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March 01, 1914 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1914-03-01

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nal Material,l

r the new university
s arrived, with the ex-
of the two cross-com-
mgines which will be
ce of supply for the
This current will be
'oltage of 2300. A com-
nd generator will be
e purposes. The cur-
nsmitted at high ten-
io underground tunnel
)n on the campus, and
epped down to a vol-
'he setting up of the
.11 begin at once.
that will supply the
wo engines have been
one of them is being
for heating the build-
of the vertical tubu-
exhaust from the boil-
rried in flues, under-
to the entrance to the
ie fitting of the con-
n the boilers and the
ough has just been
aters, of which there
furnish hot water to
en placed upon their
I are being connected
. The water for these
vill be pumped into
team turbines, which
set upon their founda-
driven by electric
>een installed in the
used for pumping out
mulates in the under-

Fencing Palmer field and laying out
courses for clock golf, cricket, and
soccer football are improvements con-
templated by the women for their ath-
letic grounds.
The expense of these improvements
is borne by the athletic fees of the
women of the university. Three of
the five dollars of the annual athletic
fee, paid by women, is turned into a
special fund for the upkeep of Palmer
(By Intercollegiate News Service.)
Champaign, Urbana, February 26,
1914.-Dean of Men of the University
of Illinois, and the health officers of
Champaign and Urbana say that the
spread of scarlet fever is beginning
to yield to the measures which the
authorities have taken to stop it.
Two of the scarlet fever victims,
Miss Ona Reno, a nurse, and Mrs. Har-
ry Lindgren, an Urbana woman, died
early Wednesday morning. Miss
Reno, who was a nurse in the Burn-
ham hospital, died at that place. She
contracted the disease last Thursday
night from a student patient whom she
was nursing.
Edward A. Hardt, attorney for the
state board of health, came yesterday
to assist the local authorities. Im-
mediately after investigating the local
conditions he issued the following
statement: "I cannot understand the
official origin of the absurd story that
the two cities of Champaign and Ur-
bana are to be quarantined because of
the presence of several cases of scar-
let fever in such cities."
All students now in the University
isolation hospital or in the Burnham
hospital were resting nicely at mid-
night last night. Many are well on the
way to recovery.

Students to be Trained in Patrols,
Outposts, Combat and Army
Rifle Shooting.
Major-General Leonard Wood and
Captain R. 0. Van Horn, both of the
regular army, will visit Ann Arbor
next week to speak to the university
men regarding the summer military
camp for students, to be established
near Ludington, on Lake Michigan, in
Four such camps are being planned
by the government-one in the lake
region of New York state, one in Vir-
ginia, one in Michigan and one on the
Paciflc coast. The idea is to train
young men in the rudiments of war-
fare, so that the staff of officers can
be enlarged should the nation ever
need their services. General Wood
claims that privates are plentiful, but
trained officers are a scarcity.
College men and seniors in high
and preparatory schools are eligible
to attend. Students must attend the
full course of five weeks and pass
a physical examination.
Expenses are a $22.50 deposit, of
which $17.50 is for board, and $5.00
for payment for loss or damage to
government property entrusted to stu-
dents while at the camp. The $5.00
will be returned at the termination of
the course, if no property has been
damaged or lost.
Each student will be required to
purchase the usual cotton olive drab
uniform, campaign hat, leggins and
two olive drab shirts. The government
furnishes cots, blankets, tentage, cook-
ing outfits, and complete infantry
equipment for each man. Trained
army cooks will prepare the food and
the necessary personnel for the or-
ganization and maintainance of the

will be supplied by army surgeons.
Students who have not been inoculat-
ed for smallpox can be vaccinated at
the camp if they so desire.
The discipline will be strict and
just, the students being placed upon a
regular cadet status. The theoretical
principles of tactics, including ad-
vance and rear guards, patrols, out-
posts and combat will be studied and
explained by a series of informal
talks, tactical walks and war games'
conducted by selected competent offi-
Military map making and road
sketching will be explained and op-
portunities for practical work offered.
Physical drill, marching, camping,
tent pitching, making and breaking
camp, loading and unloading wagons,
camp expedients, field cooking, camp
sanitation, first aid to the injured,
physical hygiene and the care of
troops in the field will be taught by
The proper handling of the army
rifle will be taught by means of gal-
lery practice. To those who qualify,
the National Rifle Association of
America will give marksmanship
badges. A trophy will be offered for
team shoots, each educational insti-
tution entering a team.
Army officers will lecture on dif-
ferent branches of the service as field
fortification, military bridge building,
use of explosives, the installation and
operation of field telephones and radio-
telegraphic apparatus, signal flags and
general signal corps work, the psych-
ology of war, reasons for past defeats
to the American armies, and a com-
parative study of the army methods of
the United States. and other nations.
Certificates of completion of the course
will be filed in Washington, with offi
cial remarks as to fitness to future
Recreation will be provided by ten-
nis, swimming, boating and fishing fa-
Plans for the filing of applications
will be outlined by Captain Van Horn
next week, President Harry B. Hutch-
ins appointing a student at that time
to act as secretary for this work.
Loos, by System of Four Orders, Keeps
in Touch with All Material
Few students realize the vast
amount of materials of all kinds which
are purchased by the university
through the purchasing department.
Each department, whenever it desires
any new material must write an or-
der on the purchasing agent, Charles
Loos, so that the latter is a general
clearing house for medical supplies,
chemical supplies, food stuffs for the
hospitals, iron and steel materials for
the construction of buildings, pipes
for water lines and countless other
When an order is received for some
article, four copies of this order are
made. The first is sent to the store
house. If the material is on hand the
auto truck calls for and delivers the

Registrar Hall Shows How the Annual
Scholastic Rating of house
Clubs is Made .
Editor Michigan Daily:
Frequent inquiries are made as to
the method employed in the construc-
tion of the chart of comparative stand-
ings of house clubs which is prepared
each summer. I am glad to expla n,
the method used, so that any group, if
it so chooses, may construct a cai rt
of its members "for private consti -
The method described applies :o
students in the graduate, liter- , '
gineering, law and pharmacy depart-
ments, since the grading systems In
those departments is now identical.
The varying. subsequent treatment of
the D grade has no bearing. In reck-
oning the percentage standing a sys-
tem of weighting the various grades
had to be adopted, which is of course
arbitrary, but seems fair and is in ac-
cord with the practice of other uni-
versities. Thus, each hour of A grade
is weighted at one and a half, B grade
at one and a quarter, C grade at one
or par, D grade at one-half and E
grade at zero. Hours of incomplete
and absent from examination are
An illustrative example will afford
the best explanation, as follows:


the Deutscher Verein ply
sitate purchasing tickets
committee, as the hall will
a limited number and no :
of admission cards is to
Those. desiring tickets shoo
committee at once.


New Magazine Room
Members of the C
are requested to mak
azine room at 611 Ea
A number of repres
tions have been prod
change list of The C
iyi a

Monday Tuesday

Hours Weighted
completed. Credit.

aboon Cii
P esenting the Simia
i'o a Play. A Wondei
Late of Opo. Evans Mi
H ary Van F
Bla kface Coa
_ .tL
In t ei4arous Cow
"An Auto DiS&


A .............. 24 X 1%

B ..............56X
C ..... ..70 X



..... .... .... 40 Xh
... ... ... .. 10 X

- 70
- 20
~ 0

1. . . .1 le tk !a - r

. ---.


Dividing the weighted credit, 196,
by the total number of hours complet-
ed, 200, we obtain the percentage in
thousandths-980. The scale on the
two charts issued is that of 15 thou-
sandths to the inch. Thus the above
group would stand one and a third
inches below the line marked C grade.




, . I

ii e0


'} /f

Prof. Crittenden's Lecture Postponed.
Prof. A. R. Crittenden's lecture
which was to be given in High School
auditorium, March 3, has been indefi-
nitely postponed.

Barnos a td Barrb-ni
Hebrew F unsters
COMING Tb luoMU I A nn




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are fully worth the price asked, which

More often the required article is
not in the store house, in which in-
stance an order is mailed to the firm
from which the materials are pur-
chased, an order goes to the professor
who ordered the material, one remains
in the office of the purchasing agent
and the fourth goes to the store house.
In this way the orders are traced as
they go through the various stages of
When the firm ships the goods, word
is sent the purchasing agent, who or-
ders the auto truck to meet the train
on which the material is expected to
arrive. The material is always taken
to the university store house first and
the distribution of products is made
from there.
It often happens that some 100,000
pounds of materials are handled by the
truck during a single week, the bills
for which total well into the thou-
Draftsman Position Awaits Engineers.
A position as draftsman is open to
engineers who have had experience in
tool design. Those who wish to ap-
ply may call up Carl Guthe, chairman
of the employment bureau at the
Six Detroiters Fighting Hydrophobia.
Six patients are now being treated
by the physicians attached to the Pas-
teur Institute of the medical depart-
ment, for hydrophobia. All of the suf-
ferers are from Detroit, where an
epidemic has been threatened.

A Comedy in 3 Acts, by HENRY ARTHUR JONES
Preceded by
"Lotnesome Like"


Under the auspices and guaranteed by the Drama League
of America
The Iden PayneEnglish Players

Will Present

;1, after all, most reasonable.



after class hours today and leave



A Bit of Realism by Howard Brighouse


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Direct from a Three Weeks Run at the Fine
Arts Theatre, Chicago



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