by Mary Short against J. H. Collier will be tried by the Websters, at 7:00 o'clock Saturday night. Attor-; neys for the plaintiff are L. D. David, '14L, J. L. Primrose, '15L, and T. H. Westlake, '16L; for the defendant, P.L. Potter, '14L, B. M. Thomas, '15, and C. S. Neithercut, '15L.7 A Superb' Bill Where Quality Is Featured A Shot in the Night a pleas ing drama of heart inter- est in two parta The Winner Wins A thrilling Stiry of the Motor Dome. A Girl in the, case Won By a Nose a Real live comedy Message ot the Sun Dial Edison Drana of love never realized. CHAS TUTTLE Singer and Whister ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA MATINEES 2:00 3:30 NIGHTS 6:30 8:00 938 JEWELRY Extensive Stock at Reasonable Prices Skilled and Trustworthy Watch Repairing OPTICAL SUPPLIES Michigan Pins, Fobs, Bars and Spoons Js B. EIBLER 109 West Liberty Street Across from Mack's Side Entrance I OR PHE U M Theatre Thursday Mar. 12 STATE HOMOI 0 WE HAVE A FRE SG.EN D 302 S. STATE I M, I I I :,. Ann Arbor Taxicab New umber is~ m .. .I * * * * * * * * 1* * * * * * * * * * * THINK IT OVER! -0-. * A man inserted a two bit ad- let for a pin he lost. The next day it was returned to him. This is the USUAL result not excep- tional. We have three branches, University Pharmacy, Quarrys, or the MICHIGAN DAILY office in the Ann Arbor Press Bldg. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AJCC Service Guaranteed Parties a 300 N. MA[N STREET 2280 fPURE PRESCRII CURATE L The Crack f -0- THINK IT OVER! * * * * * * * .* * 6 r lI F [rinngTime means deyir~ ~yourself many pleasant things. It never ba;s ot Co ola. The leading athletes and ball- ball-s i_ , country endorse it. In training quarters or on the ie. they drink .t for the refreshment and beneict they 'ave found it contains. Deiicious - Refreshing T1'iirst - Quenching UNIVERSITY NOTICES Senior engineer regular assembly at 11:00 o'clock today, room 348. Senior engineers who have not had pictures taken and desire to appear in class picture to be placed in engineer- ing building, see Dudley, chairman of the committee at once. Rehearsal of opera orchestra in Hill auditorium at 4:00 o'clock today. Rehearsal of the "Holy Men" chorus at the Union at 3:15 o'clock today. ROUND-UP CLUB WILL HOLD FORMAL DANCE ON MARCH 27 The Round-Up club will hold a for- mal dance on March 27, at the Armory,. The committee in charge is planning to make it one of the big functions of the year. The hall will be specially decorated and Michigan Union opera music will be featured. The club was organized last year and is composed of 100 members chos- en from the medical, literary, law and engineering departments. The members are taken from every state in the union, making it one of the most general of campus clubs. It was organized for the purpose of discuss- ing questions pertinent to the cam- pus and to unite men from all sections of the country. The following officers will serve until next June: T. G. For- ney, '14L, president; C. E. Clement, '14L, vice-president; . P. O'Hara,'14L, treasurer; and F. C. Matthaei, '14, sec- retary. is the man Who repeats. One feat of agility and strength is nc durance---the fellow who can repeat of speed, prowess and strength day al manwho scores. SHRE DDE gives the athlete gad thy. stu , 1F-. stamina ability to of brain, bone and braw "come back" tomorrow and THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ga. Ut Whenevet you see an Arrow thinik of Coca-Vol, 4-c _,. . CAMPUS IN BR IEF -Two new songs written for the Jin- ior hop will be featured at the Fischer party, which will be held at the Mich- igan Union tomorrow night. Tickets may be reserved by 'calling 236 or 219. -Many persons in Ann Arbor were in- terested in observing the partial eclip- se of the moon, which,.was visible last night. The moon entered the shadow of the earth at 8:42 o'clock, and the earth remained in darkness until 11:44 o'clock. The shadow covered 91 per cent of the disk of the moon, and was vs. Carl G. Schoeffel, '13-'15L, which was to have been tried in Justice Do- ty's court this morning, has been postponed until March 26. I - r.uk Leverett, special lecturer of he Lnited States Geological Survey will give the fourth of his series of lectures before the class in Geology 20, tonight at 7:00 o'clock in the Rus- sel seminary room of the museum. His subject will be "The Older Drift Sheets of North America and Europe." -Freshmen engineers will dispel March gloom at a "Hello Spring" dance, to be given at 8:30 o'clock to- ening wheat. minds th of life. THE SHP. /- N4 cate the mrent o M ore ing th contains tissue -s elements of It builds boC tat win the 1DDED WHIE visible in all parts of the earth turn- night at the Union. Mr. and Mrs. H. ed towards the moon at the present .F. French and Mr. and Mrs. G.D. Brad- time. leiy will be the chaperones. Admis-, --The "Political Developmient of Isl- sion has been placed at 75 cents. am" was the phase of Mohammedan- -Dr. Calvin h. Kauffman of the bota-j isn- which Professor Snouck-Hur- ny department has just returned from gronje treated in his third lecture yes- New York where he has been spending terday. Ilis final lecture will be given the past two weeks in individual re- at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Me- search in "Fungi" at the New York morial hall, on "Islam and Modern botanical gardens. Thought." -The next Union membership dinner 1 --Upon motion of the proseeution, the will be given Wednesday, April 1 at assault and battery case of the People ,6:00 o'clock at the Union. O Do You Know ! THAT You Can Save Money By buying anything you need in .Musical Lines At Grtnueli Bros. Music House 120 & 122 E. Liberty Street Phone 1707 Pianos,PlayerPianos,Victrolas,Mandlins, Gui E STYLE SHOW. The ub, Henry T, Lytton and S ns Chicago, the World's Greatest Clothling Store, has sent it's two college spe- cialists, Mr. McFarland and Mr. Will- ner, to the Allenel Hotel, where they are showing the new craetons in mnen's cloting, haberdashery, hats, and shoes for spring 1:14. Open house, Last day March 12. Open until 10:10 S A\TED - cive cents Daily c ic- for cop day, March 11. Fift $2.00 a week for b Address X Daily. eveliing., k f