4"m 1 11 SHIRTINGS Still Too Many left; TI to thinks about fashions for you. Just received, a full line of soft, negligee shirts for Spring and Summer wear. We have them in various styles and cloths to suit every taste. Have you seen that new design in Collar Attached Shirt? It is just the thing for day wear and very popular at present. Our loss is your gain and we are willing to take the consequences as thinks links our policy requires the complete OnSwith the Lfol-de-rols TINKER Q COMPANY clean-up of this season's goods. BIG REDUCTIONS ns Prefer. uow ready to our suit sho Furnishers and Hatters 342 South State Street ) show you. uld be a Stein-Bloch. APFEL & CO d Furnishers I in Suits, Overcoats, Sweaters, Hats, REDUCED PRICES WINTER GOODS TOQUES, . SWEATERS, Out- I Gowns and Men's Night tsnuu Underwear S. Pinney & Co. t. The Store Where a Dollar Does Its Duty LADIES! See our beautiful New Spring Coats Skirts, Waists and Dresses .. Goods LOO Every dress in a class by itself SCHROEN B ROS Phone 1000 124 South Main y es. M4-L D LING SILVER PENCILS flat and round for fastening to vest lalis. fountain pens the leading self fill- ing fountain pen aller Jewelry Co. Fine Watch and Jewelry repairing E ST. Phone 534 CAMPUS IN BRIEF -Prof. Emil Lorch will give an illus- trated talk at a meeting of the fresh- men architects at 1:00 o'clock this af- ternoon. Class matters of importance will be considered. -A series of tests to determine the result of the injection of steam into automobile intake gases, has just been completed in the engineering labora- tories. The tests took three weeks to complete and were made on the Frank- lin and Hudson motors for a San Fran- cisco firm. -Prof. Karl Guthe, dean of the grad- uate department, will go to Grand Rapids Friday, where he will deliver a 'lecture, in the evening, on "Elec- trons, the Building Stones of the Uni- verse." --Dr. George I. La Rie will have charge of the meeting of the Zoologi- cal Journal club Friday at 11:00 a. m. in room 305 south wing. He will present a resume of our knowledge of the toxic substances produced by par- asites. -"Thie Return of St. Patrick" will be featured at a shamrock social to be given by the Baptist Guid in the par- lors of the Baptist church at 8:00 O'clock Friday night. Invitations have been mailed to 500 young people. --The appointment committee will open its offices from 1:30 to 5:00 o'clock every day this week for con- sultation with students enrolled with the cmmittee. All such students are requested to meet the committee, both for consultation, 'and for the purpose of filling out the location blanks. -Prof. E. H. Kraus, of the mineralo- gy department, will address the junior engineers Friday at 11:00 o'clock, in room 348 new engineering building. His subject will be, "Some Phases of Mineralogy of - Interest to the Engi- neer." Notices, assigning new seat numbers to the class, are being sent out. The cards for the semester's re- port will be given out in assembly. -A meeting, for the purpose of reor- ganizing the civil engineering section of the engineering society, will be held Friday evening at 7:00 o'clock, in room 101 economics building. All of the members of the civil engineering faculty will be present and Prof. H. E. Riggs will address the meeting. -The series of tests being conducted on boat models in the marine tank will be completed this week. Work will immediately be started on a new series of the river and shallow water type. -Mr. Peter Okkelberg will be the next special lecturer before the class in zoology 24 in the museum lecture room, tomorrow at 7:00 o'cloc'k. His subject will be "The Natural History of Unicellular Animals." A limited number of outsiders ar'e allowed to at- tend these lectures. -~Mr. Martin Haller will speak on "Black Forest Industries" to the men's section of the Deutscher Verein, at 8:00 o'clock tomorrow night. There will be a general meeting of the Verein next Monday night to decide upon the time for the next dance. Hold Civil Service Forestry Tests Civil service examinations for the position of forest assistant will be held today and tomorrow 'at the court house. Twenty-two members of the post graduate class of the forestry de- partment will take the examinations. PRESIDENT HUTCHINS WILL SPEAK AT ALUMNI DINNERS President Harry B. Hutchins has ac- cepted four invitations to speak at alumni dinners next month. Dean H. M. Bates will accompany him to Kan- sas City April 4, where the banquet of the Mississippi Valley alumni will be held. The president will go to Springfield, Ill., April 7 and to Chicago April 23. On the Chicago trip, Deans Bates, J. R. Effinger and M. E. Cooley will accompany him. The last engage- ment is in Milwaukee. April 25. HEALTH SERVICE RECEIVES 662 CALLS IN PAST WEEK Last week was the busiest six days that the university health service has experienced since its inception last fall. The office calls for the week to- talled 662, which exceeds by far, all other weeks. Monday, March 2, was the busiest day of the year, 121 pa- tients were treated. New patients to the number of 154 u:ed the health service last week, mak- ing 2,400 different persons, or nearly' one-half the total number of students in the university, who have made use of the health service, since its estab- lishment. 1' S TUDENTS wearing glasses or feeling the need of them will be pleased to know that Ann Arbor has a modern optical shop where services of an expert optometrist and optician can be had. Advanced methods of Optometry, fit- ting glasses without drugs, appeals to all who demand accurate eye examinations, made without loss of time or inconven- ience of having muscles paralyzed by drugs. F,.1I. Arnold, .optometrist with Arnold & Co , is a recognized leader in advanced optometrical work. His complete office equipment combined with shop facilities to grind lenses, together with years of experience as refractionist and optician, make his Optical System the logical place to buy glasses. Arnold Optical System 220 South Main Street All We of is the_ RulConlin & Fl' ROWE'S L 406 DE TROIT The Link between Col UTT on State St 'We Serve Hol Winter Rubes, Smoking Jackets, Neckwear I SHIRTS MADE Caps, Odd Trousers, ." s . . . * . . . . , OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. * FABRIC FIT, F That excelience, obta Tailor-Made Clothes. ,, 1 * * * * * * * * * * * Prof. J. C. Knowlton of the law de- partment will deliver the second lec- ture in the new law course for women at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon, in room C of the law building. The subject of his lecture will be Contract Law. * * * Prof. C. L. Meader will lecture on, "Russia" at 7:15 o'clock tonight in Newberry hall. Designs for the Joan of Arc poster are few and far between in being hand- ed in to the committee in charge of the contest. The date for the closing of the contest is April 1, and it is fear- ed that general knowledge of this fact Is lacking. The wining poster mut be 14 by 22 inches, in two colors, and' contain the date May 21. An award of $5.00 will be made to the best draw- ing submitted. Prof. A. H. Kenyon and Margaret Eaton constitute the commit- tee to accept the designs. * * * Mrs. R. M. Wenley, 509 Madison ay- enue, will be at home to college wom- en from 3:00 to 5:30 o'clock this af- ternoon., * * * Owing to illness in the family, Mrs. Alfred Lloyd will not receive this af- ternoon. MUSIC AND DRAMA Mrs. Rhead to Give Recital The second concert of the historical recital series for the second semester will be given this afternoon at the school of music by Mrs. George B. Rhead of the piano faculty. The fol- lowing excellent program has been prepared: Caprice al Ceste .. .Gluck-Saint Saens Fantasie and Fugue, G minor ..Bach 32 Variations ........... Beethoven If I were a bird ... .. . Henseet Varsity Tailor 117 E. Liber I The Nightengale ............... Liszt Hark, Hark the Lark ..Schubert-Liszt Polonaise Fantasie..... . Chopin Minneapolis Orchestra. - The programs that the Minneapolis F Symphony Orchestra has chosen for its two concerts in Normal hall, Ypsi- lanti today, are representative of the best in music. In the afternoon the orchestra will play, among other se- F lections, the romanza from Tschaikow- ski's Fifth Symphony, the Prelude to "Lohengrin," and Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2. The evening concert will contain "The New World" Sym- F phony by Dvorak, Max Reger's Ballet Suite, Op. 130, and the overture to Weber's "Oberon," for the orchestra; ie-,ral selections for the college choir; and a Saint Saens concerto to L be played by Cornelius Van Vliet, vio- loncellist. STYLE SHOW L The Hub, Henry C. Lytton & Sons, Chicago. The World's Greatest Cloth- ing Store, has sent its two college spe- cialists, Mr. McFarland and Mr. Will- L ner to the Allenel Hotel where they are showing the new creations in men's clothing, haberdashery, hats F and shoes for Spring 1914. Open house March 10, 11 and 12. 112 WANTED-A little forthought ing your summer work wi time and money finding a June 15. Let Mr. Smithson h 432 Maynard. 16 3-M. 'OR RENT-A pleasant sing Electric light and steam he posite medical building. 431 versity. Phone 1478-M. 'OR RENT-Girl's suite 7 roc rented at $5.00. Will rent for balance of year. Ad Daily. 'OR RENT-A nice furnishe room. Near Engineering $2.00 per week. 610 Chure .OST-Waterman Self-Filler tachable clasp. Stub pen. R 836 Tappan or phone 398. 'OST-Saturday, a crescent with pearls. Call 1892 or r 811 E. -Huron. COST-A hat pin with blue s Return to 1402 Hill St. Rev 'OR SALE-Choice residence Church street. John It. Root MAX P. KRUTSCH 'I m yak--^: - /f. Keep a-going L dA 0 .° " -1 We ar win! winne Fatim towns. smoke you di was lii ning I this bi higges Plain g e all praise for the fellow who can By the by, you fellows started a r a. few years ago. We first offercd a Cigarettes for sale in the college' . We put excellent tobacco in this -we watched you! Quick enoug'm scovered them, and that the tobacco kable, and from this small begi:- they have "kept going" all oVC. g country until today they are the st selling cigarctte in the U. S. A.1 package, but 20 choice c-.:. ' CIGARETTES RUBBERS for MEN and WOI Best Grd-rpryFl m "D :istiwf zelv ndviduaI1 Do You Know ! THAT You Can Save Money By buying anything you need in Musical Lines At Grinnelr Bros. Music House 120 & 122 E. Liberty Street Phone 1707 Pianos,PlayerPlanosVietrolasMandelins, Guitars elc 0 U FOR TEN YEARS-A SIGN OF SATISE 119 E. LIBERTY ST. I A Vr A'11L ml lk im 1 in