171 DAILY I Bl Text .Books New and second hand. Ex. change your old books for new. II STYLES 'RING 1914 est Line of Woolens city to select from Drawing. 1 Instruments We can save you money by buying the Richter Instruments Look over our sets before buying. Log Log and Duplex Slide Rules Official nevspaper at 'le University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Mon- day during the university year. E3ntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan nnder Act of Congress of March 3, r879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scription price: by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: Press Building; (quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard and StateC Telephones 960 and 2414. Maurice Toulrne...........Managing Editor Adna Johnson.............Business Manager H. Beach Carpenter............News Editor Fred Foulk..............Assistant to Editor Leonard Rieser........Intercollegiate Editor Robert Tannahill .......Music and Drama Harold Abbott .. ............Cartoonist Lillian Thomson.... ....Women's Editor EDITORIALSn r TYPEWRITERS New, reonuilt, and second- hand, For Sale, $10.00 up For Rent, $2.00 up 3 mos., $5.00 TYPE WRINTING 0 D. MORIL C. LOver Baltimore Lunch ~ Wonder. A Loose Leaf Note Book 11 11 U lI Is the "Standard's I I Harold Hippler Marshall Foote Paul Blanshard Lester Rosenbaum Louis David. 1. P. NOTE BOOKS WILD CO, Merchant Tailors UNITED LINES OR TIME TABLE ess Cars for Detroit-7:xo y to 6:xo p. m., also 8:1o roit-5:40 a. m., 6:o6 a. m., tours to 6:o6 p. m., 7:06 p. g:io p. in., and r0:45 p. in. ly, 11:15 p. m., 12:15 p. m. 0a. =. Jackson-7:46 a. m. and to 7:46 p. in. kson-5:12 a. m., 6:51 a. m., ours to 6:51 p. m., also 9:20 COX SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK' MAKERS OF CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS L For All Degrees May be Ordered from MACK & Co. [Y B. LOWRY OPRACTOR i-ro-prak-tor) Lily. Telephone, Bell 40T-J sting Parlors: Roomns 604-6o6 Bldg., Main and Huron Sts. RBOR, MICHIGAN SHEEHAN & CO STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE 11 M I jir i,,li A ii NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett Chester Lang Henry~ Rummel Jabin IHsu F. F. McKinney On Sport Staff Carlton Jenks Bernus Kline T. Hawley Tapping F. M. Church ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood Field iarry Johnson John S. Ixcona!'- F. G. Millard REPORTERS P. F. Thompson J. M. Barrett C. A. Swainson D. R. Ballentine R. S. Collins Leon Greenebaum C. L. Kendrick W. A. P. John E. C. Roth H. R. Marsh C. L. Muller Charles Weinberg Willis Goodenow BUSINESS STAFF W. R. Carpenter R. J. Hoima nn W. B. Chase R. V. Leffler . lT 'foerr vR.G. ;thcldon Myron Watkins WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1914. Night Editor-Henry C. Rummel. Important meeting of the business staff and tryonts at 4:00 o'clock today numbers, but each was a monumental work in organ literature.Three schools were represented. The German school was represented by Bach's Prelude and Fugue in D, typical of Teutonic stability. The andanate from Dorow- ski's sonata exemplified the Russian school. With very eiecive registra- tion, and skillful dynamilc shading, it portrayed the melancholy and yearn- ing of the Russian temperament. The French school was ably supported by Dubois and Widor, whose character, istics are puissance, dash, and bril- liance. The intermezzo in toccata-form) from the 6th Symphony of Widor prob- ably elicited more applause than any other number. It calls for the curious registration of combined reeds and mixtures alone, which impart to iti a very rich, sonorous, but brilliant ef- I fect. The andante movement was an enchanting air played on a string, while a lovely flute stop played accom- panying' arabesques around it. * * * * * * * * I We are still giving a pair of extra pants with each order for a Suit or Overcoat at $17-50. Now is your time to order a suit for Spring and if you do not care for the trousers the same as the suit we will mak e you a pair of white serge or flannel without extra charge to you. An extra pair of pants make a suit wear twice as long, so why not order today. Remember this offer will not last forever E. C FLANDERS I Selling by the hundred-..-everybody wants one---can't get enough of them-all sizes adapted to all purposes Price 75c to $3.75 Complete with Index Name stamped on cover without expense R University Bookstore Free - - Trousers -- Free 209 E. Liberty St. Across from " Confectione~r, * OF INTE REST TO WO)IES. *l ADVANCED SHAPES Just Received - - $3.00 ® I . --- k Chocolates, 80 Cents In the Maize and Blue Box sity Bitter Sweets, 60 Cents In the White Box 1k Chocolates, 60 Cents The Red Box in Our OwniClean Candy Shop. They're Simply Delicious, THE OUTLOOK. At last we seem to have attained a respectable standard in scholarship and campus activity. General scholarship has never been better. The reports from all sides have been most reassuring. The liter- ary department has deported a very few, more have been placed on proba- tion and not a few have been warned. But on the average, as compared with the returns of other years, the outlook is hopeful. The reports from the law department show a big gain in schol- arship. And the returns from the oth- er departments have been equally op- timistic. Nothing needs to be said about thel campus activities, the results speak for themselves. A new efficiency has been established. The committees have been better handled. There has been little or no appeal for support for campus organizations simply be- cause they were campus organizations. Support has been forthcoming, because full return has been given. The band, the Comedy club, the Union opera, the Glee club, the Gargoyle and the ath- letic teams, all of them have shown this independence. Things are, as we would have them. sy THE POPULAR PLACE . . . raw, On account of a severe cold, Dr. An- gell will not be able to give his lecture on China at Newberry hall this after- noon, as scheduled, and consequently the Y. W. C. A. lecture course on "The World Situation" will begin instead with Professor Meader's lecture on Russia, on March 4. Dr. Angell's lec- ture has been postponed until March 8. Those women who have received no- tice of their eligibility to parts in the cast of the junior play, are asked to meet the committee at 4:00 o'clock Thursday afternoon ai Sarah Caswell ngell hall. Senior and junior women who wish to obtain scholarship loans are asked to apply to Dean Jordan before March 1. * * * Mrs. Earl Dow, 554 Thompson street, will be at home to college wo ien from 3:00 to 5:30 o'clock this afternoon Owing to a recent bereavement, Mrs. C. B. Kinyon, 914 1i11 street, will not receive any more this year. UsICL AL1CLUBS' PROGRAM ROLDS AUDIENCE OF 4,000 Squeezing a laugh from every act, the 60 men comprising Michigan's mu- sical clubs held an audience of 4.000 for two and a half hours last night.The program ran all the way from the ef- fervescent comedy of Waldo Fellows, '14, to the flirtatious dance of George Moritz, '15, backed up by a short skit and musical comedy stunts by the different members of the two clubs. Old Union opera song hits and the later successes of popular musical comedies formed the basis of the mu- sic. Financially, too, the concert was quite a success, the approximate re- turns for the evening's performance being estimated at $1,200. CRANE'S, Flower Coxsins 8 IE 'A MARY GARDEN I I OR Gilbert's Choce. Cut Flowers Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating Cr. 12th St. and S. Univ. Ave. Phone 115 Pass the Rest, Try the Be Fresh home-made candies, crackerjack and fountain drinks at i I OTSEGO University school of Music Albert A. Stanley, Director rlaynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. A School of Music which offers courses in all branches of music of highest standards. Students may take regular courses leading to graduation,or they may take such subjects as they desire, without reference to graduation. If you are interested in studying some branch of music, please call at the office and get a copy of the school catalogue which gives full inform- ation. CHARLES A. SINK, Seeretary. I ORS TO MEN OUR SPECIAL $30.00 SUITS HAVE UUALITY that U A L I F Y 5 Q.UICKLY versity Ave. H EN RY CHOCOLATES MAC'S 613 E Trr Drug Co. The Druggists on the Corner MUSIC AND 1)RAMA SHOE REPAIRS? FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRIN JOIN H. LAMBERT 613 EAST WILLIAM Official Shoe Doctor to Michigan's Football Team : O4 . _ Arbor Savings Bank $300,000 Surplus $xoo,ooo Zesources $3,ooo rs, $ Banking Business Transacted .;. Hiscock, Pres., W. D. Har- e-Pres., M. J. Fritz, Cashier 7- SPRING Mr. Earl Moore inaugurated a new epoch yesterday afternoon in his se- ries of organ concerts. While it is well enough to humor the demands of dillettantes, and prepare a program of a dozen pleasing, directly compre- hensible but fatuous compositions, still it is essential to the symmetrical development of the musical taste of the public to interpolate occasionally a program of solid compositions, which are the only proper media for revealing the true grandeur of this in- strument. Yesterday's concert exemplified such a program. There were only four o+ Special Agenrte For 41s Fork Dipped Chocolates Made in the most sanitary factory in the world. The best candies we have ever handled. VAN DOUREN'S PHtARMACY, 703 Packard St. NECK WEAR I ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS ARTISTIC FRENCH DRY AND STEAD CLEANERS Phone 62 204 East Washington Consolidation in all the eastern styles and shades of color are includ- UNIVERSAL GLEANIN6 WORKS T. E. WAHL ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS G. H. KUHN ed in this WE CALL AND DELIVER r Donchester BosoM always lies flat ooth within the waist- Pt-ing, because the the bosom is not at- to thedhirt but slides eo band of the trouisers. SPECIAL SALE Ilnivexsit :;fIMusic ibouse which until continues Saturday PRESS BUILDIN3 MAYNAR D ST. night. All 50c ties Special Price on OPERA SCORES $2.oo and up. Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers 35c each or 3 for $1.00 MACK & CO. OF Culture Crimson hest Koanzaland Awakened Rameses a itletm are for Pack's Portraits, but you will . ,p 1HOTOG