Official newspaper at the Un: igan. Published every morni: day during the university year. rsity of 'Mich- except Mon- STYLES 11 'RING 1914 est Line of Woolens city to select from i Sale STATIONERY One Pound Paper and Two Packages 'Envelopes for 25c WILD G0. Merchant Tailors ' UNITED LINES .BOR TIME TABLE press Cars for Detrot-7:xo rly to 6:xo p. m., also 8:xo etroit-5:4o a. m., 6:o6 a. m., hours to 6:o6 p. m., 7:06 p. > 9: io p. in., and 1o:45 P. in, nly, xri: 15 p. m., 12:15p. m 00 a. M. r Jackson-.:46 a. m. and ito 7:46 p.mi. ckson-5:t2 a. m., 6:51 a. M., hours to 6:51 p. M., also 9:20 M. COX SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS OF' CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees May be Ordered from MACK & CO. IY B. LOWRY ROPRACTOR i-ro-prak-tor) aily. Telephone, Bell 401-J sting Parlors: Rooms 604-606 : Bldg., Main and Huron Sts. LRBOR, MICHIGAN SHEEHAN & CO. STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE I Lou IN ALL AMERICA there is no finer, more attractive or more exclusive as- sortment of Woolens than is found in THE SPRING AND SUMMER LINE OF ED. V. PRICE & CO, Yet you can easily afford to have a suit made to your measure from your own:choice oftheseliwoolens, and be one ofthebest, in town, SELECT YOUR PATTERN FOR A SPRING SUIT NOW 1 Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scription rice by carrier, $.5so; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 96o and 2414. Maurice Toulme.........Managing Editor Adna Johnson.............Business Manager H. Beach Carpenter.........News Editor Fred Foulky............Assistant to Editor Leonard Rieser .......Intercollegiate Editor RobertbTannahill..........Music and Drama Harold Abbott ... ,.... ....Cartoonist Lillian Thomson...... ....Women's Editor EDITORIALS Harold Hippler Paul Blanshard Marshall Foote Lester Rosenbaum Louis David. NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett Chester Lang Henry RummelJaiHs F. F. McKinney JbnHs On, Sport Staff Carlton Jenks Bernus Kline T. Hawley Tapping F. M. Church SASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER 'Sherwood Field Harry Johnson John S. Leonard F. G. Millard REPORTERS . F. Thompson J. M. Barrett C. A. Swainson D. R. Ballentine R. S. Collins Leon Greenebaum C. L. Kendrick W. A. P. John E. C. Roth H. R. Marsh C. L. Muller Charles Weinberg Willis Goodenow BUSINESS STAFF W. R. Carpenter R. J. Hofrann W. 'B. Chase' R. V. Leffler A. II. Torrey R. G. Sheldon Myron Watkins SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1914. Night Editor-F. F. McKinney. HUMOR. Humor will save the nation There are many serious minded folks who have tried to convince us that the well being of the state depends upon the initiative and referendum, the re- call, municipal ownership, socialism, women's rights or what not. To our mind, these are but initial steps in national contentment. Humor is the thing, humor makes life worth while, humor is a cushion against life's brutal realities, against human spleen and hatred. Humor will save the nation! Laugh and Live! STAFF CHANGES. A combination of unfortunate cir- cumstances have made necessary mid- year changes on the staff of The Daily. Acknowledgements for faithful service are due the retiring sport editor and assistant business manager. It is with regret that we announce the res- ignations. F. M. Church, '14, a metropolitan sport writer and a member of The Dai- ly staff for two years, has been ap- pointed in Gordon Eldredge's former position. Under his supervision, the standard of several years' standing will be maintained. CAMPUSMILES Brevita.s est solum wittus-Kant . SHIRTS Are the best fitting and the best wearing Shirts mace. The springstyles sparkle with new patterns, unique, colorings and novel effects. $1.50 and up. EARL & WILSON Makers of RED-MAN Collars Selling by the hundred---everybody wants one-"-can't get en them--all sizes aeapted to all purposes Price 75c to $3,75 Complete with Index Name stamped on cover without expense SUniversity Bookstore i. the "Standard Loose Leaf Note Book ty I. I Advertising The Col. If you have a clever thought; Try the col. Though you think it good for naught; Try the col. If you feel, once a while, That your writing's of the style, That will make the campus smile- Try the col. -R., P. -o-- "Since I paid 8 bones for a 5 buck pair of brogans on State street," growl- ed little Nemo, "I agree with Prof. W. H. Hamilton that the motto of mod- ern business is 'lie was a stranger and we took him in!'" -o- "Having attended the forestry club dance last night" writes J. S., "I am firm in my conviction that the forest- ers are a whole lot better at cutting timber than at cutting capers. -0- And They Call This Humor. The balcony scene in the glee club concert was all right, but the balcony couldn't be seen.-W. N. -0- Jim Helme, ex-rube, blows off with the statement that a $6,000 J hop at M. A. C. will not make farmers. Farm- ers, like poets, are born, not made, and think of the collich devils thusly created! -0- tGreetings. Ima-Too deep. Nobody home. E. A.-J. S. beat you to it. ~-0~ Earl Smith, our classy center field- er, has been made an attractive offer by Joe Tinker to join the latter's Chi- cago team in the Federal league. Earl, however, told several senior fans that he will not desert the last year's pen- nant winners-KearneyaState Normal "Antelope." Verdict: Earl has brains. The Chxbb Hou 209 South State Street OGives 'clean, wholesome board at per week. Sa fe driziking wa~ter. Free -- Trousers -- Fr We are still giving a pair of extra pants with each o a Suit or Overcoat at $17.50. Now is your time to order a suit for Spring and if : not care for the trousers the same as the suit we will ma a pair of white serge or flannel without extra charge to y An extra pair of pants make a suit wear, twice as to why not order today. Remember this offer will not last forever E. C. FLANDERS 209 E. Liberty St. Aerc Ca= ill ." II 7:; l 6 -z2--; C~.C.Irreerweg., Pr Special Agents For Made in the most sanitary factory in the world. The we have ever handled. VAN DREN'S PHARMACY jan Chocolates, 80 Cents In the Maize and ]lie Box (arsity Bitter Sweets, 60 Cents In the White Box Milk Chocolates, 60 Cents The Red Box Chem in Our OwniClean Candy Shop. They're Simply Delicious. PI.,LSOwo . r VSY: BE THE POPULAR PLACE T , ., ;. . HOOL SUPPLIES THEg SMOOT I TOBA( " Loose Leaf Note Books, Loose Leaf size. Department Paper and Envelopes OUNTAIN PEN HOSPITAL MUSIC AND DRAMA "Quo Vadis." 340 S. STATE ST. a CHFIELD & CO. The engagement of the spectacular "s d "Sprig has cub" she said, as she photo-drama "Quo Vadis" at the Whit- hopped over little Big Sandy, "ad I ney theater, will be concluded today, wish that the wader would seek its after a matinee and evening perform- owed level." ance. The beautiful story of Vinitius' great love for the sweet Lygia, which NO TANGO-WRESTLING THEN. turned him from selfish pagan to a Whet Co-Eds Solve Problem of faithful Christian, is too familiar to be Century. retold, but it would not be amiss to - state that in George Moore's produc- -Headline. tion, the splendor of Sienkiewicz's nov- And what pray, is the diff. el is preserved. Among the thrilling scenes are to be noted: chariot races FOR SALE-Choice residence lots on in the arena, persecutions of the Chris- Church stret. John R. Rood, 1600-J. tians, and the burning of Rome. 103-114 70' I FINE TAILORING TRADE We can and do give you the limit of excell- ice in Tailoring, this issue, with a complete ne of up-to-date woolens, makes us the leaders our line. Respectfully, Sam Burchfield & Co. OMETOUSFOR HIGHGRADEGOODS Shirts, Hats and Caps Mackinaws, Sweaters Cloves-fur and fleece lined We also give the Best of Service P1V INK That's our recipe for tea '~bite out of good tobacco leaf. the leaf in the warehouse for two temperature and ventilation perfe harshness disappears. A mellown vails that gives superb flavor and a news seldom found. This is the g fashioned way of maturing good k Velvet is a startling example of goodness. Sometime when your burning hot and the taste is fl Velvet! At all dealers. Full J' ra two-Ounce i1 LOST-An overcoat, outside amphi- theater of Chemistry building Friday noon. Finder can exchange for his coat by calling 1549-L Louis Reisch. Take your soiled garments to the Freshman. He "cleans" them. 1112 So. Univ. Ave., Phone 1530-J. 60 LOST- Between Madison and Thomp- on, and campus a gold open faced watch. Call R. W. Weeks, 556 S. State St., Phone 18. Reward. 103 WANTED-College girl to spend about two hours latter part of each after- noon carign for a young child. Phone 982-J. 103-4-5 Do your pipes need re them in-we'll fix the Shop Billiard Hall, 118. St. Phone 1721. I E. Diamond mounting, stone and replacing of sets a special ler Jewelry Co. Varsity Toggery 1107 S. University Avenue. Shop Portraits, only studio & Nickels, s Por but you will y in them" RANDALL & PAC u PHOTOGRA]