Display SP Ul ME LATEST STYLES LND COLORINGS FOR PRING 1914 argent Line of Woolens ,he city to select from 11 SALE I STATIONERY One Pound Paper and Two Packages Envelopes for 25o SHEEHAN &CO11 THE MICHIGAN, DAILY Official newspaper at 'he University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Mon- day during the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan rnuder Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scription price: by carrier, $.5 ; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations:. Press Building;' Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C H.Davis, +Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 96o and 2414. Maurice Toulme ..........Managing editor Adna Johnson.............Business Manager TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1914. Night Editor-T. Hawley Tapping. News staff meeting at 12:40 today. SECRECY. For years and years our campus so- cieties have been shrouded in mystery, dark and forbidding-especially to the aspiring underclassmen, who were never intended to be heft to the ways and means of such organizations. There are those. among us, who would keep alive these mysterious ele- ments of -the campus societies. So far as we can see, no real harm is done. Writing as outsiders we would not know the secrets-if there are any- and writing from the inside, we could not divulge any knowledge that we might have. We will leave that phase of the subject untouched, partly: to avoid criticisms and partly because of our own faith that secercy in the Michigan societies has not been over- done. We have a more serious purpose. . rO SHIRTS Are the best fitting and the best wearing Shirts mare. The spring styles sparkle with new patterns, unique, colorings and novel effects. $i.50 and up. EARL & WILSON Makers of RED-MAN Collars Loose-Leaf Note Book Selling by the hundred---everybody wants one---can't get ei them--all sizes adapted to all purposes Price 75c to $3,75 Complete with Index Name stamped on cover without expense University WA H R 4 WILD co. Merchant Tailors r CAMPUSMILES L'argent tourne la monde.- Croker. STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE .I i G It's an old saying that «A man known by the company he keeps Yes, and also by the clothes he wears. Clothes made to a man proportions are a distinct asset, either in the business or social work Very few of us can afford to ignore its advantages. If you agre me, come in and look at ournew imported and domestic woolens for and summer wear. The largest and most complete stock in the select from-and remember, we make clothes, the best in the we popular prices, from $17.50 up. Place your order today. Come in and look, anyway. OIT UNITED LINES VN ARBOR TIME TABLE nd Express Cars for Detroit-7:to nd hourly to 6:io p. m., also 8:10 s for Detroit-s:40 a. m., 6:o6 a. in., y two hours to 6:o6 p. M., 7:o6 p. i p. in., 9 : i0 p. mn., and 10:45 P. in. lanti only, 11:15 p. i., 12:15 p. I. . n.,i r: ooa. im. Cars for Jackson-7:46 a. in. and 'o hours to 7:46 p. m. for Jackson-5s:a a. m., 6:sza.; n., y two hours to 6:51 p. in., also 9:20 1:15 p. M. COX SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS OF CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees May be Ordered from yi MACK & CO.., i.THiY B. LOWRY CHIROPRACTOR (Ki-ro-prak-tor) irs 1-6 daily. Telephone, Bell4o1-J ud Adjusting Parlors: Rooms 6o4-6o6 t'1 Bank Bldg., Main and Huron Sts. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN ....momm.ommm I I 11 Ii. . IN ALL.AMERICA there is no finer, more attractive or more exclusive as- sortment of Woolens than Is 4founi THE SPRING AND SUMMER LINE OF ED. V, PRICE & CO, SYet you can easily afford to have a suit made to your measure from your own choice of ~these, woolens, and be one ofthe bestdressed menin town SELECT YOUR PATTERN FOR A SPRING SUIT NOW -V I. ' Hence This Doggerel. I have written on a myriad of topics; On dances, women, and the Bay of Fundy. But try as but I can- It takes a genius, not a man; To write a poem on the day of Mon- day. -0- The last paragraph of a letter ap- pearing in the Daily Northwestern: "It is my earnest wish that God's blessings be upon Northwestern Uni- vei-sity, and that it may prosper from year to year. E. C. FLANDERS 209 E. Liberty St. Acr Co The Chubb Ho REAL PURPOSES. ,I rl ® . =1 tigan Chocolates, 80 Cents In the Maize and Blue Box Varsity Bitter Sweets, 60 Cents In the White Box WI. Milk Chocolates, 60 Cents RheRed Box .ke Them in Our OwniClean Candy Shop. They're Simply Delicious. SYH BE N OW!f T HE P OP U LAR P LA CE Sometimes we confuse the real pur- poses of these campus societies. We forget the ultimate cause of their ex- istence. We lose sight of the key- note, the very purpose of their pres- ence, on the Michigan campus. First and above all else, the societiesE are not here for the decoration or dei- fication of any individual or set of in- dividuals: The societies were founded and are now maintained for Michigan's3 interests. They were organized to knitl together, make efficient and encourage worthy campus activities. The reward- ing of individuals is but a meansto an end. And the end has been ac- complished. We believe that the cam-1 pus societies are now the very acme of undergraduate activity. The societies were formed to bring together the most influential men of the class or department-men who have shown fitness by their work, their efficiency, their spirit and their per- sonalities-for a discussion of cam- pus, department or class problems. The task of membership is necessarily a serious one. It means service to Michigan and unselfish service, un- advertised service. A democracy lives by encouraging and rewarding individual merit. The campus ,societies are maintaining Michigan's democracy. Election to the societies is open to all, to men willing to make sacrifices, to men willing to serve Michigan, to men of merit. The campus societies must be en- couraged. Yours truly, Gen-ichiso Yoshioka, No. 6 Suwa, Totsuka-mura, Ushigome, Tokyo, Japan. Imagine Gen-ichiso telling his name and address to an officer, after a Brew- er's Alliance banquet. ---o Garcon, the Ammonia Bottle! Smiles: Will not the observers of Lent be allowed to dance during this period, if they use Fischer's orchestra? -J. F. S. 209 South Stae Street elves clean, Wholesome board at $4. 11 per weekc Seif drinking water. C. C.Freeman, Pro as SCHOOL SUPPLIES ather Loose Leaf Note Books, Loose Leaf , any size. Department Paper and Envelopes FOUNTAIN PEN HOSPITAL "His actions are like a poem in mo- tion-Monday's Daily. His acting is exacting When the love scenes he's protracting To broken hearts it is a soothing lo- tion. But wherever poets po, And Antarctic captains go- Have they ever really seen a poem in motion? --- "There is no man more deserving of one's sympathy," said little Nemo yes- terday," than the comedian who satir- izes his audience for not laughing at his jokes." -0- MUSICIANS TO SEE RICKEY'S MEN IN ACTION -Headline, Daily. Impossible. The Browns don't be- lieve in action. Call 15 for Taxi or Limousine. tf LOST-Crescent Pin set with pearls attached to blue bow. Finder please call 265-3 and receive reward. 109-10-11- FOR SALE-Artists model Gibson Guitar with black leather case, new instrument in perfect condition. Will sell at attractive price. Call any evening at 1323 Minerva Road. Spocif.1 Agenta For I ~alts Fork Dipped Choc Made in the most sanitary factory in the world. The be we have ever handled. VAN DOREN'S PHARMACY, 7- __ " __ _ . . . r .. _ - . ..... .. ..... L. . . I. (_ ,,'\ IL 3'. jP 340 So STATE ST. I RCHFIEL D & CO. Relay Series to Be Resumed Saturday The second 'of the series of inter- class relay races will be run Saturday evening. The competing teams for Saturday's performance will be chosen by lot Wednesday, and any men who wish to try for places on their class quartette will have the opportunity to do so by reporting to Director Rowe at Waterman gym after 4:00 o'clock any day this week. FINE TAILORING TRADE We can and do give you the limit of excell- ce in Tailoring, this issue, with a complete e of up-to-date woolens;makes us the leaders our line. Respectfully, SamBurchfield & Co. a The Kind of Me :",O They are the finest typ- of men in the world-reso lozl, pre - veritiV, actiVe in rind n..d yeC always strivin-n, C w:yG cccorplsh- ing in evelyie cf huz:n czc*eavor. The creativc inLe -nI 1s trong in these inen. They like to Dm :o tvIr own fiarettcs, with their own hand2 1Est the w y they wnt them. They prcfcr the ctrettes they roll for them- selves from ripe, mellow "Bull" Durham tobacco to any ready-made kind they can buy. G ENUINE "1U LL U HAM SMOKING TOBACCO (Enough for forly hand-made cigaretles in each 5c sack) Once a man learns the rich, fragrant freshness and delightful, mellow ilavor of "Bull" Durham hand-made Cgarettes he nvr smokes AltorFRcci'iy other kind. _G ct "the wiiheah~caa.' ~M. , I" tody-"rOtl your own"'-and obtain thorough, N ~hcltlhftd cnjejmcnf and lasting ; ~ sc2!sfac2bn. M' 1 75 An llustrated BIooklet, r w Tbi Lot rz1cd, free, to any address T U.. Ac n p1rcA:NTcOB.Address" Bull ,! L~uDkr l _: ) 1hn, i. C., Roi 1210. 1..#r ls ' %ATHE ARA 21rAN TOB3ACCO COMPANY -ris OMETO US FOR HIGH GRUADEE GOOS Shirts, Hats and Caps. Mackinaws, Sweaters Gloves-fur and fleece lined We also give the Best of Service Call 15 for Taxi or Limousine. tf T rsity Toggery Shop 1107 S. University Avenue. The home of Rexall Remedi sill's Rexall Drug Store. 12 Main St. Quality-Service and Prices Safety razors sharpened keen as new 2c- each. Pay after you try blades. American Tool Co., Dept. A., Columbus, Ohio. . . Tue&Fri .ri ri _. RANDALL & PA I A-A I -0 ""'?T41" 41 " IT "I -'1 [ C