P 3 bI L THlE LATEST STYLES AND COLORINGS FOR SPRI NG 1914 e Largest Line of Woolens in the city to select from II 5 "yj STATIONERY A - --. -- . , s at ' I 2L1\ 'Sa L Official newspaper at lie -University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Mon- day during the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan mnder Act of Congress of March '3, 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scription price: by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. 11. Davis, Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 96o and 2414. Maurice Toulme ........Managing Editor Adna Johnson...........Business Manager HI. Beach Carpenter. .........News Editor Fred Fomlk............. Assistant to Editor V. M Church.................Sports Editor Leonard Rieser ........Intercollegiate Editor Glenn Muftrm ..............Music ard 1Drama IHIarold Abbott .... .....Cartoonist Liilian T1homson............ Women's Editor EDITORIALS UNITARIAN CHURCH State c4"r. Huron R. 5. LORING, Pastor Morning Service at io:3o REGENT DISCUSSIONS IN GERMANY ABOUT JESUS Where Christianity Needs the Historic Jesus I I 96Wl Loose-Leaf Note B,,ook Y8 A . E 4". T 1;, gam. Selling by the hundred--everybody wants oane--Can't get enaough of Ithem..all sizes adapted to all purposes Price 75c to $3,15 Complete-Itil ndlex I Name stamped on cover w'Ithout expenae I O One Pound Paper and Two P ackage s Enavelopes for Harold IHippler Marshall Foote Paul Blanshard Lester Rosenbaum Louis David. ". BDC 4 eading Merchant 'Tailors 1101T UNITED LINES LNN ARBOR TIME TABLE and Express Cars for Detroit-7:xo and hourly to 6:xo p. in., also 4.Io is for Detroit-S.'4o a. i., 6:o6 a. ir., 7ry two hours to 65:o6 p. TIn., 7 :o6 p. o6 p. T11, 9:10 p. u., and 10 :4,5 P. m.. silanti only, 11 :15 p. in., 12?:15 P. M. P. Mn.) s : oGa. mi. Cars for Jackson-7 :46 a. m, and wo hours to 7:46 p. m. rs for Jacksron-S:12 'a. mn., 6:51 a. i., ,cry two hours to 6:5r p. Mn., also 9:20 11 :15 p. mn. I SIFHNr 0 aTUD cI'BOS oR o , . , Cox SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave,, NEWN YORK VAKFISON CAPS, GOWNS & FOODS L For All Degrees May be Orderedt from MACK & 00. Ili ALL AMERcICA there is no finer, 1more a1tractiveor more exclusive as- so tinen1fi( t f Wolns han iS found in f HE SPRN' NDSME ii LINE 0OF zD VzPIE & CO Ye yu a easily afford to have ! a sut m /efoyur measure from your onC! i a of The i3w1eles, and be l ou1. oft n est dreassd men in tows SELEC T YOURi PATFTE3N FOR A SPHING SUIT NJ NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett Chester Lang [lenry pumnmel Jabin Hlsu l?. F". M-1-iney Walter Nye On Sport Staff Carlton Jenks Bernus Kline "l . 1l avley Tapping B~ruce M4iles ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Shenrwood Field harry Johnson John S. Leonard F. G. lMillardi REPORTERS P. F. Thompson J. M. Barrett C. A. Swainson b. R. Ballentine R. S. Collins Leon Greenebaum C. L. Kendrick W. A. P. John 1;. C. Roth H. R. Marsh CI' T, "'! Iler J. F. Jordan lonaild S arlhoughi I). A. Wallace Willis Goodenow BUSINESS STAFF WV. R. Carpenter R. J. Ilofmann W. B3. Chase R. V. Leffler A. II. Torrey . M r nR. . Sheldon M r n W tisSN A , M R H 1 9 4 Night Editor-Y. F. Jabin Hsu. THE Y.. M. C. A. Words can scarcely express' our hearty appreciation of the broad mind- x - i 'MY t w~l4^%.wMa4WP"Ni :++0r-RT:Y .fbk: ed action of the rY. M. C. A. officials in the plans of the proposed building. There was an unfortunate time when w e feared there would be a perpetual clash between the Michigan Union and the Y. M. C. A. Neither had defined fields, there was a continual overlap- ping and the work of both organiza- tions was seriously threatened. We hope matters have been settled for all time. We think of the Y. M. C. A. as a religious organization, of the Union as a social organization. Neither can be complete in itself. The Union stands for the development of Michigan citizenship, the Y. M. C. A. for the development of the religious life and attitudle of the Michigan stu- dent. It would be im~posible to concisely define or limit the activities of either. The Y. Ml. C. A. must be encouraged to care for the religious needs of thel students. The Union must be encour- aged to care for the social require- mnents of the students. We petition for a lasting friendship with this Y. M,. C. A. I YOUNG PEOPLES' SOCIETY I At 7:30 .. Discussion THE FORD "PROFIT-SHARING" PLAN For .Sale, $10Q.00 up- For Rent, $2.00 up 3 mos., $5.00 TYPE WRITING 0. D. MORRILLI Over Baltimore Lunch University -x Bookstore Free ' ' rcusars, ,, Frce We are still giving a pair of extra pats with, eacL order for a Suit or Overcoat at $17.50. Now is your time to order a suit for Spring anid if you doo not care for the trousers the same as the suit w e will niaI~e you a pair of white serge or flannel without extra charge to youi. An extra pair of pants malke a spit wear twZice ss long, why not order today. so Cho ,c® Cast blowers Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating SI Remember this offer wvll I not last forever I Car. 12th St.and S. Univ. Ave. Phone 1 15 MM F" L s a, m R OTHY B. LOWY CHIROPRACTOR (Ki-ro-prak-tor ) urs I-6 daily. Telephone, Bell 401-J nd Adjusting Parlors: Rooms 664-606 t'l Bank Bldg., Maini and Herron Sts. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Et 209 E. Liberty St. you don't watch out! In th e and Bue Box Varsity Bitte S ees,60GCents In thheWhite Box eMake Thiem Wn Our OwnjClean Canidy Shop. They're iwply Delici 'us. JKNOW! THE POPULAR PLACE . -0- Perhaps there's nothing in a name, but we note that E. J. Roller is high man in the bowling tournament and that one Profitt was nominated for prophet by his class. "1 have yet to find the judge," said little Neimo yesterday," who will con- vict the than arrested fot pasting the pretty boy that wears ballet slippers at a tea dawnsant." I -0- "I see in the N. Y. Press," writes 1. J., "that the book of Job has been dramatized by college students. A realistic setting calls for 900 camels, 50 yoke of oxen, and 500 asses. And every one knows how hard it is to get so many camels and oxen." Id SELATIN For Everyone Especially for BACTERIOLOCY STUDENTS MICROSCOPICAL LABORA- TORY, SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS AT Quarry Drop "-Co. The Druggists on the Corner i FINAL CLEARANCE OF ALL WOMEN'S All Dorothy Dodd, Red Cross, and~ Pinugree 'ioes anid Oxfords price('.regui~r~y at 3 0 4,c00, 4..50 ; id oo (every shoe in the store) will sell for SHOEREPAIRS ? 613 EASTYWIILIIJAXI Fofl wifl'Team ILORS T(" F OUR SPECIAL $30.00 SUITS HAVE d- *UALITY that i .1 Y UAL U-1C-1 F y5S 1Ly N University Ave. i aENRY &coo 1 in Arbor Savings Bank Pk $3oo,ooo Surplus $ioo,ooo Resources $3,000,000 al Banking Business Transacted as. F,. Hiscock, Pres., W. D). Ear- l ice-Pres., M. J. Fritz, Cashier Mon.~ anld Tvloe MARCH, 2 FANd 3 CAMPIJSMILES Je pleurais quand ma bonne meo mouchait-Anatole France. Wratch Out! Watch out, you big first baseman, When you use that stiffened whip. Watch out, you runty shortstop, As about the bags you skip. Watch out, you spitball pitcher When you cut loose with your steam, And you, you speedy fielders, Ind you catcher of the team- G o easy with your antics For° the eagle optic'd scout; 'Cause the charley horse'll git you Bloxing Shark or- ? (Sheared from the Det. News.) PROF. M. FITZPATRICK, B.S., structor of boxing, etc. -0- In- DR. EVE HAS BEEN ELECTED PRESIDENT -Headline McGill Daily. "Hip, hip," we start our cheer. All Fresh Medics will be photo- graphed in front of west door of medi- cal buildinag at 12:00 p. m. Monday by 0. F. IlPpe. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dolph, Funeral Directors, best equipment in the cite. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 98. tf e I~ ll SpcilAorkt F Made in the mo1st s~u ita y fr y in the worldl, The bes t candies we have ever hand:led. VAN,),~N SP11A1IYACY, 70!3flack.-rd -St. ARTSTIC FRENCH DRY AIND 11 WATERLOO" Phone 628 Con slidation 204 East Washaington ANN AROR BYE WORKS G. N,. KUHN SHIRTS' e .ARROW label is your grantee that the garment wade of durable, fadeless rics, in such a .thorough y that we depend upon fo od qualities to sell you then shirt with the same el. $r .50 and up. Historically c o rr xctini eve ry detail. the get est battle of history. Re- produced on tl-e exact location7. The most Stu- pe.ndous spectacle ever TIE AN4N A.OR G' i BSOHESTRA r Z Catsn - 10 cents WthFor openingq of n .W rCesrved scat Section Advance Shipment of Spring Shoes We find it hard to describe the new ideas embodied in our Spring Shapes, and would suggest that you taste the time to see some of the Advance Styles. WE CALL AND DE',LIVER A Utnivexsix2 fntusic i[,,- UNIVERSAL GLEANING WORKS F. E. 45AKt PRESS 2BUITDING FAYEA T. special PAce on ()PER -- A-y-, OF WAGNER & CO., State Street Sign of the big white shoe Fresh home -;,ae candies, crackerjack; , ,,;- and fountaln drinks ot MAC'S613 E. Liberty I IUMg Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers A A P-T PD12 A P V 2. tie more for Pack's Portraits, but you wfill