THE MICHIGAN DAI On Display E LATEST STYLES D COLORINGS FOR "RING 1914, I Specli SAIE STATiONERY II Official newspaper at rhe University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Mon- day durirrg the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan nnder Act of Congress of March 3, r1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scription price: by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 960 and 2414. Maurice Toulme ..........Managing Editor Adna Johnson.............Business Manager H.. Beach Carpenter........ .News Editor Fred Foulk.............Assistant to Editor Leonard Rieser........Intercollegiate Editor Robert Tannablill......... Music and Drama Ioarold Abbott..... ... ....sCartoonist Lillian Thomson............ Women's Editor e Largest Line of Woolens in the city to select from H. WILl) GO. One Pound Paper and Two Packages Envelopes for SHEEHAN & Co. STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE -i EDITORIALS Harold Iippler1 Marshall Foote Le Louis David. Merchant Tailors Paul Blanshard ster Rosenbaum ROIT UNITED LINES LNN ARBOR TIME TABLE and Express Cars for Detroit-7:10 and hourly to 6 : rop. -tn., also 8:10 as for Detroit-5 :40a. i., 6:o6 a. m., ery two hours to 6 :o6 p. in., 7 :06 p. o6 p. m., 9:o p. m., and 1o:45 p. m. psilanti only, 1 :15 p. m., 12:15 p. m. Cars for Jackson-7:46 a. . and two hours to 7:46 p. n. rs for Jackson-s :z a. n., 6:51 a. m., 'cry two hours to 6:sx p. M;, also 9:20 11:15 p. im. CoX SONS & VINING 12 Madson Ave., NEW YORK MAIKERS OF CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees May be Ordered from MACK & CO. II l l I . I 1 I' ,, {i ,I lil,,. , , 'I )THY B. LOWRY CHIROPRACTOR (Ki-ro-prak-tor) 9 Z-6 daily. Telephone, Bell 401-J d Adjusting Parlors: Rooms 604-606 1 Bank Bldg., Main and Huron Sts. A.NN ARBOR, MICHXGAN ADVANCED SHAPES Just Received - - $3.00 W b:' ',I 119 1111: r I ae ea I L r r~. NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett Chester Lang Henry RummelF K y'bi F. F. xMcKinney 'ai s Oan Sport Staff Carlton Jenks Bernus Kline T. Hawley Tapping F. M. Church ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood Field larry Johnson John S. Leonard F. G. Millard REPORTERS P. F. Thompson J. M. Barrett C. A. Swainson D. R. Ballentine R. S. Collins Leon Greenebaum C. L. Kendrick W. A. P. John Z. C. Roth IL1. R Marsh C. L. Muller Charles Weinberg Willis Goodenow BUSINESS STAFF W. R. Carpenter R. J. Hofmann W. B. Chase R. V. Leffler A. H. Torrey R. G. Sheldon Myron Watkins THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1914. Night Editor-Chester H. Lang. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Hmm-m-mmm-m m. We have with us this morning a dis- tinguished stranger. In all serious- ness, he is a Funnyman. He is here to make us laugh. We wot, it's a dangerous business. Life is too serious a matter to laugh away. W.A.P. rushes in where angels fear to tread. "Campusmiles," ladies and gentle- men! BANANA PEELS. There is cause for mirth. The board of directors "deplore the unwarranted publicity" regarding the women and the "M". We are reminded-. But let us clear up the heavy atmosphere. The news was given out last week, along with the other news of a meeting. And what "news" it was! Harmless, in- nocent and most entertaining. The discussion was acrimonious for a mo ment only. Now the board complains that it was "unwarranted." It reminds us of the man who jump- ed off the pier, and swam out in a fine fit of anger-because he was wet. Of the little boy who carefully plastered the steps with banana peelings, then slapped the wrists of the philosopher who disturbed his outlay-doing the inevitable. And the women. To them we must apologize, if any offense bas been giv- en. May they' prosper! But our friends of the athletic board. Are they double crossing us or out- witting us? There is cause for mirth. French Lecturer to Speak Tomorrow Prof. Fernand Baldensperger will lecture on "Maurice Barres et le jeun- esse intellectuelle en France," tomor- row at 4:30 o'clock in Alumni Memo- rial hall. M. Baldensperger, a profes- sor at the University of Paris, was ex- change lecturer at Harvard University SHIRTS Are the best fitting and the best wearing Shirts ma e. The spring styles sparkle with new patterns, unique, colorings and novel effects. $1.50 and up. EARL & WILSON Makers of RED-MAN Collars Ai CAMPUS MILES Licet non expellat sed omni- bus satis facit quelque dicitur a diverIendo--Nemis arius. The Hymn of Her* Come gather round the standard, girls, The ref has called the game; Here comes the team-a rousing scream! To drive them on to fame! There's bonnie captain Kitty Keem, And "Hefty Brown, our guard! Come girls, a screaw to make our team Grind Vassar to the sward! If victory smiles on us today, We'll rush the Bee and Tutt's Come girls, a scream to make our team Annihilate. the mutts! -0- Give some of the mugs you pass on the street the once over and then give thanks that you're not a dent. "I really hate to make a confession," said little Nemo yesterday" but one glimpse at the receipts of the Glee club concert told me what job I am going to try out for next year." "The music classes of the public schools are studying a beautiful three part chorus, entitled: Forget-Me-Not. -Ironton Register. The three parts: Forget, me and not. -0- SEPTUAGENARLAN DEAD FROM DANCING TANGO Headline. Oh death, where is thy sting? UNIVERSITY NOTICES Meeting of all Colorado men tonight at 7:30 o'clock at Union. Senior pharmics meet at 4:00 o'clock today, room 303, to elect treasurer. Girl's Glee club will meet at 4:30 o'clock today at 1224 Washtenaw. Freshman tryouts for Alpha Nu, to- morrow night, at rooms. Meeting of Michigan Civic club to- night at 7:00 o'clock in room 101 eco- nomics building. Tryouts for Opera Orchestra meet at Union this afternoon at 4:00 o'clock. Found-German silver vanity box in Hill auditorium after glee concert. Owner may have same by calling at Daily office and paying for this ad. 1, Free - - Trousers - - Fret We are still giving a pair of extra pants with each order i a Suit or Overco'at at $17.50. Now is your time to order a suit for Spring and if you not care'for the trousers the same as the suit we will make y a pair of white serge or flannel without extra charge to you. An extra pair of pants make a suit wear twice as long, why not order today. Remember this offer will not last forever E. 'C. FLANDERS 209 E. Liberty St. ^n.*oCnecinr,*. T he C'izbb Hmu64 209 Souith Stete Street Gives clean, wholefsome board at $4.2, loose Leaf Note Book I I Selling by the hundred--everybody wants one--can't get enough Of them-"-all sizes aeapted to all purposes I Price 75c to $335 Complete with Index Name stamped on cover without expense W AHniversity I Wonder 1 per wyeek. Sa.fe d~ri~inwater. C. tC. Freerxzen, Propi Special Agente For wEalls Fork Dipped Choco Made in the most sanitary factory in the world. The best c we have ever handled. VAN DOREN'S PHARMACY, 703P in Uj Is the "Standard" lichigan Chocolates, 80 Cents In the Maize and Blue Box Varsity Bitter Sweets, 60 Cents . In the White box of M. Milk Chocolates, 60 Cents The Red Box We Make Them in Our OwniClean Candy Shop. They're Simply Delicious. BUS Y BE E )U KNOW! THE POPULAR PLACE SCHOOL SUPPLIES Leather Loose Leaf Note Books, Loose Leaf aper, any size. Department Paper and Envelopes FOUNTAIN PEN HOSPITAL V "I TH~E SMOOTH KS? TOOACO NG F. SCHLEEDE. 340 S. STATE ST. i a . URC HFIELD & CO. FINE TAILORING TRADE We can and do give you the limit of excell- ence in Tailoring, this issue, with a complete line of up-to-date woolens, makes us the leaders in our line. Respectfully, Sam Burchfield & Co. COME TO US FORHIGHGRADEGOODS Shirts, Hats and Caps Mackinaws, Sweaters Cloves-fur and fleece kned this semster. on the Pacific He has been traveling Lost-Small Conklin fountain pen near coast. I Hill auditorium. Kindly call A. G. INK I That's our recipe for taking the . bite out of good tobacco leaf. We hang the leaf in'the warehouse for two years- temperature and ventilation perfect -all harshness disappears. A mellowness pre. vails that gives superb flavor and a smooth.. nees seldom found. This is the good old fashioned way of maturing good leaf-and 'Velvet is a startling example of tobacco goodness. Sometime when your pipe is burning hot and the taste is flat-try Velvet! At all dealers. I'C FURl two ounce tins Walker, phone 1460. We also give the Best of Service We pay special attentionto amateur finishing. Daines & Nickels, 336 S. State (over Cushing's Drug Store). tf Toric library spectacles at Haller Jewelry Co. Genuine Martin Guitars and Mando- lins sold at Schaeberle & Son's Music House. ti Best shoe shine, hat cleaning and We work for the ladies. Cleaning, pressing and repairing. C. I. Kidd, 1112 S. University Ave. 1530-J. tf Haller Jewelry Co. for fine watch and jewelry repairing. Diamond mounting, stone setting and replacing of sets a specialty. Hal- ler Jewelry Co. Portraits, enlargements, groups. (the only studio on the campus). Daines & Nickels, 336 S. State St. tf Varsity Toggery Shop 1107 S. University Avenue. blocking next to Wagner's. tf Call : ....,_ ._-rte ,. ick's Portraits, but you will ANDALL & PACK PHOTO