AKNN ARB3OR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY~ 27; 1914. t ,; . '; r Si - . _ " . b4 VAW-NW4W" ,' - - - ._ _ f ti ; PRICE~FI1 i Misiffia -4 @*;* i 4el" A. ; ; P4 o' ; - .41 1aU @ 0 nt n 9al, 4:30 o'c 'c . q ,~i nual dance, Pac4r l Mik e Loae chigan U i, ~PTION Round-Up" dnc, ,Armory, t__- 3;i a&of icH'gans LwSchool, 31cm- sL~'~' ~ ,y4'y cher of Council Which Elected igan Student gan on 8:30 o'clock. - Tft as Jpreidet of tll o usNew Body w t i1( AI k'fl y has een raised in this ~ Discussion a "p~ans for the re "af The ounil of which "Dean Batesa S ih I izaton' t't d oucii ia is a menber, and which was selectedo e f u a egul tt ody tby those assembled for organization,n ou efficeursn of tbodyt; t k 2men gn the lo I~ night, centered around the probl of elected in turn theofies fth 2 e whether or not the council shoul . - Acadmy which are as follows: Pres-. th additional receipts from h i 5 1I oyg if that d~er dent, Wiliam IH., aft;. first vice- =ts, wi uarait es £f o 4.to 's p te iY. president, Alton B.-Parker; second BpW~i hT C~ IgfaL1 U are til~ A thorough discussion showed tat vice-president, Frederick W.Lehmann;r h~, t i ~ fli ~ ~leb inJl~opinion was about evenly divided nd (otne npg . dinig a faculty representa e in order to sette the question so i, It kger,j asistant an e r was decided t continue the s zonMA Y NTER NEW iiiali , af a4d next Tuesday nII or l Thle folotift hn councilmenok " A Y er, and":the definite pe son 11 te oath of of-fice: W.. Lilly, ''Y IN tHIIL'MEE Grif, 5, H. W.arsnsMEE 0".0.4 00Mot1siI * -.Agee,1 V A++ onoape C. L., '5 y, '15, n Ply it$ l~iA'u fleet Open to Anyone h in the Win C. B1 r . owl, f.fH; ' do eV Vrsity or Al-resh djistme n1 The following comlmttees we ' 11YNack quads' Q n .' o the men n' lad pitis _,, .. *i . :tis elu w 11 tak-1 part in the ape ..%a T of war-Spencer Scott ti{tt 7 ?- 5 CHSEN FOR DATE7,.talCi,.nr , s iia g , :, 14oe Etan 100entries have been re- ioet, at t i Push ball-Waldo Fellows, F.C. a.. c6lv4d h "1rctor Rwe for the in-s I O N.w ill supply les, te 'i' 5tt , it'.- TAey ute cl2asstk meet, which is ched- ° t i ule d r Mrh t t "Waterman gym- s 1 I epleley, on Aprl #.nsiu F1 -~aorbined--"affarwith the Cap°igh -41erma P u 3 3 i S ths is ie firs t Meet of this nature r whiich hlids been staged at Michigan forh iria, bituated there. eh cn-. $il m "iany yea's and ?Rwe hopes, through t 1U1be ~iven iirtheree'heater, Fresi and soh mass meeting- $* its age~cy to uncoler somne promisng Al Pao,~ ~ Vptk " aD i V a1l y iia-r a ' t on e t i l e cl2V 141Kohler,... . GC. o en 'to anyone ' hbi is not" on the A ll- g . the place It is possible that a Grismore, T. A. Agee. Fresh or varsity quads, and the men TI ~Crneed hiie, ar ci e n eer ea ers-. a , .'day, ill be dveded t6 ereset their va- t aelubs representing the tiniversi- CL-Cross rios classes. o; ~~~~'f~~~~~~ aifm -a444eh ,ne----dradtitl'o I '-On accont of the large number of s1 4S fr diU~ ersit i.*iIbee t r, Wa e ows, HS. contestants, It hads been decided to run n Fri.. i 'it6ipoffthe preliinariei the afternoon t borate a?, ]t-i ; Feetreion-F. A. L '- and hodthe meet proper in the ev- p pan men re be>i af e t e el e Te anhard, H. d. Gault erring. Spectators will be admitted to on the route. i- itI ty - 'e selection rules-A. T. R -te numnber of 500 by displaying their w ~sa4xokers, recep- etts, Spencer Scott, 4~ coupon books. k;-- musica4es and dances. 9).- ,M* A2uncil reorgnzto -Ke h Tepresf. w nrsfte dae Sc ~ events will b :-in that the cus- w ng iot Appars Tomnorow~ i tomary rib - be discarded for it ing but prudenk J~ bif with- Po YdAilye MvS Lectures Abr it on page 4.) speed limits, t e t nmbl f ix &f rent lectures are being d< c a~q1% dcVJHU 0 U " "ti : _- Ju.Iistr o Enter Isurance Field t 3tomorrow with a cover as bril-';an Tyne, head of the history departs- lE ott, an instructor in mathe- fr yexecuted as it i 'tirntlating to ment. poms fan Tyre is a present m ' the engineering department, c urisit. No will te .ied~g-A- r+ r= rfee -th at h - - acepted an appdintment as as- th r fall short of te expectation~s country on the "Foundtion Harvard." sff secretary and actuary for the 7; ed by the xterio deig,-fo te H 4fr s liav - - well recei ed P- fular Life Insurance company, at Bement promises one of the clev- everywhere, according to a letter e~f "Dtroit. He will assume his new th issues of t11f year. -cd 3 e M Pro A CHildner. ' ' -on March 1. TRACK, ENTRIES FOR, FIRST MEET ARE A NNOU NCED Anul Fresh-Soph Contest it 1W-ter- man GymnasintSaturdlay - illI Be Marked IBy Close wcompetition IULNE.R FARRELL CONDU) CTS TRYOUTS FOR RELAY TE1?.AS Quartet of First Year Men Htas EdgeP on 'sophomores; Good lMarks Are Predicted F \NY -~ - TPEAIR Ol'TCX R- UNION REGI The orty ,sile this year of th~e Technic the ongieering society' pab- lication wI lapear AMay' 1. The pub- lication 'will c9Jitai about- 120 pages. Ariries hare- been contributed bjy Prof. A. L. ';~eof rto eM i_ ea- gin, =ering; d. n iref ,Tr . '.F. Ver- d 'parhen. t. K Kee. E, will describe his recent invention of am ke who wil yre,,ent all rtileonniAl 1i2'_iepal eno~llC°.I'n1t, and :S.A'. 8 t4er, a fc_ er tdelnt, v lo w ill haive, a pa,- per on irrigation. The oalvertising for tis :,ii uber is nearly. alin, and Oil thot'l.-S an to make the publication superior to those of an~y 100 iouS yeoar. O~m 31E Cooley to Address Alun i 1De Im Mortinier E. Cooley will speak 'Wfore the lichig;an aluni Associa- MARKS 27 LIFE, MEF The Coveted Two-Thou For Michigan Men Evi '4' y _#* :r- *k Applicants............ Total................. M~members Needed..... Members to Get ....... Gain Today........... By a jumlp of 27 the hand u Track interest is now centering in the annual struggle between the 'fresh- man and sophomore athletes Saturday evening in Waterman gymnasium. The entries were closed yesterday, but may be opened in a few events to balance the two teams more equally; Ba sing predictions on the _- larks left by the sophomores n their meets last year,- and the marks of-thefresh mqn made last Saturday, the competi- tion is certain to be close. Tile soph- omore's chances will be .somewhat Lessened, however, if Armstrong,,;he star Hurdler, who is - crippled with blood-poisoning in his ankle, does not recover by Saturday. The, freshmen will hold. a meetng after, the Sturday contest, and eect a captain. to lead them for the re- rnainder of the season. Tryouts were held yesterday after- nonfor the relay teams that wili),p resent the under classes in a dia4le, after the last regular events are tirn made in bothclasses, but~ if4tk the freshm en w ould spgin to O pe g n t e s p sf r t i . ef a f n r e ,f 1 w : l i odge o athe d y.Somhs fod tJrs ,Fwi Hi h m:ray, 1;: W . Metcalf , nin dA- -C, a * FOR UNION OP ER Plans For Distribution of TPickets Ar Similar to .t'hose t&fi- Last: Yar MARCHIS 1 TO l E FACULTY N Gt' Prices for the Union opera, have been-, et at the $1.50 scale, for all but th F'riday night performance,- the best seats at which will sell for $2.00., Ar angements similar to 'those employed, ast year will be used to take care of', he distribution of tickets.'' Slips entitling the holder to pur- hase from one to six tickets will be,' given out to Union' members next r'uesday and Wednesay. 'These will hen have to be presented at the boy tfflce of the Whitney theaterwhen thc ale to members opens, unless 'ar- angements can be made to handle thej ickets somewhere nearer the cam Pus: Faculty night is the designaton - by which the Wednesday show -wll -be ~nown.>Tickets for the Saturday nigh erformance will not be put on sale ntil the deriad fr seats warrants Director St. John i -s o Detroit to- lay to make final ments for .he scenery, which ha n ' selected rom models submitted.- suit no1 ,ast rehearsal will be hel ybut ;he chorus will practice' t at . 00 o'clock and tomorrow on1 t 7.:30 o'clock. It is expe, - at .he final anniouncement of th ke- (Continued on page 4.t tionh 11-l4a14lphia today.le will then _proceed diretly to Newv York City 'to at tend na rneetfinof the board ,of di- rectors o the A er'can Society of LUNUGREN'I5^S SQUAD SHO1WSRAL'PEP' Rta lIii 'i ,1.z1 t. IsJ Due, Baseball Workout in Cap) 1'X) SO~hN DOQA10X1ING With the first cut of the season ouer r teir heads-' the--baseball candidates dis Jl po mre"pep i yestrday,'s workouit tbiastg-hv Coa ch Lundg renitwas ,looking t'ier he~ irn it still 6e 6Rthe "'4d -[wood' this wQ&-e ,cyy " o ter tinto th pra(,tic } 1rr v o ,-tW-he coach"." h1e iha(1so--t et . So W s were. for o~,tein yestrda~k;gild tot 'even the life membership clock att swung a little closer to the turns are now trickling in classes, but by tomorrow a inpun~e . ,r ts that wt1 cally final. The followi'i tt m ern oboostalongth -. ,[ . Tc~ ath, '13 ,I S Jr., '14E; junior lis-."L Douglas Donald; junior ' e 1H. J. Allington, E. C. Foltz, H ;taer ,W. :IL hafer 'sph' Caulkins} Jr., Wilbur 'Broth( A. P. Barker, B. T. Park, G. ter, R. R. Brown; fresh -la Thompson; fresh lits-E. B. T. S. Cox, S. P. Smith, J. H. 'Corwin,'.1. 'J mrotherton, A. Tore thn ten meme r s of t] the jsltena"Bar' soi at the Allenel Htotel astni prom'inent m*en 'present -we Judge A. J. Tuttle nd, Ju~die Ali ay;of r Spee;Cu dent-Emeritus James B. Ar -expected "to Attendl but was do so. was a little real baseball. Rubber pltswere placed in the two divisions of t.he cage and Baer and Matson ap- pe a! cd in mask andglove to 'Wandle the recruit pitchers who faced the batte;rs. Matson- looks lik~e a goadj un :r t d o h e e a e e v r-and. the hangers-on at the gyni tare al-! ready predicting a place on the teamn V- ith xhit' sheets hug behindthe pitchers to aid the poor light in. the torstomis the sraiht bals ,the hle.rs wecre lobbing over the plater. Tb e usual fielding pr~ftice followed the battigchill, y4th the battery raen coming in. ox pecial at~etion on tl eir side of th~e floor. S. nator William Alden Smith has wired Dr. Reuben Peterson that -he will investigater the deportation orders %is Edna C.' S'chwahi, matron a the u~niversity hospital and her assist- alt,<'Miss Elizabeth C. W~ilso.n, in iar attemptt keep the nurses in the .epn- Deportation orders were served Wedlnesday from X 'it ngto , through the Detroit officials. It xvas clainid that the women were engaged in C i- a(!a 4dt f ioa6 c, 404ractla,- bor lave. 'eTirs§,ar'e -raduates of McDonald Institute, the only school ini America 'ivyere hospital matrons ar tin> -:': . U_)I US HAS LO t ABTICI 1\ "i' N ClINICALPERIO] "Proceedings of the Americ ciety of' Civil' Engineers" for1 J 'contains an extended article by K. Knox, '03E, on the valua. utility properties for rate mkir which Dean Cooley spoke in, P1 phia last evening, and one whicl pecially important to publicc and engineers at this time. ZE now located in New York City, he has been successfully follow profession since-graduation. RUS~H1, LFE I WL PE AT1UJI '"C1M a 9ATyISDARNCE"iV Rutc life will feature the. Davs Dace" to be heldto 3:3 oelokat the Union, by .h ateed th~e1913 s,in - during the inteifI in, when yes of the summJer camp and. '$ onments will be throwothe~ 'P o .C ' .J h s o ,h a f:veyin- 'cepa ea , w ll 'i e mattes arouse mana,, erest rrr... .. :. . :.. ,,_ : . .:: I aN orm s. : a I. x Y j+~ = o . PASS THAT TOMORROI 4 ' E HO -T GRABBING ' Kp Y, ' 15 A FAST as~ I I wff fE1 -,-~ ,,' ,- A- ~ I, -1--vccs- ..~l