TIlE MICHIIU N DI N- DAIL ciay SPECIAL X STYLES I I1 SALE T P STATIONERY 1914 lest Line of Woolens city toselect from One Pound Paper and Two Packages Envelopes for 25 SHEEHN & . STUDENTS' UOOKSTORR 13 WILDI Go* Merchant Tailors )IT UNITED LINES TARBOR TIME TABLE IExpress Cars for Detrot-7:10 hourly to 6 : io p. mn., also 8 : o or Detroit-5 :40 a. in., 6 :o6 a.,im., two hours to 6:o6 p. m., 7:06 p. in ., 9 :1o p. in., and 10:45 p. fl1. nti only, 1:15 p. rn. 12z:15 p.,im. 1. I: oea. m. s for Jackson-7 :46 a.. . and hours to 7:46 p. m., or Jackson-5 '12 a. mn., 6:5 r a. m., two hours to 6:51 p. m., also .4:zo 15 p. Mn. COX SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS OF ;. , CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Ders May be Ordered from > ? MACK & CO. 1THY B. LOWRY CHIROPRACTOR (Ki-ro-.prak-tor) 11-6 daily. Telephone, Bell 401-J lAdjusting Parlors: Rooms 604-606 Bank Bldg., Main. and Huron Sts. LN1x ARBOR, MIcMiGA-r I.- ....... I-i __ r, I A il WJ I JTE31 I : jrg l fi Him Lj 0 AMFOO Step in today, and select your Spring clothes pattern and leave your measure. ; ; I'II I I it , , , , Official newspaper at 'he University of Mlich-' ?gn.Published, every -morning except Mani- isy during thneUiversity year.. Entered at the postoffice at~ Ann Arhor, Michigan %ander Act of Congress of ;March 3, 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Bunilding. Sub- scription pricee by .carrier, $.z.so ; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Ph1arMacy; University Pharmacy; C. 11. Davis, Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 96o and 2454. Maurice Toulme ........Managing Editor Adna Johnson ............Business Manager THURSDAY, ARCH -12, 1914. Mfeeting of inrnnhers of bus;ines Stiff at 4:00 p. in> todaly. NOSE S. The "small-town nose" has become a Milchigan institution, if we are to ac- cept the teachings of a well dofined camnpus coterie. Soine of our Imaginative friends have actually conceived the mile ston- es that herald the appeara nce and-rap- id growth of the small1-tow n nose. On first introduction_ to the camputs the nose is perfectl y 1unsophisticated-_-j ust the ordinary nose OfLan eeryd (ay (c- istence. Upon the aIcquisitionl of rib- bons, there is a. vencep1tible tilting . Then there's a dance, a "catch," anoth- er dance and anothier catchi " thenu dinners and (lances :nddancex is anui dinners. A following has been estab- lished. A nose has g.rowni the tip htas gone up, up, up. We have the "simall town" nose. So the arg umentgoes. But lets see?. The dlamag'ing a